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A. Most of the plants belonging to this class are the East and West Indies. Black pepper (which ern climates, and the excessive heat of the torrid natives of India, such as ginger, cardamons, arrow-belongs to the third order of this class) is a shrubby zone. root, and turmeric; but we have the hippuris, or plant, and grows spontaneously in the East Indies Q. Does it not constitute the principal food for mare's tail, which grows in our muddy pools and and in Cochin China. It is also cultivated at many all classes of the community in Britain? ditches, and, as it is easily procured, will serve for other places, but in no part of Europe. A. Yes; and its abundance or scarcity regulates an example, of order 1. Q. Is not white pepper a different species from in a great degree the welfare and prosperity of the Q. Describe it. the black? inhabitants. The whole annual consumption of A. The hippuris, or mare's tail, has neither calyx A. No: it was formerly thought so, but it is really grain in this island is said to amount to twenty-five nor corolla. A single pistil denotes its order, and nothing more than the ripe berries deprived of their million of quarters: and, in London alone, to more it has only one stamen, which grows upon the re-skin by steeping them for a time in water, and then than 1,162,100 quarters, of which by far the greatceptacle, terminated by an anther slightly divided, drying them in the sun.

behind which is the pistil, with an awl-shaped stig. Q. Is Cayenne pepper produced from the same ma, tapering to a point. The stem is straight and plant?

jointed, and the leaves grow round the joints; at A. No; Cayenne pepper is produced in the West the base of each leaf is a flower, and it is seen in Indies, from a plant called Capsicum Minimum. bloom in the month of May.

"No velvet mantle, no embroider'd veil,
Shields poor hippuris from the northern gale;
'Midst the damp meadow, or the oozy bed,
In lowly modesty she rears her head."

Q. Describe some plant of this class belonging to order 2.

A. The water star-wort (containing two pistils) which takes its name from its upper leaves, making a star-shaped appearance, is to be met with in ditches and standing water, and may be seen in blossom at any time between April and October.


CLASS II.-Diandria. (Two Stamens.)


Q. With what examples can you furnish me in

class Diandria?

A. The privet (ligustrum) being a shrub very common in our hedges and gardens, will serve to exemplify this class.

Q. Give me an account of it.

A. The privet bears a white blossom, and generally flowers in June. It has a very small tubulated calyx of one leaf, its rim divided into four parts. The blossom is also of one petal, and funnel-shaped, with an expanded border, cut into four egg-shaped segments.

Q. How is it known to belong to this class? A. By its having two stamens, which are placed opposite to each other, and nearly as long as the blossom. The seed bud is roundish, the pistil or style short, terminated by a thick, blunt, cloven stigma. The leaves grow in pairs, and are sometimes variegated with white or yellow stripes.

Q. Does not the privet bear berries?


CLASS III.-Triandria (Three Stamens.)


Q. How do you mean to illustrate the class Triandria?

est proportion is wheat.

Q. Is not sugar the produce of a plant belonging to this class?

A. Yes, the sugar-cane, (saccharum officinarum) a plant much cultivated in the East and West Indies, which has a jointed stem eight or nine feet high, long and flat leaves of a greenish yellow colour, and flowers in bunches.

Q. What methods are used to extract the sugar from the canes?

A. When cut down, the leaves are thrown away, and the stems or canes are divided into pieces, each A. By giving you an account of some of the vari- about a yard in length: they are then tied up in ous grasses, which are comprised in it. Though it bundles, and conveyed to the mill, where they are may appear surprising, it is no less true, that every bruised between three upright wooden rollers coverbears a distinct flower, perfect in all its parts; and from them is conducted into a large vessel, and the single blade of these apparently insignificant plants ed with iron. The saccharine juice which flows only requires to be nicely viewed, to excite our value quantity of juice prepared by some of these mills is and admiration. upwards of ten thousand gallons in a day.

Q. Are there not many varieties of grasses? Q. What processes does it afterwards undergo? A. Yes; there are upwards of three hundred spe- A. The juice is boiled in large caldrons, and afcies. The general character of grasses may be thus terwards carefully drawn off, leaving the scum at described: the leaves furnish pasturage for cattle; the bottom of the pan. After being again boiled, the smaller seeds are food for birds, and the larger with a certain mixture of lime, the juice is transfor man; but some are preferred to others: as fescue, ferred into a large shallow wooden vessel, where, for sheep; meadow-grass, for cows; canary, for as it cools, it runs into a sort of crystallization, by small birds, oats and beans, for horses; rye, wheat, which it is separated from the molasses or treacle, and barley, for man. an impure part of the juice, incapable of being crystallized, but which is used for various useful purposes.

Q. Do they not furnish us with many valuable necessaries?

Q. Yes; our most important articles of food and clothing are derived from them. Bread, meat, beer, milk, butter, cheese, leather, and wool, and all the advantages produced from the use of cattle would be lost without them.

Q. How may corn and grasses be distinguished from other plants?

Q. Does not the celebrated plant called by the ancients papyrus, belong to this class?

A. Yes; the plant papyrus* is of the rush kind, and grows on the borders of the Nile, to the height of ten or twelve feet. The stem is naked, having a bushy head, and a few short leaves at the bottom. Q. What part of this plant was converted into A. By their simple, straight, unbranched stalk, paper? hollow and jointed, commonly called a straw, with A. The inner rind of the stem. It was principally long, narrow, tapering leaves, placed at each knob manufactured at Alexandria, and the city derived or joint of the stalk, and sheathing or enclosing it, great riches from its exportation. This kind of as by way of support. their ears or heads consist of paper was used in the days of Alexander the Great, a husk, generally composed of two valves, which and continued in use till about the tenth century, form the calyx; within which is the blossom, being when paper made of cotton was introduced; and also a husk of two valves. such as we now use, made from linen, became common in the fourteenth century.

A. Yes; the seed vessel is a black berry, containing but one cell, which encloses four seeds. These berries are useful to the dyers, as they give a durable green colour to silk or wool, by the addi- Q. How are the various grasses divided?

tion of alum.

Q. Does not the common jasmine (jasminum officinale) belong to class Diandria?

A. Yes; and as it is a most fragrant ornamental shrub which we are well acquainted with, I will, if you please, describe it.

Q. Do so.

A. The common jasmine is a native of India, but has long been cultivated in Europe. It is chiefly raised against walls, and it is interesting, not only from the elegance of its foliage, but also from the number of beautiful white flowers with which it is adorned, which exhale a sweet odour, particularly after rain, and in the night.

"With fragrant scent in artless beauty's ease,
In snowy folds that kiss the summer's breeze,
Attractive fair, the lovely jasmine see

Bow her fine head, and bend her supple knee;
With piteous air she lifts th' imploring eye,
Pleads her sad tale, and heaves the tender sigh."
Q. What useful foreign spice belongs to this

A. Pepper; there are upwards of sixty different species of pepper, and they are nearly all natives of

A. Linnæus has arranged them into four divisions; the first three include those that are produced in panicles, or loose branches, which are distinguished by the number of flowers in each empalement, the first having one flower, the second, two; and the third, several. The fourth division consists of all those that grow in spikes or heads, such as wheat, rye, barley, &c.

Q. Describe wheat.


CLASS IV.-Tetandria. (Four Stamens.)


Q. How are the flowers of the class Tetandria characterized?

A. They are characterized by having four sta


Q. Give me some examples.

A. Teasel, madder, ladies' bedstraw, and holly.
Q. What is teasel?

A. Wheat, the chief support of man, is cultiva-
ted in most civilized countries of the world, and is
supposed to have been originally introduced into A. Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) is a plant cultiva-
Europe from Asia. There is no grain so valuable ted in several parts of England, and used in the
as this; and it is wisely ordained by Providence, carding of woollen cloths. It is distinguished from
that it is capable of sustaining the severity of north- other plants of the same tribe, by having its leaves

* In Egypt corn grows spontaneously: Osiris, son of Sac 'charine, a. sweet, having the taste of sugar. Jupiter and Niobe, and king of Egypt, is regarded as Crystalliza'tion, s. the process of congealing. the inventor of the art of agriculture, and his wife Isis as the discoverer of the use of wheat and barley.

"Then the far country waves with golden corn;
The soil untill'd a ready harvest yields,
With wheat and barley wave the golden fields."

* From this word Papyrus, paper is derived; and from the ancient custom of writing on the leaves of trees, books are said to be composed of leaves. The word liber signifies the inner bark of a tree, on which the ancients wrote; and volumen was the manuscript rolled up: thus are our words library and volume derived.

connected at the base; the flower scales hooked;
and the general calyx reflected or bent back.
Q. What is holy?

A. Holly (Ilex aquifolium) is a small evergreen tree, with shining irregular leaves, and white flowers, which grow in clusters round the branches, and are succeeded by small red berries.

Q. What is the use of this plant?




New Brunswick, N. J., June 21, 1825.

a perpetual spring, one that flows after the manner spring in the direction that they were pressed, and of other springs. On our Alleghanies, there are make unhandsome ends, which would be very obmany of them, and on the very highest one of all, jectionable. there is one that has been flowing for upwards of I have to erect a cotton press the ensuing fall, two centuries, undiminished. On Scholey's moun and shall try, in place of the screw, two strong tain, there is that famous medicinal spring-it flows swords with cogs on the edge, to be run up and unimpaired by droughts. I saw it during the last down by means of a trundle-head for each sword, summer of drought. I inquired, and searched care on a shaft having a tread-wheel on each end of it. A. As a fence, holly is very serviceable, and re- fully all around, but found no higher reservoir that If it succeeds well, you shall have a more particu tains its beautiful green verdure through the severest could supply this flowing spring-and with such lar description of it. winters. The wood is very close grained, and is constancy and rapidity does it flow, that it has I also send you a few seed of the Cayenne pep used for many purposes. The leaves afford a grate- formed a lake about a mile or two below it. A re- per-which, with some difficulty, has been natuful food to sheep and deer in winter, and the berries servoir, to supply such a spring, must have lake Su- ralized to this climate, and probably will succeed vield a subsistence to numerous birds. We use perior tributary to it. with you. It is called in Louisiana, the bird pepper. branches of holly to decorate our houses and church- There is no doubt of the fact, that springs are and is infinitely more pungent than any of its kines at Christmas, to give an air of spring in the depth more frequently found on the top and sides of high dred. The lady who furnished the seed, sends a of winter. hills and mountains, than in vallies or plains. We small sample of the pepper, prepared for the table; Q. Is not bird lime made of the bark of the holly? must ask for the cause of this. It will be learned and as her manner of doing it is much superior to A. Yes; and for that purpose it is boiled about that no reservoirs exist on these hills and mountains, the process one of your correspondents furnished twelve hours; and, after standing for a fortnight, is but that the waters are propelled to the surface by some time ago, it may not be amiss to give it. Put mixed over the fire with a third part of oil. The some central effort. Gas may be the agent of this the pods into a coarse paper bag, and hang it on adhesive quality of bird-lime, thus prepared, is very central power, for it must be a more permanent the breast of the kitchen chimney until perfectly remarkable, particularly to feathers and other dry thing than what is produced by gas that is extricat- dry. They will then be easily reduced to the nesubstances; for which reason it is used for the ing itself from beds of mineral. Gas will release cessary fineness in a covered iron mortar, and the smearing of twigs, to ensnare birds. itself from confinement as quickly as is possible. beautiful red colour and genuine flavour be perfect It will avail itself of the readiest fissures to get ly preserved. If you fear the seed will not vegeinto open space. Mountains, from their structure, tate, since they were gathered last fall and the present the greatest number of those fissures-and second season will arrive before they can be planted, water, that is gravitating, is often intersected by a you can obtain more in due time, if you desire stream of this gas, which, if of sufficient them. power, Yours, &c. will force up the water with it to the extent of E. M. FORD. its strength. In boring, we must often intersect a P.S. We have had an unusually dry spring, and stream of this kind, running perhaps horizontally-at present are suffering from drought. I cannot let Mr. John Trimble's communication into the hole thus bored the gas and water rushes, pass without commenting on one or two points. and reaches the top; and, perhaps, if a tube be put He speaks of a log, or "gum," as being necessary down several feet, well wedged, having a few feet to the obtainment of water, or rather for the use of left above the surface, the water may reach the top the boring apparatus. of the tube. I have several such instances on reAt the well on my farm, a piece of pine scantling cord, as well as some furnished by yourself. The 5 inches square and 4 feet long, bored one inch water that is thus propelled above the surface, may DEAR SIR, wider in diameter than the chisel, was all that I come from a river or brook even lower than the I observed, in looking over one of your papers of found necessary. A hole was dug as if for a fence surface of the ground whence it is brought by bor- April last, salts recommended as an infallible cure post-into this the bored pine was set; it was well ing. Whence come the burning springs, and the for the colick in horses. Although I have sometimes packed around with clay, and it kept its perpendi- warm springs, that are found on the tops of moun- found it efficacious in cases of colick, I have known cular position throughout the whole boring. One tains. To suppose that all springs must come from it to fuil frequently in producing a cure. My object foot of this pine tube was left above ground. The a higher source, (I mean, to confine myself to those in sending you the present communication, is to give machinery, which was a moveable frame, was set obtained by boring, and those on the tops of the you a remedy for this disease, which I have found immediately over this wooden tube, and the chisel highest mountain,) one must infer that there is a re- much more certain than salts administered in any that was attached to the boring poles never injured servoir on the top of one of the very highest moun- quantity. This remedy is linseed oil, administered the tube to the last. When the well was thought tains in the world, where water is forever generat- in the quantity of from half a pint to a pint, in proto be sufficiently deep, the wooden tube was taken ing, and where it never freezes; and that there must portion to the violence of the symptoms. This mediout, and a copper tube is now in, to the depth of be a communication from this highest mountain to cine, as far as I have observed, and as far as I have from 80 to 100 feet. In a former letter, I spoke of all the others-and this is straining a hypothesis too heard from others, has never failed producing almost wooden tubes of cedar-but we found that they did far. It is much more natural and philosophical, to instantaneous relief to the animal, under even the not suit our purpose. The copper tube is only 14 imagine, that the earth is intersected by streams of most violent fits of that disease. I will give you an ininch diameter. The trouble and expense of putting gas, and that the waters of saturation are propelled stance which came under my observation last sumdown one of those "gums," must be very great- from their gravitating principle by these streams of mer: a near neighbour of mine sent to me to prescribe and in the end they are useless; for the poles and gas; and that the greater the depth from which for a horse labouring under a fit of the colick, from chisel, during the act of boring, have play enough, these gases are sent, and the fuller the source of eating too much green food after working in very with an inch in the clear, and when all is done, and the waters that are propelled upwards again-the hot weather, I immediately endeavoured to procure the permanent tube is pressed into the well, there higher these waters will be ejected, and the more a dose of linseed oil at every house in the neighis no necessity for so large an opening as that with- constant will they flow. bourhood, without success-in the mean time I adin the gum. The attention of the learned in hydrostatics and ministered almost every remedy which I could think There are several other matters in the letter from hydraulics, will soon be drawn to this interesting of; among the rest, one pound of salts. The disease Mr. Trimble, that I should like to discuss-but for subject, and you will have the pleasure of being baffled all my exertions and the animal died in the want of leisure I must let them pass, and only refer the first to introduce the new principle to the world. course of the night. A few days afterwards I was to his opinion respecting the probable source of It will be found, that "water may be obtained on sent for to see a horse belonging to the same neighthese "central springs." He says, that he "is satis- those small flat bodies of land that are surrounded bour, who I think had a more violent attack than fied that the same laws govern the gravitation of wa- by the sea, which (according to Mr. Trimble's opin- the former; having a bottle of linseed oil by me at ter below as above the earth, and that the jet of a ion,) are not likely to afford fresh water at any con- the time, I gave him three gills immediately, and in stream depends on the height of its source." I ob-venient depth." fifteen minutes he was perfectly relieved and began

served to you formerly, that a reservoir on the top



Tranquility, June 25, 1825.

to graze. The physicians in this section of the of a hill or mountain, was far different from a COTTON PRESS AND CAYENNE PEPPER. country are in the habit of giving this medicine to spring. I never heard of one that was not subject their patients, for obstinate fits of colick, in doses of to a slight drought. A filled reservoir, is either the DEAR SIR, a large table spoonful to a strong healthy adult, and product of several successive showers, or else filled diminishing the quantity according to the size and age of the patient.

Maury county, Ten., June 9, 1825. The cotton press described by Mr. Fields, would by the constant generation of waters, such as those probably be more economical than the wooden on the Andes, where it rains perpetually. In colder screw now in general use, from its greater durabili- You will very much oblige me, as well as many latitudes, for instance Mont Blanc, there can be no ty, and the ease with which a broker link might be others, if you can publish in the Farmer a recipe reservoirs-and yet on that very mountain, there is repaired. I think, however, that the bales would for destroying and keeping the web-worm from bee

hives. I am losing a fine parcel of hives by their inroads, and know of no preventive.

I am, sir, respectfully,






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COTTON, Louisiana, &c.
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ARTICLES. BEEF, Baltimore Prime, bbl. 10 For any delay or deficiency in answering the fa- BACON, and Hams,. Take a pound and an half of fine white soap, in thin slices, and add thereto two ounces of salt of yours of correspondents, during the last three weeks, COFFEE, W.I. Green, tartar; mix them together, and put this mixture into the Editor begs to explain-That under an invitation one quart of spirits of wine, in a bottle which will with which he was honoured by the War Departhold double the quantity of the ingredients; tie a blad-ment, he repaired to West Point, to attend, as one der over the mouth of the bottle, and prick a pin of the board of visiters, the examination of the Cadets at the "Military Academy." The examinathrough the bladder; set it to digest in a gentle heat, and shake the contents from time to time, tions were commenced on the first Monday of June, CANDLES, Mould, Dipt, taking care to take out the pin at such times, to al- and were continued, without intermission, until Thursday afternoon of the 23d-commencing, dur-CHEESE, low passage for the air from within; when the soap is dissolved, filter the liquor through paper to freeing a good part of the time, at 5 A. M. and lasting un- FEATHERS, Live,. it from impurities; then scent it with a little berga-til 7 P. M. They were very thorough, and in all re- FISH, Herrings, Sus. Shad, trimmed, mot, or essence of lemon. It will have the appear- spects calculated to do honour to the Cadets and their ance of fine oil, and a small quantity will lather Instructors. An idea probably prevails, that this in-FLAXSEED, Rough,.. bush 1 Fine, with water, like soap, and is much superior in use, stitution, as its title imports, is exclusively of a militaFLOUR, Superfine, city, ry character; and that the studies pursued in it are onfor washing or shaving. Susquehanna, superfi. ly such as belong strictly to the profession of arms; FLAX, but this impression is far from being correct. From GUNPOWDER, Balti.. notes taken on the spot, we shall shew in subsequent GRAIN, Indian Corn, papers, as we find room, the course and the nature Wheat, White,. do.. Red, Well mix, or knead together, three pounds of of the instructions given; and an abstract of some Buckwheat, split peas; grind or beat to flour one pound and a of the examinations which passed in our presence, half each of fine crumbs of bread and coarse sugar will prove to the community, by whom this great -the fresh yolks of six raw eggs, and six ounces of national institution is supported, that it prepares unsalted butter; put about a third part of the mix- those who are instructed in it, to play, with emiture at a time in a frying pan, over a gentle fire, nent intelligence and effect, an active part on the and continually stir it, till it be a little brown, but great theatre of practical civil life. For further by no means burnt; when the other two parts are remarks on the character of the institution, we have thus done, and all are become cold, add to the en- no leisure, nor room, at present, but the views tire quantity six ounces of mow seed, with six that will be hereafter presented, will be such as assopounds of good bruised hemp seed, separated from ciate well with the agricultural interests of the counthe husks; mix the whole well together, and it will try, and will, therefore, we hope, be received by our be found an excellent food for thrushes, red robins, readers as not incompatible with the main purposes larks, linnets, canary birds, finches of the different of this journal. kinds, and most other singing birds, admirably preserving them in song and feather.

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The visit to West Point was one of great plea- MOLASSES, Havana, sure and high intellectual interest. The only draw-MEAL, Corn, kiln dried, bbl. back on the satisfaction it yielded, arose from the NAILS, Sa20d. consideration that it involved a temporary absence from our official post; where it is our constant deThe pernicious method of keeping milk in leaden sire to afford, even to the most idle and envious, not But precauvessels, and salting butter in stone jars, begins to the slightest ground for complaint. gain ground in this country, as well as elsewhere, tions were taken, that the Post Office should not be from an idea of cleanliness. The fact is, it is just one moment, day or night, without a co-npetent perthe reverse of cleanliness; for, in the hands of a son to give prompt and polite attention to every de- PLASTER, cargo price, careful person, nothing can be more cleanly than mand; and we fearlessly challenge the specification POTATOES, wooden dishes; but, under the management of a of failure to accomplish that, in a single instance. RICE, fresh, slattern, they discover the secret when stone dishes The illustrations we shall give of the examinations SOAP, Baltimore White, lb. do. Brown, do not. In return, these latter communicate to the of the Cadets, in regard to the materials and strucbutter and the milk which has been kept in them a ture of roads alone, will, we trust, show to the Post-WHISKEY, 1st proof, PEACH BRANDY, 4th pr poisonous quality, which inevitably proves destruc-master General, who knows how to mingle with APPLE BRANDY, 1st pr tive to the human constitution. To the prevalence strictness of discipline, liberal indulgence to those of this practice, I have no doubt, (says the Doctor,) under his control, that our time was not past diswe must attribute the frequencies of palsies, which paragingly to his department—to which properly bebegin to prevail so much in this kingdom; for the longs, if to any, the constitutional power under conwell known effect of the poison of lead is debility, gress to make, as well as to "establish" national palsy,-death! "post roads."


Three hhds. Ohio Tobacco sold for

TOBACCO.-Eleven hogsheads Tobacco, made by Put four pounds of salt butter into a churn with four quarts of new milk, and a small portion of ar- James Osborn, of Anne Arundel county, sold for $6 notts. Churn them together, and in about an hour per hundred for the second, and $12 per hundred take out the butter, and treat it exactly as fresh for the crop. butter, by washing it in water and adding the cus-$17 per hundred round. All kinds of tobacco maintomary quantity of salt. This is a singular experi- tain their prices. Inspections for the last week in ment. The butter gains about three ounces in each the three state warehouses, 498 hhds. pound, and is in every respect equal to fresh butter. It would be greatly improved by the addition of two or three ounces of fine sugar, in powder. A common earthen churn answers the same purpose as a wooden one, and may be purchased at any pot shop.


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35 On Improving the Native Breed of New England Cattle, by Col. T. Pickering, No. 4-Essay on Sheep, by G. W. P. Custis, Esq., No. 6-Extracts from Proceedings of the Washington Agricultural Society, Ten. -Extract from Address of Wm. M. Barton, Esq. delivered at a meeting of the Agricultural Society of the Mix with a quantity of fresh rice, cream, half its Valley, Va.-Culture of Cotton-Millet-Agricultural weight of white sugar in powder; stir the whole Prospects-Pinnock's Catechism of Botany, continuedwell together, and preserve it in bottles well corked. On Boring for Water-Cotton Press and Cayenne PepIn this state it is ready to mix with tea or coffee, 'per-Recipes-Editorial-Prices Current.


2 50 unwashed but free of tags.

Printed every Friday, at $5 per annum, for JOHN S.
SKINNER, Editor, by JOHN D. Toy, corner of St.
Paul and Market streets, where every description of
Book and Job Printing is handsomely executed.

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No. 16-VOL. 7.




Lot 15-Cinnamon, dark red, nine years old. by Lot 4-Strawberry, speckled red and white, two years old, by Conqueror, a son of Warrior, her Prince, dam Chestnut, lot 1 in sale 1819, by Blyth dam a well bred cow, purchased of Mr. R. Colling's Comet, grandam Cherry, by the late Mr. Foljambe's grandam Old Chance; bulled on the 28th February, CHAMPION'S CATTLE SALE IN ENGLAND. herdsman; bulled on the 10th Oct., 1824, by Sym-bull, bred from his favourite cow Cherry, great metry-331., Mr. Dolley. Blyth, near Bawtry, 25th April, 1825. Lot 5-Laura, dark red and white star, two years 1825, by Speculation-301., Mr. Norman. MY DEAR SIR, I have now much pleasure in sending you a cata- old, by Blaize, her dam Louisa, by Mr. Mason's Lot 16-Wildair, dark red and white spots, seven logue of my sale, with the names of the purchasers Charles, grandam Lily, by Mr. R. Colling's son of years old, exact pedigree unknown-bred by Mr. and prices. The company was highly respectable Favourite, great grandam by the same bull, great Smith, of Togston, an eminent breeder, near Ala and inost numerous-more than 400 were present. great grandam by Mr. Chapman's bull, of Dimsdale, wick, in Northumberland; bulled on the 27th Aug., Lot 17-Bright Eyes, white and red spots, seven Mr. Fortescue and Mr. Norman were from Ireland; great great great grandam by Mr. R. Grimston's bull; 1824, by Aid-de-camp-351., Mr. Fortescue. years old, by a son of the late Mr. Munday's bull, they bought nine lots of females. Mr. Fortescue is bulled on the 9th December, 1824, by Speculationthe gentleman to whom I sold Brigade Major, about 45l., Mr. Fortescue. Lot 6-Meadow Maid, dark roan, two years old, out of his own dam, which was also the dam of the two years ago, for 150 guineas. About a week before my sale, Mr. Fortescue gained three premiums by a son of Warrior, sold to America, and there White Ox, by Prince, shown at Lincoln in 1815, and for bulls, at the agricultural meeting held in Dublin. named Champion, (see Herd Book Appendix, page of the late Mr. Ingall's roan bull, by Blyth Comet: My cows and heifers sold at a great price, consider- 580,) her dam by a son of Crispin; bulled on the bulled on the 28th Feb., 1825, by Speculation and Lot 18-Rachel, dark red and white, seven years ing that many of them were not of my best blood, 14th November, 1824, by Speculation-40%., Mr. Challenger-281., Mr. Rudley. and several of them had been so recently bulled as Dolley. Lot 7-Peach, roan and white, two years old, by old, by Dr. Syntax, a son of Mr. Mason's Charles, not to be considered safe in calf. You will find, by reference to the catalogue, the best bred ones do Plastic, a well-bred son of Warrior, her dam was from Blyth Comet's dam, Magdalene, her dam bred not always command the best prices. For instance, twin sister to lot 18, and by Doctor Syntax, (Herd by the late Mr. Hall, of Lingodell; bulled on the lot 14.sold for 467. without any pedigree-and lot 11, Book, p. 582,) grandam bred by the late Mr. Hall, 25th November, 1824, by Speculation-561., Mr. Lot 19-Dolly, white and red spots, nine years with a very good pedigree, sold only for 231., being of Lingodell; bulled on the 12th Jan. 1825, by Spe- Bolden. just half the price. This proves, unless a person culation-541., Mr. Slater. Lot 8-Innocence, white, three years old, by War-old, by Mr. C. Colling's Wellington, dam Daisy, has good judgment in selecting the animals he wants to breed from, that he may very soon get wrong if rior, her dam by Mr. Mason's Charles, grandam by bulled on the 25th Feb., 1825, by Speculation-351. Lot 20-Coates' Tulip, dark red and white, six he attends to pedigree only-but when it is com- Mr. C. Colling's Comet, great grandam by Mr. R. Mr. Fortescue. bined with good shapes and superior qualities, it Colling's son of Favourite, great great grandam by makes the animal of much greater value. My bulls the same bull, great great great grandam by Mr. years old, by Blyth Comet, dam Tulip, (bred by Mr. did not sell well, in proportion to my cows-but, Chapman's bull, of Dimsdale, great great great George Coates,) by Driffield, grandam Young Hart, with the exception of Symmetry and Quality, the great grandam by Mr. R. Grimston's bull; bulled on by Haughton, great grandam Hart, by a bull of ed on the 22d Feb., 1825, by Speculation-407, Mr. others were not superior. Old Don Cossack had the 13th Jan., 1825, by Challenger-571., Mr. Dur- Mr. Cornforth's, of Barforth, near Darlington; bullbeen an excellent stock getter, but at his age I could ham. Lot 9-Ruby, dark red with white spots, three Fortescue. The 20 cows and heifers sold for 8711. 10s.-avenot expect a greater price-and Quality, I have no doubt, would have sold for double the price, had he years old, by Warrior, dam Primrose, (Herd Book, not unfortunately got lamed. I have some promis- 509,) by Mr. Mason's Charles, grandam by Blyth raging 431. 11s. 6d. ing young bulls coming forward-one, own brother Comet, great grandam by Prince, great great granto Symmetry, very good, and he is a dark red and dam by Mr. George Coates' Patriot; bulled on the white. With every good wish and kind regara, 20th March, 1825, by Quality-521. 10s., Mr. Norsubscribe, my dear sir, your faithful friend, CHAS. CHAMPION.



Of Improved Short Horned Stock, the property of Mr. Champion, of Blyth, Nottinghamshire, on Thursday, 7th April, 1825.



Lot 21-Challenger, dark red, calved on the 2d of January, 1823; his sire Conqueror, (Herd Book, Lot 10-Columbine, dark red and white, three page 581,) his dam by Prince, grandam by Blythi years old, by Warrior, her dam Kate, by Mr. Job- Comet, great grandam Cherry, by the late Mr. Folling's Wellington, (683,) now Mr. Wetherell's Rock- jambe's bull, great great grandam Old ChanceLot 22-Symmetry, white, calved on the 24th of ingham, grandam Cathlene, (bred by Mr. Colling, 531., Mr. Gibson. and sold at his sale for 160 guineas,) by Washington, and she was bred from the daughter of the dam July, 1823; his sire Aid-de-camp,* (page 579,) his grandam Latona, by Mr. C. Colling's Comet, great Lot 1-Speckle, roan and white, two years old, of Phoenix, bulled on the 20th Nov., 1824, by Spe-dam Lavinia, by Mr. Mason's Charles, (page 595,) culation-70l., Mr. Slater. by Speculation,* (see Coates' Herd Book Appendix, Lot 11-Ariel, yellow and white, three years old, grandam Lily, by Mr. R. Colling's son of Favourite. p. 584,) her dam No. 14, grandam a great milker, and the dam of the yearling heifer shown at Sir C. by Mr. T Bate's Ketton 3d, (No. 349,) dam Mari-great great grandam by the same bull, great great Morgan's cattle show, in Wales, in December 1823; gold, (bred by Mr. Gibson,) by Mr. Colling's Midas, great grandam by Mr. Chapman's bull, of Dimsdale, bulled on the 12th October, 1824, by Quality-sold grandam by Harlequin, (No. 289,) great grandam great great great great grandam by Mr. R. Grimbred by Mr. Gibson; bulled on the 15th Feb., 1825, ston's bull-88., Mr. Powel. Lot 23-Sportsman, roan and white with red Lot 2-Dapple, red and white, two years old, by by Speculation-231., Mr. J. Wright. Lot 12-Dainty, light red, three years old, by a neck, calved on the 12th of April, 1823; his sire Blaize,† (No. 76 in Herd Book,) her dam was bred by Mr. Smith, of Togston, an emirent breeder, near son of Mr. Anthony Wailes' Duke, dam Dairy Maid, Blaize, (No. 76 in Herd Book,) his dam Landlady, Alnwick, in Northumberland; balled on the 29th by Leopold, (No. 370,) grandam by Sir Harry, a by Mr. Joblyn's Wellington, now Mr. Wetherell's son of Mr. R. Colling's Phenomenon, great grandam Rockingham, and she was bred from Wellington's by Mr. Anthony Wailes' Duke of Wellington, (No. dam, grandam by Mr. C. Colling's Phenomenon, 231,) great great grandam by Surly; bulled on the great grandam by Colonel, great great grandam by 16th Nov., 1824, by Speculation-50l., Mr. For-a son of Hubback-45l., Mr. Martin. Lot 24-Quality, red with some white spots,

for 351. to Mr. Durham.

Nov. 1824, by Speculation-271. Mr. Fortescue. Lot 3-Miranda, roan and white. two years old, by Blaize, her dam Mira, by Mr. Mason's Charlest (127) grandam, Mr. Arbuthnot's Maria, (bred by Mr. R. Colling,) by George, great grandam by Midas, great great grandam by Punch; bulled on the 18th December, 1824, by Speculation-75l., Mr. Slater.

Speculation, by Warrior, his dam Lavinia, by Mr. Mason's Charles, grandam Latona, by Mr. C. Colling's Comet, &c. same as lot 22.


Lot 13-Henrietta, dark red, three years old, by calved on the 14th of April, 1823; his sire Aid-deHarold, (No. 291,) dam by Mr. Mason's Charles, camp, his dam Moss Rose, by Mr. Mason's Charles, grandam by Mr. C. Colling's Windsor, bulled on grandam Cora, by Blyth Comet, great grandam Old the 17th March, 1825, by Speculation-401. Mr. Chance-45l., Mr. Warriner. Lot 25-Don Cossack, red and some white, eight Fortescue. Lot 14-Susan, spotted red and white, four years years old; his sire by Mr. Mason's Charles, his dam old, pedigree unknown. This cow is the dam of Aid-de-camp, by Warrior, his dam Miss Mason, by Blaize, by Blyth Comet, his dam, Mr. Geo. Coates' lot 1, and also of a heifer calf, which was shown at cow Crimson, by Patriot, grandam by Driffield, great the sale; bulled on the 24th March, 1825, by Spe-Charles, grandam Miss Colling, who has gained six premiums or sweepstakes,) by Prince, great grandam culation and Favourite-461., Mr. Durham. Magdalene, by Comet, great great grandam by Washgrandam by Mr. Christopher Holmes' bull. ington.

Charles, (for the use of which bull the late Colonel Mellish and Mr. Champion paid Mr. Mason 450 guineas *Warrior, by Mr. R. Colling's Wellington, (the son for two years,) his sire Pope, his dam Cora, by Chilzon, his grandam Marcia, (for which cow Mr. Mason of Comet, dam Wildair,) dam Young Diana, by George, refused 700 guineas ) by Simon or the White Bull, great grandam Diana, by Favourite, great grandam Wildair, grandam Gaudy, by Favourite, great great grandam by by Favourite, great great grandam by Ben, great great Bolingbroke, great great great grandam by Foljambe, great grandam by Hubback. great great great great grandam by the sire of Hubback. great great great great grandam by Hubback.

16-VOL. 7.

Aid-de-camp won 30 guineas sweepstakes and 10 guineas premium, as the best yearling bull shown at the Doncaster Agricultural Meeting in 1821; and also a silver cup, value 30 pounds, as the best bull of any age, given by the Board of Agriculture, at their last show in London, April 1822.

Cherry, sold at sale 1819, by the late Mr. Foljambe's that the cows are superior for the quality of their as well for the home as for distant markets. There bull, bred from his favourite cow Cherry, grandam milk, and for the quantity they are as good as any is no doubt but our climate and soil are adapted to Old Chance-447., Mr. Hartshorn. breed of cattle we are acquainted with; and we many kinds of vine, from which valuable wines may Total amount of sales, 11467. 10s. have never seen any oxen equal them for symmetry be made. This is a subject of great interest, and Mr. Champion is quite sure, if he had offered of shape, for sprightliness, for docility and tractabili- one to which I would particularly call the attention double the number of cows and heifers, they would ty in learning to work, and for their ability to endure of my brother members. A country capable of have been as readily sold. heat and fatigue. We find this breed to be more affording so great a variety of articles, and distinhardy and easier kept than any cattle we ever saw; guished by such peculiarities of situation and surAs a proof of the early maturity and quick re- they fatten easy. We have disposed of several hun- face, seems in an especial manner to invite investiturn of profit of my breeds, I have sold five fat dred of mixed, and a few full bloods, since we have gation, and to call for the concentration, by means steers and a heifer, (which were exhibited at my had this bull-have sold all we ever offered for sale, of a society of this kind, of the knowledge and exsale,) to Mr. John Hatfield, a respectable butcher and have disposed of them short of one year old-perience possessed by individuals as to the kind of of Southwell, at $3l. 10s. ($148.74,) each. They and the call for them has greatly increased within productions, and the cultivation and rotation of are computed to weigh 74 stones each, of 14 lbs. (or the last eight months. crops which would conduce most to the prosperity

1,036 nett weight,) and their average age is only Mr. Coke does, indeed, "deserve the everlasting and happiness of the community. two years and three months. Such a price, and gratitude of the people," not only "of Maryland," In our general management much labour and exsuch a weight, at such an early age, speaks more but of the United States generally, for the valuable pense might be saved, and larger and more certain for their superior ripeness and quality, than all I can present of this breed of cattle to Messrs. Patterson crops obtained, by the introduction of a better syssay: it is what we, in this country, say proof posi and Caton, and we can with pleasure anticipate the tem of cultivation. My limited experience will not tive. My heifer, Miss Points, was universally ad- time when the pastures of New England shall justify, nor will the occasion authorize, my giving mired. I have no doubt, had I been inclined to abound with the North Devons. We have already many detailed illustrations of this fact. I will conhave offered her by auction, she would have sold supplied orders for stock from Holkham, from Mas- tent myself for the present in very briefly noticing for considerably more than 100 guineas. I have sachusetts, Vermont, Ohio, South Carolina, and a a few obvious defects, which may be easily rehad a painting of Miss Points, by the best cattle ar- considerable number for the state of New York. medied. tist we have, a Mr. Weaver; and he has also paint-We saw last week, in Albany, the stock of Mr Van We should plough and prepare our lands better ed one for Mr. Fortescue, as a specimen of a short Renssalear-his short horns are the best I have ever previous to the planting of Indian corn, and our crops horn. Mr. Weaver's charge is twelve pounds. I seen of the breed. would be better, with much less after cultivation;

most sincerely wish you could have been here at We likewise annex you three samples of Saxon especially if the single horse harrow and other spemy sale; I am sure you would have been most high-wool, cut from two rams and one ewe, we purchased cies of "cultivators" were to be used, which have ly gratified, and my pleasure would have been un-at the sale in Boston, on the 15th July last. We, in lately been advantageously substituted for the plough bounded. Pray, let me hear from you very soon. company with Mr. Watson, purchased at that sale in many of the corn-growing districts of our counseven bucks, seven ewes, and one lamb. The stock try, and which are so peculiarly suited to our level quite answers our expectation-the half blood lambs and smooth prairie lands.

Yours, sincerely,



P. S. As our ministers are now adopting the liberal principles of free trade, and have allowed wool to be exported, I should not think it unlikely but some sheep might be permitted to be exported, upon making particular application. I have named this in consequence of your expressing the desire of some gentlemen in America, to have some of my breed of sheep.

are extremely fine, in regard to size and wool, and Owing to the excessive rains, which usually fall we think we shall have no difficulty in obtaining 1 in the spring of the year, it is necessary, where the the pound for their wool, next season, washed on surface is level, to drain off the superabundant the sheep. The price paid for each you have an- water, and, that previous to the seeding of all kinds of small grain, the land should be ploughed and


The farmers in Connecticut have generally dis- thrown into beds adapted to the inclination of the posed of their wool; that from the best flocks of surface. These beds, when judiciously formed, will Merinos has brought from 67 to 75 cents, washed be found of great utility in draining the level lands, on the sheep. The sheep fever runs high in this and rendering less precarious, and more abundant, region, and we have no doubt but the Messrs. every description of crops. Searles will realize a fair price for their second importation of Saxon sheep, which are to be sold near Boston on the 14th July.

Yours, respectfully,

were taken were sheared the 5th of last August,
and now the 8th of June.

The wheat crop, with us, is worse managed, and, of course, more frequently fails than any other. It is seeded too thin, too late in the season, and on too level a surface, and is suffered to stand too long before it is reaped. The general dryness of the autumns requires more early seeding than is usual with us, to enable the wheat to acquire sufficient strength to withstand the intense cold and sudden changes of our winters. Wheat should not be suffered to stand, as is our general practice, until it becomes hard and dry, but should be cut when the straw is somewhat green, and the grain soft; in this state much is saved by its not shattering, and it has been found to yield, when ground, less bran and It is believed that few, if any portions of the Union are better adapted to the growth of hemp and

[Mr. Hurlbert resides in what may be called a
dairy country, and is well known in the Baltimore
market, where he sells, annually, a very large quan- P. S. The samples of wool annexed are only of
tity of cheese. He "shears his own fleece, and he ten months growth; the sheep from which they
wears it," for we have generally seen him clad in.
homespun broadcloth, of elegant quality, from his
own sheep, and spun in his own family. He is what
may be emphatically called a well judging practical
man; so attentive to his own affairs, and so nice an
observer withal, that we should suppose he could
give us some particulars, some weights and mea-
surements, illustrative of the quality of his favour- CLIMATE, SOIL, AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS OF more and better flour.
ites, the Devons; what they have yielded in milk,
butter, cheese, beef, &c., and how they have com-

[Farmers or manufacturers can see the samples enclosed in the above letter, by calling at the office of the American Farmer.]


pared at their cattle shows, in the yoke and other Extract from an Address delivered by Governor Coles flax than Illinois; and there can be but little doubt,

wise, with other breeds. They could not be in better hands than his and Mr. Barney's.]


Winchester, Centre county, Conn.,

27th June, 1825.

at the Agricultural Society of the state of Illinois,
held at the State House in the town of Vandalia, on
Monday the 13th of December, 1824.

if the advantages to be derived from the machinery lately invented for their preparation be equal to what it is represented, that they will soon be cultivated very extensively and to very great profit.

Communicated for publication in the Am. Farmer. WE have already been taught by experience. And time may show I do not hazard too much in We take the liberty to enclose you the impres-that every part of Illinois is adapted to the growth supposing, that the inferiority of our climate for the sion of a wood cut of our Devon bull, Holkham; it of the different kinds of grasses, of Indian corn, growth of the high prized cottons is counterbalanced is a tolerable likeness, though not so fine in the wheat, barley, rye, oats, hemp, flax, and tobacco; by the superior advantages of our situation for the head as the original. We purchased Holkham of and, in the more sandy soils, that cotton and rice production of hemp, flax, and wool. Mr. Patterson, of your city, in the fall of 1819. He may be cultivated to advantage. Bene and palma- Cotton, however, has been found to grow luxuriwas then seven months old, he is now six years old, christi grow well, and it is believed, if judiciously antly on our warm and sandy soils, and to be a proand probably weighs 1700 lbs., and his progeny can- managed, would be profitable crops. Hops are in-fitable crop, and better adapted to free labour than not be less than nine hundred. He is doubtless one digenous to the country, and would, if cultivated, has generally been imagined. A considerable quanof the finest animals of the breed, or of any other give an abundant and certain yield, and be valuable tity, of good quality, is now annually raised, particubreed in America. His stock, wherever they are known, are more admired than any other breed of cattle; they seem to be exactly fitted, in all respects, for the pastures of New England. His oldest calves are now four years old, and it is now ascertained



* Ram, No. 2, cost $88;
Ewe, No. 52,
Ram, No. 53, 138; bought in company with Mr.
Watson, to whom we paid $100 for his half of him.

larly in the Wabash country; and there can be no doubt but it would be highly advantageous to our farmers to turn their attention more to its cultivation. The preparation of the land, and the planting and culture of cotton, are very similar, and but little

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