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"find the most striking testimony of your "unbounded confidence in their decla"ration."

The proposition was unanimously supported and adopted, and ordered to be printed; after which, the House proceeded to consider the project of a new Constitution, when M. Manuel, in name of the Committee, submitted the following report :

legislative power into two Chambers, has muited every opinion: but shall there be an upper Chamber? A Chamber of Peers? Shall the Peers be for life? Shall they be hereditary? Some conciliatory means have been proposed: your wisdom will decide respecting them. However, the Committee is of opinion that a hereditary peerage, both for the interest of the people and the Moarch, is the institution which presents the greatest number of obstacles in the way of the abuse of power. The suppression of the ancient Men (said he) are not a sufficient guarantee for and modern Noblesse has appeared necessary, States, a durable security can alone be found in and such was your opinion in your sitting of, yesJustitutions. For twenty-five years France bas terday. The Monarchy, however, requires this been the victim of factions and despotism; in sort of institution, and the difficulty is perhaps Institutions alone she must seek an asylum against resolved in the institution of the peerage, a specics the disorders and the abuses to which she has of privilege conceived in such a manner that it been a prey. To rally themselves under a Condoes not present the inconveniencies of the austitution, has, for a people, the double advantage cient institutions, while it preserves the real adof attaching them to a fixed point, and giving a vantages. The Committee was of opinion that strength to them of which their enemies may be they ought to be hereditary and unlimited in in awe. History informs us that by the mere point of number, to form a necessary counterforce of their institutions, nations in antiquity poise between the monarchical and democratical were enabled to give laws at the very moment part of the Constitution. With respect to the when they were vanquished. The twenty-five additional guarantees, M. Manuel observed, first, years which we have passed are twenty-five ages that neither the Monarch nor the presumptive of experience. But the labours of your Com-heir could command the armies; we shall no lon mittee were full of difficulty, from the number of opposite prineiples, and of different interests to conciliate. We have not aimed at an imaginary perfection: Utopia has given rise to too many errors. We are destined to give laws not to an nncreated world, but to France, such as it is, in its vast social reports. The mode of Government must offer by guarantees and mutual concessions a just equilibrium between the popular power and that of the Monarch, nothing could be esta blished were we not to consult the public opinion and the general spirit which is diffused. Those who give laws to a people, that they may be durable, ought to follow to a certain point the movement and the inclination of that opinion. This has been proved by experience. A sage combination in public transactions, and a reciprocal guarantee between the people and the Monarch, are the safeguards of liberty and stabi lity; for if one power preponderates, it can only be obtained by a revolution. Fortunately we have profited by our experience; our enthusiasm is calmed, and social reason is unfortunately seated at present on numberless ruins; this reason demands mutual sacrifices; on this basis the present system rests. The form of Government could not be doubtful. A Republic might se duce elevated souls; but it does not suit a great people in the present state of our societies, A Constitutional Monarchy was alone fit for France, and we propose it to you. The division of the

ger then have to dread the misfortunes which we have so recently experienced. The suppression of the Noblesse offers, for the reasons above assigned, an additional guarantee to the rights of all the citizens. Another guarantee was, that no officer should be deprived of his rank without a previous judgment. Finally, M. Manuel observed, that the Committee recommended the abolition of the Slave Trade.

The rest of the sitting was occupied with discussions on the different articles of the Constitution. Next day, the 7th, the discussions were resumed, during which the following message was received.

M. President-We have hitherto had reason to believe that the intentions of the Allied Sovereigns were not unanimous respecting the choice of the Prince who is to reign in France--our Plenipotentiaries, on their return, gave us the same as, surances; however, the Ministers and the Generals of the Allied powers declared yesterday in the conferences which they had with the President of the Commission—that all the Sovereigns had engaged to replace Louis XVIII. on the throne ; and that he is to make his public entry into the capital this evening dr to-morrow. The foreign troops have just occupied the Tinuilleries, the seat of the Government. In this state of things, we can do no more than form wishes for our country; and our deliberations being no longer

free, we think it our duty to separate. Marshal | to convoke a new Chamber of Represen-. the Prince of Eckmuhl and the Prefect of the Seine, have been charged with the preservation of public order, safety, and tranquillity. I have the houour, &c. (Signed)

The Duke of OTRANTO,



CAULINCOURT, Duke of Vicenza.

Paris, July 7, 1815.

In the Chamber of Peers, where a similar message was read, the members rose spontaneously, and retired without any delibe


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tatives, there can be no doubt that the nation will return these very same members. If so, a more conclusive proof of the opinion of the people as to their late conduct cannot be given.

Louis XVIII. entered Paris on the 8th. The following account of this event is given in the Moniteur, which again announces itself to be "the only official paper."

Paris, July 9-Yesterday the King made his public entry into his capital at three o'clock in the afternoon. His Ma jesty left St. Dennis at two o'clock. Numerous detachments from the National Guards of Paris went to meet the King, and to range themselves among the faith

ful adherents who served to form his Ma

In the Chamber of Representatives, M. Manuel proposed that the Chamber should continue its sitting, and await the result, whatever it might be. "two things will happen," said he; jesty's retinue. No ceremonial had, how "either the enemy will respect your in- ever, been ordered. The public enthusi “dependence, and if the words of Kings asm and brilliant testimonies of „eneral are not vain, all hope would not be for-joy alone embellished this family festival. "bidden; or they will forget what they The King's carriage was preceded and fol 66 have declared; they will expel the nalowed by his military household. Around "tional representation from this place. it we observed several Marshals, followed “Let us, then, repeat an expression for- by a great number of General Officers, "merly employed, and which resounded who had always accompanied the King. throughout all Europe-We were sent The inhabitants of Paris and the neighbour"hither by our constituents, and nothing ing towns covered the road. All, as well "but bayonets shall remove us."-Iis as the National Guard, had assumed the proposal was loudly applauded, and after white cockade, making the air resound a few remarks from some of the members with cries of Vive le Roi! Count Chab"the Chamber passed to the pure and rol, Prefect of the Seine, accompanied by "simple order of the day on the subject of the Municipal Body, waited the arrival of "this message."-The discussions on the King at the barrier of St. Denis. At the Constitution then occupied the house, four o'clock the acclamations of an imand the sitting closed with a determination mense multitude announced the approach to resume the subject next morning at ten of a procession, which defiled amidst a o'clock. But in this they were prevented; thousand times repeated cries of Vive le "for, at break of day (as triumphantly Roi! His Majesty's carriage having "stated in the Times newspaper) General reached the external boundary of the city, "Desolles, the Commander of the Nati- the Prefect approached and addressed the "onal Guard, took the liberty of locking King in the following speech :-

up both the Chambers."-This locking up of doors is certainly, to say the least of it, a summary proceeding, particularly when all the bridges of the city were bristling with British and Prussian cannon. There is no use in appealing to Vattall, or Montesquiou, or Gratius, in opposition to such powerful arguments as these. They are quite convincing. It does not appear, however, what became of the members of either of the Chambers. They were composed of unquestionably the ablest men in France; and if Louis means

SIRE, One hundred days have passed away since your Majesty, forced to tear yourself from your dearest affections, left your capital amidst tears and public consternation. In vain did the Municipal Body of your good city of Paris raise the unanimous cry of faithful subjects. They announced to all Frenchmen the imminent evils with which they were menaced. But there are moments in which Heaven does not permit the voice of Magistrates to be heard. It was not in their power to prevent an error which has proved too fatal. The unchaining of the passions, the destructive disturbance of public tranquillity,

the interruption of commerce and industry, the
withdrawing of labour from agriculture, the
draining of the treasury,-civil war and foreign
invasion, brought on by the force of circum-
stances, have at once afflicted your people.
Heaven, Sire, is overcharged with vengeance, and
restores you only to pardon us. Your Majesty
interposes between Europe and your people, to
give them peace, and to reconcile them anew to
all nations. Your Majesty will hasten to gather
together and re-unite the dispersed elements of
the political body. Why cannot citizens, French-
men, united by the same character, and by the
same language, restrain the passions which were
appeased? Would these soldiers, so long glo-
rious by their triumphs, now tear the bosom of
their country, and become public enemies? No,
Sire, the passions are calmed in generous hearts,
which are open to more gentle sentiments. Rea-
son is heard, and love of our country and our
King will complete the rest. A period of 25
years marked by so many vicissitudes, and like
all epochs of history, by glory and reverses, can-
not be preferred to the recollection of eight
centuries, which have revolved under the sceptre
of our Kings, counted by long intervals of pros
perity, marked in all times by the moderation
and the bounty of the Sovereigns of your august
dynasty. Frenchmen, in every part of the King.
dom, if the example of the capital, which has
always been of such great weight, can still guide
you, you will see it on the day which has fol.
lowed these storms, calm amidst the numerous
efforts which have been made to agitate it; for-
getting all discords, abjuring the spirit of party,
and hastening around a king, who, as a first pledge
of his return, has proclaimed new guarantees for
your happiness, and the establishment of institu- Given at Paris in the 21st year of our Reign.
tions calculated to secure a wise liberty and the
welfare of France. Let us protest to him, ac-
cording to the wish of his heart, that the passions
are about to be tranquillised, that the children of
the great family are about to approach him, and
will henceforth only have one rallying cry

return with emotion. I foresaw the misfortunes
with which it was threatened; it is my wish to
prevent and repair them.

The procession proceeded through the Fauxbourg St. Denis and the Boulevards. The whole population was directed to the road by which the King came, and his Majesty alighted at the Thuilleries, having heard only an uninterrupted continuation of prayers and acclamations. In the evening the whole town was spontaneously illuminated in the most brilliant manner. Numerous groups passed through the streets, calling Vive le Roi! There was dancing in all the Fauxbourgs. The air Vive Henri IV. was every where heard, and was intermixed with popular extem pore songs, suited to the occasion. The rejoicings were continued to a late hour.

The first, as it was the most necessary, act of Louis's government, was to appoint minister's. The following is the decree by which they were nominated :—

Vive le Roi! Vive Louis XVIII. Vivent les

LOUIS, by the Grace of God, &c.—Wishing to give our Ministry a character of solidity and unity, which will inspire our subjects with a just confidence, we ordain as follows:-

Prince TALLEYRAND to be Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs.
Baron Louis, Finances.
Duc d'OTRANTO, Police.
Baron PASQUIER, Justice.

Marshal St. CYR, Secretary at War.
Count JAUCOUP, Marine.

Duc de RICHELIEU, Household.
Baron PASQUIER will hold provisionally the
Office of the Interior.

By the King,



Times and Courier, are furious at the Our vile newspapers, particularly the Duke of Otranto (Fouche) holding so censpicuous a place in this list. There is no bounds to their abuse. It even surpasses all the low and vulgar language, which they formerly used in speaking of Napoleon. They talk of the "true features of sovereignity." But there is no mistaking

The delivery of this speech was followed by the loudest transports of joy. His Majesty appeared to feel sensibly the sentiments which had been expressed. He this. With these base calumniators it intimated his wish to speak, and the fol-means, to cut the throats of every one lowing words delivered in the most gracious and touching accents, were listened to amidst the most profound silence :

La removing from Paris I experienced the greatest sorrow and regret. Testimonies of the fidelity of my good city of Paris reached me. I

who had been any way concerned in the return of Napoleon. To cut off every head that had been decorated with a tricoloured cockade, would, indeed, have displayed in very striking colours, what these hirelings call the "true features of

prize in which they may be engaged, it must finally lead them to assert their own independence. Such was the effect which the American war had upon the soldiers of France, and such, it is fair to presume, will be the effect of the present war upon many individuals in those foreign armies which now occupy her soil. Whether the allied Sovereigns, dreading this effect on their troops, may be disposed to abandon their pretensions, and to allow the people of France to exercise their natural rights, is a point yet to be determined. But it is not the less certain, that light and liberty will prevail over darkness and despotism, and that the more the patriot and the supporter of liberal principles is traduced and persecuted, the more has he reason to expect that these principles will ultimately triumph.


The Emperors of Russia and Austria, and the King of Prussia are now at Paris, with Prince Blucher, the inimitable the gallant Prince Blucher, and the immortal Wellington, giving eclat to the return of Louis le Desiré to the throne of his an

sovereignty." It does not, however, appear at present, to be the intention of the Allied Deliverers to make the experiment. They will have enough on hand, while they remain at Paris to preserve what is called, "the tranquillity of France."-It will be sometime before we are well acquainted with the precise form of government, which is meant to be imposed upon the French people. But if it is again attempted to establish an absolute monarchy; to give to Louis the power which he recently exercised so much to the general dissatisfaction, if the order of things is to be restored which occassioned his expulsion, and which renders the Bourbon name so unpopular in France, it will require no great penetration to discover that the struggle betwixt despotism and the rights of the people, will be far from being at a close. Even the disasters of the French armies, these very disasters, which our corrupt press exultingly holds up as a proof of the entire subjugation of the country, and the utter extermination of light and liberty in Europe. These very calamities have proved the means of opening the eyes of the people, of disclosing the true principles of freedom, and of giving these principles a more extensive circulation incestors, their most Catholic Majesties the France, and in all Europe, than what they Kings of France. What a pity it is that would have had even under the sway of our beloved Prince Regent is not there, to Napoleon. His overthrow, therefore, in receive the fraternal embrace of these producing this happy effect, ought to be mighty conquerors. I hope his Royal looked upon as a great advantage, and a Highness is not tainted with jealousy, legitimate ground of exultation to the otherwise it is possible that he might envy friends of liberty. The long and ruinous the felicity, which his brother monarchs contest in which the enemies of France must, at this moment, be enjoying in the have been engaged, for the purpose of heart-felt gratulations of the Parisians, forcing a Government upon her, has only who, according to the Paris journals, are served to shew the weakness of their ef- now more devoted than ever to their lawforts, and the extreme folly of waging ful sovereign, and more enraptured than interminable war with opinions. These they were last year, with their deliverers must prevail. The eternal and irrevoca- from the yoke of Napoleon. It is said ble laws of nature have so regulated it, in the Gazette de France of the 11th inst. in spite of all the attempts of priests and that "during thewhole of the preceding day, kings to arrest the progress of truth. The "the air never ceased to resound with cries sword, drawn against the independence of " of Vive le Roi! A great number of nations, may be powerful for a season, in "young men walked in a body with white the hands of a barbarous and unlettered" streamers and white flags, on which soldiery. But mankind do not always" were designed different emblems of the continue in that state, nor does the hu-"kingdom. Almost all were decorated man mind retrogade. Accustomed to hear "not only with white cockades, but with the principles of liberty discussed, men 66 large tufts of white ribbons. Some soon acquire a relish for them, and al-" even bore the portrait of the King. though this may not have the immediate This joyful column, which occupied the effect of inducing them to revolt against "whole length of the terrace of the Castheir leaders, or to abandon any enter66 tle, several times crossed the Rue de

"Rivoli, and assembled in the Garden permanent security and independence of Europe. "and on the terraces. The people, the Union and Promptitude! should be their motto — women, young persons, and men them-No lingering négociations—no deferring the fiuel "selves, formed dances and rings, in arrangement to distant Congress. Let the work "which were manifested the most lively be done at Paris and without delay. They have gaiety and the most pure joy. This France now under their absolute controul, and gaiety, this enthusiasm, proceeded from when persons insist upon the parcere subjectis, we "the heart; there was neither music, il- say the business now is de bellare superbos. We "lumination, or any distribution of eat- all recollect the language and pretensions of the "ables; nothing to surprise the imagina- French after the peace of Paris last year-their "tion. The King showed himself several anxiety for war, their opposition to their Sove"times, and sentiments of affection, the reign, solely because he wished to remain at "most unequrocal burst forth on his appear- peace. Let us now put it out of their power to "ance." Ove would have thought that joy go to war whatever may be their inclination.— like this,that pure joy, gaiety, and enthusi- The second point relates personally to the King of asm, which came from the heart, and which France-Let him not give himself up too absocoid not fail to be highly gratifying to lutely to the professions and promises, the Henry The adored king, would, in some degree, quatres and the Vive le Rois of the Boulevards, and have composed the perturbed spirits of our the Squares and the Theatres. The Parisians antijacobin scribblers, and led them to are an inconstant race. They have always a forget, in the general joy, their late inces- Vire ready; and their throats which are now sant and reiterated calls for blood. But strained for the King, have been as loudly no; nothing less will satisfy these wretches strained for any and all the tyrants that have than the complete degradation of France, vexed the world for the last quarter of a the putting to death its most useful and century. They did nothing to prevent the valuable artizans, and the subjecting it to King's departure in March-did nothing to the government of men chosen by this accelerate his return in July. They huzzaed country. In short, France, according to Bonaparte at the Champ de Mars; and after his them, ought to be treated as a conquered return from the slaughter of a whole army, be country. The Courier of last night has was suffered to walk about Paris just as if he had a long article upon this subject, in which, been the most innocent being existing. Equally after insinuating in pretty plain terms, distrustful should the King be of the prime agents that the Emperor Alexander, and the Emof Bonaparte. What necessity exists for this peror Francis, were mere "auxiliaries" second admission of so many of them into his cain the business, and that Great Britain and binet we know not-we cannot conceive. It Prussia were entitled to claim the fame must be a strong one indeed. The majority of "of having put down Bonaparte's power, his Ministers have been Bonaparte's agents. Beand taken the French capital;" this sides Talleyrand, and Fouche, and St. Cyr, we prostituted journal concludes its philippic now find that we were mistaken in supposing in the following strain-a strain which if it does not merit attention here, is at least entitled to the attention of the people of France.

that Jaucour and Pasquier have not held places under the revolutionary regime---Pasquier was

Prefeci of the Police."


Before we conclude this article, we must press two points most earnestly. One is, that the Allied Cabinets will resist all attempts made by any At two o'clock, his Royal Highness the Prince party in France to sow jealousy and discord among them. That such attempts will be made, Regent entered the House of Lords. The Usher they must be prepared to expect. They will be of the Black Rod was immediately dispatched to made by the discomfited Bonapartists and Jaco- the House of Commons, requiring their attendbins: they will be made even by the Royalists,ance. The Speaker and a great number of Memwho may hope to obtain better terms from any bers accordingly made their appearance in a few opposition between the views and principles of minutes. As soon as the Speaker bad reached the different Monarchs. All the manoeuvres of the bar, he pronounced the following speech :— M. de Talleyrand's bureau may be expected to be put in motion. Any praise of magnanimity which the Allies may deserve on the part of France, cau only be purchased at the expence of the real and

May it please your Royal Highness, We His Majesty's faithful subjects, the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, in obedience your Royal Highness's commands, attend your

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