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vessels; and the same duties shall be paid on the importation into the dominions of Her Britannick Majesty, of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Republick of Bolivia, whether such importation shall be in British or in Bolivian vessels. The same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation to the ports of the Republick of Bolivia of any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of Her Britannick Majesty's dominions, whether such exportation shall be in Bolivian or in British vessels; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Republick of Bolivia to Her Britannick Majesty's dominions, whether such exportation shall be in British or in Bolivian vessels.


National Vessels.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding with respect to the regulations which may respectively constitute a British or Bolivian vessel, it is hereby agreed, that no ship shall be admitted to be a ship of either country, unless she shall be of the built of such country, or have been made prize of war to such country, and condemned as such; or have been forfeited to such country under any law of the same made for the prevention of the Slave Trade, and condemned in any competent Court as forfeiture for a breach of such law; nor unless she be navigated by a master who is a subject of such country, and by a crew of whom three-fourths, at least, are subjects of such country; nor unless she be wholly owned by subjects of such country usually residing therein, or under the dominion thereof; excepting where the laws provide for any extreme cases.

Qualification of Vessels for Trading.

And it is further agreed, that no ship, admitted to be a ship of either country, shall be qualified to trade as above described, under the provisions of this Treaty, unless furnished with a register, passport, or sea-letter, under the signature of the proper person authorized to grant the same, according to the laws of the respective countries (the form of which shall be communicated) certifying the name, occupation, and residence of the owner or owners in the dominions of Her Britannick Majesty, or in the territories of the Republick of Bolivia as the case may be; and that he, or they, is or are, the sole owner or owners in the proportion to be specified; together with the name, burthen, and description of the vessel, as to build and measurement, and



the several particulars constituting the national character of the vessel, as the case may be.


Transaction of Business.-Employment of Agents, &c.-Fixing of Prices of Goods. - National Treatment.

All merchants, commanders of ships, and others, the subjects of Her Britannick Majesty, shall have full liberty, in all the territories of the Republick of Bolivia, to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit them to the management of whomsoever they please, as broker, factor, agent, or interpreter; nor shall they be obliged to employ any other persons for those purposes than those employed by Bolivians, nor to pay them any other salary or remuneration than such as is paid, in like cases, by Bolivian citizens; and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller, to bargain and fix the price of any goods, wares, or merchandize, imported into, or exported from, the Republick of Bolivia, as they shall see good, observing the laws and established customs of the country. The same privileges shall be enjoyed in the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty by the citizens of the Republick of Bolivia, under the same conditions.

Protection of Persons and Property. - Access to Courts. - Employment of Lawyers. - National Treatment.

The citizens and subjects of the Contracting Parties in the territories of each other shall receive and enjoy full and perfect protection for their persons and property, and shall have free and open access to the Courts of Justice in the said countries, respectively, for the prosecution and defence of their just rights; and they shall be at liberty to employ, in all causes, the advocates, attornies, or agents of whatever description, whom they may think proper; and they shall enjoy, in this respect, the same rights and privileges therein as native citizens.


Police of Ports, Loading and Unloading of Vessels, Succession to Estates, Disposal of Personal Property, Administration of

Justice. National Treatment.

In whatever relates to the police of the ports, the lading and unlading of ships, the safety of merchandize, goods, and effects, the succession to personal estates by will or otherwise, and the disposal of personal property of every sort and denomination, by sale, donation, exchange, or testament, or in any other manner whatsoever as also the administration of justice,

the subjects and citizens of the two Contracting Parties shall enjoy, in their respective dominions and territories, the same privileges, liberties, and rights, as native subjects; and shall not be charged, in any of these respects, with any higher imposts or duties, than those which are paid, or may be paid, by the native subjects or citizens of the Power in whose dominions or territories they may be resident; subject, of course, to the local laws and regulations of such dominions or territories.

Intestate Estates.

In the event of any subject or citizen of either of the two Contracting Parties dying without will or testament, in the dominions or territories of the said Contracting Parties, the Consul-General or Consul of the said nation, or, in his absence, his representative, shall have the right to nominate curators to take charge of the property of the deceased, so far as the laws of each country will permit, for the benefit of his lawful heirs and creditors, without interference, giving convenient notice thereof to the authorities of the country.



Exemption from Military Service and Forced Loans.-Taxation,

&c.-National Treatment.

The subjects of Her Britannick Majesty residing in the Republick of Bolivia, and the natives and citizens of the Republick of Bolivia residing in the dominions of Her Britannick Majesty, shall be exempted from all compulsory military service whatsoever, whether by sea or land, and from all forced loans, or military exactions or requisitions; neither shall they be compelled, under any pretext whatsoever, to pay any other ordinary charges, requisitions, or taxes, greater than those that are paid by native subjects or citizens of the territories of the Contracting Parties respectively.

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Appointment of Consuls. - Privileges of Diplomatic and Consular Agents. Most-favoured-nation Treatment.

It shall be free for each of the two Contracting Parties to appoint Consuls for the protection of trade, to reside in the dominions and territories of the other Party; but before any Consul shall act as such, he shall, in the usual form, be approved and admitted by the Government to which he is sent; and either of the Contracting Parties may except from the residence of Consuls such particular places as either of them may judge


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fit to be excepted. The Diplomatic Agents and Consuls of the Republick of Bolivia shall enjoy, in the dominions of Her Britannick Majesty, whatever privileges, exceptions, and immunities are or shall be granted to Agents of the same rank belonging to the most favoured nation; and, in like manner, the Diplomatic Agents and Consuls of Her Britannick Majesty, in the territories of the Republick of Bolivia, shall enjoy, according to the strictest reciprocity, whatever privileges, exceptions, and immunities are or may be granted to the Diplomatic Agents and Consuls of the most favoured nation in the territories of the Republick of Bolivia.


Rupture of Friendly Relations. - Position of Persons and
Property.-National Treatment.

For the better security of commerce between the subjects of Her Britannick Majesty and the citizens of the Republick of Bolivia, it is agreed that if at any time any interruption of friendly intercourse, or any rupture should unfortunately take place between the two Contracting Parties, the subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties residing upon the coasts shall be allowed six months, and those residing in the interior a whole year, to wind up their accounts and dispose of their property; and a safe-conduct shall be given them to embark at the port which they shall themselves select. All such subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties who are established in the dominions or territories of the other, in the exercise of any trade or special employment shall have the privilege of remaining or continuing such trade and employment therein, without any manner of interruption, in full enjoyment of their liberty and property, as long as they behave peaceably and commit no offence against the laws; and their goods and effects, of whatever description they may be, whether in their own custody or entrusted to individuals or to the State, shall not be liable to seizure or sequestration, or to any other charges or demands than those which may be made upon the like effects or property belonging to the native subjects or citizens of the dominions or territories in which such subjects or citizens may reside. In the same case, debts between individuals, public funds, and the shares of companies, shall never be confiscated, sequestered, or detained.


Protection of Persons and Property. - Liberty of Conscience, Freedom of Religious Worship. Burials.

The subjects of Her Britannick Majesty and the citizens of the Republick of Bolivia, respectively, shall enjoy in their houses, persons, and properties, the protection of the Government, and continue in possession of the privileges which they now enjoy. And the subjects of Her Britannick Majesty residing in the territories of the Republick of Bolivia shall furthermore enjoy the most perfect and entire security of conscience, without being annoyed, prevented, or disturbed on account of their religious belief. Neither shall they be annoyed, molested, or disturbed in the proper exercise of their religion, provided that this take place in private houses, and with the decorum due to divine worship, with due respect to the laws, usages, and customs of the country. In the like manner, the citizens of the Republick of Bolivia shall enjoy, within all the dominions of Her Britannick Majesty, a perfect and unrestrained liberty of conscience, and of exercising their religion publicly or privately, within their own dwelling-houses, or in the chapels and places of worship appointed for that purpose, agreeably to the system of toleration established in the dominions of Her said Majesty. Liberty shall also be granted to bury the subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties, who may die in the dominions or territories of the other, in burial places of their own, which, in the same manner, they may freely establish and maintain; nor shall the funerals or sepulchres of the dead be disturbed in any way, or upon any account.


Abolition of Slave Trade.

The Government of the Republick of Bolivia engages to co-operate with Her Britannick Majesty for the total abolition of the Slave Trade, and to prohibit all persons inhabiting within the territories of the Republick of Bolivia, or subject to their jurisdiction, in the most effectual manner, and by the most solemn laws, from taking any share in such trade.


Right to make further Articles to be regarded as forming part

of Treaty.

The two Contracting Parties reserve to themselves the right of treating and of agreeing hereafter, from time to time, upon such other Articles as may appear to them to contribute still further to the improvement of their mutual intercourse, and to the advancement of the general interests of their respective subjects and citizens; and such Articles as may be so agreed upon, shall, when duly ratified, be regarded as forming a part of the present Treaty, and shall have the same force as those now contained in it.

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