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l'autre des deux Parties Contractantes et, dans ce cas, il cessera d'être exécutoire un mois après cette dénonciation.

"Il est entendu toutefois que les articles exportés par les navires partant des ports de l'une des deux Parties Contractantes dans le délai de dénonciation susmentionné jouiront, même après l'échéance de ce terme, dans le territoire de l'autre Partie, des avantages et privilèges qui sont accordés par le présent Accord commercial provisoire entre le Japon et l'Italie.

Je vous saurai gré si vous vouliez bien me faire connaître, aussitôt que possible, si le Gouvernement Impérial Japonais consent à cette proposition.

Veuillez agréer, etc.


(No. 2.)—The Japanese Chargé d'Affaires at Rome to the Italian Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Sous-Secrétaire d'Etat,

Ambassade du Japon, Rome,
le 25 septembre 1919.

D'APRÈS les ordres que je viens de recevoir, j'ai l'honneur de communiquer à votre Excellence en réponse à sa note du 30 août dernier que le Gouvernement Impérial du Japon est d'accord avec le Gouvernement Royal d'Italie sur la proposition suivante :

"Le Traité de Commerce et de Navigation du 25 novembre 1912 entre le Japon et l'Italie est maintenu en vigueur jusqu'au 30 septembre 1919, avec la condition qu'après l'échéance de ce terme, le même traité se trouvera tacitement renouvelé jusqu'à ce qu'il soit dénoncé par l'une ou l'autre des deux Parties Contractantes et, dans ce cas, il cessera d'être exécutoire un mois après cette dénonciation.

"Il est entendu toutefois que les articles exportés par les navires partant des ports de l'une des deux Parties Contractantes dans le délai de dénonciation susmentionné jouiront, même après l'échéance de ce terme, dans le territoire de l'autre Partie, des avantages et privilèges qui sont accordés par le présent Accord commercial provisoire entre le Japon et l'Italie."

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

AGREEMENT between Italy and Switzerland modifying the Convention between the two Countries relative to the St. Gothard Railway, signed at Berne, October 13, 1909.Berne, July 1, 1918.

LE Conseil fédéral de la Confédération suisse et Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, désireux de permettre à la Confédération suisse d'augmenter les tarifs en vigueur sur la ligne de Gothard pour le transit des voyageurs et des bagages entre l'Italie et la Suisse, des mêmes surtaxes provisoires appliquées par les chemins de fer fédéraux en service intérieur suisse, sont convenus de modifier partiellement et temporairement la convention internationale relative au chemin de fer du St. Gothard du 13 octobre 1909* comme suit :


En vue de déroger partiellement aux dispositions de l'article 10 de la convention principale du Gothard du 13 octobre 1909, le Gouvernement Royal d'Italie consent à ce que les tarifs actuellement en vigueur sur la ligne du Gothard pour le transit des voyageurs et des bagages sur ladite ligne entre la Suisse et l'Italie soient frappés des mêmes surtaxes provisoires que celles perçues par les chemins de fer fédéraux dans le trafic interne suisse.

"Ces dispositions ont un caractère exceptionnel et temporaire. Elles entreront en vigueur à la date que sera établie d'un commun accord entre les administrations intéressées et resteront en vigueur jusqu'à une année après la publication de la paix; à partir de cette date, les dispositions préexistantes rentreront entièrement en vigueur.

Ainsi fait à Berne, en double expédition, le 1er juillet 1918.
Au nom du Conseil fédéral suisse:


Chef du Département suisse des Postes et des Chemins de fer.

Au nom de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie:


Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire du
Royaume d'Italie auprès de la Confédération suisse.

Vol. CV, page 639.

AGREEMENT between Italy and the United States of America further extending the duration of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries, signed at Washington, March 28, 1908.-Washington, March 20, 1919.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Washington, October 13, 1919.]

THE Government of the United States of America and the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, being desirous of extending for another five years the period during which the Arbitration Convention concluded between them on the 28th March, 1908,† extended by the Agreement concluded between the two Governments on the 28th May, 1913, shall remain in force, have authorised the undersigned, to wit: the Honourable Frank L. Polk, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, and Baron Pietro Arone di Valentino, His Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Washington, to conclude the following Agreement:

ART. I. The Convention of Arbitration of the 28th March, 1908, between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the duration of which by Article III thereof was fixed at a period of five years from the date of the exchange of Ratifications of the said Convention on the 22nd January, 1909, which period, by the Agreement of the 28th May, 1913, between the two Governments was extended for five years from the 22nd January, 1914, is hereby renewed and declared in force for a further period of five years from the 22nd January, 1919.

II. The present Agreement shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, in accordance with its Constitution and laws, and it shall become effective upon the date of the exchange of Ratifications, which shall take place at Washington as soon as possible.

Done in duplicate, in the English and Italian languages, at Washington this 20th day of March, 1919.




* United States "Treaty Series," No. 645. Signed also in the Italian


Vol. CII, page 469.

Vol. CVII, page 953.

DECLARATION between Liberia and Sweden modifying Article III B of the Treaty of Commerce between the two Countries, signed September 1, 1863.-London, December 5, 1913.

THE Government of Sweden and the Government of Liberia, being desirous of modifying Article III B of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Sweden and Liberia, signed on the 1st September, 1863, the undersigned, duly authorised to that effect, have agreed as follows:

Article III B of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Sweden and Liberia, signed on the 1st September, 1863, is cancelled and the following paragraph is substituted:

There shall be reciprocal freedom of commerce between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Liberia. The subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden shall be permitted to reside and trade in any part whatever of the territory of the Republic of Liberia where other foreigners now are or in future may be admitted. They shall enjoy full protection for their persons and property. They shall have the right to buy and to sell and to possess, on the same terms as the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation, and without being subjected to any special tax or impost as foreigners, personal property of any and every description, and freely to dispose of the same according to the laws of the country; to succeed to and to transmit such property, whether by inheritance ab intestato or by testament. They shall enjoy all other rights and privileges which now are or hereafter may be conceded to any other foreigners, the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation. In consideration whereof the citizens of the Republic of Liberia shall enjoy in the Kingdom of Sweden the same protection and the same privileges.

This declaration shall be in force as soon as it has been ratified by the Liberian Senate.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present Declaration and thereto affixed their respective seals. Done in duplicate at London on the 5th day of December in the year 1913.



*Ratified by Liberia, January 15, 1914.

AGREEMENT between Mexico and Spain for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between the two Countries.-Madrid, August 13, 1919, and Mexico, September 25, 1919.


THE Post Office of Mexico and the Post Office of Spain have agreed to carry on the regular and direct exchange of postal parcels, without declaration of value, between the United States of Mexico and the Kingdom of Spain (including the Balearic and Canary Islands and possessions in the North of Africa), on the basis of the Convention of Rome, dated the 26th May, 1906, relating to parcel post.

ART. I. Postal parcels may be despatched, either from Mexico to Spain or from Spain to Mexico, up to the weight of 5 kilog.

II. The Post Offices of Mexico and of Spain will ensure the transport of the postal parcels between the two countries by the adequate means at their disposal.

III. The postage shall be paid in the money of the country of origin, on the basis of its officially determined equivalence with the gold franc, which shall serve for fixing the amount of postage payable on each parcel, as follows:Parcels from Mexico to Spain (Peninsula):

Fee for land transport, pertaining to Mexico
Fee for land transport, pertaining to Spain
Fee for ocean transport










Parcels from Mexico for the Balearic Isles and Spanish Possessions in North Africa:


Fee for land transport, pertaining to Mexico ... 1.00
Fee for land transport, pertaining to Spain 0.75
Fee for ocean transport






Parcels from Mexico for the Canaries:

Fee for land transport, pertaining to Mexico
Fee for land transport, pertaining to Spain
Fee for ocean transport


[blocks in formation]

"Diario Oficial," + Vol. C, page 999.

For the original Spanish text see the Mexican February 6, 1920.

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