England, Scotland, and Ireland, and other the Ports of the King of Great Britain, in Europe, such commodities as now, or hereafter, shall be of the growth and production of the Estates, Countries, and Dominions, subject to the King of Denmark, or of the manufacture thereof, and likewise such as come from any part of the River of Elbe. In like manner shall it be lawful for the Subjects of the King of Great Britain to import and bring into Denmark, Norway, and all other Ports and Colonies, not prohibited, of the King of Denmark, all kinds of merchandize which now or hereafter shall be produced or made in the Kingdoms, Countries, and Estates under the subjection of the King of Great Britain. But if, at any time hereafter, it be permitted to any Foreign Nations to bring all kinds of commodities without exception, into England, Scotland, and Ireland, and other the Ports belonging to the King of Great Britain, then the same also shall be lawful for the Subjects of the King of Denmark: which in like manner shall be permitted to the Subjects of the King of Great Britain, upon the like occasion, in the prohibited Ports and Colonies of the King of Denmark, ARTICLE VIII. Customs Duties, Tolls, Privileges, and Immunities. Most- It is also covenanted and agreed, that the People and Subjects of the King of Great Britain sailing to any the hereditary Kingdoms, Countries, or Dominions of the King of Denmark, or trading in the same, shall pay no more or greater Customs, Tribute, Toll, or other duties, nor in any other mauner than the People of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, and other Strangers (the Swede only excepted) trading thither, and paying lesser Customs, do or shall pay; and in going, returning, and staying, as also in fishing and trading, and all other things, shall enjoy the same liberties, immunities, and privileges, which the People of any Foreign Country, in the said Kingdoms and Dominions of the King of Denmark, abiding and trading, do or shall enjoy; and so on the other side, the People and Subjects of the King of Denmark shall have and enjoy the same privileges, in the Countries and Territories of the King of Great Britain; to wit, that the People and Subjects of the King of Denmark, sailing to any the Kingdoms, Countries, or Dominions of the King of Great Britain, or trading in the same, shall not pay any more or greater Customs, Tributes, Toll, or other Duties, nor in any other manner than the People of The United Netherlands, or other Strangers trading thither, and paying lesser Customs, do or shall pay: and in going, returning, and staying, as also in fishing and trading, and all other things, shall enjoy the same liberties, immunities, and privileges, which the People of any other Foreign Country in the said Kingdoms and Dominions of the King of Great Britain, abiding and trading, do or shall enjoy: but so, as that the power of each King, of making or altering Customs, or other Duties, as they shall see occasion, in their respective Kingdoms, Countries, Dominions, and Ports, remain full and entire: Provided the foresaid equality be strictly observed on both sides in manner aforesaid. ARTICLE IX. Warehousing. It is also covenanted, that when the Subjects of either King have imported their commodities into the Dominions of the other, have paid the usual Customs for them, and undergone their search, it shall be free and lawful for them to bring their said commodities into their own proper store-houses and cellars, or into places which they shall think most fit and convenient, and there store them; nor shall any Magistrate or Officer of any the Cities or Ports of either, impose upon them any cellars or store-houses without their consent. ARTICLE Χ. Freedom of Navigation. The Subjects of either Crown trading upon the Seas, and sailing by the Coasts of either Kingdom, shall not be obliged to come into any Port, if their course were not directed thither; but shall have liberty to pursue their voyage without hindrance or detention whithersoever they please. Nor shall they, being by tempest forced into Port, and there remaining, be obliged to unlade their cargo, or to barter or sell any part thereof; but it shall be lawful for them to dispose of it as they shall think fit, and to do any other thing which they shall judge most for their advantage: Provided nothing be done that may be to the defrauding of either Prince of his due Rights and Customs. ARTICLE ΧΙ. Timber Trade. It is also agreed, that after any planks, masts, and other sorts of timber, have once been put on board the Ships of the Subjects or People of the King of Great Britain, they shall not be liable to any further search; but all search or scrutiny shall be made before; and if then, either oaken or other prohibited timber be found, it shall be presently stopped and detained. upon the place before it be put on board the Ships; nor shall. the People of the said King of Great Britain, or his Subjects, be therefore molested in their Persons or Estates by arrest or other detention whatsoever; but only the Subjects of the King of Denmark, who shall have presumed to sell or alienate any the like prohibited timber, shall be punished in due manner. And the People and Subjects of the King of Great Britain shall have, possess, and enjoy, all and singular the contents and concessions of this Article, without any molestation or interruption, so long, and for all such time as the Subjects or any of the People of The United Netherlands, shall hold, possess, and enjoy, or might, or ought to hold, possess, and enjoy, the same or like privileges by any Treaty already made, or to be made, or by any Contract, agreement, or permission. ARTICLE XII. Sound Dues. It is also concluded and agreed, that all Ships belonging to the Subjects of the King of Great Britain, and Merchants, in their passage through the Sound, under the Most Serene King of Denmark and Norway, &c., shall enjoy, after the same manner, the benefit and privilege of deferring the payment of their Customs until their return, as they held and enjoyed in former years last, preceding the late War; but so nevertheless, that the said Ships and Merchants bring with them Certificates under the Seal of the Officers of the said King of Great Britain deputed thereunto, testifying the said ships to belong to Subjects of the King of Great Britian; and likewise that before their passage they give sufficient and good security for paying the same, in place convenient to the Collectors of the Customs of the said King of Denmark, at their return, or if they shall not return, within three months' time at the farthest, if they do not pay the same at their said first passage. ARTICLE XIII. Duties at Elsinore. - Most-favoured-nation Treatment. And furthermore it is agreed, that whatsoever merchandize the Subjects of the King of Great Britain shall land at Elsinore, and there lay in their store-houses, to no other end than to put on board again entire, and transport them to other parts, they shall be obliged to pay only the same Duties for such merchandize, and no more, than is wont to be paid in this case by the Dutch Nation, or any other Strangers: which shall be reciprocally observed to the Subjects of the King of Denmark, after the same manner, in England. ARTICLE XIV. Despatch of Vessels at Elsinore. - Most-favoured-nation Also it is agreed, that the Ships and Subjects of the King of Great Britain shall have their despatch at Elsinore as soon as they arrive there, without delay; no Ships, of what Nation soever, having preference before them in this behalf: except the Inhabitants of certain places, who have anciently held a privilege to that purpose, and still do. ARTICLE XV. Disposal of Property. - Intestate Estates. If any subject of either Prince shall happen to die in the Dominions or Territories of the other, it shall be lawful for him to dispose of his Estate, both money and goods, in any manner whatsoever: and if any one die within the Kingdoms or Provinces of the other Prince, without making any such dispositions, then the goods by him left, movable or immovable, of whatever nature or condition the same shall be, shall be faithfully preserved for the use of the right Heir, and for satisfaction of such debts as the Party deceased was justly bound to pay; and to that end, so soon as any Subject of either Prince shall die in the other Prince's Dominions, the Consul or Public Minister, then residing there, shall have right to possess the said monies and goods, and shall make inventories of the same before some Magistrate of the place; which goods shall afterwards remain in his hands, to be answered to the Heirs and Creditors as aforesaid; but if no such Consul or Public Minister shall be there, then it shall be lawful for two Merchants of the same Country with the Party deceased, to possess the goods left by him, to preserve them, and in like manner to answer them to the Heirs and Creditors; which, notwithstanding, is to be so understood, that no Papers or Books of Accounts are by this Article to be exposed to the inspection of the said Magistrate, but only the real goods and mer chandize of the Deceased; and that the said Magistrate within the space of. 48 hours after notice given, and request made, shall be obliged to be present, otherwise the said inventories shall be made without him. ARTICLE XVI. Trade of either Nation with Enemies of the other. It shall be lawful for either of the Confederates and their Subjects or People, to trade with the Enemies of the other, and to carry to them, or furnish them with any merchandizes (prohibited only, which they call Contraband, excepted) without any impediment, unless in Ports and places besieged by the other; which, nevertheless, if they shall so do, it shall be free for them either to sell their Goods to the Besiegers, or betake themselves to any other Port or place not besieged. ARTICLE XVII. Freedom of Residence. It is also agreed that it shall be free and lawful for the Subjects of either Prince, trading in the Dominions or Ports of the other, there to remain and reside for the buying and selling commodities, without any restriction of time, or limitation to be imposed upon them by any Officers or Magistrates of the said Dominions or Ports, they paying the accustomed Duties for all goods and merchandize by them imported or exported; and further provided that they trade with none but such as are Citizens, or Burgers of some City or Town within the Kingdoms of Denmark or Norway, and that only by wholesale, and not by parcels or retail. ARTICLE XVIII. Customs Duties. Tariff. Furthermore, for the better encouragement of trade and commerce, and for the utter avoiding of all frauds and disputes that may arise between the Officers of Ports and Merchants, it is agreed and concluded, that all and singular Duties shall be demanded and paid according to the printed Tariffe, (or Book of Rates,) wherein shall be comprised all Customs and Duties to be paid, as well for goods in the respective Ports, as for passage through the Sound: and to the end that this may be the more strictly observed, both Kings shall not only enjoin his Officers and Collectors of his Customs under the highest |