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Army-Competitive Examinations, [225] 1877
Efficiency of the, [224] 1114, 1117
Criminal Law-Convict Prison at Gibraltar,
[222] 548

Irish Peerage, Motion for a Joint Address,
[225] 1224

Metropolis-Re-valuation-Rating by Water
Companies, [225] 1733

Natal-Kaffir Outbreak, Motion for an Address,
[223] 664, 713

Police Constables (Scotland), 2R. [225] 1729
Pollution of Rivers, Comm. cl. 3, [225] 772
Scotch and Irish Peerages Report of the


Select Committee, [225] 246
Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment, Report, Bill withdrawn, [222]

Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment (No. 2), 2R. [223] 1091

GRIEVE, Mr. J. J., Greenock
Artizans Dwellings, 2R. [222] 358
Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment, 2R.
[223] 514; Comm. cl. 12, [225] 179

GUINNESS, Sir A. E., Dublin

Alkali Act, 1863-Inspection of Chemical
Works, Ireland, [224] 475

Ireland-Dublin Main Drainage Act, 1871,
[222] 846

Jury System of, [224] 474

Science and Art Department (Dublin), Res.
[225] 1402

GURNEY, Right Hon. R., Southampton
Ecclesiastical Law, [222] 943

Employers and Workmen, Comm. cl. 3, [225]

Infanticide, 2R. [224] 537

Medical Education of Women, [226] 270
Offences against the Person, 2R. [223] 918;
Comm. cl. 4, Amendt. 1274
Parliament-Queen v. Castro-Petitions, [223]


Public Health (Ireland)-Adjournment of the
House, [226] 869

Stroud Writ-Motion for New Writ, [222] 300
Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment (No. 2), Consid. [226] 634

HALIFAX, Viscount

Agricultural Holdings (England), 1R. [222]
1690; Comm. cl. 5, [223] 1425; cl. 35,


Indian Legislation, 2R. [223] 780; Comm.

Owners of Lands, &c. (England and Ireland),
Returns, [222] 1602

HAMILTON, Marquess of, Donegal Co.
Irish Salmon Fisheries, [223] 720
Peace Preservation ¡ (Ireland), Comm. cl. 3,
[223] 1857

HAMILTON, Lord C. J., Lynn Regis
Army Estimates-Works, Buildings, &c. [223]


Foreign Loans, Committee on Paraguayan
Loan, [223] 607

Mercantile Marine-Rocket Apparatus, [226]


Peace Preservation (Ireland), Comm. cl. 3, [223]


HAMILTON, Hon. R. Baillie, Berwick-

Scotland-Stray Dogs-Sheep Worrying, [224]

HAMILTON, Lord G. F. (Under Secretary
of State for India), Middlesex
Central Asia-Kashgar, [225] 1380
East India (Compensation of Officers), Motion
for a Select Committee, [222] 138

East India Home Government (Pensions),
Comm. [222] 1770; 3R. 1854, 1855; Amendt.
[223] 70

East India Revenue Accounts-Financial State-
ment, [224] 584; Comm. [226] 793; Res.
797, 840; Report, 865
India-Miscellaneous Questions

Afghanistan-Herat, Occupation of, [222]


Assam-Lieutenant Holcombe, Murder of,
[223] 1690

Banda and Kirwee Prize Money, [223] 470a

Baroda, Gaikwar of-Proceedings before

the Commission, [223] 717;-Proclama-
tion of the Viceroy, 1510, 1828; [224]
394, 866; [225] 876, 1330

Bengal, Agrarian Disturbances in, [225] 436
Bengal Famine, [222] 1176

British Burmah and Western China, [224]


Burmah, Disputes with, [225] 254, 1138,
1326, 1655, 1815;- Mandalay, British
Subjects in, [223] 1510;- Murder of
Colonel Hamilton, [224] 1522

Chatterton, Captain J. B., Case of, [223]
19; [226] 272

China and Kashgar, [224] 785

Civil Servants of the North-West Provinces,
[224] 787

East India Officers' Compensation Commit-
tee, [225] 1815

Expedition from Burmah to China-Murder

of Mr. Margary, [222] 1185

Factory System, [222] 76; [224] 158

Import Duties on Cotton Goods, [222] 1485


HAMILTON, Lord G. F.-cont.


Indian Budget, [225] 1143, 1326, 1737
Indian Civil Service, [224] 1462
Indian Finances, [222] 1822

Indian Staff Corps-Royal Warrant, [224]

Leave of Uncovenanted Civil Servants, [222]


Lucknow and Kirwee Booty, [222] 1393
Majors of Artillery in, [225] 1577
Nizam State Railway, Hyderabad, [224]
1466, 1626

Officers Compensation, Report, [224] 1622
Officers of the Artillery, [222] 839
Rangoon-West of China, Reports, [223]


Roman Catholic Chaplains, [223] 225
Torckler, Mr., Case of, [223] 1826; [224]

Viceregal Journeys, Expenses of, [226] 615
India-Bank of Bombay, Res. [223] 633
Indian Civil Service, [225] 260; Motion for a
Select Committee, 722, 724, 727
Indian Museum-South Kensington, [223] 23
Metropolis-St. James's Park-Footway, [222]


Opium, Papers on, [223] 1960


Ottoman Porte, &c. Res. [226] 21

HAMOND, Mr. C. F., Newcastle- · upon -

Elementary Education (Compulsory Attend-
ance), 2R. Amendt. [224] 1580, 1587
Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment, Comm.
cl. 4, Amendt. [225] 129; cl. 9, Amendt. 133,
167; cl. 12, Amendt. 177; Amendt. 262;
Amendt. 269; Amendt. 270; cl. 19, Amendt.

Parliament-Public Business, [226] 174

Hampstead Fever and Small Pox Hospital

-Metropolitan Poor Act

Moved, "That a Select Committee be appointed
to inquire into and report upon the Clauses
of the Metropolitan Poor Act (30 Vic. c. 6),
giving powers to the managers of asylums to
take, hold, and dispose of lands and other
property for the purposes of the Act" (Mr.
Coope) June 15, [224] 1938

Amendt. to add, at end, "and the said Com-

mittee shall specially report whether any new
general hospital for infectious diseases in the
metropolis is desirable or necessary" (Mr.
Torrens); after short debate, Question, "That
those words be there added," put, and nega-
tived; original Motion withdrawn
Moved, "That a Select Committee be appointed

to inquire into and report upon the action of
the Metropolitan Asylums Board in respect
of the establishment of a Fever and Small
Pox Hospital at Hampstead" (Mr. Coope),
1954; Motion agreed to
And, on June 28, Committee nominated as fol-
lows:-Mr. Sclater-Booth (Chairman), Mr.
Collins, Mr. Coope, Mr. Goldney, Mr. Hayter,
Mr. Locke, Mr. Arthur Peel, Mr. Pell, Mr.
Pemberton, Mr. Ralli, and Mr. Ritchie
Report of Select Comm. July 27 (P.P. 363)
Papers relating to Site (No. 227)

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HANBURY, Mr. R. W., Tamworth

Central Asia-Russia and the Oxus, [224] 1358
Central Asia, Motion for Papers, [225] 1042
East African Slave Trade, [223] 471a
East African Slave Trade, Res. [225] 1159
India-Margary, Mr., Massacre of, at Man-
wine, [223] 1636

Navy-East African Slave Trade-Cruisers,
[223] 471a

Pardon, Prerogative of, [224] 289
Supply-Tonnage Duties, Bounties on Slaves,
&c. [222] 1365

HANKEY, Mr. T., Peterborough

Bankers Act Amendment, 2R. [222] 1996
Consular Chaplains, Res. [225] 1259, 1261
Currency, Motion for an Address, [222] 1946
Customs and Inland Revenue, Comm. cl. 11,
[224] 936

Dover Pier and Harbour (Expenses), Report,
[224] 1517

Income Tax-Exemptions, Res. [222] 1617
India-Prince of Wales, Visit of, [223] 972
Ireland Dublin Main Drainage Act, 1871,
[222] 846

Ireland, Royal Residence in, Motion for an
Address, [225] 560

Palace of Westminster-Maclise Frescoes in
the Queen's Gallery, [222] 312
Savings Banks, &c. Comm. [224] 981
Valuation of Property (Metropolis), [225] 873
Wales, Prince of II.R. H.'s Visit to India,
[225] 1152; Res. 1489

Ways and Means-Financial Statement, Res.
[223] 1059

"Hansard's Debates'

Question, Lord Robert Montagu; Answer, Mr.
W. H. Smith; Notice, Lord Robert Montagu
April 5, [222] 298

Harbours of Refuge-Bristol Channel
Amendt. on Committee of Supply April 16, To
leave out from "That," and add "in the
opinion of this Ilouse, the construction of a
Harbour of Refuge at Lundy Island, which
was suggested by the Royal Commission of
1859, demands the serious and early atten-


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225] Conspiracy, and Protection of Property,
Comm. cl. 4, 1345, 1347, 1349; cl. 5, 1353,
1354; cl. 14, 1358; add. cl. 1583, 1585;
Consid. cl. 4, 1740; cl. 8, Amendt. 1742
Employers and Workmen, Comm. cl. 3, [225]
1335, 1338

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[223] 854
House Occupiers Disqualification Removal,
Comm. [224] 1688

Declaration of Paris (1856), Res.

Increase of the Episcopate, 2R. Amendt. [224]

223] Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment, 2R.553
225] Comm. cl. 12, 176, 267, 271, 273, 274;

cl. 17, 277, 278; cl. 19, Amendt. 279; cl. 20,
Amendt. 281, 282, 283, 285
Mitchel, John-Tipperary Election, Res. [222]
504, 513

Mutiny, Comm. cl. 1, [223] 69

Offences against the Person Act Amendment,
2R [224] 1878

Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions

Debates, Publication of, and Exclusion of
Strangers, [224] 1148, 1151

Privilege (Publication of Proceedings of
Foreign Loans Committee), [223] 800,
802, 1121; Amendt. 1149, 1150
Public Business, [225] 303

Parliamentary Elections (Returning Officers),
Comm. [223] 410; Schedule 1, 415

Peace Preservation (Ireland), Comm. cl. 3,
[223] 1838, 1862

Regimental Exchanges, Comm. [222] 1252,
1253, 1816; cl. 2, 1832, 1838, 1840
Revenue, The-Returns, [223] 1827

Stroud Writ. Res. [222] 170, 173; Motion for
New Writ, 286

Supply-Court of Chancery, Salaries and Ex-
penses of, [225] 1022

Natural History Museum, [224][775

Rates on Government Property, [224] 772
Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment (No. 2), 2R. [224] 1642, 1644;
Comm. cl. 21, [225] 1388

Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment (Salaries, &c.), Res. [225] 1591
Towns Rating (Ireland), 2R. [224] 630
Unreformed Borough Corporations, Motion for
Papers, [224] 1030

Unseaworthy Ships, Comm. add. cl. [226] 424

HARDCASTLE, Mr. E., Lancashire, S.E.
Artizans Dwellings, Comm. cl. 4, Amendt.
[223] 120; cl. 5, 128

Conspiracy, and Protection of Property, Comm.
cl. 4, [225] 1349

Elementary Education Act (1870)-Compul-
sory Attendance-Marks, Mrs., Case of, Res.
[225] 813

Sale of Food and Drugs, Comm. cl. 9, [224]

Supply-Board of Trade, [224] 1771
Turnpike Trusts, Res. [222] 948

HARDINGE, Viscount

Army-Efficiency of the, [224] 1101
Regimental Exchanges, Comm. [224] 466

HARDY, Right Hon. Gathorne (Secretary
of State for War), Oxford University
Army-Miscellaneous Questions

Accountants, Department of, [223] 1957
Actuarial Calculations, [223] 1894

Army Reserve-Autumn Manoeuvres, [225]
741, 742

Artillery-Royal Warrant of 1871, [223]

1893;-Woolwich System of Rifling, 318
Autumn Manœuvres, [226] 379

Auxiliary Forces at Aldershot, [225] 1486
Beggars' Bush Barracks, [223] 364
Brevet-Superseded Captains, [223] 1821
Brigade Depôt at Warley, [225] 253
Catholic Soldiers, Attendance of, at Mass,
[225] 158, 159

Cavalry Regiments, Promotion in, [225]


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Return, [222] 1413

Hyde Park Magazine, [225] 1910
Infantry Accoutrements, [222] 841
Jersey Militia, [225] 1474, 1656
Knightsbridge Barracks, [223] 21; [225]
256, 296, 790

Landguard Fort, [222] 309; [223] 142, 297
Line and the Militia, [224] 1131
Longford Barracks, [222] 1603
Medical Officers, [224] 19; [226] 561 ;-
Exchanges, [223] 1957

Medical Service, [222] 1801; [224] 156
Merthyr Volunteer Rifles, [223] 717, 1106
Military Drill in Schools, [223] 1111
Military Prisoners-Gunner Charlton, [224]
866, 1125; [225] 1906


HARDY, Right Hon. G.-cont.


Militia Adjutants, [222] 1697; [223] 24,
716, 720, 970, 1820; [224] 395, 472;
[226] 374, 377, 773

Militia and Volunteers, Adjutants of, [225]

Militia Arms Stores, [224] 579
Militia Billeting, [224] 1521

Militia Examinations for Commissions,
[222] 1802;- Fines for Drunkenness,
[223] 1819

Militia Medical Officers, [225] 1379
Militia Reserve-Autumn Manœuvres, [224]

Militia, Staff Sergeants of, [224] 791
Non-Commissioned Officers, [223] 783;
[225] 251; [226] 777

North Tipperary Militia, [225] 1908
Officers' Grievances, Royal Commission on,
[225] 1653


Captains of the Line and

Royal Marines, [223] 141

Purchase System, [225] 1474

Recruiting Departmental Committee, [223]
723, 1110

Recruits, [224] 693, 698, 701

Recruits to India, Age of, [222] 1607
Regimental Necessaries, Receivers of, [222]

Religious Processions, [224] 1623
Reserve and the Militia, [222] 840
Reserve Forces, Adjutants of, [223] 232
Seconded Captains, &c. [224] 1354, 1810
Short Service-Service in India, [224] 1130;
[225] 792
Somersetshire Militia


HARDY, Right Hon. G.-cont.

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Conspiracy, and Protection of Property, Lords
Amendts. Consid. [226] 714, 715

Contagious Diseases Acts Repeal, 2R. [225]
416, 417

Education in Rural Districts, Res. [222] 1120
House Occupiers Disqualification Removal,
Comm. [224] 1688

Increase of the Episcopate, 2R. [224] 1081
India, Cavalry Service in, [225] 1810
Ireland-Cork Harbour-Daunt's Rock, Re-
moval of, [225] 875

Militia Laws Consolidation and Amendment,
Comm. [225] 993; cl. 3, 1362; cl. 6, 1363;
cl. 32, 1725; cl. 36, 1726; cl. 50, [226] 79;
add. cl. 80; Lords Amendts. 778
Mitchel, John-Tipperary Election, Res. [222]
516, 517

Mutiny, Comm. [223] 69; cl. 107, 134, 135
Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions
Derby Day, [224] 867, 873

Privilege (Publication of Proceedings of Fo-
reign Loans Committee), [223] 803, 804,

Public Business, [225] 297, 302, 303, 1663
Queen v. Castro-Prittlewell Petition-
Report, [223] 998

Parliament-Debates, Publication of, and Ex-
clusion of Strangers, Res. [224] 88, 90,
1136, 1151, 1358

Public Health-Oxford, Sanitary Condition of,
[225] 255

222] Regimental Exchanges, Leave, 122; 2R.
628, 710, 997; Comm. 1216; Preamble,
1273, 1813, 1816, 1820; cl. 2, 1831, 1833,
1834, 1835, 1841, 1845, 1850, 1903, 1911;
add. cl. 1926, 1927

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Leigh Hill, En-

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campment at, [225] 439
Staff Appointments-Returns, [223] 467a
Subaltern Substitutes, [224] 584
Summer Manœuvres Compensation for
Damage to Clothes and Accoutrements,
&c. [226] 57, 177

Volunteers and Militia- Retired Rank,
[224] 1467

Volunteers in Camp, [224] 21

War Office-Commander-in-Chief's Depart-
ment, [225] 1654, 1655
Winchester Barracks, [226] 374
Yeomanry and Volunteers-Adjutants, Pay
of, [226] 46

Yeomanry Pay and Allowances, [222] 843
Army-Artillery Ground, Finsbury Square,
Res. [226] 469, 470

Army-British Troops in India, Res. [224] 646
Army, Medical Officers of the, Res. [225] 1627
Army Organization-Recruits, Res. [223] 1345
Army-Reduction of the Land Forces, Res.
[222] 1411

Army Estimates-Administration of the Army,
[223] 352

Commissariat and Ordnance Store Estab-
lishments, [223] 335
Divine Service, [223] 323

Land Forces, [222] 1413, 1466, 1467
Medical Establishments, [223] 325
Military Education, [223] 349, 350, 351
Militia, [223] 325

Pay and Allowances, [222] 1469
Provisions-Forage, &c. [223] 338
Reserve Forces, [223] 332, 333, 334
Volunteer Corps, [223] 331
Warlike Stores, [223] 343

Works, Buildings, &c. [223] 348
Yeomanry Cavalry, [223] 326


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Agricultural Holdings (England), Report, cl. 4,
[224] 382

Army-Competitive Examinations, [225] 1872
Army-First Commissions in the, Res. [225]

Church Patronage, 2R. [222] 829

Increase of the Episcopate, Comm. add. cl. [222]

Justices of the Peace Qualification, 2R. [223]

Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment, 2R. [222] 738

Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873)
Amendment (No. 2), Comm. cl. 16, [223]

HARTINGTON, Right Hon. Marquess of,
New Radnor

225] Agricultural Holdings (England), 2R. 511,
512; Comm. 1724; cl. 3, 1757; cl. 5, Mo-
tion for reporting Progress, 1834, 1840,
1841, 1855; cl. 6, 1915, 1924; cl. 7, 1926,

226] cl. 7, 59, 60; cl. 8, 65, 66; cl. 14, 75; cl. 17,
106; cl. 24, 110; cl. 35, 118; cl. 43, 123;
Consid. cl. 7, Amendt. 595, 596; cl. 49,
Amendt. 598

Army Organization-Recruits, Res. [223] 1354
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation), 2R. [226]

Conspiracy, and Protection of Property, Comm.
cl. 4, [225] 1351

Education in Rural Districts, Res. [222] 1113
Elementary Education Provisional Orders Con-
firmation (Caister, &c.), 3R. [223] 296
Employers and Workmen, Consid. cl. 3, [225]

France and Germany- Representation of Her
Majesty's Government, [224] 793
Friendly Societies, [222] 303
Household Franchise (Counties), 2R. [225]


Increase of the Episcopate, 2R. [224] 1083
Ireland, Royal Residence in, Motion for an
Address, [225] 569

Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act (1870)
Amendment, 2R. [224] 1336

Local Authorities Loans, Comm. [224] 991
Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment, Comm.
cl. 9, [225] 138, 1865, 1867

Militia Laws Consolidation and Amendment,
Comm. [225] 993

Mitchel, John-Tipperary Election, Res. [222]
523, Amendt. 538

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), 2R. [223]


Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions

Address in Answer to the Speech, [222] 53
Breach of Order (Plimsoll, Mr.), [225]


Easter Recess, [222] 1613
Order of Business, [223] 1962

Privilege (Publication of Proceedings of
Foreign Loans Committee), [223] 796,

Public Business, [224] 162, 168, 175, 397,
586, 926, 990; [225] 297, 444, 1331,
1658; Motion for Adjournment, 1660,
1697; [226] 93, 97

Queen v. Castro-Prittlewell Petition, Re-
port, [223] 995


HARTINGTON, Right Hon. Marquess of-cont.
Report of Debates, &c. [223] 1511

Strangers, Exclusion of, [223] 1693, 1819
Parliament-Bates, Mr., Motion for a Select
Committee, [226] 351

Parliament Business of the House, Res. [222]
207, 1697, 1698

Parliament-Debates, Publication of, and Ex-
clusion of Strangers, [224] 22; Res. 48,
89, 93, 1160, 1167


Serjeant-at-Arms - Resignation
of Lord C. J. Fox Russell, Res. [223] 472a
Peace Preservation (Ireland), Leave, [222]
1017; Comm. [223] 1489; cl. 5, 1997; [224]
31; Consid. 401, 409, 410

Public Works Loan Acts Amendment, 2R.
[224] 857

Regimental Exchanges, 2R. [222] 712; Pre-
amble, Motion for reporting Progress, 1273,
1288, 1808; Comm. cl. 2, 1827, 1844, 1845,
1851, 1917; add. cl. 1927
Regimental Exchanges Act - The Warrant
and Regulations, [226] 556

Savings Banks, &c. Comm. cl. 5, [224] 1513
Supply-Criminal Prosecutions, &c. Ireland,
[225] 1530

Towns Rating (Ireland), 2R. [224] 631
Unseaworthy Ships, Comm. add. cl. [226]

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