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In the mean while let us not neglect "stored to this country," Sir J. C. that which is yet within our own power. "HIPPISLEY could see no reason whatWe ought to keep the Republic con- "ever for calling the Americans the only stantly before our eyes. Though we "free people in the world, and should make her less the subject of observa- "certainly divide the meeting if the tion than we have done for some time. "motion were persisted in. It was a past, we ought never to lose sight of" LIBEL on our own country; for his her. The enemies of liberty are al- part, he HATED THE AMERICANS. ways on the watch to assail, through They were a set of slaves to the Goher sides, the object of their mortal vernment of France, and (some exhatred; and, therefore, we ought to "pressions of disapprobation arose) when lose no occasion of facing and of fight"Mr. DICKINSON said, that he certainly ing them. In order to facilitate refer-" must join in deprecating the resoluence, and to give something of unifor-" tion. He hoped the meeting would mity of arrangement to the matter in" not consent to compliment any nation the Register, relating to America, I in-" at the expense of our own, and of tend to insert, under one general head, "every other in the globe. He had all such matter of my own writing, and "considerable reason for believing, that to mention under that general head the "the Congress at Vienna was now emseveral topics treated of, in the following" ployed in endeavouring to unrivet the


No. I.

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"chains of the suffering Africans; and "engaged, as the Powers of Europe AMERICA. Mr. HUNT's motion and " were, in so sacred a cause, he could Sir John Cox HIPPISLEY's speech re- "not consent that any aspersion, direct specting her.-The Courier's attack on or indirect, should be cast upon them. Mr. BINNS, a publisher at Philadelphia, "Mr. HUNT then requested the Sheriff At a Meeting of the county of Somer-" to put the resolution, which, upon the set, on the 9th instant, a curious occur- "shew of hands, was negatived by a rence took place with regard to the peace" very considerable majority." Whether with America. I will first give the account of it from the TIMES newspaper of the 16th instant, and make on it such observations as most naturally present themselves. The reader should first be informed, however, that the meeting was held for the purpose of discussing a petition to Parliament against the Property Tax, or Tax upon Income, which tax ought, by law, to expire in a few months, but which tax it is supposed the government means to propose the continuation, or revival.--The following is the report of the TIMES:-" On Monday last, at the meeting of the freeholders, &c. holden "at Wells, to petition Parliament for the "repeal of the Property-tax, after the busi"ness of the day was disposed of (an ac"count of which has already appeared "in this paper).--Mr. HUNT remarked, "that the meeting should not disperse "without expressing its thankfulness to "those by whose efforts peace had been "made between us and America. He "therefore read a resolution, which he "submitted for their approbation: "That "the thanks of this meeting are due to "those by whose exertions peace with "the Americans, the only free remaining people in the world, has been re

there be any free country in the world, still remaining, besides the Republic of America, is a question that I do not choose to decide, or to give my opinion upon. But, I cannot help observing, that the question was decided in the negative by a meeting of the county of Somerset only by "a considerable majority;" and, I must further observe, that the report of this "considerable majority" comes to us through the Times newspaper, that channel of skunk-like abuse of America and all that is American. Let it be remembered, too, that the power of deciding who had the majority lay wholly and absolutely with the Sheriff, who is an officer appointed by the crown. This being the case, the words, "considerable "majority" will be pretty well understood to mean any thing but a large majority; and, perhaps, some people may doubt whether there was any majority at all. At any rate, the County of Somerset divided upon the question of, whether America was, or was not, the only free country left in the world. This was, at least, a question for which many were in the affirmative. It was received and put to the vote without any marks of disappro bation; while, on the other hand, he


was hissed, who said that he hated the lished as yours. But, Sir John, why do Americans, and who called them the you HATE the Americans? You cannot, slaves of the French Government. And surely, hate them because they pay their why, good Sir John, do you hate the President only about six thousand pounds Americans? What have they done to year, not half so much as our APOTHEyou ? You say, that they are the slaves CARY GENERAL receives. You, surely, of the Government of France; but you cannot hate them because they do not do not find it convenient to produce any pay in the gross amount of their taxes proof of what you say. This, Sir John, as much as we pay for the mere collecis one of the old state falsehoods of the tion and management of ours. You, Times newspaper, which you are retailing surely, cannot hate them because they at second-hand like a Grub-street pedlar. keep no sinecure placemen, and no You are, in this instance, a poor crawl- pensioners, except to such as have acing imitator of a wretched grinder of paid- tually rendered them services, and to for paragraphs. Prove, or attempt to them grant pensions only by vote of prove what you say. Attempt, at least, their real representatives. You, surely, to prove, that the Americans are the cannot hate them because, in their counslaves, or have been, the slaves of the try, the press is really free, and truth French; or, you must be content to go cannot be a libel. You, surely, cannot about saddled with the charge of having hate them because they have shewn made an assertion, without being either that a cheap government is, in fact, the able or willing to shew it to be true. Istrongest of all governments, standing in assert,, that the Americans were not, in no need of the troops or of treason laws any shape or degree, subservient to France. to defend it in times even of actual I assert, that they all along acted the part invasion. You may, indeed, pity them. of a nation truly independent. I assert, because they are destitute of the honour that they, in no case, shewed a partiality of being governed by some illustrious for the Government of Napoleon. If family; because they are destitute of any proof were wanted of their having Dukes, Royal and others, of Most Noble placed no reliance upon France, we have Marquises, of Earls, Viscounts and Bait in the fact, the fact so honourable, so rons; because they are destitute of glorious to them, and so unfortunate for Knights of the Garter, Thistle and Bath, us; I mean the fact of their continuing Grand-Crosses, Commanders and Com the contest after Napoleon was put down, panions; because they are, in spite of and still, as firmly as before, refusing to the efforts of the Massachusetts' intriguers, give up to us one single point, though still destitute of Illustrious Highnesses, they saw us allied with all Europe, and Right Honourables, Honourables, and though they saw the whole of our mon- Esquires; because they are destitute of strous force directed against them, having long robes and big wigs, and see their no other enemy to contend with. This lawyers, of all ranks, in plain coats of proves that they placed no reliance upon grey, brown, or blue, as chance may France. When they declared war, they determine; because they are destitute saw us with a powerful enemy in Europe. of a Church established by law and of Upon that circumstance they, of course, tythes: you, may, indeed, pity the Recalculated, as they had a right to do ;publicans on these accounts; but, Sir but, when that enemy, contrary to their John, it would be cruel to hate them. expectation, was put down all of a sud-To hate is not the act of a Christian, den, and the whole of our enormous force and very illy becomes a man like yourwas bent against America, she was not in- self, who has been a hero, a perfect dratimidated. She still set us at defiance; gon, in combating the anti-christian prinshe faced us; she fought us; and, at the ciples of the French Revolution. Pity, end of a few months, instead of receiving the Americans, Sir John. Forgive them, a Vice Roi at Washington, as we had Sir John. Pray for them, Sir John. But been told she would, she brought us to do not hate them, thou life and formake peace with her without her giving up tune defender of our holy religion. Pray to us one single point of any sort. Deny that they may speedily have a King and this, if you can, Sir John; and, if you Royal Family, with a Commander in Chief cannot, answer to the people of Somerset and Field Marshals; that they may have for the specch, which the Times has pub-a Civil List and Sinecures; that they may

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have Lords, Dukes, Grand-Crosses, in slavery; and, that, therefore, it is imClergy, Regular Army, and tythes; pray possible to believe, that the people of for these things, in their behalf, as long Russia, and Germany, and Hungary, are, as you please; pray that the Americans not all perfectly free. I dare say, that may have as good a government as we Mr. Dickinson said a great deal more have; but, because they have it not, do upon the subject, and produced facts not hate them. I was really very happy as well as arguments to prove, that Mr. to perceive, that you were hissed for this HUNT's motion was an unjust attack sentiment, at the County Meeting. I upon those powers; and, I confess, that was happy to perceive it, because it was it would be a great treat to me to see a sign, that the people of England are those facts upon paper. coming to their senses upon this the most MR. BINNS, a publisher in Philadel important of all subjects. Why could phia.-In the COURIER of a few days you not have expressed yourself in terms, back, there appeared an article from an less hostile to every generous and humane American paper, pointing out some of feeling? I confess, that Mr. HUNT'S mo- the means, which the government of that tion, though if he thought it true, he was country ought to employ to annoy and right in making it, might fairly be objected injure England; and, the Courier, at the to by any one who thought differently. But, head of the article, observes, that it is you might have reprobated the endeavour taken from a paper, published by one to describe England as not free, (if you BINNS, who was engaged in the regarded her as being free) without say-TREASONABLE plot of O'Connor." ing that you hated the Americans. This The article contained a very urgent reit was, that shocked the meeting, and, commendation to the Congress to pass accordingly it hooted you, as appears efficient laws for providing comfortable. from the report, as published even by means of subsistence for English de the Times newspaper. Every effort serters; and also to pass laws for the ought now to be made to produce recon-destruction of English commerce by Ameciliation with America; and, you appear rican privateers. Now, it does, and it to have done all that you were able to do, must give one pain to see an Englishman to perpetuate the animosities engendered exerting, with so much zeal, his talents and by the war. Mr. DICKINSON managed the powerful means of the press against his opposition to the motion more adroitly. his native country, that country being He observed, that the holy-war Powers, ours as well as his, and containing, as now in Congress at Vienna, were, "he had we know it does, so many excellent inconsiderable reason to believe," engaged dividuals, such a mass of industry, inin an effort to unrivet the chains of the tegrity, and virtue of every sort, But, African slave, and, therefore, he could let us be just let us look at the other not consent to any motion that might side; let us consider the cause of this seem to glance against their people being hostility in Mr. BINNS; and every canfree. So, Mr. DICKINSON concluded, did man, though he may still, and will it seems, that, if the "sacred-cause" still be sorry to see, that England has powers should settle upon some general such powerful enemies (for a press really prohibition against the increase of slaves free is all power) in her own children, in the West Indies, there cannot possibly will be less disposed, I do not say to remain any thing like slavery in Russia, blame, but certainly less disposed to abuse Prussia, Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Mr, Binns, This malignant writer calls Transylvania, Sclavonia, Italy, Spain, or him a TRAITOR, This is false. He Portugal. I should like to have heard was, indeed, tried on a charge of High the chain of argument, through which Treason; but, though the greatest talents this member for Somerset arrived at such were employed against him, he was found a conclusion from such premises. I sup- to be "NOT GUILTY," and was, acpose that it must have been something cordingly, DISCHARGED by the Judge. in this way: That the "sacred-cause" He was taken up in virtue of a warrant powers are all perfectly sincere in their from the Secretary of State, the Habeas professions; that, being so, it is impos- Corpus Act being then suspended; he sible to believe, that they would shew so was imprisoned in the Tower; he was much anxiety for the freeing of the Afri- conveyed to Maidstone to be tried; he Sans, while they held their own subjects was there declared to be NOT GUILTY,

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Sworn in Court at Maidstone,
"the County of Kent, May 21,
"1798, before

and was discharged; and then he quitted" was able, concerning which he hesi the country, went to America, there be-" tated, but he seemed disposed to came a citizen of that country, carrying come, if there was a place in the with him the recollection of what he had" coach for him. And this depoactually undergone, and of the risks that "rent further saith, that the mother he had run in his native land. Besides, "of the said Arthur Young being we must not overlook the state of the " present on the said last mentioned occountry at that time, and the dangers, to" casion, also urged the said Arthur which every man, called a JACOBIN was Young to inform her of the names of exposed. A strong and most curious" the Jurors mentioned in the said letter fact, relating to this point, came out on "to whom he had spoken, as stated in Mr.. BINNS's trial. Mr. PLOMER, who" the said letter, but he refused to comis now the Vice Chancellor, was a Counsel" ply with her said request, whereupon for the prisoners, and a most able Counsel" this deponent advised the said Arthur he was. Just as the Jury were about to " Young to consult Mr. Forbes, an atbe impannelled, he applied to the Court" torney, and a relation of his as to what to have read the following AFFIDAVIT" would be best for him to do, and to and LETTER, which Letter, as the reader" act accordingly, to which he the said will see, was written by a Clergyman of " Arthur Young seemed to this deponent the Church of England, named ARTHUR " to assent. YOUNG, to a Mr. GAMALIEL LLOYD," his acquaintance and friend. I shall insert the two documents, just as they stand F. BULLER. in the State Trials, published in 1798, by "GAMALIEL LLOYD." Mr. GURNEY. "DEAR SIR,-I dined yesterday with "KENT TO WIT.-The King against" three of the Jurymen of the Blackburn James O'Corigly otherwise called" Hundred, who have been summoned to James Quigley otherwise called James " Maidstone to the trial of O'Connor and John Fivey, Arthur O'Connor, Esq." Co.; and it is not a little singular, that "John Binns, John Allen, and Jeremiah" not one yeoman of this district should Leary, on a charge of high treason." "have been summoned to an Assize for "Gamaliel Lloyd, of Bury St. Ed." this county, nor to any of the Quarter munds, in the county of Suffolk, Esq." Sessions (excepting the Midsummer) for *maketh oath and saith, that he this de-" more than fifty years. These three ponent did, on or about the 3rd day of" men are wealthy yeomen, and pertiMay instant, receive the letter here-"zans of the "High Court Party." Now "unto annexed from Arthur Young of " this is as it ought to be, and as they Bradfield, in the county of Suffolk," are good farmers and much in my inClerk, and that he hath frequently re- terest, to be sure I exerted all my eloceived letters and corresponded with" quence to convince them how absothe said Arthur Young, and that he lutely necessary it is, at the present verily believes that the said letter is" moment, for the security of the realm, written by, and in the proper hand wri-" THAT THE FELONS SHOULD "ting of, the said Arthur Young: And" SWING. I represented to, hem, that "this deponent further saith, that he the acquittal of Hardy and Co. laid "saw and conversed with the said Ar-" the foundation of the present conspithur Young on the 19th day of May racy, the Manchester, London Corresinstant; after this Deponent had been pouding, &c. &c. I urged them, by "served with a writ of subpoena requiring all possible means in my power, TO his attendance at Maidstone, in the" HANG THEM THROUGH MERCY, county of Kent, on the 21st day of a momento to others; that bad the May instant, with the said annexed let others have suffered, the deep laid con"ters, upon which occasion this depo-" spiracy which is coming to light would "nent informed the said Arthur Young" have been necessarily crushed in its inthat he was so subpoenaed for the fancy, These, with many other argu*purpose aforesaid, and urged the said "ments, I pressed, with a view that they Arthur Young to come to Maidstone" should go into Court avowedly deter aforesaid, and meet the charge, and mined in their verdict, NO MATTER "extenuate his fault in the best way he "WHAT THE EVIDENCE, Au inno


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extravagant. I have now as fine a sight "of the chalk-hill opposite as ever was seen. The sun is setting upon that

"Your's truly,

"A. YOUNG." Addressed "GAMALIEL LLOYD, Esq. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk."

* cent man committed to gaol never offers "a bribe to a turnkey to let him escape, "O'Connor did this to my knowledge. "And although THE JUDGE IS SUF-" vile land, and presents an object not a “FICIENTLY STERN, AND SELDOM "little disagreeable. ACQUITS WHEN HANGING IS "NECESSARY, the only fear I have is," Dover, May-day. "that when the Jury is impannelled, the ""Blues" may gain the ascendancy. In short, I pressed the matter so much "upon their senses, that if any one of "the three is chosen, I think something "may be done. These three men have "gained their good fortunes by farming, "and I think they are NOW thoroughly "sensible THAT THEY WOULD LOSÈ “EVERY SHILLING BY ACQUIT“TING THESE FELONS. I have seen, "Sir, that detested shore, that atrocious "land of despotism, from Shakspeare's "cliffs, Calais steeples, and truly I shud"dered not at the precipice, but by con"templating the vicinity to me of a mis"creant crew of hellions vomiting their im"potent vengeance, and already satiating "their bloody appetites upon my country. "Ab, my good Sir, we are safe; it is "next to a moral impossibility that in "Sussex or Kent they could land in force; the batteries, forts, &c. are so numerous, that hardly a gun-boat could "escape being blown to atoms. But Ireland, alas alas! it is lost, Sir, I fear it is gone. Here Government are "now expending hundreds of thousands in fortifying what can never be at"tacked; they are fortifying the Castle "with out-works, ravelings, counterscarps, and immense ditches, and they "are absolutely furrowing under the "rocks for barracks; it is, indeed, a most prodigious undertaking, but absolutely useless. It is a pity, indeed it is, "when money is so much wanted, to see "it so wantonly wasted, and all done in "throwing down the cliff upon the beach. "Remember me to Mrs. L. and your fa"mily, assure her we all expect a republican visitation here. This county "is split into party; but I never enter "the habitation of a yeoman but I see "the sword of its owner suspended; "GLORIOUS SIGHT! But the militia, O "Lord! at Horsham, Shoreham, Ash"ford, Battle, Lewes, Brighton, Ring

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Now, the reader will bear in mind, that Mr. BINNS would probably have had these three men amongst his jurors, if Mr. LLOYD had not made the letter of the Reverend Gentleman known. This letter is an instance of the length, to which men went at the time when Mr. BINNS was prosecuted; and when he left England. Can any just man say, then, that he blames Mr. BINNS for seeking an asylum in America? And, if he cannot blame him for seeking that asylum, can he blame him for acting the part of a patriotic citizen towards his adopted country; or, rather, towards the country which has adopted him? How great so ever may be our sorrow at seeing the arms, and the more powerful pens, of Englishmen wielded with such effect too, against England, our accusations against them ought, at any rate, to be confined within the bounds of truth. And, does this foolish and base writer in the Courier imagine, that he will, by abusing Mr. BINNS, and falsely accusing him, dimi nish the powers of his pen? Mr. BINNS, safe on the other side of the Atlantic, may, probably, laugh at his calumniator's malice; but, if it has any effect at all on him, that effect must be to make him more zealous in his hostility against England. It is a fact, of which I have no doubt at all, that, if ever our country ex periences any serious calamity from the power of America, she will owe no small portion of it to the revenge of men, who have emigrated from her. The native Americans are brave, ingenious, enterprising beyond any other people in the world but, still the accession of hundreds of men of talent, burning with revenge and communicating that passion to their chil dren, must have dreadful weight in the scale of hostility. Is it not, therefore, a species of madness in a man, who affects to write on the side of the English government, to resort to all the means in his power to keep that revenge alive? In America the paths of political power are open to all its citizens, adopted as well as

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