Modèle. CARTE DE LÉGITIMATION POUR VOYAGEURS Pour l'année......... DE COMMERCE. (Armoiries.) No. de la carte......... VALABLE POUR LE ROYAUME-UNI DE LA GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE ET LA BULGARIE. PORTEUR: (Prénom et nom de famille.) Fait à......... ..............le (jour, mois, année). (Sceau.) (Autorité compétente.) IL est certifié que le porteur de la présente carte. possède un (désignation de la fabrique ou du commerce) à......... sous la raison est employé, comme voyageur de commerce, dans la maison ........ qui y possède un (désignation à de la fabrique ou du commerce). Le porteur de la présente carte désirant rechercher des commandes et faire des achats pour le compte de sa maison, ainsi que de la maison suivante [ou des maisons suivantes] (désignation de la fabrique ou du commerce) à و.. il est certifié, en outre, que ladite maison est tenue [ou lesdites maisons sont tenues] d'acquitter dans ce pays-ci les impôts légaux pour l'exercice de son [ou leur] commerce (industrie). Age Signalement du Porteur: Cheveux Signes particuliers.... Signature: AVIS. Le porteur de la présente carte ne pourra rechercher des commandes ou faire des achats autrement qu'en voyageant et pour le compte de la maison susmentionnée [ou des maisons susmentionnées]. Il pourra avoir avec lui des échantillons, mais point de marchandises. Il se conformera, d'ailleurs, aux dispositions en vigueur dans chaque État. Nota. Là où le modèle ci-dessus contient un double texte, le formulaire à employer pour l'expédition des cartes présentera l'espace nécessaire pour y insérer l'un ou l'autre des textes, suivant les circonstances du cas particulier. TARIFF.-Import Duties in Bulgaria. In so far as the tax on any article depends on the taxation of any other article specified in the present Tariff, such tax shall be calculated according to the rate laid down in the Convention, and not according to the tax specified in the General Bulgarian Tariff. During the term of the Convention signed on the 9th December, 1905, the import duties on the goods specified below shall not exceed the rates scheduled as follows: 109 Fruit jams, compotes, marmalades, with sugar or 40 00 (a.) Sole leather of all sorts and qualities, entire, in 12 00 80 00 150 00 355 Cotton, raw, carded or combed, and cotton waste ... 20 00 Free. Cotton: Raw Cotton, Cotton Yarns, and Tissues-cont. Duty per 100 kilog. Fr. c. 361 Cotton yarns, twisted or not, dyed in one or more colours 362 (b.) From No. 15 to No. 24, inclusive 45 00 363 Cotton sewing and crochet thread, in balls, on bobbins 90 00 366 Cotton tissues, bleached or dyed after weaving, of one 55 00 367 Cotton tissues, manufactured with yarn dyed in one or 65 00 368 ex 368 Cotton tissues known as "Barchets," "Calmuks," 75 00 70 00 369 Fine cotton tissues, woven, embroidered, bleached or 100 00 Curtains, coverings, handkerchiefs, towels, sheets, and 100 00 other similar articles, in the piece, dyed or not, combined or not with threads of common metals, and with other threads of vegetable textiles 376 Cotton laces, tulles, and embroideries, pure or mixed 350 00 Tariff Number. 338 Classification. Duty per 100 kilog. Fr. c. Woollen and Worsted Tissues. Tissues, woven and knitted stufis, of wool or of other 1. Weighing more than 500 grammes per square metre (a.) Imitating Bulgarian woollen tissues, 150 00 "Shayak" and "Aba" (b.) Other tissues weighing more than 500 grammes per square metre Note. Tissues and stuffs in which the warp 2. Weighing from 250 to 500 grammes per square metre 3. Weighing 250 grammes and less per square metre 200 00 275 00 250 00 452 Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Metal Goods. Tin plates and sheet-iron, tinned, galvanized, or coated 400 468 Sheet-iron, coppered, polished or painted 800 10 00 469 Cast or wrought-iron bedsteads with ornaments, coloured, lacquered, with paintings, treated by "transfer process," hand-worked, bronzed, but not gilt or silvered 20 00 487 (a.) Sewing machines and knitting machines, as well 26 50 as their parts and accessories ex (b.) Machines for sowing, reaping, and mowing FINAL PROTOCOL. On proceeding to sign the Commercial Convention concluded this day, the Undersigned have agreed as follows: Ad ARTICLE I. Customs on Sea or Danube Frontiers. No customs duties or other dues or charges shall be levied on the sea or Danube frontiers different from or higher than those which are levied on any of the land frontiers on similar articles. Ad ARTICLE III. Exceptions to Free Exercise of Trade and Industry. The stipulations of Article III relative to the free exercise of any trade or industry shall not apply in Bulgaria to village tavern keepers, apothecaries, brokers, pedlars, and hawkers. Ad ARTICLE IV. Bounties not to apply to National Industries except Sugar. It is understood that the term "bounty" mentioned in the second paragraph of this Article does not apply to the benefits which are accorded to national industries in Bulgaria by virtue of the Bulgarian Law of the 25th January (7th February), 1905, for the encouragement of national industries, the case of sugar excepted. Ad ARTICLE VI. Octroi and Excise Duties. Articles of British origin or manufacture shall, on their entrance into Bulgaria, be subjected to the octroi and excise duties prescribed by the Law of the 31st January (13th February), 1905, on excise, and by the Law of the 20th January 1900, on octroi, as modified by those of the 30th December, 1903 (12th January, 1904), and the 28th March (10th April), 1905. Sud February The rates of these duties are given in the subjoined Table for the purpose of reference :— |