night of the Order of the Thistle, and of Orders, General in his Armies, and his Amlinary and Plenipotentiary to his Majesty Lussia; and the Hon. Charles William Stewthe most Honourable Order of the Bath, Parliament, Knight of the Prussian Orders 1 Red Eagle, and of many others, and his inary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Prussia. tween France and Prussia : M. C. Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Bene); and for Prussia by MM. Charles Aurdenberg, Chancellor of State to his Majesty sia, Knight of the Orders of the Black and of many other Orders, and Charles William , Minister of State of his said Majesty, and inary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his and Apostolic Majesty. wing additional articles : DITIONAL TO THE TREATY WITH RUSSIA. Warsaw having been under the administraonal council established by Russia ever since as occupied by her arms, the two high conhave agreed to appoint immediately a Special mposed on both sides of an equal number of ho shall be charged with the examination and heir respective claims, and all the arrangehereto. -The present additional article shall orce and effect, as if inserted verbatim in the this date. It shall be ratified, and the ratified at the same time: In testimony whereof plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and he seal of their arms. 5, this 30th day of May, 1814. ANDREW Count RASUMOUFFSKY. Article I. His most Christian Majesty, participating wil i out reserve in all the sentiments of his Britannic Majest relative to a species of commerce, which is equally repugnant to the principles of natural justice, and the lights of the times in which we live, engages to unite, at a future Congress, al his efforts to those of his Britannic Majesty, in order to cause all the Powers of Christendom to proclaim the abolition of the Slave Trade, in such manner that the said trade may cease universally, as it shall cease definitively, and in all events on the part of France, within a period of five years, and that be sides, pending the duration of this period, no trader in slaves shall be at liberty to import or sell them elsewhere, but in the colonies of the state to which he belongs. Art. II. The British Government and the French Govern ment will immediately appoint commissaries to liquidate their respective expenses for the maintenance of prisoners of war, for the purpose of coming to an arrangement on the manner of paying off the balance which shall be found in favour of either of the two powers. Art. III. The prisoners of war respectively shall be bound to discharge, before their departure from the place of their de tention, the private debts which they may have there con tracted, or at least to give satisfactory security. Art. IV. There shall be on both sides, immediately after ratification of the present Treaty, a removal of the sequestra tion which, since the year 1792, may have been placed on the funds, revenues, debts, and all other effects whatever of the high contracting powers, or of their subjects. The same commissaries mentioned in Act II., shall employ themselves in the examination and liquidation of the claims of his Britan nic Majesty upon the French Government, for the value of property moveable or immoveable unduly confiscated by the French authorities, as well as for the total or partial loss of their debts or other property, unduly detained under seques tration since the year 1792. France engaged to treat in this respect the subjects of England with the same justice that the 1 = ce have experienced in England; and the Engnt wishing, on its part, to concur in this new the Allied Powers have given to his most sty of their desire to remove entirely the conbe epoch of misfortune, so happily terminated peace, engages on its side (as soon as complete done to its subjects), to renounce the whole excess which may be found in its favour, relantenance of the prisoners of war, so that the the result of the labours, of the undersigned and which shall be adjudged to belong to the Britannic Majesty, shall render its renunciation two high contracting powers, desirous to ost amicable relations between their respective re to themselves a promise to come to an underrrangement as soon as possible, on their comts, with the intention of encouraging and augrosperity of their respective States. The prearticles shall have the same force and validity, Deen inserted in those words in the treaty of y shall be ratified, and the ratification shall be he same time. In faith of which the respective es have signed them, and affixed the seal of igned as above. AL ARTICLE TO THE TREATY WITH PRUSSIA. Treaty of Peace concluded at Basle the 8th ; that of Tilsit, of the 9th July, 1807; the Conis, of the 20th September, 1808; as well as all n and acts whatsoever, concluded since the - between Prussia and France, are already virby the present Treaty, the high contracting mevertheless thought fit to declare expressly Treaties cease to be obligatory for all their patent and secret, and that they mutually re R nounce all right, and release themselves from all obligation which might result from them. His Most Christian Majesty promises that the decrees issued against French subjects, or reputed Frenchmen, being or having been in the service of his Prussian Majesty, shall be of no effect, as well as the judgments which may have bee passed in execution of those decrees. The present additional Article shall have the same force and effect, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the patent Treaty of this day. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at the same time. In faith of which the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and affixed their seals. Dated and signed as above. 210. Humiliating as these treaties were to France, they were soon found not to be humiliating enough to satisfy the Government of England. France, in spite of the tyranny of NAPOLEON, was in a happy state compared with that which she had been in previous to the Revolution. The accursed oppressions of the noblesse and clergy had been completely annihilated; the tyrannical petty courts and petty parliaments had been destroyed; a code of laws, however defective, yet of uniform and impartial effect, had been framed by wise and just men, who had (the greatest of all his glories) given it the name of CODE NAPOLEON; the forms, functions, and consequences, of law and justice were the same all over the kingdom; the odious and horrible excise laws and tithe laws had been totally abolished; and, above all things, the tithes and other ecclesiastical im positions had also long ceased to be; property, ally landed property, had become widely and sub-divided in consequence of the church property, as well as the estates ility having been confiscated and sold; ough the BOURBONS, for awhile, at ained the throne of France, it was same France of which they had forn the rapacious devourers, and of y had been the cruel scourge ; and they be impossible, and the Allies found that e impolitic, to advise them to attempt, the ancient order of things, or anyall resembling that order of things. le some changes in the constitution; new one, and sent it forth as a grant mselves, and not as a thing which the d a right to demand, much less to imey made a change in names and forms; red the ancient noblesse to their titles; lished bishops and a priesthood; but, France divided into Departments as d it, and did not attempt to restore the Provinces; they did not attempt to reestates of the noblesse, which had everyen confiscated and sold; they did not o restore the accursed game laws; they d stipendiary bishops and clergy, but attempt to restore any part of the operty or the tithes; and they left the APOLEON in full force and effect, merely |