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Kali, and engages never to have any concern with those countries, or the inhabitants thereof.

VI. The Rajah of Nepaul engages never to molest or disturb the Rajah of Siccem in the possession of his territories; but agrees, if any differences shall arise between the State of Nepaul and the Rajah of Siccem, or the subjects of either, that such differences shall be referred to the arbitration of the British Government, by whose award the Rajah of Nepaul engages to abide.

VII. The Rajah of Nepaul hereby engages never to take or retain in his service any British subject, nor the subject of any European or American State, without the consent of the British Government.

VIII. In order to secure and improve the relations of amity and peace hereby established between the two states, it is agreed that accredited ministers from each shall reside at the Court of the other.

IX. This treaty, consisting of nine articles, shall be ratified by the Rajah of Nepaul within fifteen days from this date, and the ratification shall be delivered to Lieut.-colonel Bradshaw, who engages to obtain and deliver to the Rajah the ratification of the Governor-general within twenty days, or sooner if practicable.

Done at Segowley on the 2d day of December, 1815.

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A particular account of the military operations at Hurryhurpore will be found in the Supplement of the London Gazette, August 10th.

The Nepaulese fulfilled all the conditions of their treaty, the last of which was the cession of the fort of Nagnee, which took place on April 13th.

In the Bombay Gazettes for February were published relations of proceedings in the province of Cutch, on the northwestern coast of the Peninsula. A force under the command of Col. East had entered that province, and captured the fortress of Anjar, not far from the capital of Cutch. A treaty of alliance was in consequence concluded with the state of Cutch; and a detachment of Col. East's army had been marched under the command of Lieutenant-col. Barclay, to Wagur, for the purpose of reducing that uncivilized district to the authority of the Rao of Cutch, its legitimate sovereign, and of destroying all the fastnesses of the banditti, whose depredations have been so destructive to the neighbouring territories.


A sanguinary tumult occurred in the month of April at the city of Bareilly in Rohilcund. arose from the popular discontent excited in that and the neighbouring towns by the introduction of what is called the Chookedaree establishment, and contributions for which the people of Bareilly had for some time refused to pay. On the 16th, as Mr. Dumbleton, the chief of the place, was riding in the city, the mob made an attack upon him,


and killed two of his horsemen. Sending for a party of the provincial battalion for his protec tion, several of the assailants were killed and wounded, among the latter of whom was the mufti. Some of the leading mussulmans, with a number of the lower class, then quitted their houses, and assembled at the Musjid in the old town, thus giving the quarrel the appearance of a religious dispute. Capt. Boscawen with two companies and two six-pounders was sent to disperse them, and at night took his station close to the insurgents; in the morning, however, he found his force so inferior, that he did not venture to move from his position, and it was thought advisable to send an express for a detachment of Capt. Cunningham's horse stationed at Mooradabad. The numbers of the insurgents continued to augment, and on the 18th they were joined by several thou sands of matchlock and swordmen from Rampoor, Pillibeet, and the Nawab's provinces. Other expresses were therefore dispatched for a battalion of the 13th regiment, and for more troops from Futtighur. The rioters had now planted four green standards (the mussulman colour) and posted strong picquets close to Capt. Boscawen's party, which they threatened to attack. Capt. Cunningham, who had arrived with about 450 men of his corps, had been obliged to take a position about half a mile in front of Capt. Boscawen's right flank, the wide plain between them being entirely occupied by the insurgents. On the morning of the 21st, the latter apprised of the

approach of more troops, commenced hostilities, by killing young Mr Leycester, who was walking unarmed between their outposts and Capt. Cunningham's station. A general engagement ensued, in which Capt. Boscawen's small party drawn up in a square was surrounded by a whole army; and a desperate charge being made by a body of Puthans sword in hand, they broke in, and were near carrying one of the guns, but were at length driven off with great slaughter. A severe conflict was maintained in other quarters for a

considerable time, which finally concluded in expelling the insurgents from their posts in the old town, who gave ground in all directions, and retreated to the new city. The loss was severe on both sides, but much the greatest on that of the aggressors. A force was afterwards assembled in the district of Bareilly sufficient to keep it in awe; and tranquillity, if not good-will, was restored.

No further intelligence of importance respecting the affairs of British India has been transmitted, at least by authority, in the present year; and it may be presumed that the dominion of the Company over its vast territories is at this time so firmly established, that it has no cause of apprehension from the machinations of its open or secret enemies. The native powers appear to be too much at variance with one another to join in any dangerous league against strangers. city of Jypoor in Agra has long been subjected to the assaults of the Nawab Umeer Khan, which


it had resisted as far as the latest accounts, in the close of June; but it was still threatened, and the Rajah had made application to the British Government for assistance. This circumstance may in the event involve the Company in fresh hostilities.

It may not be improper to add, though only from private informotion received from Madras, that an irruption of Pindaree horse from the Mahratta territory burst, in the spring, upon the Guntoor Circar, one of the most prosperous of the Company's possessions on the coast of Coroinandel, and after desolating it in the most savage manner, carried off a prodigious booty, without being brought to action by any British force, in the whole of their rapid career from one side of the peninsula to the other and back again.

In our eastern narrative of the last year we inserted an article from Rome, reporting a great progress made by the Catholic Missionaries in China, in propagating the Christian religion through that empire; at the same time expressing our doubt of the permanency of such conversions under a despotic government. This apprehension has been too well verified by the intelligence conveyed in the following extract of a letter dated Canten Jan. 1, 1816.

"In June last there was a persecution carried on against the Roman Catholics of Szechuen. The Viceroy of that province begins his report by saying, that the religion of the West, denominated the religion of the Lord of Heaven, is a depraved or

irregular religion, particularly injurious to the manners and hearts of men. He says, that in the 15th year (five years ago) 2,000 families recanted, and since upwards of 200 families. He recently apprehended 72 persons, and seized 53 books. It is, however, distinctly stated, that in the books seized there were not found any expressions that could be construed into an opposition to government. He closes his report by saying, that he suspects there is some European among the mountains of Sze chuen, though he has not been able to apprehend him.

His Majesty begins his reply, by noticing the blind obstinacy of men; that though their persons be involved in the net of the law, when once a notion of ascending to Heaven takes possession of the mind, they are regardless of death.

The two leaders who would not recant, Chooyung and Tunggaen, are ordered to be strangled immediately: 38 others, who also refused to recant, are ordered to be sent to Tartary as slaves; among these are several women, and an old man of 80. Women and ol men are in many cases allowed to redeem themselves by paying a fine; but in this case it is directed that they shall not be allowed to do so. Further, the obstinate old man and a few others, who seemed more culpable than the rest, are to be condemned to wear, for ever, a heavy wooden collar."

This information is confirmed by an article in the "Austrian Observer," which states, from the last accounts of the Missiopa

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the European and Christian name. The Bishop Coadjutor has been compelled to fly, and I believe has taken refuge in Tonquin. Three native priests, and a number of the faithful of both sexes, have finished their mortal career by a glorious martyrdom. There is still, in almost all the prisons, a numerous body of generous confessors, who suffer for the cause; and I, who have not yet merited the grace of shedding iny blood, am charged with the spiritual and temporal cares of this Mission, which before the persecution numbered 60,000 Christians.

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