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ed of. His observations on the Pea fly, too, will be sufficient opportunity of investigating the cause: the found amusing, as well as of practical usefulness.] grafts may have been set on suckers, which are unThere are causes of decline in the Peach tree, able to sustain a healthy tree, and therefore the other than that of the insect; and a principal one is, worm may only be the consequence of the decline. the not stirring of the ground. I apprehend that If, however, the stocks are seedlings, then, the disthe disease called "yellows" is often thus occasion-ease is probably occasioned by the worm. I have Sir,-In the Richmond Enquirer of the 12th and ed. My peach orchard was evidently in a declining no doubt but there are many individuals who are 19th Dec. 1818, there will be found two papers, enstate; the ground had not been ploughed for three well acquainted with this interesting subject, and titled "VIRGINIA-her resources and ability to secure years, and had become quite covered with grass: in by publishing their views, they would render the the western trade to Richmond and Petersburg." the spring of 1822, I had it well broken up, and community an essential benefit. I respectfully in- The object was to be obtained by a sedulous atkept clean during the summer. The trees soon as-vite their attention. tention to an improvement of her highways. sumed a healthy appearance, and furnished a plen- Pear tree. It is a fact that this tree, too, has un- I have long been of opinion, that, as auxiliary to tiful supply of fine fruit, last year I again ploughed fortunately been, in a great measure, propagated this improvement, Iron Railways could be highly the ground, and the whole orchard is now in the most from suckers; and therefore its failure may be ac- useful. flourishing condition, and I believe there will be no counted for: as soon as disease is observed, the As a proof of this, I refer to your journal of 28th difficulty in keeping it in that state.

whole of the shoot connected therewith, should be
lopped off. I am, not at present, prepared to say
much on this head, but the subject being an inte-
resting one, I would recommend it to the considera-
tion of the members of the society.

[See observations of Evan Thomas, in last Ame-
rican Farmer.]

April, 25th August, and 29th Sept. 1820. I could also refer to the Richmond Enquirer of the 25th June, 1819.

I think these references would prove that I have clearly anticipated public opinion; for the people of Pittsburg thus argue:

I would further observe, that although there are many of our most delicious peaches which ought to be continued by budding or grafting, yet, there are several excellent kinds that are natural fruit, which can readily be propagated by planting the seed, and therefore should be particularly attended to; be"That by means of RAILWAYS, which can be com because in the event of a decline, it is only to cut Pea-fly, (Bruchus pisi.)—This insect is known to pleted at one third of the expense and in one third of down the tree at the surface of the ground, when a infest the peas of our country, and although it is not the time requisite for CANALS, Pennsylvania will be new shoot will arise from the root, which will bear supposed to have done any material injury, yet, the able successfully to compete with New-York. That fruit the second year of its growth. inquiring mind, awake to every species of know-by this simple and easy means of communication, Morello Cherry-I consider this the most useful ledge, must feel an interest in the investigation of its Pennsylvania will become the carrier for the trade of species of the cherry, but it has become scarce, and history; especially as some very erroneous state- the western waters. That the plan proposed, if at all in consequence of the failure of the tree, its cultiva- ments respecting it have gone forth; besides, I do eligible, is better adapted than that of canals, to their tion in this district of our country is almost abandon- think that every lover of peas would rejoice in get-general resources, and the general economy of their ed. The decline has been supposed to be occasion- ting rid of so unwelcome a visitor. habits. That it will have the incalculable advantage of

ed by the depredation of a worm working in the The winged insect need not be described, as eve- retaining in their present employment, the immense outer branches, and producing the excrescences ry person who has cultivated peas, is acquainted with number of our meritorious citizens who now derive which are there observed; but on a close examina- it: it continues in that state until the peas are suffi- their subsistence from our peculiar system of inland tion, I found that these excrescences were formed ciently grown to receive the deposite and support navigation. That it is better adapted than the other about a month before the worm could be seen, and the larva. The eggs which are oblong and of a yel-to their manners and views, and will have a tendenthen it commences its operations on the outside and low or amber colour, are then lain singly, and scat-cy, from the quantity of IRON it will require, to give proceeds inwards; so that it is evidently a conse- tered along on the outside of the pod in an irregular new life and vigor to their extensive establishments of quence, and not the cause, of disease. This disco- manner, in number, sometimes less, but often more that article." very led me to believe, that the excrescences were a than there are peas within the pod; so that fre- It is superfluous to state that numerous applicamere exudation of the sap in the tender branches, quently two worms are found in the same pea. The tions are to be made during the present session of occasioned by a bark-bound state of the trunk; and little maggot scarcely discernable, except through a the British Parliament, for acts of incorporation on I was induced to try a remedy which had been men- microscope, is of a whitish colour, at first its head is this subject. tioned to me, (without any accompanying reason,) black, but afterwards becomes brown: it perforates In the Richmond Enquirer of the 11th inst. I find to wit: to score the bark in a perpendicular direc- the pod immediately under the egg-shell, and pass- a letter addressed to Mr. Barbour, the new secretary tion along the trunk, and I found several decisive ing through, enters the pea and penetrates to the of war, and on its analysis, discover the following to advantages attending the operation; but great care very centre, and in some instances destroys the germ: be its contents:

must be taken to perform the work, at a season, the entrance of the worm can be detected by a dark "From Richmond to Ohio, where a canal would when the incision will be completely closed before a speck on the outside of the pea. The very early commence, is 450 miles. lodgment of insects can be made, or the tree will be peas are not so much infested, at least when in an The fall in the Ohio between the Kanawha and in great danger of being destroyed; the more safe eatable state the worm is very small; and sometimes the Sciota, is one inch per mile. way will be to cut through the outer peel, so as to the very late kinds will escape, and therefore it has The mouth of the Kanawha is 250 miles below leave the inner bark untouched. But from a further been recommended to plant later than usual, in or-Pittsburg. attention to this valuable tree, I am of opinion that der to avoid the insect; but it has too much sagaciits failure is, in a great measure, owing to the cir- ty to be thus defeated; for as soon as the practice cumstance of its being generally propagated by becomes general, the deposite would be delayed to suckers; and if such be the fact, we should find a meet it. The most effectual remedy is, to destroy very easy remedy in raising new trees from seeds. the insect; which can be done without much trou- The Chesapeake and Ohio canal is 350 miles. Plum tree. This tree is attacked by a disease si- ble: when the seed peas are sufficiently dry, put The country both sides of the Ohio below the Kamilar to that of the Morello, as already described; them into a bottle and cork them up until the time nawha, is 250 miles nearer to Richmond than Washbut as far as my observation extends, it is confined to of planting, then prepare a vessel of water, into ington.


The fall between these two points is 275 feet. The inference is, that the navigation of the Ohio above the mouth of the Kanawha, for steam, is impracticable for a part of the year.

In the valley of the Kanawha the ground for 94 miles is peculiarly favourable.

A tunnel may be made at the White Sulphur Springs.

The James and Kanawha would require 750 feet of lockage less than the Chesapeake and Ohio.

the natural fruit-bearing kinds, and these being which pour the peas immediately from the bottle, as A larger portion of country would be benefited mostly propagated from suckers, whilst those of the soon as uncorked, immersing the mouth of the bot-by this canal than can be by that of the Chesanurseries, raised from seeds, are exempt,-it would tle in the water, so that none of the flies can escape; peake and Ohio. seem that the cause of disease must be in the manner the flies will soon leave the peas and rise to the surof propagation; and I know of no better way of re-face of the water and cannot extricate themselves moving it, than by cutting down the trees and rais- after being once wet, but care must be taken to kill ing new ones from the root. But even these proba-them. Very respectfully, yours, bly cannot be preserved many years in a healthy state; and therefore we should lose no time in planting seed to supply their place. I would advise the selection of the best seeds; and trees thus raised, should be suffered to come to a bearing state before P. S. On planting my peas this spring I have disany change of kind is made, and then, graft or bud covered that many of the flies do not leave the peas only such as are of inferior quality; as according on being immersed in cold water, and that after reto my limitted experience, trees in a natural state maining therein thirty-six hours and afterwards buare the most lasting. ried in the soil, they made their escape, but that I am informed, indeed I have seen some instances, such as were thrown into boiling water, the insect of the grafted trees being diseased in the trunk, and contained within were instantly destroyed without Sciota to Lake Erie was completed, and that a mera worm is found in the diseased part; but I have not had injuring the vegetating principle, J. W.

Sharon, April 10, 1824.

The Erie canal of New-York cannot compete with the proposed canal.

The Richmond market would be the cheapest, shortest and most convenient.

Distances-if the canal, from the mouth of the

'chant, half-way between the Ohio and the Lake,


[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

It has an advantage in its southern position, and consequently longer exemption from frost.

Advantages of the country S. W. of Bottetourt,
The waters of the Kanawha, (here called New
River) interlocking Holstein and Clinch so as to ren-
der it probable a canal is practicable.
It would unite the vallies of the James and the
Kanawha; and of the Kanawha with those of the

P. S.-The Pittsburg memorial states, that $8,000 3d. Steam diffuses heat equally throughout an a mile would complete a rail-way, and the transpor-apartment,-every side and every part being as warm tation of goods on the same would be cheaper from as every other side and part; and the people in a Pittsburg to Philadelphia, than it can be afforded to room, are not (as with fires) frozen on one side, New-York from any navigable point on the Ohio. whilst they are scorched on the other. South Carolina, March 18th, 1825.

From a late English paper.

4th. Steam, as diffused in metallic enclosures, cre| ates neither dirt, dust, nor noxious odour. 5th. Steam is free from the dangers, which attend common fires: for no house can be set on fire by the | heat of steam; and there is no hazard of the dreadful accidents which arise from the clothes of females and children taking fire.

The public are likely soon to be furnished with a locomotive carriage for general purposes. A company is actually forming, the subscriptions to which are 6th. Steam warms not merely the room into which nearly full, for the purpose of contracting to run the it is conveyed, but all the adjoining rooms; and if mail coaches and other carriages by means of this made to act in a cylinder at the bottom of a wellengine, supplied with portable gas. The great weight staircase, or in the hall of a house, it will increase of steam engines, with the requisite supply of coal the temperature of the whole house. and water, has hitherto prevented their successful 7th. Steam, by causing the heated air to ascend, application to locomotive carriages. This formida- promotes the ventilation of a room, and the renewble obstacle is altogether removed by Mr. Brown's al of the air, by means of an orifice and pipe in the RICHMOND Would become the great emporium of invention, as we understand that a six-horse-power upper part of that room. the commerce these canals would unite. engine will certainly not weigh ten cwt. and the por- 8th. Steam renders chimneys and fire-places unSalt, coal, alum, copperas, gypsum, marble, iron, table reservoirs requisite to supply the engine with necessary; and will, therefore, diminish the expense copper, lead, &c. are found in inexhaustible quanti-gas for an hour and a half for fifteen miles, will not of building houses.


ties; and the counties of Bottetourt, Rockbridge, weigh one cwt. more. It is expected that a carriage 9th. Steam will heat several small houses from a Wythe, Washington and Kanawha, could supply will be completely ready to start in four months, common boiler at a joint expense. the whole union with these essential articles.

when it is intended to be dispatched to York and "A Virginian" will permit me to ask him why a back, at the rate of ten miles per hour; the expenrail-road would not do as well as a canal? If he will ses are estimated at less than one half the mileage of refer to the various British publications on the sub- a four-horse post coach. ject, I think we shall not differ in opinion.

But it is to be considered whether a combined effort on the part of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, would not render the achievement of the task, both easy, cheap, and expeditious.

Could not the road be made to come in one line





10th. Steam will warm the largest as well as the smallest apartments, and parts remote from the boiler, as highly as those near; that is to say, would warm the Cathedral of St. Paul's, and every remote corner of it, as completely as the smallest cabin.

11th. Steam renders kitchens and fires unnecessary under the roof of a dwelling; as it can be conveyed from any out-building to a cooking apparatus. 12th. It puts an end to the use and employment of the wretched climbing-boy. In a word, the introduction of steam for generating and diffusing heat,

our houses, but to promote comfort, health, cleanliness, and security, beyond all former anticipations of art or genius.


to a given point, and then branch so as to bring the EXTRACTS FROM THE NOTE BOOK OF A is likely, not only to change the entire economy of produce to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington? But where, then, is the Richmond scheme? Here will be a difficulty. However, there is room for all the improvements; and in that which em- A steam apparatus has been recently erected at braces the commerce from the S. W. of Virginia St. Pancras workhouse, where a boiler of sixty galwill be found an immense source of wealth. While lons heats a stone bath of four hundred gallons, sethe Potomac, or left wing, on the one side, brings veral times in the course of a day; for bathing sick will make five pounds of butter. A pint of milk, wine One hundred pounds or wine pints of rich milk down the produce of the Ohio to its ports-the persons, boiling blankets, beds, &c. From the same measure, weighs a pound, and five pints beer meaJames, or right wing, will waft down that of the boiler, is also boiled one eighty gallon copper for Clinch and the Holstein. All the populous and con- washing; one eighty-five gallon ditto for cooking; England, they speak in common parlance, and in sure, is equal to six pints wine measure. In Newsuming part of North Carolina, would feel an inte- and one thirty-six gallon for the same purpose; all their Cattle-Show reports, of the pounds of milk that rest in this portion. performed by one bushel of coals per day. Simi- a cow will yield. To obtain a knowledge of the favourableness, or lar work is done at St. Andrew's workhouse, with unfavourableness of the ground, is indispensable to three pecks of coals per day.


a correct opinion of the actual state of things; but, At Cheltenham, the late Mr. Thompson not only In New-England are measured in strength and to me, there appears little doubt, but that Ohio would heated his baths with steam, but also the air of the value, by their girth. A good judge will guess prefer either of these routes to her way by Lake Erie dressing-rooms. within two inches. Seven feet girth is considered a to an already (and likely to be more so,) glutted At Mr. Ramshaw's, Fetter-lane, a steam appara-good Ox, and a pair of them will do all the work of tus has been introduced for copper-plate printing, a common farm. As to the facilities afforded by rail-ways, it is more which supersedes the use of twelve noxious charcoal than probable that our amiable and patriotic repre- fires.* Steam has also been applied to the warming sentative at St. James, will give us some knowledge of hot-houses.



To a pint of new Milk, in a glass goblet, add half

of them on his return-the London papers have In the application of steam to the boiling of liquids, a dram of diluted Sulphuric Acid: an immediate said they were objects of his attention. | as at Whitbread's brewery, London, by means of a change will take place in the whole fluid; by the

But a measure is now before the Pennsylvania le- worm conveyed through the midst of the liquors, descent of a white flocculent and abundant precipigislature; namely, the formation of a board of works, five or six hundred barrels of wort are boiled in half tate, some parts of which coagulate in masses. This which will, in all probability, give us some insight the usual time, and two chaldrons of coals are saved precipitate is what is termed the curd; and the suinto its merits on an extended scale; and, especially in one day. Steam has also been introduced into pernatant fluid is the whey. Observation. Here the acid combines with the waaided, as it is said the board will be, by the patriotic many other breweries. No other copper is requisite efforts of some public spirited gentlemen at Phila- besides the steam-boiler; the wort and liquors being ter of the milk, consequently the albumen, gelatine, delphia, who have (or are about to do so,) despatch-boiled in wooden vats. It is likewise used for the and oil, are precipitated. A very ready and elegant ed the ingenious Mr. Strickland to England, on a purposes of distillation. mode of procuring curds, and also a very pleasant voyage of scientific discovery. The following is a summary of the advantages acidulous whey, is by using a solution of the crystalI may be wrong, but I think the recent result of which will result from substituting steam in place of lized citric acid; taking care not to add too much. the Presidential election strongly urges some step of culinary fires, for the heating of houses, &c. this kind. It will unite the southern and the western 1st. Steam saves half the quantity, and threestates; for, no one can deny the possibility of the fourths of the cost of coals or other fuel. Chesapeake and the James, with their numerous 2d. Steam can be made to create any degree of ramifications, being able to vie with the Hudson--temperature required. to say nothing about incorporating Pennsylvania with the Delaware in the scheme. She is fully alive to the necessity for the most active exertions.

I am, &c.



Will some of your numerous and obliging corres-

For this meritorious attention to the health of his work-pondents who can speak from personal experience men, the Society of Arts presented Mr. Ramshaw with the answer the following queries. Isis gold medal.

Is any power gained by working machinery with

horses on an inclined plane instead of drawing by Levers ?

Can horses be thus applied to any extent or is the method necessarily limited to the use of a few and to what number?

We might justly dilate on the very many topics, tion amongst the farmers of Maryland, $100-yet tending to illustrate the growing prospects of the Mr. Watson has a good notion of what he is about. country, but our limits constrain us to withhold fur- Mr. W. says, that in Connecticut, the calculation ther observations. is to winter ten sheep on one ton of hay-for a cow. That such is the actual state of the country, we from a ton to a ton and a half-that the best merino What is the most preferable diameter of the plane? hold to be irrefragably demonstrated; by the rapid flocks give about $2 per head clear profit, besides How many revolutions should it perform in a mi- progress and consumption of our manufactures, the the increase that they average in the dirt from 4 1-2 nute? increased and increasing value of our exports and to 5 lbs. per head-that their good pasture lands will What angle should the shaft form with a line per-imports; the abundance of employment for the work-carry five sheep to the acre. Mr. Watson has made pendicular to the centre of the plane?

Do the horses operate by their weight only or by draft also?

Can oxen be used instead of horses?

Has machinery thus put in operation been applied to threshing or grinding grain, and with what effect?

Whilst I am propounding queries I will also ask what is the proper quantity of unslacked lime to be applied to an acre of land intended to be put in Indian Corn?

In what manner and at what season should it be applied?

Is there any difference between lime burned from

stone and that from shells?

March 18th, 1825.


ing classes; the flourishing state of the revenue; the a rapid excursion from Rockhall through Chester high price of the funds; the low rate of interest, and town in Kent county, Centreville in Queen Anne's. -the remunerating prices now cheerfully paid for to Easton in Talbot, taking the estate of colonel T. every species of agricultural production.


Emory in his way-admires much the appearance of the country, thinks it would yield good crops of barley, and insists that were he on that land and in that climate, nothing should induce him to forbear the use of oxen, (New England oxen) to the exclu sion of horses.

30th March.

Relating chiefly to Agriculture---taken from late English pa-
pers received at the office of the American Farmer.
A sow and eleven pigs fetched the sum of ninety-
two pounds! in Highworth market, on the 1st of this
Dr. S. McCULLOH-visited last summer, the new
month. They belonged to Mr. W. Smith, of that
garden of the Horticultural Society of London, at
town, and were purchased by Mr. Thomas Matthews, Chiswich. He there saw their over-flowing well.
of the Swan Inn. [What was the age of the pigs, obtained by boring, the stream as thick as his arm.
and were they the offspring of the sow?]
of fine drinking water; it was turned to the great-
est advantage over their grounds, for the purposes
Dandelion. This plant makes a pleasant salad in both of ornament and utility-in the formation of
It small lakes and the irrigation of the garden. To the
question as to the surrounding country, he says it is
level as the lands on the Eastern Shore of Mary-
land, as far as the eye can reach—no over-hanging,
or neighboring higher grounds.

[The queries on lime, are some of them anticipa- the spring, while the leaves are hardly unfolded. ted in this number.—It is generally known that stone is much used by the French, who eat it with bread lime is much stronger than that of shells; the com- and butter. It may be blanched by culture.

mon calculation is about 60 of stone lime to 100 of shell lime; 100 bushels of shells will, when burnt, yield 60 of lime.]


[On the present condition of England, as regards her agriculture, commerce and manufactures-and

Parsley.If after having bruised some sprigs of Parsley in your hands, you attempt to rinse glasses, they will snap or suddenly break.

Whooping cough.-A plaster of gum galbanum, applied to the chest, cures this complaint. Medical Adviser.

AGRICULTURAL REPORTS.-State of crops.--Winchester, Va. 16th March, 1825.-My crop of wheat is more promising than I ever had at this season. It is particularly the case with a field of forty acres, on under in August.

on the effect of the removal of some old restrictions A gentleman of Henley-on-Thames offered a far-which grew a heavy crop of oats that was ploughed

Number of bushels,
Number of quarters,
Number of loads,



prices at which they were selling at this time last year, while bright tobacco is as much below what it then was; such as then would have brought $30 per hundred, would probably now bring not more than $20.

on trade, a late English agricultural journal, (Flem-mer when at that market, a dinner and a bottle of ing's Express,) which is conducted with much abili-wine, if he would bring him a grain of wheat on the ty, after speaking more in detail, concludes an arti- following market-day, and double the quantity each TOBACCO-There have been scarcely sales enough cle with the following remarks:] week until that day twelvemonth. This was acced-of this article since our last, to serve as an index to At no period of our history has the general acti-ed to for the moment, but the following statement the state of the market, which, however, on the vity of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, will, perhaps, satisfy those who have never entered whole, appears to open favourably for tobacco of both foreign and domestic, been such as is now felt into any similar calculations; of the impossibility of inferior and middling qualities. These descriptions throughout the kingdom. In every country of Eu- fulfilling such an engagement: Amount of the num- may be quoted at twenty per cent. advance on the rope, and in the United States of America, great ber of grains, improvement in manufactures, and the arts, and commerce, must be admitted to have taken placeyet are trade and commerce in every branch improving, and extending in this country. India, from whence scarcely a century ago we derived every On Wednesday, was slaughtered by Mr. Lowden, yard of fabrics made from cotton, now seeks in the of Norwich, a real Norfolk four-year-old home-bred, Looms of England, that perfection and variety, of and grazed by Mr. Gooch, of Honingham—the carwhich the cotton manufacture is susceptible. case weighing 113 stone [1582 pounds], fat 14 stone In silk, the manufacture of which has been so long 4 lbs. It is allowed to carry most meat upon the restrained in this country by impolitic restrictions, smallest bone ever seen, and of the best quality. the ingenuity of our artizans is now called into ac- Two remarkably fine home-breds, of Mr. Culley's, tivity by the impulse of capital, which under the of Drayton, and a heifer of Mr. Coleman, of Hellesregulations that confined the manufacture to London, were exhibited on Saturday se'nnight, on the don, would never have been applied to that object. Hill, at Norwich; and sold to be slaughtered. For this we are indebted to the liberal reformation begun by ministers, in our commercial code. Prejudice has unfortunately so far interposed as to prevent the extension of the system in many desirable instances.


Baltimore, Friday, April 1, 1825.


Three hogsheads of W. Smith's, of Calvert county, opposite to Nottingham, sold this week for $12


There have been 113 hogsheads inspected within the week-generally in rather damp condition especially that from Ohio, where tobacco is indeed mostly packed in too high order.

WOOL-washed on the sheep's back-sells at an ad vance on the prices here quoted of 20 per cent.

THE MARYLAND ASSOCIATION FOR THE IMPROVE MENT OF THE BREED OF HORSES, at a meeting held on Wednesday, unanimously elected J. S. SKINNER, a Vice-President of the Association, in place of the late General Harper. On motion of Mr. Skinner, the Society resolved to offer purses for horses owned only, and bonafide, by persons residing within the State of


Such, for example, is the disinclination of the linen manufacturers of this country, to the warehousing of German linens in Great Britain, for exportation only, that the minister conceded this point, and foreigners are still driven to the continent to Of conversations in the office of the American Farmer, Maryland and the District of Columbia, north of the make up an assorted cargo. In wool, prejudice has 29th March. succumbed to sound policy and common sense. The Mr. H. WATSON, of Connecticut, on a visit to Maexportation of sheep's wool, so long prohibited by ryland to purchase Jackasses and Jennets, bought A few of our Patrons have forgotten to withdraw statutes, most arbitrary in their enactments, is now $600 worth on the Eastern Shore of Maryland; he their subscription from the American Farmer, until permitted by law, and last week presented the novel gave $300 for the very fine Jack of Dr. Gordon's, after they had received the first number of the 7th instance of a shipment of coarse wool for America, which took the La Fayette prize at the last Cattle vol.-In all such cases, they are requested to send being the first legal exportation of our native fleece, Show at the Maryland tavern. This fine imported back the numbers received, as not one more is prinduring a period of two centuries. animal would not have there brought, at public auc- ted than will be wanting.

The Index to the last vol. of the American Farmer, will be sent to subscribers along with the title page, early in next week.

and subsequently the remainder of the parcel (600 hhds)
at 58s; besides which 200 hhds. New-York, Seed have
been purchased at 60s. The orders from Ireland are
extremely limited.




per. from to from to


Letters from Marseilles inform, that "the French Wanted to purchase, one or two thorough bred stallions of large size. Inquire of the Editor of the Ame-overnment have lately imposed an additional duty on BEEF, Baltimore Prime, bbl. 8 50 9 the importation of Wool, in consequence of which, and BACON, and Hams, . rican Farmer. of the increased demand for woollen fabrics, fine wools COFFEE, W.I. Green, . had risen 30 per cent. in the month of January."

SEED, GRAIN, PEAS, BOOKS, &c. &c. Deposited since last notice with the Editor of the American Farmer, for the use of his subscribers.

Rowe of Boston.

YELLOW CORN, Early and beautiful, two small from Demerara, by John Law, Esq.

ears, PEAS, the black or tory pea of North Carolina; a bar

rel from Gen. Calvin Jones of that state.


The soil

do. Common,
COTTON, Louisiana, &c.
Georgia Upland,.
An advance of 1 cent
each number to No. 18.




Susquehanna, superfi.
GRAIN, Indian Corn,
Wheat, White, new,.



Clover Seed,
Ruta Baga Seed,
Peas, Black Eyed,
Beans, White,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

I will sell at public sale, at Upper Marlboro' on the
son, Esq. originally sent in by the American Consul at Na- first Monday in April, if fair, if not, the next fair day,
ples, they have been tried by the Shakers at Lebanon, my lands, adjoining the Woodyard and the Millwood
and reported to be a new and valuable variety. The Estate, containing 10024 acres, more or less.
parcel received, was not more than of an ounce, and is of first quality, adapted to corn, wheat, and tobacco CHEESE,.
of the best kind, and susceptible of improvement, where FEATHERS, Live,
they have been distributed.
GOURD SEED-From gourds three feet long resemb- necessary by the aid of clover and plaster, no land more FISH, Herrings, Sus. new bbl. none
ling the Club with which Hercules struck off the heads so. There is the greatest abundance of wood and tim- Shad, trimmed, new,
of the Lernean Hydra. The seed and gourd from Mr. her for the supply of this estate, and much to spare; FLAXSEED, Rough,.
low grounds for meadow in abundance, and a great deal
already cleared and in rich growth of natural grass. FLOUR, Superfine, city, bbl. 4 50 4 62
There are three large tobacco houses, two of them with
sheds and with wheel prizes annexed thereto. The
houses for servants are many, and most of them lately FLAX,
LAST REPORT OF THE CANAL COMMISSIONERS to the Le- erected, they are common but comfortable.
One third of the purchase money must be paid at the
gislature of New-York; from Gen. Van Ransellear.
TRACTS, put forth by the Pennsylvania Society for In-time of sale and the balance in one and two years with
Notes well endorsed,
ternal Improvement, from that indefatigable advocate interest from the day of sale
of American Independence, Mathew Carey, Esq.
payable at the Planter's Bank of Prince George's county,
JOHN BULL, a cutting satire on the lying journals of must be given for the last two payments. The title is
indisputable, and will be made through Mr. Benjamin
English Travellers in America; from the author.
ADDRESS, to the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia, Oden; and should any person be disposed to purchase
at their annual meeting in January last; from the en- at private sale, before the first Monday in April, they
are referred to him, who is authorized to sell for me,
lightened and benevolent author, Robert Vaux, Esq.
Two Speeches, delivered before the convention at either at private or public sale. Those lands lay with-
Utica, for the nomination of a Governor, by C. G. in twelve miles of the City of Washington, and four of HOGS' LARD,
Haines Esq. on the character and public services of Upper Marlboro' the capital of the county, and twenty- LIME,
that eminent benefactor of science, and of his country, four of Annapolis, the capital of the state; and on the LEATHER, Soal, best,
Eastern Tan, .
above estate are 200 acres of clover in fine growth, 50
or 60 bushels of wheat, 30 or 40 in rye, and 20 or 30 in MOLASSES, Havana,
oats. There are large Orchards of the finest keeping MEAL, Corn, kiln dried,
and Cider Apples, and Peaches and Nectarines of the NAILS, 8a20d.
first quality. There are several Springs of the purest NAVAL STORES, Tar,
and coldest water with a full running stream through
the centre of the land, on which it is supposed a profit-
From a Liverpool Price Current, of Feb. 19.
able Mill might be erected. The growth of the Timber
The demand for Cotton since our last has been ex-
tremely animated, and speculators as well as the trade is of yellow and white poplar, black walnut, hickory,
have bought freely at the following advance, viz: Per-white and black oak; and all of the largest size, &c.
nams, 3-4 a 1d; Maranhams, a 3-4; Boweds, New-
Orleans, Alabamas and Tennessees, a 3-4d; Sea-Isl-
ands, 1 a 14d, and Egyptian d per lb. In East India
Cotton no alteration. The public sales of Demerara
yesterday went off with spirit at high prices, and hold-
ers of all descriptions are sanguine of further improve-
ment. The total sales amount to 37,738 packages.

[blocks in formation]

Quercitron Bark in fair demand; 55 hhds. and 60 bls. Philadelphia, brought 13s 6d a 14s, and a few casks ve-horse; New York wrought iron Stand Posts, one to four ry inferior, 11s 6d.

Tobacco. Since last week, about 2000 hhds have changed hands at an advance of d. a 4d. per lb. on all


The speculative demand for Turpentine has continued and nearly 4000 bbls. have been sold at 11s. 71d a 12s. 6d. which establishes a further advance in this article. Nothing done in Tar of any description, but prices steady.

The Grain market is dull, and Wheat at a decline of 2d a 3d per bushel.

American Flour goes off in small parcels at 24s. a 26s. in bond.

horse; Connecticut or Yankee Plough, No. 1, 2 and 3;|
double mouldboard Ploughs; Self-sharping do.; left
hand or German do.

Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes, Sieves, &c.
SP All repairs done immediately.
Persons disposed to purchase will please call and
examine for themselves.

Castings for Plough Manufacturers will be furnished
low, if timely notice be given.
March 25


For American Clover-seed there has been a partial in- Stone Lime, on burning and use as a manure-On the quiry, but the transactions are limited, in consequence importance of Industry and Economy, and on the maof holders asking prices, which the dealers are unwil-nagement of land--Agricultural Society of the Valleyling to give, and only 40 casks sold at 62s. for middling, Agricola and his Teeswater Steer-On the diseases of and 69s. for good. various Fruit Trees-Rail Roads-Gas Engine Carriage Flax-seed was quite neglected until the middle of the -Extracts from the note-book of a Desultory Reader week, when a small parcel of New-York Sowing Seed -Queries of Correspondents-Miscellaneous Items--was disposed of at 55s; but a speculator has since come Editorial and other Notices---Commercial Record---Adinto market, and taken 600 hhds. Philadelphia at 54s. vertisements---Prices Current.

Turpentine, Soft,
OIL, Whale, common,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

PORK, Baltimore Mess, bbl
do. Prime, .
PLASTER, cargo price,


RICE, fresh,

[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

SOAP, Baltimore White, Ib. 14
WHISKEY, 1st proof,
SUGARS, Havana White, 13 00 13 50
SPICES, Cloves,
Ginger, Ground,

SALT, St. Ubes,
Turk's Island,
Ground Alum,
SHOT, all sizes,


8 50 9

7 25 875




15 25







2 25

1 40 1 50 1 70 175


[blocks in formation]

WINES, Madeira, L. P. gal.







2 50 3 25 3 004 00 175 2

1 10 1 15

1 30

1 10 1 15 1.501 75


[blocks in formation]

Port, first quality,
WOOL, Merino, full bl'd lb.

do. crossed, .
Common, Country,
Skinners' or Pulled,

Printed every Friday, at $4 per annum, for JOHN S.
SKINNER, Editor, by JOHN D. Toy, corner of St.
Paul and Market streets, where every description of
Book and Job Printing is handsomely executed.

No. 3-VOL. 7.

Thigh, or Gaskin,

Ham String,

Point of the Hock,


Fetlock, Large Pastern

Small Pasterns


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]



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Butler So

[blocks in formation]





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way in which he can possibly carry it to advantage, is at the extremity of a short and upright neck. Like the weight of a pair of steelyards, if it is supported by a long and horizontal neck, its burden becomes enormously augmented, so that the weight transmitted to the fore extremities (for those parts support the head and neck as well as half the carcass) is much increased, and, from the natural preponderance of it before, is very likely to prove the cause of the horse's falling down, more especially if the rider is heavy, every trip or miss-step he may chance to make. In addition to all this, a lawyer (or big-headed horse) is apt to have a hard mouth, or rather, we say, no mouth, so that we are always apprehensive of his Point of the Shoulder being heavy in hand, and unpleasant to ride. It is proper, however, to state, before we proceed further, lest we incur censure for these remarks, that the formation of the neck, and the mode in which the head is set on, and how he carries it, will have much to do with the head being objectionable from its size, and with his being light or heavy in hand; for we have known many big-headed horses ride well, and be as safe and as light in hand as any others. Next to size, its shape becomes a consideration: every feature should give animation to the countenance; let the forehead be broad and flat; the eye staring, and full of fire; the ears thin, fine, and often erect; the nostrils, circular, dilated, and reddened within; the lips, soft, thin, and hairless; the jowl extended, and the cheeks well mark

Breast, or Bosom

Large Pastern
Small Pastern



Which obtained, in England, the reward of five pounds.
Essay on the External Formation or Structure of the
Horse, and on the Disorders originating therein.
Plerique omnes faciunt adoles-centuli
Ut animum ad aliquod studium adjungant, aut ad equos
Alere, aut canes ad venandum, aut ad Philosophos.


"Fire from his eyes, clouds from his nostrils, flow." This, at least, is what we would have it in the thorough bred, and as a general rule, the nearer that of any other description of horse approaches to it, the better the family he springs from, and the more those terms, a plate is annexed, having references to sanguine we may be in our prognostic of his abili the parts themselves in the figure of a horse. It reties. That such a horse looks like a sticker, or is a quires some experience, but more attentive observa-perfect gentleman about his nob, are no uncommon nor tion, to be what, in modern horse-phraseology, is call- very unmeaning expressions in the mouths of sportsed a good judge; i. e. (if we were asked to define a men and copers. But his head may be very long, or good judge,) to know, at once, by a cast of the eye. it may be very short, though we do not know that whether the nag, as soon as he is pulled out, is likely ither is particularly objectionable, except as an eye to suit: is he cut out for a hackney, or is he calculated sore, if the countenance is something like what we for harness? Does he look like a hunter, or has he any have just described; unless he be a Yorkshireman, and good looks about him? Does he show any blood, or is then, certainly, we should not fall in love with such a I PURPOSE, in the following pages, first, to give a he all over a mongrel? In fine, is he the sort of a thing big canister. The race ought to be perfectly straight, succinct, but, I trust, useful and explicit description you want, or won't he do until he meets with a green (see plate,) and the muzzle, in the blood horse, square, of the exterior conformation-the make and shape of horn? These, and various other important considera- and such as will go into a pint pot; a Roman nose that valuable animal the horse; discriminating the ori- tions we hope to unravel the nature of in the course (one in which the race is curved) is by no means ginally-well-formed tit from the cross-shaped, and of this inquiry; offering such remarks, from time to desirable, though his napper be but of ordinary dilikely-to-become-diseased brute, and the nag that can time, as may prove of practical service to the young mensions; it is seen, more commonly, however, in a go with safety and pleasantry on the road, or carry and inexperienced horseman. At first sight of a horse. big head, which it, in a side view, makes appear not sixteen stone across a heavy country, from the imbe- a judge takes a general survey of him, and if he ob- only much larger, but exceedingly ugly: this may be cil and weakly-constitutioned spider; and, lastly, to serve any apparent disproportion or deformity, his said to constitute a plain Yorkshire head. Withal, the show by what ready and certain modes we may de-attention is at once fixed to that particular point.-head, to render it handsome, should be well set on; tect unsoundness in the purchase of a prad, and Every horse, for example, that is tolerably well form its junction with the neck should form a sort of curve, when we are to pronounce that he is perfectly sound. ed, should exhibit due proportions of limb and car- so as to leave ample space in the throat for a large The HORSE, in the estimation of a sportsman, cass; in fact, nine out of ten have as much carcass as and prominent gullet, by which we may judge him stands pre-eminent above other quadrupeds, as man is equal to the area of the space occupied by the legs to be a good-winded horse.


does above every other animal: not only do match- in ordinary standing, but should his legs be extraor The neck now demands our attention; if good, the less beauty and strength of form, combined with un-dinarily long, or his carcass disproportionately small, crest will form an arch of agreeable curve from the rivalled speed, distinguish him; but the extensive he is said to have too much day-light under him, and poll to the withers,

utility he is of to us, and the share he takes in our di- that is certainly no mean objection. Should his head "With neck like a rainbow, erecting his crest." versions and perilous enterprises, serve to inspire us be very large, his neck of disproportionate length,

with even a degree of affection for him. Every horse his fore legs stand under him, or his quarters be rag- It will be of proportionate length, and progressive is adapted to some particular purpose; for horses not ged and ugly, such glaring imperfections cannot fail increase in breadth, as it approaches the chest. A only differ in kind, but, like men, in utility, in tem-to attract our notice as soon as, or even before, the long neck, if it be straight, or but little curved, is obper, in stamina, &c. and the selection of them, in re-groom has set him on his legs. But we shall have oc-jectionable, for reasons we stated when speaking of gard to these particulars, constitutes one of the most casion to particularise these things in a detail of the a large head; a short one, however excellent it may arduous and nicest duties of the connoisseur: he must perfections and imperfections of the different parts be on the principle of the steelyards, is never handreadily acknowledge good or bad conformation,-entering into the composition of the animal. some, and seldom exists without rendering even a trace genealogy in the outline, and discover a je ne The exterior of the horse may be divided, for the good hackney piggish. That short necked horses are sais quoi about the tout ensemble that denotes good convenience of thus describing his several parts, in- better winded than others, because the air has less or bad instinctive and unalterable qualities. to head, neck, body, and legs: first, we shall deline-distance to pass to and from the lungs, is an opinion

In describing the good and bad points of a horse, ate a good head. The nob should be small. A large to which we cannot subscribe. The neck should alit will be necessary to make use of many terms, de- head is not only a plain head, but a bad point, inas-so be thin, not thick and heavy, and rounded and noting different external parts, which, to all horsemen much as it really, under certain circumstances, de- straight along its lower margin; should the canal of will not require any explanation; least, however, the tracts from the powers of the horse; he has, in fact, the jugular vein be deep, and the windpipe full end reader be unacquainted with the meaning of some of more to carry, it is a burden to him, and the only prominent below it, we may regard it as a sign of 3-VOL. 7.

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