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who was casually present, when he drew a pocket-pistol, and discharged its contents into Mr. P's. body.

The leading rioters, seizing all the fire-arms in the shop, marched on into the city, and as they proceeded through Cheapside, loaded and discharged their pieces. They were not very numerous, but appeared desperate, and bent upon mischief. On arriving at On arriving at the Royal Exchange, they entered it in marching order, and were there met by the Lord Mayor, Alderman Sir James Shaw, and a strong party of police. When the greatest part of the rioters had passed through the opposite gate of the Exchange, all the gates were closed, by which means three persons possessed of plundered arms were seized and taken into custody. Their comrades on the outside in a rage attempted to burst open the gates, and not able to effect this, they fired over the top of the gates at the Lord Mayor and his party. Á fresh force arriving to his Lordship's assistance, they moved off towards the Minories, with the dangerous purpose of obtaining large supply of fire-arms at the gun-smiths' shops in that street. Two of these they broke open and pillaged of a number of articles, among which there were two small brass field-pieces. It appears that through some want of intelligence or co-operation in the regular authority, the rioters were suffered to keep possession of this part of the town for a considerable time; but the parties of soldiers, and the civil power, were collecting around, and were placed for the defence of all those


places where serious hazard might be apprehended; so that, in fact, the tumult, daring and alarming as it might seem, was wholly inadequate to endanger the safety of the capital. The rioters, finding themselves incapable of any important operation, began to disperse in detached bands, which employed themselves in petty mischief in different quarters; but the evening and the night were rendered tranquil by numerous patroles of horse, and all disorder subsided with the day.

It appears certain that this insurrection, as it may be termed, had no connection with the political meeting at Spafields, though it took advantage of the occasion to collect its numbers. Whilst the outrages were beginning, Mr. Hunt and his associates were exercising their oratorical power's upon the assembly which staid to hear them, and inveighing upon topics calculated, indeed, to inflame the public discontents, but not passing the usual limits of popular declamation.

5. A few days ago a servant in the occupation of Mr. Chamberlin, of Kempston, Norfolk, administered a large portion of hellebore to three horses, under an idea of making their coats look fine. The animals soon evinced the most alarming symptoms, such as violent foaming at their mouths, ebullitions in the throats and stomachs, shaking and trembling, &c. No antidote could be found to such a destructive medicine, and they died in great agony. On Sunday last, the same circumstance occurred to three beautiful horses belonging to Mr. Stanford, of Litcham, in the same county


but they not having taken it to so great an extent, are considered out of danger. It is hoped that this will serve as a caution to servants, not to endanger their masters' property by giving horses a medicine of such a poisonous


7. Caledonian Mercury.—“On Wednesday night, about eight o'clock, in consequence of considerable shipments of grain, and a sudden rise in the price of meal, a mob, to the number of about 2000 persons, assembled in the streets of Dundee and proceeded in a riotous manner to attack every house which contained articles of food. Having plundered upwards of 100 shops of various descriptions, they proceeded to the house of Mr. Lindsay, an extensive corn-dealer, and after stripping it of every thing valuable, set it on fire. appears, however, that this daring and outrageous act was not committed without some degree of remorse, as the house was twice set on fire and as often extinguished by their own hands. For a considerable time the streets presented nothing but a lawless and disorderly mob of people running in all directions, with cheeses, sugar, hamis, &c.; of course, the grocers must have suffered considerably."


6. Dundee Courier.—“The Magistrates called a meeting of the inhabitants at eleven o'clock yesterday forenoon, which was numerously and respectably attended. The object of the meeting was, of course, to provide against the recurrence of such disgraceful scenes in future. The town was divided into eleven districts, and a

great number of individuals were appointed to protect the peaceable inhabitants: so that there is now, while this system is acted upon, no danger of any disturbance. The meal-market was re-opened, and quantities of meal were carried there and sold."

A wire bridge for foot passengers, after the model of those constructed in America, which are so serviceable in crossing ravines, small lakes, &c. in that country, has just been erected across the Gala at Galashiels, N. B. and is found to answer the purpose extremely well, and to every appearance may last for a number of years at little or no expense. The span, which is 111 feet, and the breadth three feet, makes it very neat and light in appearance, though, with safety, 20 or 30 people may be upon it at a time. The whole expense of this useful little bridge is only 201.

10. A large mass of the bones of that extraordinary, but now extinct, animal which has received the name of the mammoth, as well as of other quadrupeds, has been discovered at Cronstadt, in Wurtemberg. When the late King of Wurtemberg was informed that the teeth of the mammoth and elephant, found at Cronstadt, merited the attention of naturalists, he gave orders for the most accurate researches. They at first found a great quantity of the teeth of mammoths, clephants, rhinoceroses, horses, and stags; and on the second day they discovered a great mass of these teeth, which were justly an object of general astonishment. Thirteen were twisted together, like enormous serpents,

serpents, at a depth of near 7 feet. The largest of these teeth, although it was but a fragment, was 3 feet in circumference, and 8 feet in length. These bones have, by the King's order, been transported to the Cabinet of Natural History.

11. His Royal Highness the Duke of Glocester repeated, last week, his annual visit to Mr. Coke, at Holkham, and partook of the sports of the field. Two hundred and fifty-four head of game were killed in one day, though the rabbits have been latterly chiefly destroyed, on account of their depredations; and though the breed both of partridges and pheasants has been worse than was ever known. On Friday, the shooting party repaired to Warham, and were followed during the greater part of the day by a bird of prey, which constantly attended their motions, and was repeatedly fired at while hovering over their heads, without betraying the smallest symptoms of ap. prehension and alarm, even though the shot was heard to rattle on its feathers. In the afternoon it descended from its aërial flight, and settled on a tree, where it allowed Mr. Coke, attended by a boy holding a dead pheasant dangling in his hand, to approach sufficiently near to get a shot at it, which brought it to the ground. proved to be a most beautiful female specimen of that rare bird the Falco Lagopus, or rough-legged falcon, measuring very nearly 5 feet across the wings, and 2 feet 1 inch in length. The male bird had attended the chase at Wighton just in the same manner two days before, and had boldly carried off from a heap of game VOL. LVIII.


two partridges. He was next day caught, also, in a trap, by the keepers, and both of them were presented by Mr. Coke to the Rev. G. Glover, as a most valuable accession to his collection of British birds.

12. A fire, most destructive its consequences, broke out at Marsh Farm, Herts, adjoining Marsh-cottage, the residence of Major Skeene, which consumed the whole range of buildings, together with part of the dwellinghouse, situated to the eastward of the farm. Sixty head of cattle were destroyed or ruined. The fire was occasioned by two boys being intrusted with a candle in the stable, to get a team ready to go out at four in the morning, one of whom received much injury. That part of the house destroyed had lately been fitted up with new furniture, and no insurance had been effected.

14. The valuable and extensive manufactory called the Albion Mills, at Manchester, were completely burnt down. The fire is said to have arisen from a boy having accidentally dropped a candle on some loose cotton. The damage is estimated at 25,0001.

15. New South Wales.-The Zebra sloop of war, which arrived at Portsmouth from New South Wales, brings intelligence from that colony to March last, and also a series of Sydney Gazettes. These papers contain a narrative of a tour made by Mr. Evans, under the direction of the Governor, in the lately explored country to the westward of the Blue Mountains. Mr. Evans proceeded from Bathurst with instructions to pursue the discoveries as much further west


ward as the unforeseen occurrences to which a traveller, in an unexplored country, might be exposed, would permit. On the 13th of May, 1815, he commenced his tour, and on the 2d of June, finding his provisions would not enable him to proceed further, he began to retrace his course back to Bathurst, where he arrived on the 12th of June, having been absent 31 days. In the course of this tour, he travelled over a vast number of rich and fertile vallies, with successions of hills well covered with good and useful timber, chiefly the stringy bark and the pine, and the whole country abounding with ponds and gullies of fine water; he also fell in with a large river, which, he conceives, would become navigable for boats at the distance of a few days' travelling along its banks. From its course, he conjectures that it must join its waters with those of the Macquarie river; and little doubt can be entertained that their streams must form a navigable river of very considerable size.

At a distance of about sixty miles from Bathurst, Mr. Evans discovered a number of hills, the points of which end in perpendicular heads, from 30 to 40 feet high, of pure lime-stone of a misty gray colour. At this place, and also throughout the general course of the journey, kangaroos, emues, ducks, &c. were seen in great numbers; and the new river, to which Mr. Evans gave the name of the Lachlan, abounds with fish. The natives appeared more numerous than at Bathurst; but so very wild, and apparently so much alarmed at the sight of white men, that he could not in

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duce them to come near, or to hold any intercourse whatever with him. At the termination of the tour Mr. Evans saw a good level country, of a most interesting appearance, and a very rich

soil and he conceives that there is no barrier to prevent the travelling further westward to almost any extent that could be desired. The distance travelled by him on this occasion was 142 measured miles out; which, with digressions to the southward, made the total distance 155 miles from Bathurst. He adds at the same time, that having taken a more direct line back to Bathurst than that by which he left it, he made the distance then only 115 miles; and he observes, that a good road may be made all that length without any considerable difficulty, there not being more than three hills which may not be avoided.

The Governor has made several excursions into various parts of the interior to observe the general progress of the agricultural and grazing concerns of the colony, and has published the result of his observations. It was with much regret his Excellency had frequently to remark, that among the lower order of the settlers great slovenliness and neglect of the most obvious and necessary duties of farmers were but too frequent and evident in their personal appearance, and the state of their farms, in regard to cultivation and improvement. This remark is meant to apply more particularly to the set lers in those fertile and luxuriant tracks on the banks of the Nepean and Hawkesbury, where nature has been most bountiful; as there the settlers


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16. A fire broke out near Wap ping Docks, which was not entirely subdued at a late hour last night. The fire commenced in the warehouses of Messrs. Viner and Co., and was occasioned by the drying of grain in the kiln. These premises were consumed in a very short time after the fire was discovered, as were those of Mr. Waldie, a vintner. The extensive workshops and premises of Messrs. Oliver, which were situated on the other side, soon eaught fire, and burnt with great fury, when the utmost apprehension was entertained for the adjoining houses, and some shipping on the stocks. Fortunately, however, the flames did not extend beyond these buildings, which were completely destroyed; but much alarm prevailed on account of Messrs. Oliver having about 60 chaldrons of coals in their cellars, to which it was feared the fire would communicate. These gentlemen were insured to a large amount, though not equal to the loss they must sustain. The powerful body of water from the engine of the Dock Company was exceedingly instrumental in preventing the flames from spreading.

18. Vienna.--Alarming ac counts are received from various parts of the Austrian Monarchy respecting the daily increasing dearness of provisions. In some parts of the Tyrol, the Salzburg mountains, Upper Carinthia, and the greatest part of Illyria, there is such a scarcity, that the people

have recourse to bread made of bran and powdered bark of trees. In the environs of Agram the country people farin the woods, in order that they may catch the rats in them, which are simoked, and considered as a delicacy. The accounts from Bohemia are also far from consolatory, and it is feared that the mountainous parts may be distressed by famine in spring, which will have the most fatal consequences for the nus merous manufactories in those parts. The capital itself, as the tables of importation show, must be better provided than last year.

20. College of Edinburgh. The Parliamentary Commissioners, appointed to manage the yearly grant of 10,000l. voted by Parliament to be laid out in finishing the College of Edinburgh, met on the 7th inst. in order to receive plans and specifications for the completion of the building, The plan of Mr. Win. Playfair being adopted, the prize of 100 guineas was adjudged to that gentleman. The second prize of 80 guineas was awarded to Mr. Burn. According to Mr. Playfair's plan we understand that the exterior of the building, as originally planned by Adams, is to be retained with very little alteration; but there will be a total departure from the internal arrangements. The southern side of the quadrangle is to be occupied alurost entirely by the library, which will be 190 feet long, and one of the most elegant roours in the kingdon. The western side is to be appropriated to the Museum; and the other two sides are to be occupied chiefly as class-rooms. The original proposal of accommodat

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