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to our Bible-class were his best listeners on Sunday; though some of them were the very opposite before it opened, their influence also making some of the most violent opposers and bad characters in the lodging-houses, who had hitherto tried to hinder, quite friendly and anxious to secure the missionary a hearing, calling out "Silence!" if there is any interruption; so that he said it was quite a pleasure to speak to them since, and that we little know the great work our Mission has done in these quarters.' You will perceive this great two-edged sword has again given proof of its irresistible power in piercing human hearts.

"Mrs. M. B- took the class lately, requesting any who felt impressed to remain for prayer. About thirteen did so, many saying they had found peace in believing. One poor old man, long visited by Mrs. W-, managed, though partially paralysed, to come; and his wife said, 'She never saw her poor old man's eyes so bright as when he came home that night. He told her he felt so happy, he could hardly keep from singing out at the meeting.' He was utterly ignorant until visited; but through these various ministrations is now spiritually rich and happy.

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"One of our most remarkable cases is Mr. P- a brickmaker, who was specially clever at bird-catching, which was his cruel Sunday pastime, making sometimes as much as 25s. a day by it; but, as he said, the publican was the chief gainer, as he drank nearly all of it. He has now given up this Sabbath desecration; and I thought how even the feathered creation will benefit by this man's salvation; and what multitudes of these sweet objects of our heavenly Father's care will now enjoy liberty in consequence of this captive of Satan being set free. Truly, these Bible-Missions help to still the groanings, and preserve the songs of creation. I could see this strong man wiping away the tears he could not restrain at this meeting; and he, and many others, bless God they ever came to the class; and some were very anxious their wives should come also; so our Mothers' Meeting had some addition in consequence.

"A noted drunkard in the neighbourhood, who used to

pick up anything he could at the wharf to sell for drink, and went by the name of Old Sally, being the laughing-stock of the boys, he was such an object, was brought to our Meeting by one of the fathers. The change wrought in him seemed as instantaneous as wonderful; for, from being ragged and dirty on the first occasion, he came the next time clean and decently clothed, showing what contact with Jesus in His Word can accomplish. The old man I have alluded to expressed his astonishment to see him at a Bible-class; and this man is now an earnest frequenter of prayer, and other meetings, instead of the soul-destroying gin-palace.

"Mr. T, who has been mentioned in other reports, got up one evening, and told them he never believed in a God or a devil'till he entered that room, and hoped they'd all be converted.' He often asks for the Doxology at the close of the meetings; and it is a great pleasure to us to have both him and his wife back again, the Mission-room having proved the magnet, drawing them Londonwards. There have been nineteen Bible subscribers this quarter, which I think very well, considering there were seventy-four last year. Mr. W, as usual, holds the small Mothers' Meeting in her rounds, sometimes getting four or five together, while rag-picking, to read the Bible to them. Your Medical Lady Superintendent when visiting in the district, remarked how glad they were to see her. We are much encouraged this quarter in our Mothers' Meetings. There are over eighty attendants and clothing subscribers, a very large proportion of whom attend regularly. At the beginning of the year I brought before them the solemn words in Matt. iii. 10:

"The axe is laid unto the root of the tree: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, cast into the fire.'


"And though the threatenings are not the pleasantest part of our message to deliver, yet being faithful with those who appeared careless bore much fruit; so that instead of any empty benches the room has been sometimes crowded. We find as a general rule slow growth from regular attendance is more to be trusted than sudden changes wrought by painful

providences; as sometimes when the pressure is off, there is a return to the old state.

"Mrs. C said the other day, with streaming eyes, how impressed she had been in that quiet afternoon hour, the only time in the week she could well leave her home for a meeting, the only opportunity of having their souls nourished from the Book of books.

"A prodigal son had almost ruined his Christian and respectable father by his conduct, as nothing was too bad for him to do. He forged and robbed; his father had to sell his printing-press in consequence. He came to our meeting in rags and misery, and has said since, he felt there for the first time in his life that he had been a wayward and wicked youth. He has since begged his father's pardon, which he never did before, and says he will keep away from bad companions. I saw the tears in this once hardened youth's eyes when speaking to us. Can we doubt that the Spirit of God is manifestly working with one and another of our Men's Class, when such hearts are wrought upon? The weakness of the human instrument makes one wonder; but it should not, as all is wrought by the Holy Spirit of God making use of the Word, and before being used to break other hearts, we are broken ourselves by mysterious and unsuspected sorrow. This poor boy is known to Miss B- who is clothing him to go to sea; the father's prayers are at last answered, and the son that was morally and spiritually lost is found. God has been with us of a truth. We have had some striking results from prayer both inside and outside the Mission-room-souls quickened, and sufferers cheered; and I must mention their bodily pains much mitigated by the kind visits of our district Nurse. May all interested in Bible Missions join us in prayer. It gives us such encouragement to know that prayer is being offered on our behalf, knowing what a prevailing power it is with God, moving Him to make bare His arm, till all the ends of the earth see His salvation. May we, who are the Lord's remembrancers, keep not silence.'

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"C. M. Y."



"A WOMAN who had kept a spirit-shop, and had drank largely herself, has been known to take as much as five shillings worth of brandy in one day. She was taken ill, and many complaints indicated a breaking up of the constitution. A kind neighbour wanted her very much to see the minister. 'No, she wouldn't; she didn't want him.' "The Scripture-reader?' 'No, she didn't want any of them.' At length, will you see the friend who speaks at our little Mothers' Meeting? She'll talk so gently to you.' A sister asked, Is it one who will be offended if she speaks roughly to her?' 'No, I'm sure she won't; she'll take no notice.' The sick woman was interested, and consented.



"I went, entered the room: she looked hard at me. I said, 'You are very, very ill.' 'Yes.' 'How long?' Her nurse answered, About three weeks.' 'Oh! what a mercy that


the holy God should have spared you so long!' 'Yes.' 'And what love He has loved us with, to send His Son from heaven to live, to die for us!' She looked up, and I cannot describe the expression with which she accompanied the sound, 'Eh?' Ignorance and wonder combined.

"Nurse said, 'I beg pardon, but she is quite unlettered.'

"Well,' I answered, but we often meet with people who cannot read, yet who know about these things. You have heard of Jesus Christ, have you not, my dear?'

"No; who was He?'

"I was astounded, she was so ill; it seemed as if death was standing by to snatch his victim, before she could hear about the great, the blessed sacrifice. But death is Christ's servant, and he must wait the Divine will. With an inward prayer for strength for His help; for I never felt so helpless, so powerless, I began again.

"She knew there was a God, a living God, a Creatorher Creator, to whom she belonged; but she had taken herself from Him, and given herself to work the Devil's bidding; had sworn, had cursed, had broken all God's holy days, the Sabbaths, even to the last.



"I then spoke of the plan of redemption, as simply and in as few words as possible. Oh, how God did help me; I left her with a promise that I would come again after the afternoon Mothers' Meeting. During the afternoon she asked for me two or three times, Was it not time I was coming.' As I went down the street, saw one of the women looking out of window eagerly; was met with, 'We have been looking out for you; she has been asking for you.' She was in a nice sleep, the first for several days and nights. Was it the commencement of a true peace?

"Whilst talking to those in the room, she awoke, looked round, eagerly said, 'Turn me round;' and this big, rough woman, who had made strong folks tremble at her manner and her words, gently, as a little child, put her hand into mine, and, with a longing look in her eyes, said gaspingly, 'I've been saying, "Oh God, have mercy upon me, for I am very miserable"-is that praying?'

"Yes, it is.'

"I then spoke of the love of God again; the coming to Christ, who helped us to come, who teaches us to come. He who gives the desire, will grant it. What does God himself say, 'Whosoever cometh unto me, I will not cast out or turn away.' Every word of this seemed like untold riches to her. Oh, how her intellect opened, how hungry for the Word she was: the room seemed filled with the presence of the Lord; all the women wept.

"At last I was obliged to leave; prayed that Christ would. spare her to realize His saving love. She promised to see the Bible-woman as often as she could call, which she did frequently. Oh, how she welcomed her, how eagerly she drank in the glad tidings. At Mrs. N's third visit she, with overflowing thankfulness, testified to the preciousness of the Saviour she had found. Once she said to those in the room,

'Don't weep for me; be glad that I have found HIM, that He has forgiven me that I am going to HIM. But, oh, don't live as I've lived; come to Him now.' Once it was 'precious Jesus.' She died on Saturday morning.

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.'

"M. A. M--."

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