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Invasion of Holland by Dumouriez-Battle

of Nerwinden-Origin of the War of

La Vendée-Treachery of Dumouriez--

His escape to the Austrian Army-Con-

tention between the Mountain Party and

the Brissotines-Trial and Acquittal of
Marat-His Assassination by Charlotte
Corday-Revolution of the 31st of
May-Triumph of the Mountain Party-
Progress of the Campaign-Successes
of the Allies-Their subsequent Dis-
asters-The Levy en Masse--Failure of
the Siege of Dunkirk-War in La Vendée
-Siege of Lyons.
Page 92

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Banishment of the Jacobin Members-
Death of Lewis XVII.-Contentions of
the different Parties-Massacre of the
5th of October conducted by Napoleon
Buonaparte-Formation of the Directory
and the Character of its Members-The
issue of the Campaign unfavorable to

France-War is declared by England

against the Dutch, and many of their

Colonies are surrendered-Treaties with

Russia and Austria-Affairs in the

West Indies-Insurrection of the Ma-

roons, and their Banishment from Ja-

maica-Two Bills of Coercion are In-

troduced into the British Parliament-

State of the Nation.

Proceedings of the Revolutionary Societies

Policy of the English Administration

Debates in Parliament, on several

interesting Subjects-Conquest of Hol-
land by the French, and Disastrous Re-

Naval Operations-Descent of the French
at Bantry Bay-Abandonment of Corsica

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