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"Some of our Nurses are so well known and respected by the parish officers in the districts in which they labour as earnest and self-denying workers, that they have only to bring a deserving case before the notice of the different Boards of Guardians' and relief is immediately granted; while for the poor creatures who are too ill or infirm to go weekly to the workhouse to receive it, these good Nurses apply, and are entrusted with the different parcels for their several cases. This laborious work is not in any way expected of them by the Bible-mission which employs them, but has in every instance arisen from their own kind-heartedness and willingness to do anything for the good of those who need it.

"Nurse H is especially known as belonging to this class, and several times during the past winter, when waiting for the supplies she was to dispense to others, she had been struck by the appearance of a woman who always sat apart from the rest, and whose appearance and manner were superior to those around her, but who seemed to be bowed down by some great trouble. For some weeks Nurse had noticed her, but did not like to appear curious. One very cold day, however, they happened to come away together, and when they were well out of hearing of the others, Nurse said,

"You seem to be in trouble; can I do anything to help


"The poor woman burst into tears. That little word of sympathy was almost more than she could bear. By degrees she told her tale of sorrow, but half unwillingly. She said her husband had been an invalid for a long time, but had for two years been quite confined to his bed; that his complaint (internal) was of such a character that he was quite unable to move, and at the doctor's order his bed was only made once in ten days; that the exertion at those times caused him days of agony; that he never knew what it was to have a night's rest; if he could sleep for a quarter of an hour at a time he was thankful. But under it all she had never heard him utter a murmur, for he knew his Father would not lay on him one stroke more than was needful, and he was lying like a little child, meekly waiting that Heavenly Father's will. The doctor

had ordered him from the parish a little wine and meat twice a week, and that was what she went to fetch.

"Nurse H- sympathised with her in her own kind way, and asked if she might look in occasionally upon them, or if she could render any help at any time she would gladly do so. This was thankfully accepted, for although, as the wife said, they had always tried to keep their troubles to themselves, yet to such a feeling heart she felt she could tell all.

"The visits nurse paid them convinced her that the half had not been told her, either of their distressing poverty, or their sweet trust and confidence in God. She was so struck with the difference in this case to most of those constantly under her care, that when she came to the 'Mother House' for supplies, she begged one of the ladies to go and visit them, for, she said,

"I cannot describe the people to you; and I really want some one else to see them, that they may know what I say is true.' "In a few days one of the ladies went, and thus records her visit:

"Met Nurse H- at the station. She had just come from the workhouse, laden with supplies for her different patients, and at once accompanied her to the old man's room. It was very small, but beautifully clean, and everything was arranged with so much order, as to give an air of respectability seldom witnessed in the homes our nurses visit. The old man was quite patriarchal in appearance. His long white beard almost vied with the quilt which covered him, which, although very old, was scrupulously clean. He had on one of the nice warm dressing jackets from the "Mother House," which a kind łady had sent only a week or two previously, made of print, and lined throughout with unbleached calico, and which, as he lay in bed, had all the appearance of a good dressing-gown. His countenance, without a wrinkle, indicated possession of that peace which passeth all understanding," and showed that, notwithstanding the pressing cares of his daily life, he had cast his anchor within the veil, and was, therefore, "careful for nothing." A little box on a table, by the side of the bed, contained his small library, consisting of his Bible and PrayerVOL. VIII. NO. 4.



book, and a few other volumes, all small, and easily held in his trembling hands. His disease is of such a nature that even the exertion of talking for any length of time quite overcomes him, and I feared to cause him increased suffering, even by encouraging him to speak of the goodness of God to him, of which his heart seemed so full. He says when all is still at night, and he cannot sleep, Jesus seems to be so very near; such holy thoughts come into his mind at those times, which never come in the day-his views of heaven are then so real and overpowering.

"I spoke of his sufferings being very great. He said, "Yes; I only just get snatches of sleep which refresh me; but I can bear all through Christ, who strengtheneth me. He seems really to lay underneath me His everlasting arms, and I am wrapt round about in His love."

"I could scarcely make any inquiries concerning their wants, for I could plainly see they would never reveal any more of their poverty than they were obliged. I had taken a warm outer garment for the poor wife to keep her from the cold in her frequent journeys to the workhouse, and put a little relief in her hand with a word of sympathy as I left, and she wept the thanks she could not otherwise express. But Nurse in her frequent visits had elicited a few circumstances of their previous history. Miss W—, the Bible-woman, knew them some years back as very respectable people, but when sickness came and business was obliged to be relinquished, and its long continuance brought poverty in its train, they tried to hide their circumstances from those who formerly knew them, and thus sunk lower and lower in the social scale, till it might truly be said, "the place that once knew them knew them no more." The former rector, of whose Church they were both members, used very often to visit them, and was exceedingly kind to them; but his successor being very High Church (to which opinions they are both opposed) takes no notice of them, and perhaps does not know of their existence. Their only son is married, and has a family to support, and is only a "shoe cutter out," therefore earns but a scanty pittance, yet out of it he pays the rent regularly of the little room his father and mother live in,

and has promised to do so to the end. They have wine and meat twice a week from the workhouse, and now that Nurse has found them out she can often take them in a little nourishment. She discovered that Mrs. had only the poor old black

gown which she had always seen her wear, and which by dint of sponging, brushing, and long use, was perfectly threadbare. And yet when you saw it on her you would think her very respectably attired. She also found that she had no flannel clothing of any kind. These wants, when we knew them, were "Mother House." Also sheets and night

soon supplied from the

shirts for the invalid; and their gratitude abounds.

"From the accounts Nurse brought last week it is not likely this dear old child of God will be long spared to need Christian charity, for he gets weaker and weaker, and any movement causes him such intense pain that the doctor has desired his bed now to be made only once in fourteen days. He is safe in the hands of Jesus, and quite willing to wait his Lord's time, and "the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" which awaits him (as he said to me), makes all his sufferings light. "One moment in heaven, and one glimpse of Jesus as He is, he knows will make amends for all."""


"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."-Joel ii. 28; Acts ii. 17.

IN the December number of the "Missing Link" for 1866 was recorded from undoubted authority the remarkable and twicerepeated DREAM OF THE OLD CHINESE, which resulted in his travelling 140 miles to seek "saving truth," and in returning to his village after some time with the Bible and a promise of a future visit from his instructors. Colporteurs were afterwards sent with copies of the Scriptures, and a wonderful awakening and the conversion of more than 100 souls were mentioned as the credible result.

The following striking circumstances, which at present must be given without names or places, seem to be of the same character. Our informant says:--

"Jan. 2, 1872.

"I believe that we are living in remarkable times, and that events are hastening to some signal results. This has been again impressed upon me by an incident which has just occurred in these regions.

"A merchant belonging to the Maronite Church, a stranger to us all, called upon us and related as follows. His wife had been visiting some friends, and on her return she had met the family of a young man who spoke highly of the Protestant College, and had so impressed her that she proposed to her husband that they should send thither one of their sons; that upon hearing this he grew very angry, reminded her that the Maronite Patriarch anathematized not merely the Protestants, but excommunicated all who should send their children to Protestant schools

"His wife replied, 'That is true, but yet after all we know but very little of the Protestants, and what little I have seen of them impresses me in their favour.'

"Upon this he grew angry, and began reviling the Protestants, adding, 'Do you think I would like to see one of my sons going about with a Bible under his arm like that Englishman?'

"He went to bed and dreamed that a shepherd came up to him with a flock of about thirty sheep, and said to him, 'What are you doing for Me, you have spoken evil of my shepherd who is feeding my flock, go and ask his pardon.' He felt uncomfortable all day on account of this dream.

"The next night he dreamed that he was standing on the seashore, and saw a fisherman with a basket of fish at his side, spreading his net over the rocks. The fisherman, addressing him, said, 'You have spoken evil of My servant, who is casting his net and gathering out my Church; go and ask his pardon.' The repetition of the dream in this form greatly affected him, and he was increasingly disturbed in mind.

"The third night the same man appeared, with a red garment

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