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The Roumanian General Tariff referred to in the present Schedule is the Customs Tariff voted by the Chamber of Deputies in its sitting of the

19th April

2nd May

1904, and by the Senate in its sitting of the 18th April 1904.

1st May,

In so far as the duty leviable on an article depends on the duty on another article referred to in the present Schedule, the former duty shall be calculated according to the rate granted by the Treaty and not according to the rate of duty in the Roumanian General Tariff.

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121,000 metres

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printed or not

359 Cotton tissues of all kinds, except those specially mentioned, unbleached, undyed, weighing over 180 grammes per square metre:

(a.) Having in warp and weft to

gether up to 35 threads per square centimetre

(b.) Having 36 to 55 threads per

square centimetre

(c.) Having more than 55 threads

per square centimetre


Description of Article.



ex 359 Cotton tissues of all kinds, except those specially mentioned, unbleached, undyed, weighing from 180 to 100 grammes per square metre:

(6.) Having from 41 to 70 threads 100 klg3.

per square centimetre

(c.) Having more than 70 threads

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per square centimetre

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369 Tulles and guipures for curtains, bed-spreads, furniture covers, &c., fine, i.e., with mesh of network, with designs, with combinations of spots

ex 371 Tulles, properly so called, of any vegetable textile material, without designs, and having in 1 centimetre of width or length :

(a.) Less than seven meshes

ex 381 Lace of all kinds of vegetable textile
materials, whether or not combined
one with another, of any width, by
measure or by the piece :
(a.) Machine made


383 Bags of jute manufactured of the tissues mentioned in No. 350 A





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Duty on the tissue with an addition of 1 leu.

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847 Prepared varnish, without vegetable oil or alcohol, coloured or not, such as asphalt varnish, turpentine varnish, petroleum varnish, and

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varnish for harness and paper

Annex 1.

General Lahovary to Sir Conyngham Greene.

M. le Ministre,
Bucharest, le 6 (19) Février, 1906.
PAR la Loi promulguée le 1er (14) de ce mois au "Moniteur
Officiel" les taxes sur les fils de coton ont été réduites dans le
Tarif Douanier comme suit :-

No. 333. Fils de coton à un seul bout, écrus, non teints, 5 lei.
No. 334. Les mêmes, blanchis, 8 lei.

No. 335. Les mêmes, teints ou imprimés, 18 lei. -
No. 336. Les mêmes, mercerisés, 20 lei.

Conformément au procès-verbal No. 7 du 18 (31) Octobre dernier, signé par les Délégués Britanniques et Roumains lors de la conclusion de la nouvelle Convention de Commerce entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande et la Roumanie, j'ai l'honneur de prier votre Excellence de bien vouloir prendre acte que nous considérons ces nouvelles taxes comme consolidées pour la durée du nouveau Traité, et comme faisant partie intégrante du Tableau tarifaire annexé au dit Traité.

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Bucharest, February 6 (19), 1906.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the note of to-day's date, by which your Excellency informs me that the duties imposed on different categories of cotton yarns under Articles 333, 334, 335, and 336 of the new Customs Tariff have been reduced, by a Law promulgated on the 1st (14th) instant, to 5, 8, 18, and 20 lei respectively; and that, in virtue of the procès-verbal signed between the British and Roumanian Delegates at the time of the conclusion of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Roumania on the 31st October last, these reduced duties are considered as being consolidated for the time of the duration of the Treaty and as forming an integral part of the Tariff thereto annexed.

In taking act of your Excellency's communication, I avail, &c.



At the time of signing the Treaty of Commerce concluded this day, the Undersigned have agreed as follows :

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