d'adhérer à la Convention des Sucres, je signalais à votre Seigneurie, d'après les instructions de mon Gouvernement, que la Commission Permanente ne serait en mesure de se prononcer cette demande d'accession qu'après s'être assurée si la législation Péruvienne satisfaisait aux prescriptions de l'Acte du 5 Mars, 1902. sur L'examen auquel le régime fiscal des sucres au Pérou a été soumis par la Commission dans ses 14o et 15o séances fit constater que les sucres importés dans ce pays étaient passibles d'un droit d'entrée de 48 fr. 75 c. les 100 kilog. pour les sucres candis, et de 32 fr. 50 c. les 100 kilog. pour les autres sucres. Ces chiffres, qui, en l'absence de tout droit d'accise ou de fabrication sur les sucres nationaux, représentaient le taux de la surtaxe, dépassaient très sensiblement les limites fixées par l'Article III de la Convention. Dans ces conditions, la Commission Permanente décida de subordonner l'admission du Pérou, au nombre des États associés, à la réduction du taux de la surtaxe aux chiffres conventionnels de 6 fr. et de 5 fr. 50 c. par 100 kilog., et elle fixa à 21 fr. et à 13 fr. les droits compensateurs à appliquer éventuellement, en vertu de l'Article IV de la Convention, aux sucres Péruviens qui seraient importés dans les pays con tractants. Mis aussitôt au courant de cette situation par les soins du Gouvernement du Roi, le Ministre du Pérou à Paris s'empressa d'en faire part à son Gouvernement, qui soumit sans retard à l'approbation du Congrès National les modifications de la législation Péruvienne réclamées par la Commission Per manente. Or, d'après une communication de son Excellence M. Candamo, le Congrès Péruvien, adoptant les propositions du Gouvernement, a voté une loi ramenant aux chiffres fixés par l'Article III de la Convention le taux de la surtaxe sur les sucres au Pérou. Rien ne s'opposant plus, dès lors, à l'admission du Pérou parmi les États faisant partie de l'Union Sucrière, l'accession de ce pays à la Convention du 5 Mars, 1902, peut être considérée comme définitivement acquise à partir du 1er Septembre prochain. Je suis chargé, M. le Marquis, conformément à l'Article IX de la Convention de Bruxelles, de faire cette notification au Gouvernement Britannique. Veuillez, &c. PORTUGAL. No. 135. DECLARATION BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND PORTUGAL FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE-MARKS. Signed at London, January, 6, 1880.* THE Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Government of His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves, with a view to the reciprocal protection of trade-marks and trade labels, as well as industrial designs and patterns in the two countries, have agreed as follows : The subjects of each of the Contracting Parties shall have, in the dominions and possessions of the other, the same rights as belong to native subjects, or as are now granted, or may hereafter be granted, to the subjects of the most favoured nation, in everything relating to property in trade-marks and trade labels, as well as in industrial designs and patterns. It is understood that any person who desires to obtain the aforesaid protection must fulfil the formalities required by the laws of the respective countries. In witness whereof the Undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have signed the present Declaration, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arnıs. Done at London, in duplicate, the sixth day of January, 1880. (L.S.) SALISBURY. (L.S.) MIGUEL MARTINS D'ANTAS. No. 136. EXCHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND PORTUGAL AS TO THE RECIPROCAL PROTECTION OF TRADE-MARKS IN CHINA. August, 1904. (No. 1.) Mr. Cartwright to Senhor de Lima. Your Excellency, Lisbon, August 4, 1904. UNDER an Order in Council of the 2nd February, 1899, it is open to a foreigner whose trade-mark has been infringed by a British subject in China to take proceedings against the latter in the British Consular Court, provided * Signed also in Portuguese. 1. That the consent, in writing, of His Majesty's Minister or Chargé d'Affaires be obtained to the prosecution; but 2. Such consent may be withheld unless His Majesty's Minister or Chargé d'Affaires is satisfied that effectual provision exists for the punishment in Consular or other Courts in China of similar acts committed by the subjects of the State or Power of which such prosecutor is a subject. By correspondence with the French, German, and Italian Representatives in London, it has been ascertained that provision exists for the punishment in the Consular Courts of France, Germany, and Italy in China of subjects of those countries, should they infringe British trade-marks, and the necessary information has been given to His Majesty's Representative at Peking, and to the Representatives there of the three countries mentioned, to enable them to carry out the arrangements desired by their Governments for the mutual protection of their trade-marks. I have the honour to inform your Excellency that, in communicating the above to you, I have been instructed by the Marquess of Lansdowne to inquire whether the Portuguese Government would be disposed to conclude a similar arrangement with His Majesty's Government. (Translation.) I avail, &c., (Signed) FAIRFAX L. CARTWRIGHT. (No. 2.) Senhor de Lima to Mr. Cartwright. Lisbon, August 8, 1904. I AM in receipt of the note by which you communicate to me the desire of the Marquess of Lansdowne to know whether the Portuguese Government would be disposed to conclude an arrangement with His Britannic Majesty's Government in the sense of assuring mutual protection for Portuguese and British trade-marks in China. In reply, I have the honour to inform you that the Portuguese Government have no objection in concluding the proposed arrangement in such a manner that, on the date which may be fixed by exchange of notes, both Governments shall transmit instructions to their Diplomatic Representatives at Peking, for the purpose of bringing into effect, before the Portuguese Consular Courts, offences for infringement by Portuguese subjects of British trade-marks duly registered in Portugal, and, reciprocally, before the British Consular Courts, offences for infringement by British subjects of Portuguese trademarks, duly registered in the United Kingdom, in conformity with the International Convention of the 20th March, 1883. I avail, &c., (Signed) WENCESLAU DE LIMA. ROUMANΙΑ. No. 137. CONVENTION BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND ROUMANIA RELATIVE TO TRADE-MARKS. Signed at Bucharest, May 4, 1892.* [Ratifications exchanged at Bucharest, June 3, 1892.] HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the King of Roumania, desiring to conclude a Convention for the reciprocal protection of trade-marks and designs, have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, Arthur George Vansittart, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Bucharest, &c., &c.; and His Majesty the King of Roumania, M. Alexandre N. Lahovary, Grand Cross of his Order of the Crown of Roumania, &c., &c., his Minister Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Who, having communicated to each other their Full Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : ARTICLE I. Protection of Trade-marks, &c. - National and Most-favourednation Treatment. The subjects of each of the Contracting Parties shall have, in the dominions and possessions of the other, the same rights as are now granted, or may hereafter be granted, to native subjects, or to subjects of the most favoured nation, in all that relates to trade-marks, industrial designs, and patterns. In order that such rights may be obtained, the formalities required by the laws of the respective countries must be fulfilled, ARTICLE II. Application of Convention to certain British Colonies, &c. The stipulations of the present Convention shall be applicable to all the Colonies and foreign possessions of Her Britannic * Signed also in Roumanian. Majesty, excepting to those hereinafter named, that is to say, except to India. The Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland. The Cape of Good Hope. New South Wales. Victoria. Queensland. Tasmania. South Australia. Western Australia. New Zealand. Provided always that the stipulations of the present Convention shall be made applicable to any of the above-named Colonies or foreign possessions on whose behalf notice to that effect shall have been given by Her Britannic Majesty's Representative to the King of Roumania within one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present Convention. ARTICLE III. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Bucharest as soon as possible. Duration of Treaty. It shall come into operation one month after the exchange of ratifications, and shall remain in force until the expiration of one year from the day on which either party may give notice of its intention to terminate it. In witness whereof the Undersigned have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms. Done in duplicate at Bucharest, the fourth day of May (22nd day of April), one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. (Signed) (L.S.) ARTHUR GEORGE VANSITTART. (L.S.) AL. LAHOVARY. LIST OF BRITISH COLONIES WIIICH HAVE ACCEDED TO THE ABOVE CONVENTION UNDER ARTICLE II: |