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W. H, a young man suffering from spinal complaint, has been two years ill; has a wife and two children; it is a very deserving and most necessitous case. He was so grateful, said he did like some one to come and read and talk to him, as he was too weak to read himself; and to pray with him too, it was such a comfort. He said he was thankful for doctors, but he believed there was more power in prayer. He told me where he had most pain in his back, and I suggested a bandage, which I said I would make with brown calico, and wadding to relieve the pressure. I made it, and he said it was just the support he needed, and what he had often wished for. A few days after I found he had been able to get out of bed and was sitting on the landing for air. They had been literally starving, and had sold everything just to get them bread, but I never saw people so grateful. The wife said one morning when I called, "I don't know what we shall do now, for we have nothing more to sell; but, never mind, God will send us something."

They are always so tender and loving to each other, never making the worst of things, but always looking on the bright side. The wife is just recovering from a bad confinement, and they have had two shillings a week from the parish. This Nurse, when at the "Mother House," suggested that as the poor man could only use his hands, all the other parts of his body being paralyzed, he might try and make a patchwork textquilt, which she promised to arrange for him. So money was given her to buy the pieces, and the few remaining texts printed on calico, which we had in hand, were given to her for him, and she was to set him to work.*

In a month's time she came to us again bringing a quilt very nicely made, all done by poor H-, telling us with joy what a blessing the work had been to him. In the first place

* One kind friend sends us these texts, beautifully printed in large type, and easy for the invalid to read. Four are inserted in each quilt.

it occupied his mind, and made him feel he was not entirely useless, and then the texts were such a sweet comfort to him. He said to Nurse one day, "I trembled when you showed me the pieces, and told me I was to sew them together. I had never used a needle in my life (he was by trade a carver in stone), but one of the texts said,—

"I will teach thee; I will instruct thee.'

So I thought God will teach me I know, for He has sent me this work to do." He soon overcame the difficulty, and the work is accomplished as neatly and evenly as if by a good sempstress. There was one text that was a special comfort to him, which he read every day when at his work, and to which he often directed others who came in to see him

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.”

Theirs was indeed a heavy burden, but they did so, and found help. Some of his fellow-workmen came in occasionally to see him, and other neighbours, and many were quite touched to see him so cheerfully working in the only way that now seems to remain to him. "Ah," he would say to them, "it is God who has taught me, for I knew nothing about it." Both he and his wife seem like new creatures; such gratitude and cheerfulness now characterises them, and such entire dependence and trust in God for everything. A nice chair has been procured from the Mother House for the poor man, which supports his back, and in which he can be wheeled to the window and get a glimpse of what is passing in the street. The money that was sent him for his work will cheer his heart, and anew call forth their gratitude and praise. The wife is getting strong enough to work now, and is willing to do charing or any thing she can for a living.

The man is so completely paralysed, although only thirty years old, that if he happens to stoop a little forward in his chair, it is impossible for him to raise himself, he must wait for his wife or some one to help him back.



THE subject of purifying the air of the rooms of the poor from unpleasant smells, which annoy even themselves, is very important. I attribute much of the general weakness from which they suffer, to these smells. I have often requested them to buy twopennyworth of stick charcoal, dividing it into two parts, and laying it in the corner of their rooms; this consumes a large amount of offensive odour, without giving any smell of its own, like chloride of lime. In a few days the charcoal becomes damp, but by placing it for a few hours by the fire it dries, and thus is fit for use again. Several of the women have tried this plan, and tell me they find great benefit from it.

Again, should they have to eat tainted meat or fish, a piece of the charcoal, the size of a large walnut, boiled with it will render it perfectly sweet. This they have also tried with success. Stick charcoal may be placed in a cupboard, or any place where food is, and it will be found to be the great purifier. May I add that I find these things are better received as suggestions, and not read out of books. The evil of letting the water they drink stand in their rooms all night, has been explained to them, by showing that a bowl of water consumes tobacco smoke, which may be tested by smelling the water, and the atmosphere immediately above it.


"I have in my Mothers' Meeting at Ratcliffe many poor Irish women, who come from time to time to hear the simple truths of the Gospel, and it has often been cause of great thankfulness to see them so attentively listening and joining in the hymns, and to hear them repeat texts from the Bible. The deep reverence with which they always pronounce the name of Jesus has often struck me, and a few weeks ago when we were speaking about the

hymns, one of them said, 'Oh! Miss, there is one thing I cannot bear, I have been to some meetings when a hymn about our blessed Lord has been sung, and part of it has those words:

"Behold, behold the Lamb of God

On the Cross,

For us He shed His precious blood

On the Cross.

Oh, hear His all-important cry,

'Eli, lama sabachthani,'

Draw near and see your Saviour die

On the Cross.'

'And I have noticed some of the people do not seem to think of all that blessed Jesus suffered for us, while I feel as if I could not bear to hear it sung so carelessly, it seems to make my blood run cold.' The deep pain with which this was spoken quite touched me, and I so fully agreed with her feelings. Are we as conductors of meetings sufficiently careful about this? The hymn this Roman Catholic woman mentions is one I never allow to be sung, though I might read it and speak about it. There is also this verse in another hymn :

"Agonizing in the garden

Lo, your Saviour prostrate lies,
On the bloody tree behold Him,
Hear Him cry before He dies!
'It is finished,'

Sinners, will not this suffice ?"

Which I think is much better to read in a quiet solemn voice, and not have sung. I have sometimes felt for myself that when we are much engaged in holding religious meetings and Bibleclasses, there is danger of speaking too 'glibly' of religion, and not by our voice and manner making it impressive, and I have often thought of what the Ragged-school Inspector said to the teacher of our Ratcliffe School where some of our 'little ragged friends' attend.

"When you talk to the children about religion, do it in such a way that they shall see you feel its importance.'

"But I was going to tell you about our Irish Nosegay.

"A few weeks ago, Richard Allen, Esq., of Dublin, was at

the Mothers' Meeting, and interested them much with some account of his visit to the Holy Land, and when I told them he lived in Ireland, the Irish Mothers were delighted, and he promised to send them a few flowers from their 'dear ould Ireland.'

"Accordingly, the next Mothers' Meeting day a box of beautiful roses, geraniums, &c., arrived by post. The Bible-woman went early so as to arrange them in water, and the delight of the Irish women was great, each must come up to the table and smell. 'Oh! Miss, I am sure such lovely roses do not grow in England.'

"Now I see some flowers from my own counthry, and I have not been there for twenty years, they do smell real delightful.' The news of our expected nosegay had spread, so that we had more Irish women than usual. One old lady came in with her basket of oranges. 'Oh! I thought I must come to see some flowers from my own country;' and they were all delighted when, at the conclusion of the meeting, the Irish Mothers each received some flowers to take home. It really was quite amusing to see them, and as before presenting them I was very careful to ascertain their nationality, one of the English women said, 'Oh! Miss, we'll all be Irish to-day.' But I was determined to give them where I saw they gave so much pleasure.

"One woman stayed behind, and said, 'Oh, I assure you I feel ten years younger now that I have seen those flowers from my own land, and I have been saying over to myself—

"May my heart be as pleasing to thee,

As these little Irish flowers are to me."'

All these women are Romanists, and I am thankful to hope that some are also real Christians. Of course I am very careful never to say anything that may wound their feelings, but always to point to Jesus as the only name under heaven whereby any can be saved, and their quiet nod of assent has often encouraged me.


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