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[blocks in formation]

refining of, 291-297

sands, supposed shallow-water de- Weiser, C., of Baku, apparatus for

posits, 47

[blocks in formation]

using crude oil as a fuel, illustrated
and described, 429-432

Well, burning, at Crab Orchard, Ken- ·
tucky, peculiar flow of, 207
Droojba, its flow finally capped
and regulated, 107
Nobel's No. 9, 106

No. 25, 107

obtained by the Orbelovi Broth-
ers, 105

the Droojba, effect of its flow upon
prices of oil, 107

Wells at Strikhoff, varying depths of,


Baku, depths of, 100
Meerzoeff's, No. 5 in group No.
9, 106

natural gas, 204-209

oil, drilled, 1876-1884, 196

list of, in the Black Creek oil
region, 62

on the Kanawha and Hughes
rivers, 65, 66

petroleum, in America, total yield
of, equalled by one well at
Baku, 100, 101

salt, of West Virginia, petroleum
obtained from 1814, 133, 134
struck by the Baku Petroleum
Participators, 105, 106

[blocks in formation]

Pennsylvania, interesting
scenes displayed during the time

of the oil fever, 144, 145
Virginia Transportation Com-
pany, 455

Westinghouse incandescent system,
plans of the, 476

White and gray sands, 150

Dr. C. B., on the difference be-'

tween the flashing and the burn-
ing points of oils, 358, 359

Wicks for oil lamps, 396

Wild Cat Wells, 47, 153, 196

Wilson's pipette for determining the

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WORRITOS, village of, centre of

viscosity of an oil, illustrated and bil operations in Peru, 70, 71

described, 362, 363

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