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Copyright, 1900,


All rights reserved.




All rights on poems in this work are reserved by the holders of the copyright.
The pub-
lishers and others named in the subjoined list are the proprietors, either in their own right
or as agents for the authors, of the books and poems of which the authorship and titles are given
respectively, and of which the ownership is thus specifically noted and is hereby acknowledged.


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99 66

MESSRS. D. APPLETON & Co., New York. - W. C. Bryant : Works "Thanatopsis," "To
"A Forest Hymn,' 99.66
a Waterfowl," "Oh, Fairest of the Rural Maids,"
June," The Past,"
The Evening Wind," "To a Fringed Gentian," "The Hunter of the Prairies,' "The Battle-
”“ An Evening Revery,"
The Antiquity of Freedom,' America," "The Planting of
the Apple Tree," "The May Sun sheds an Amber Light,' The Conqueror's Grave, The
Poet,' My Autumn Walk," "The Death of Slavery,' "In Memory of John Lothrop Motley,"
G. W. Doane: Writings
Dies Iræ;
"Robin Redbreast;" F. G. Halleck: Writings "Marco Bozzaris," "On the Death of J. R.
Drake,' "Alnwick Castle," "
99 66
Burns,' Red Jacket; " F. L. Stanton: Songs of the Soil—“The
Mocking Bird," "A Little Way."
MESSRS. WM. E. ASHMALL & Co., Arlington, N. J.- Frances D. Swift Tatnall: “ Art Thou
the Same ?"

"The Flood of Years; " Abraham Coles:

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MESSRS. RICHARD G. BADGER & Co., Boston. — Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Children of
the Night.


MESSRS. A. S. BARNES & Co., New York. Ray Palmer: Poetical Works.
MESSRS BENZIGER BROTHERS, New York. - Edmund Hill, C. P. Passion Flowers;
M. F. Egan: Songs and Sonnets.



THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY, Indianapolis. J. W. Riley: Neighborly Poems, - After-
whiles, — Rhymes of Childhood, — Flying Islands of the Night, — Armazindy (copyrighted by
Mr. Riley); F. L. Stanton: Comes One with a Song (copyrighted by the Bowen-Merrill Co.).
BRENTANOS, New York. J. H. Boner: Whispering Pines; L. E. Mitchell: Sylvian; Tracy
Robinson: Song of the Palm.


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66 After-

C. E. Carryl: The Admiral's Caravan, - Davy and
the Goblin; R. W. Gilder: Five Books of Song, -In Palestine: Oliver Herford: Artful
Antics; R. U. Johnson: Songs of Liberty, -The Winter Hour; S. W. Mitchell: Collected
Poems; J. W. Riley: Poems Here at Home; Irwin Russell: Poems. From "The Century
Magazine" and "St. Nicholas,' J. K. Bangs: "The Little Elf;" John Bennett: Songs from
“Master Skylark; " J. H. Boner: "Poe's Cottage at Fordham;" R. R. Bowker: "Thomas à
Kempis;" Alice W. Brotherton: "My Enemy;" Alice L. Bunner: “Immutabilis;" Virginia
W. Cloud: "Care;" W. D. Ellwanger: "To Jessie's Dancing Feet;" W. H. Hayne: "Moon-
light Song; Mary T. Higginson: "Inheritance; T. W. Higginson: "Such Stuff as
Dreams; "Mildred Howells: "Romance;" J. H. Ingham: "Genesis; " Tudor Jenks :
noon Tea; " Mrs. R. H. Lathrop: "Give me not Tears;" Julie M. Lippmann: “Love and
," "Stone Walls; " Agnes L. Carter Mason: "Whenever a Little Child is Born; " W. T.
Meredith: "Farragut ; "Harriet Monroe: "A Farewell; " Harriet S. Morgridge:
Goose Sonnets;" Laura E. Richards: "Where Helen Sits; " A. B. Saxton: "The First Step;
C. W. Stoddard: "Albatross;" Edith M. Thomas: "Breath of Hampstead Heath; W. H.
Thompson: "High Tide at Gettysburg,"
""Come Love or Death;" L. F. Tooker: "The Last
Fight," "His Quest;
"Ella Wheeler Wilcox: "Recrimination;" R. B. Wilson: "Such is
the Death the Soldier dies;" G. E. Woodberry: "On a Portrait of Columbus,"
""America to
England;" William Young: "Judith."

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THE ROBERT CLARKE COMPANY, Cincinnati.-W. D. Gallagher: Miami Woods; W. H. Lytle: Poems; J. J. Piatt: Odes in Ohio; G. D. Prentice: Poems; W. H. Venable: Melodies of the Heart, The Last Flight.

MESSRS. HENRY T. COATES & Co., Philadelphia. - Ethel Lynn Beers: All Quiet along the Potomac, and Other Poems; C. F. Hoffman: Poems; D. L. Proudfit: Mask and Domino; E. W. Watson: Songs of Flying Hours.

THE COLUMBIA MONTHLY, New York. - G. S. Hellman: "Coleridge," ""The Hudson." THE COSMOPOLITAN, Irvington, N. Y. - · Robert Bridges: "The Unillumined Verge; " W. H. Hayne: "An Autumn Breeze," "The Yule Log."

THE CRITERION, New York. John Bennett: "Her Answer;" Rupert Hughes: "For Decoration Day;" Tudor Jenks: "The Spirit of the Maine;" Wilbur Underwood: "The Cattle of his Hand."

MESSRS. THOMAS Y. CROWELL & Co., New York. - - Sarah K. Bolton: The Inevitable, and Other Poems; N. H. Dole: The Hawthorne Tree, and Other Poems; E. F. Fenollosa: East and West.

MR. JOSEPH GEORGE CUPPLES, Boston.-H. B. Carpenter: A Poet's Last Songs.
MESSRS. DE WOLFE, FISKE & Co., Boston. - Sarah P. McLean Greene: Towhead.
THE DIAL, Chicago.

C. L. Moore: "To England."

MESSRS. DODD, MEAD & Co., New York. - P. L. Dunbar : Lyrics of Lowly Life, — Lyrics of the Hearthside; Ernest McGaffey: Poems; H. T. Peck: Greystone and Porphyry. From "The Bookman," - William Young: "Philomel to Corydon."

THE R. R. DONNELLY & SONS COMPANY, Chicago. Francis Brooks: Poems; Wallace Rice and Barrett Eastman: Under the Stars, and Other Verses; Wallace Rice: The Flying Sands. THE DOUBLEDAY and MCCLURE COMPANY, New York. - Martha G. Dickinson: Within the Hedge; Edwin Markham: The Man with the Hoe, and Other Poems; Howard Weeden: Bandanna Ballads.

MESSRS. E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. - May Riley Smith: Sometime, and Other Poems. EAST AND WEST, New York. - ·Beatrix D. Lloyd: "Night Wind; "Alice Duer Miller: "Song."

MR. GEORGE H. ELLIS, Boston. - M. J. Savage: Poems.

MESSRS. DANA ESTES & Co., Boston. — Lloyd Mifflin: At the Gates of Song.
MESSRS. FUNK & WAGNALLS, New York. - Richard Realf: Poems.


MESSRS. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. -J. K. Bangs: Cobwebs from a Library Corner "To a Withered Rose," "May 30, 1893;" Wallace Bruce: Wayside Poems - "Two Argosies; "William Allen Butler: Nothing to Wear, and Other Poems; Will Carleton: Farm Ballads- Out of the Old House, Nancy; "G. W. Carryl: Fables for the Frivolous-“The Sycophantic Fox; " G. W. Curtis: "Ebb and Flow; " Cora Fabbri: Lyrics—“White Roses;" W. D. Howells: Stops of Various Quills "From Generation to Generation," Change," "If," "Hope," "Vision," "Judgment Day," "What shall it Profit; " Herman Melville: Battle Pieces The College Colonel," "The Eagle of the Blue," "On the Slain at Chickamauga," "An Uninscribed Monument; W. A. Muhlenberg: Works—“I Would not Live Alway,' "Heaven's Magnificence; Margaret E. Sangster: On the Road Home, - Easter Bells "Whittier," "Awakening" Alice A. Sewall James: Ode to Girlhood, and Other Poems"Sinfonia Eroica," "The Butterfly," "Processional;" Lew Wallace: Song from "Ben Hur." From "Harper's Magazine" and "Harper's Weekly," — Anna C. Brackett: "In Hades; " G. W. Carryl: "When the Great Gray Ships come in;" Virginia W. Cloud: "An Old Street; " George Cooper: "Only One;" J. B. Gilder: "The Parting of the Ways; " Hildegarde Hawthorne: "A Song,' My Rose; W. H. Hayne: "Exiles;" Walter Malone: "October in Tennessee;" G. E. Montgomery: "A Dead Soldier; " R. K. Munkittrick: “A Bulb; " N. G. Shepherd: "Roll-Call; "R. H. Stoddard: The Lover; Princess Troubetskoy: "A Mood."

99 66

"Before the Rain," "A Sonnet;" Mary E. Wilkins: “Now is the Cherry in Bloom;" G. E. Woodberry: " Love's Rosary."

MESSRS. HENRY HOLT & Co., New York.-H. A. Beers: The Ways of Yale; C. L. Moore: Book of Day Dreams; R. K. Weeks: Poems; Theodore Winthrop: Poems.

MESSRS. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co., Boston.-T. B. Aldrich: Poetical Works; George Arnold: Poems; Arlo Bates: Under the Beech Tree; Gertrude Bloede: Beyond the Shadow; Alice Brown: The Road to Castaly; Alice and Phoebe Cary: Poems; Florence E. Coates: Poems Helen G. Cone: The Ride to the Lady; Ina Coolbrith: Songs from the Golden Gate ; Ellen M. Hutchinson Cortissoz: Songs and Lyrics; C. P. Cranch: The Bird and the Bell; Margaret Deland: The Old Garden; R. W. Emerson: Poetical Works; Annie Fields: Under the Olive, The Singing Shepherd; J. T. Fields: Ballads and Other Verses; Louise G.


Guiney: The Martyr's Idyl, - A Roadside Harp, - The White Sail, — In England and
Yesterday; J. C. Harris: Uncle Remus and His Friends; F. Bret Harte: Poetical Works;
John Hay: Poems; T. W. Higginson: Outdoor Studies; O. W. Holmes: Poetical Works;
Julia Ward Howe: From Sunset Ridge; W. D. Howells: Poems; Lucy Larcom: Poetical
Works; Rose Hawthorne Lathrop: Along the Shore; Emma Lazarus: Poems; H. W. Long-
fellow: Poetical Works; J. R. Lowell: Poetical Works; Frances L. Mace: Under Pine and
Palm; Caroline A. Mason: The Lost Ring; Emma H. Nason: The Tower with Legends and
Lyrics; T. W. Parsons: Poems; Nora Perry: After the Ball, New Songs and Ballads;
Edna D. Proctor: Song of the Ancient People; Lizette W. Reese: A Handful of Lavender,
A Quiet Road; J. J. Roche: Ballads of Blue Water; J. O. Sargent: Horatian Echoes;
Clinton Scollard: Songs of Sunrise Lands; Eliza Scudder: Hymns and Sonnets; F. D. Sherman:
Lyrics for a Lute, — Little-Folk Lyrics; E. R. Sill: The Hermitage, Hermione; Harriet P.
Spofford Poems; E. C. Stedman: Poetical Works, Poems Now First Collected; Elizabeth
Stoddard: Poems; W. W. Story: Poetical Works; Harriet B. Stowe: Religious Studies;
Bayard Taylor: Poetical Works; Celia Thaxter : Poetical Works; W. R. Thayer: Poems; "The
Edith M. Thomas: Fair Shadow Land, Lyrics and Sonnets, A New Year's Masque "The
Inverted Torch;" Maurice Thompson: Poems; H. D. Thoreau: Letters; Henry Timrod: Poems;
J. T. Trowbridge: The Vagabonds, and Other Poems; Elizabeth S. Phelps Ward: Songs of the
Silent World; C. H. Webb: Vagrom Verse; C. G. Whiting: The Saunterer; J. G. Whittier:
Poetical Works; Forceythe Willson: The Old Sergeant; G. E. Woodberry: The North Shore
Watch, and Other Poems.

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THE INDEPENDENT, New York. W. H. Hayne: "A Cyclone at Sea; " Sarah P. McLean
Greene: "The Lamp;" Maurice Thompson: "The Lion's Cub."
MR. P. J. KENEDY, New York. - Father Ryan's Poems.

THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, Philadelphia. Virginia W. Cloud: "The Mother's Song."
MR. EDWIN RUTHVEN LAMSON, Boston. - Ednah P. Clarke: An Opal.
MESSRS. LEE & SHEPARD. - S. W. Foss: Dreams in Homespun.

MRS. FRANK LESLIE. — E. A. U. Valentine: "The Spirit of the Wheat."

THE J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Philadelphia. — L. J. Block: Dramatic Sketches and Poems G. H. Boker: Plays and Poems; Robert Loveman: His Poems; H. S. Morris: Madonna and Other Poems; Henry Peterson: Poems; Edward Pollock: Poems; Margaret J. Preston: Old Songs and New; C. F. Richardson: The Cross; T. B. Read: Poetical Works; F. O. Ticknor : Poems; A. B. Paine: "The Little Child."

MESSRS. LITTLE, BROWN & Co., Boston.-A. B. Alcott: Sonnets & Canzonets; J. W. Chadwick: A Book of Poems, - In Nazareth Town; W. E. Channing: Poems, — Thoreau : the Poet Naturalist; Emily Dickinson: Poems, 1st, 2d, and 3d series; Mary M. Fenollosa: Out of the Nest; Gertrude Hall: Allegretto, Age of Fairy Gold; Helen F. Jackson: Verses, Sonnets, and Lyrics; Louise Chandler Moulton: Swallow Flights, In the Garden of Dreams, At the Wind's Will; Margaret J. Preston: Cartoons; Laura E. Richards: In My Nursery; C. F. Richardson: The End of the Beginning; Susan Marr Spalding: The Wings of Icarus; Lilian Whiting: From Dreamland Sent; Sarah C. Woolsey: Verses, - A Few More Verses.

MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN, & Co., New York. -J. J. Piatt: Idyls and Lyrics of the Ohio Valley, Little New World Idyls; Sarah M. B. Piatt: Poems, - An Enchanted Castle. LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, Boston. -J. B. Bensel: In the King's Garden; Mary B. Dodge: The Gray Masque; P. H. Hayne: Poems. From " Wide Awake," Clara D. Bates: Thistle Down;" Henrietta R. Eliot: "Why it was Cold in May." MESSRS. LUCKHARDT & BELDER, New York. Knocking."

W. H. Gardner: "When Love Comes

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York. - Hamlin Garland: The Trail of the Goldseekers, 1899, — Prairie Songs; Ella Higginson: When the Birds go North again, 1898; Sophie Jewett : The Pilgrim, and Other Poems, 1896; William Winter: Wanderers, 1892, - Brown Heath and Blue Bells, 1895; G. E. Woodberry: Wild Eden, 1899.

MESSRS. MAYNARD, MERRILL & Co., New York. - "Yale Verse."

THE MORNINGSIDE, New York. -John Erskine: "The Song; " Jeannette B. Gillespy: "Forgiven," "A Valentine."

MESSRS. JOHN P. MORTON & Co., Louisville. Madison Cawein: The Garden of Dreams. MR. DAVID MCKAY, Philadelphia. - D. L. Dawson: The Seeker of the Marshes, and Other Poems.

MR. CHARLES WELLS MOULTON, Buffalo. - Augusta C. Bristol: The Web of Life; J. B. Kenyon: At the Gate of Dreams; H. L. Koopman: Orestes, and Other Poems; Walter Malone: Songs of Dusk and Dawn.

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