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continuous observation, interesting discoveries may be made. It is a matter of course that, except in the case of comets, the future discoveries in astronomy will belong to faint and delicate objects; but these are interesting, and should not be neglected. A uniform temperature, which secures good definition, and steady images of the stars, is necessary for accurate determinations of position, and for all measurements of precision. This condition is especially important in such work as that of stellar parallax, the determination of the constant of aberration, and wherever the yearly change of temperature may act injuriously. In the selection of better sites for observatories, I think we have an easy means of advancing astronomy.

As this science grows and expands, it will become more and more necessary to study the economy of its work, in order that astronomers may bestow their labors in the most advantageous methods, and may rid themselves of all cumbersome and time-consuming processes. The manner of publishing observations has already been much abbreviated, and improved I think, by some of the European astronomers, and this change seems destined to become universal. As the positions of many objects are now well known, the need of printing all the details of the observation, such as the transits of the wires, the readings of the micrometers, etc., is very slight; and this printing may be safely abandoned. Even this change will lead to a great saving in the time and cost of printing. But this will necessitate a more complete discussion of the work, and a more careful examination of the instruments; things to be desired, since they tend to lift the observer out of his routine, and make him a master of his business. There are objections to this change, and some of them are real, such as the importance of publishing a complete record; but this is overestimated, I think, since the original records ought always to be referred to in case of doubt; and other objections are factitious, such as the need of publishing a large and showy book in order to impose on the public.

We may hope also for improvements in theoretical astronomy, and for the better training and preparation of students of this science. I know that it is sometimes said that theoretical astronomy is finished, and that nothing more can be done. Such assertions come from professors who are old and weary, or from those young men who tire out early in life; but they are wrong. The improvements that Hansen has made in the theory of perturbations,

and Poinsot's study of the theory of rotation, show what careful investigation may do, and assure us of further progress. It must be confessed that some of the astronomical work done in our country bears evidence that the astronomers did not understand the correct methods of reduction, and much of it shows evidence of hasty and ill-considered plans. This is perhaps a natural condition for beginners, but we trust that it has been outgrown. An actual need for the astronomical students of our country is a good book on theoretical astronomy, similar to Pontécoulant's work, in which the whole subject shall be presented in a complete form, such as we find in the Mécanique Céleste, together with an account of the improvements made by Gauss, Poisson, Hansen, and others. There is no American book of this kind, and the English works are too partial, designed apparently to fit the student for college examinations, and not to give him a complete knowledge of the science. Such a book has hardly been attempted in our language, unless that of Woodhouse may be an exception, and it may be a long time in coming, since it requires a man qualified to do the work, and will involve an expense of labor in the preparation, and of cost in publishing, such as few are willing to incur. In the mean time it is far better for the student to go directly to the writings of Lagrange and Laplace, of Gauss and Poisson and other masters, rather than to spend time in reading second-rate authors who endeavor to explain them. And generally this will be found the easier way also, since the student avoids the confused notions and symbols, and the grotesque expressions and egotism of small men, and is lifted into the region of ideas and invention.

In presenting his exposition of the nebular hypothesis, which has since become so celebrated, Laplace says: "I present this hypothesis with the distrust which everything ought to inspire that is not a result of observation or of calculation." It is a singular fact that, among all the writings on the nebular hypothesis, I have never scen a reference to this presentation of it by its most distinguished advocate; and yet this is the true spirit of scientific astronomy. Laplace did not wish to exempt his own theories from criticism, and neither should any one. In astronomy there is no final human authority, no synod or council, but simply an appeal to reason and observation. If a theory or a discovery be true, it will stand the test of observation and of calculation; if false, it must pass away to that Miltonian limbo where so many things have gone and are

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going. The question is sometimes asked, Of what use is astronomy? and the reply generally made is that it has conferred great benefits on navigation and on commerce, since it is by means of his astronomical knowledge that the sailor determines the position of his ship on the ocean. There is a truth in this reply, but it is only partial. The great value of astronomy is that it is really a science, and that it has broken the path and led the way through which all branches of science must pass if they ever become scientific. It is the spirit of honest, unrelenting criticism, and of impartial examination, that finally eliminates error and awards to every one his just due, that makes astronomy honorable and attractive; and it is by cultivating this spirit that astronomy confers its chief benefit, for it is this that shall break in pieces and destroy all false assumptions in science and in philosophy.



IN bringing before you some discoveries made by Mr. Sumner Tainter and myself, which have resulted in the construction of apparatus for the production and reproduction of sound by means of light, it is necessary to explain the state of knowledge which formed the starting point of our experiments.

I shall first describe that remarkable substance "selenium," and the manipulations devised by previous experimenters; but the final result of our researches has widened the class of substances sensitive to light vibrations, until we can propound the fact of such sensitiveness being a general property of all matter.

We have found this property in gold, silver, platinum, iron, steel, brass, copper, zinc, lead, antimony, german-silver, Jenkin's metal, Babbitt's metal, ivory, celluloid, gutta-percha, hard rubber, soft vulcanized rubber, paper, parchment, wood, mica, and silvered glass; and the only substances from which we have not obtained results are carbon and thin microscope glass.1

We find that when a vibratory beam of light falls upon these substances they emit sounds, the pitch of which depends upon the frequency of the vibratory change in the light. We find further, that when we control the form or character of the light-vibrations on selenium (and probably on the other substances), we control the quality of the sound, and obtain all varieties of articulate speech. We can thus, without a conducting wire as in electric telephony, speak from station to station wherever we can project a beam of light. We have not had the opportunity of testing the

1 Later experiments have shown that these are not exceptions.

limit to which this photophonic effect may be extended, but we have spoken to and from points 213 metres apart; and there seems no reason to doubt that the results will be obtained at whatever distance a beam of light can be flashed from one observatory to another. The necessary privacy of our experiments hitherto has alone prevented any attempts at determining the extreme distance at which this new method of vocal communication will be available.

I shall now speak of selenium.

Selenium.- In the year 1817, Berzelius and Gottlieb Gahn made an examination of the method of preparing sulphuric acid in use at Gripsholm. During the course of this examination they observed in the acid a sediment of a partly reddish, partly clear brown color, which, under the action of the blowpipe, gave out a peculiar odor, like that attributed by Klaproth to tellurium.

As tellurium was a substance of extreme rarity, Berzelius attempted its production from this deposit, but he was unable after many experiments to obtain further indications of its presence. He found plentiful signs of sulphur mixed with mercury, copper, tin, zinc, iron, arsenic and lead, but no trace of tellurium.

It was not in the nature of Berzelius to be disheartened by this result. In science every failure advances the boundary of knowledge as well as every success; and Berzelius felt that if the characteristic odor, that had been observed, did not proceed from tellurium, it might possibly indicate the presence of some substance then unknown to the chemist. Urged on by this hope he returned with renewed ardor to his work.

He collected a great quantity of the material and submitted the whole mass to various chemical processes. He succeeded in separating successively the sulphur, the mercury, the copper, the tin, and the other known substances, whose presence had been indicated by his tests; and after all these had been eliminated, there still remained a residue, which proved upon examination to be what he had been in search of- a new elementary substance.

The chemical properties of this new element were found to resemble those of tellurium in such a remarkable degree that Berzelius gave to the substance the name of "selenium," from the Greek word sky, the moon ("tellurium," as is well known, being derived from tellus, the earth). Although tellurium and selenium are alike in many respects, they differ in their electrical

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