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the treaty Italy agreed further that if and when Great Britain ed Cyprus to Greece, a plebiscite in Rhodes should determine ether that island also should be transferred to Greece. Rhodes is the most important of the islands, with a population 1917 of 36,500. Colymus and Cos have about 15,000 each; Syme, arpanto, Nisyros, and Leros from 4,000 to 7,000 each; and the gest of the others, Patmos, only 2,664. The population is almost tirely Greek except for 10,000 Moslems and Jews in the city of odes and some Moslems in Cos. The total population is 100,000. O figures for trade are available.

The administration of these islands appears to be directed by the mmander in chief of the corps of occupation; at least, all the deees have been issued in his name.

Tariff history. The tariff legislation for these islands for the first ur years of the Italian occupation is conveniently summed up in the ollettino di Legislazione for 1916, pages 339-343. From this it ppears that the Italians have, in general, continued in force the urkish rates of 11 per cent on imports and 1 per cent on all exports, f products not made from materials which had paid the import uty. The only changes at first were that Turkish goods were classed s foreign, and that the rate on barley, corn, flour, and coal was educed to 5 per cent. The general rate remains at 11 per cent, but any items have been given specific rates, and a number of excepions and exemptions have been introduced.5

Changes made since the establishment of the tariff of July 5, 1912, re as follows:

Eleven classes of jewelry and precious stones were given specific ates; e. g., 2 lire each on gold watches."

Wheat, flour, and bran were given specific rates, corresponding, or the first two, to the special rate of 5 per cent which had been given o them previously."

A few days later, specific rates were put on animals, on the basis of the 11 per cent rate, but the temporary exemption accorded to cattle, sheep, swine, and goats in August of the same year was still in force in 1916.8

The free list includes common wood, fresh fish, eggs, milk, fertilizers, firewood, charcoal, periodicals and books, and a few others.' The regulations in regard to temporary importations of raw sponges for reexport have been abolished in favor of the much simpler system of free entry.10

The only exceptions to the general rule in regard to exports are that the rate on wheat, flour, and bran has been made specific, and exemption has been accorded to tanned skins, soaps, and oil of olive husks "1

Since 1916, there have been very few changes in tariff rates. The rates on grano turco and on its flour were made specific, at one lira

Taken May 5, 1912; the other 11 islands were occupied not long afterwards. La Libia negli Atti del Parlamento, pp. 1452, 1457.

Annuario Statistico, 1916, p. 438. Rome, 1918.

Decree of July 5, 1912. On June 22, the rate on coal, firewood, and flour had been reduced to 5

Decree of Mar. 16, 1914. These had also had special rates under the Turkish tariff.

7 Decree of Mar. 24, 1914.

Decrees of Apr. 5, Aug. 11, and Aug. 30, 1914.

per cent.

Decrees of July 5, 1912, May 30 and Sept. 23, 1913, and Jan. 10 and Apr. 27, 1914. This last concerning wood was to aid the boat-building industry.

10 Decree of Aug. 5, 1914.

Decrees of July 5, 1912, Feb. 14 and June 20, 1914. These exemptions were temporary, but were still

in force in 1916.


per quintal, in 1917 and 1918, respectively. From April 1, 1919, the duty on cereals, flours, semolina, and rice was suspended. Br the same decree a statistical duty was levied on practically all inports and exports, at the rate of lira 0.10 on each animal or vehicle on each ton of wine, coal, wood, stone, cement, scrap iron, etc., and on each quintal of other articles with a few exemptions.

The export trade was sharply restricted during the war, but by direct prohibition, not by tariff changes. By decree of May 20, 1915, the exportation of arms, foodstuffs, animals, fuel, and medicines was prohibited, and later decrees enlarged the list." Shipment to Italy or to the Italian colonies, however, was not considered exportation within the meaning of the prohibition.

The importation, exportation, sale, and possession of hashish was prohibited by decree of April 10, 1918.15

The only differential duty found in the Dodecanese consists in the provision which allowed tobacco free entry 16 after the Italian Gover ment monopoly in tobacco had been substituted for the Turkish This regulation doubtless should be regarded as a fiscal rather than a tariff provision.


[See also the general works listed on p. 835 and the texts of treaties listed on p. 834]


Direzione Centrale degli Affari Coloniali. Manuale di legislazione della Somalia Italiana. 3 vol. Rome, 1912-14.

Contains a complete index of all the decrees, ordinances, laws, treaties, etc., concerning Somalia Italiana from the beginning of the Italian possession, and the text of those adjudged to be of perme nent interest. It closes with the decrees establishing the ministry of the colonies, Nov. 20, 1912. Ministero delle Colonie. Manuale di legislazione della Colonia Eritrea. Edited by Prof. Angiolo Mori. 8 vol. Rome, 1914-15.

A similar collection of documents for Eritrea. Each volume contains a chronological index, and volume eight is devoted to chronological, analytic, and alphabetic indexes.

Ministero delle Finanze, Direzione Generale delle Gabelle. Bollettino di legisla zione e statistica doganale e commerciale. Rome, annually from 1884.

Issued every month or two, with indexes for each number and for the year. Contains commercial treaties, tariffs, amendments and rulings concerning tariffs; also information on taxes on manuketuring, on state monopolies, and more general articles and statistics on prices, production, etc., not only for Italy but for all countries and colonies. Many of the treaties are in French. Ministero degli Affari Esteri, continued by Ministero delle Colonie. Monografie e Rapporti Coloniali. Rome, 1912 and later, 2 volumes a year.

These monographs are largely on agriculture, botany, ethnology, etc., but a few relate to commes. Ufficio Centrale di Statistica. Annuario Statistico Italiano. Rome, annually [but only one issue between 1902 and 1911].

Contains a few statistics on the colonies, particularly on Eritrea.

Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Direzione Centrale degli Affari Coloniali. Benadir. Rome, 1911.

This is a report of the Commandant, G. Cerrina Ferroni [sic, but elsewhere, Feroni], dated Aug. 31, 1907.

Camera dei Deputati, Legis. XXIII, Ses. 1909-12. Atti Parlamentari, No. 1165A. Relazione della Giunta Generale del Bilancio sul Disegno di Legge (Autorizzazione al Governo del Re per l'Istituzione del Ministero delle Colonie). (Sitting of June 15, 1912.) Rome, 1912.

12 Decree of Mar. 14, 1917, and decree of June 17, 1918. Bol. di legis., 1917, p. 286; 1918, p. 497.

18 Decree of Feb. 28, Bol. di legis., 1919, p. 190.

14 Bol. di legis., 1916, p. 643ff., 1917, p. 538.

16 Ib., 1918, p. 348.

16 Decrees of May 22, 1912, and July 2, 1912.


llegio di Scienze Politiche e Coloniali (Pagliano di Pagliano-Emilia, Emilio). La Libia negli atti del Parlamento e nei provvedimenti del Governo. Milan, 1912


Not official in publication, but a collection of documents or passages thereof. Contains the lastnamed document, together with the ministerial reports on the same subject to both Houses, the Senate committee report, and the debates. The third volume ends with Dec. 31, 1912; the first begins with 1881.

inistero degli Affari Esteri, Direzione Centrale degli Affari Coloniali. L'Africa italiana al Parlamento Nazionale, 1882-1905. Rome, 1907.

Contains all the references to Africa in the parliamentary debates, interpellations, etc. 989 pages. mera dei Deputati, Legis. XIX, Prima Sessione. Atti Parlamentari, No. XIII quater. Documenti diplomatici presentati al Parlamento Italiano dal Ministro degli Affari Esteri (Blanc). La Somalia Italiana, 1885-1895. Seduta del 25 Luglio, 1895. Rome, 1895.

An Italian Green Book consisting of a summary introduction of 25 pages and 250 pages of documents-treaties with the chiefs, the agreements of 1891 and 1894 with England, etc.

inistère des Affaires Étrangères. Documents diplomatiques. Affaires du Congo et de l'Afrique Occidentale. Paris, 1895.

A French Yellow Book chiefly on the Berlin conference. 9th Congress, 1st session, Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 196.

This contains the protocols and final act of the Berlin conference for the most part translated into English; also the correspondence between the delegates of the United States and the Secretary of State, and various other documents.

inistero delle Colonie. Ordinamenti della Libia (Gennaio, 1913-Gennaio, 1914). Rome, 1914.

A volume of over 1,000 pages, containing the treaty with Turkey, the ordinance for the organization of the colonial ministry, Libian ordinances no longer in force, etc.

Martino, Giacomo de. La Somalia Italiana nei Tre Anni del mio Governo. Rome, 1912.

A report submitted to Parliament by the minister of the colonies. It contains 120 large pages in addition to extensive appendices and numerous maps.

Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria, e Commercio. Bollettino Ufficiale del Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria, e Commercio. Rome, bound and indexed with four volumes to the year.

Occasionally gives figures for the commerce of the colonies. Camera dei Deputati, Legis. XXIV, Ses. 1913-14.

[ocr errors]

Atti Parlamentari, No. 284. Disegno di Legge Nov. 30, 1914. Stato di Previsione della Spesa de Ministro delle Colonie (for 1915-16). Rome, 1914. Ibid., Sessione 1913-18, No. 55. Relazione al Parlamento sulla situazione politica, economica, ed amministrativa delle Colonie Italiane. Presented by the Minister of the Colonies, Gaspare Colosimo, Feb. 23, 1918. Rome, 1918. Senato del Regno, Legis. XXII, Ses. 1904-09. Atti Interni, No. 264. Disegno di legge Ordinamento del Benadir. Rome, 1909. Pp. 11-25, Annex I. Estratti dalla Relazione del reggente il Governo del Benadir, G. Cerrina Feroni . . . in data del 23 Marzo, 1906.

Ministero delle Finanze, Direzione Generale delle Gabelle. Movimento Commerciale del Regno d'Italia. Rome, annually.

Through 1906 this contains an appendix giving the statistics for the port of Massowa. Also it contains the statistics from the Italian customs for the trade between Italy and Eritrea and Somalia. Ministero delle Colonie. Ufficio Economico. Bollettino di Informazioni, 1913-1919.

Contains figures and articles on the trade, finances, agriculture, peoples, etc., of the colonies.

Ministero delle Colonie. Bollettino Ufficiale, 1913-1919.

This is the official bulletin of the colonial ministry and contains all decrees, etc., emanating from
Rome and concerning any of the colonies.

Regno d'Italia, Gazzeta Ufficiale. Rome, daily.

The official bulletin of the Government.

Senato del Regno, Legis. XXIII, Ses. 1909-13. Atti Interni, vol. 8, No. 706, 1911. Disegno di legge dell' 11 Luglio 1911

Agevolazioni doganali per alcuni

prodotti originare dall' Eritrea e dalla Somalia Italiana.

Camera dei Deputati, Legis. XXI, 1st Ses., 1900. Atti Parlamentari, Doc. VII. Relazione sulla Colonia Eritrea del Ferdinando Martini (Anni 1898 e 1899) presentata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Visconti-Venosta) nella seduta del 6 Luglio 1900. Rome, 1900.

Camera dei Deputati, Legis. XVI, 2d Ses., 1888. Atti Parlamentari, Doc. XVII Massaua.

An Italian Green Book.

Southard, A. E. Abyssinia, U. S. Special Consular Reports, No. 81, 1917.


Mori, Angiolo. I Corpi Consultivi dell'Amministrazione Coloniale negli Stati d'Eropa. Rome, 1912. Bibliography, pp. 593-614.

A scholarly work discussing not only the consultative bodies but the whole scheme of Governme Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano. Storia Costituzionale del Regno d' Italia, 1848-18 Florence, 1898. Istituzioni di Diritto Costituzionale Italiano. Turin, 1913. Racioppi, F., and Brunelli, I. Commento allo Statuto del Regno. Turin, 1969. 3 vol.

Tambaro, Ignazio. Il Diritto Costituzionale Italiano. Milan, 1909.

Martino, Giacomo de. La Somalia Nostra. Bergamo, 1913.

An illustrated lecture delivered by the governor of the Colony.

Piazza, Giuseppe. Il Benadir. Rome, 1913.

Contains a chapter on the Northern Protectorates, pp. 169–195.

Brunialti, Attilio. Le Colonie degli Italiani. Turin, 1897.

Brunialti and Catellani give more history of the early colonial period than do other works-mut more detailed than anything available in English, but neither discusses the tariff policy.

Atti del Congresso Coloniale Italiano in Asmara, 1905.

Vol. 1 contains the addresses: vol. 2 the discussions and resolutions. Vol. 1, pp. 289–296, PTL Carlo Betocchi: Sulla Politica commerciale italiana nel porto di Massaua.

Brusa, E. Das Staatsrecht des Königreichs Italien. Freiburg i. B., 1892.

This is vol. 4, part 1, of Marquardsen's Handbuch des Oeffentlichen Rechts. Brusa was profess at the University of Turin, and his work contains much material on the early colonial history. Schanzer, Carlo. L'Acquisto delle Colonie e il Diritto pubblico Italiano. Rome


A small volume with 40 pages of constitutional argument, 30 pages of colonial history, and 120 para of documents.

Papafava, Francesco. Dieci Anni de Vita Italiana, 1899-1909. Bari, 1913.

A collection in two volumes of the monthly comment on national and international politics whil appeared in the Giornale degli Economisti. As in most Italian works, there is no index; but the analytical table of contents is better than appears in most works.

Pierre-Alype, L. M. L'Ethiope et les Convoitises Allemandes. La Politique AngleFranco-Italienne. Paris, 1917.

Contains the texts of the treaties of the three powers with each other and with Abyssinia. Tittoni, Tommaso. Italy's Foreign and Colonial Policy. A selection from the speeches delivered in the Italian Parliament, 1903-1909. Authorized Englis translation, by Baron B. Q. di San Severino. London, 1914.

Giretti, Ed. Trattati di Commercio e Politica Doganale. Rome, 1914.

Has an appendix on colonial tariffs,

Catellani, Enrico. L'Africa nuovo e il diritto pubblico africano. (In the Revista Italiana di Sociologia, July-Oct., 1907.) Les Possessions africaines et le Droit Colonial de l'Italie. (In the Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparée, Jan., 1885.)

Ogg, F. A. The Governments of Europe. New York, 1913.

La Somalia Italiana e l'Eccidio di Lafole. Special number of the Revista Marittima Rome, 1897. Lucindo Baroni, Condizioni agricole e commerciali del Benadir. Sonnino, Giorgio (Senator). Per il progresso della colonia Eritrea. Nuova Antologis Sept. 16, 1904.

Great Britain, Foreign Office. Peace Handbooks, Vol. XX, No. 126, Eritrea; No 127, Italian Libya; No. 128, Italian Somaliland. 1920.

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At the time of the Restoration and the beginning of the Meiji era (1868) the area of the Japanese Empire was about 140,000 square miles. In the course of 40 years thereafter, entirely within the reign of the late Emperor Mutsuhito, Japan's statesmen succeeded in bringing under the rule of their Emperor additional territories totaling no less than 119,000 square miles, making an increase of 85 per cent in the national territory. This process of empire building began with the assimilation of a large number of small outlying islands. The Kurile Islands were secured in 1874; the Bonin Islands were incorporated as a part of Japan in 1876; the Loochoo Islands in 1879. The Pescadores were occupied by Japanese forces during

In Table 1 the Kurile, Bonin, and Loochoo islands are included in the area of Japan proper, and the dependencies add 75 per cent to this area.

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