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candidate for the throne of Spain, about 3 July, 1870. This was violently denounced by the French government. Threatening speeches were made in the French chamber by the duc de Gramont, the foreign minister, and eventually, after some negotiation and the intervention of Great Britain, the prince, with the consent of his sovereign, declined the proffered crown 12 July. This submission did not satisfy the French government and nation, and the demand for a guarantee against the repetition of such an acceptance irritated the Prussian government, and led to the termination of the negotiations, the king refusing to receive the count Benedetti, the French minister, 13 July. Energetic but fruitless efforts to avert the war were made by earl Granville, the British foreign minister, 15 July. War was announced by the emperor 15 July, with the hearty consent of the great majority of the chambers. The left or republican party opposed the war, but M. Thiers and a few others only protested against it as premature. After his surrender on 2 Sept., the emperor told count Bismarck that he did not desire war, but was driven into it by public opinion. He appears to have been greatly deceived as to the numerical strength of his army, and its state of preparation. (For details of the battles see separate articles.)

FRENCH ARMY, about 300,000:

1st corps, under marshal MacMahon. 2nd corps, under general Frossard. 3rd corps, under marshal Bazaine. 4th corps, under general Ladmirault. 5th corps, under general De Failly. 6th corps, under marshal Canrobert. Imperial guard, under general Bourbaki. Commander-in-chief, the emperor; general Le Bœuf, second; succeeded by marshal Bazaine. PRUSSIAN ARMY, about 640,000:

1. Northern, under general Vögel von Falckenstein, about 220,000, defending the Elbe, Hanover, &c.

2. Right, under prince Frederick Charles, about 180,000.

3. Centre, under generals Von Bittenfeld and Von Steinmetz, about 80,000.

4. The left, under the crown prince of Prussia,
about 166,000.

Commander-in-chief, king William ; second, general
Von Moltke.

The North German army, at the beginning of August,
consisted, firstly, of 550,000 line, with 1,200 guns
and 53,000 cavalry; secondly, of 187,000 reserve,
with 234 guns and 18,000 cavalry; and, thirdly, of
205,000 landwehr, with 10,000 cavalry, making a
grand total of 944,000 men, with 1,680 mobilized
guns and 193,000 horses.

To these must be added, firstly, the Bavarians, 69,000 line, with 192 guns and 14,800 horses25,000 reserve with 2,400 horses, and 22,000 landwehr; secondly, the Würtembergers-22,000 line with 54 guns and 6,200 horses, 6,500 reserve, and 6,000 landwehr; and, thirdly, the Badenese16,000 line with 54 guns, 4,000 reserve, and 9,600 landwehr.

All the German troops taken together as under arms at the present moment reach the enormous figure of 1,124,000 men. Aug. 1870.

Four weeks previously, on the peace footing, they numbered no more than 360,000.

The French and Germans in this war were shown to be equally brave and efficient; but the generals of the former appear to have acted greatly upon impulse. The latter seem to have been invariably guided by a well matured plan, their tactics mainly consisting in bringing vast masses to bear on the point where they were anxious to prevail. From Saarbrück to Sedan, Moltke appears to have left nothing to chance; and all his arrangements were ably carried out.

The causes of the early ruin of the French army were: "1, the enormous superiority of the Germans in regard to numbers; 2, the absolute unity of their command and concert of operation; 3, their superior mechanism in equipment and supplies; 4, the superior intelligence, steadiness and discipline of the soldiers; 5, superior education of the officers, and the dash and intelligence of the cavalry."- Quarterly Review.

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War resolved on by the French government,
15 July; declaration delivered at Berlin,
19 July, 1870
The north German parliament meet at Berlin,
and engage to support Prussia in the war,
19 July,
Würtemberg, Bavaria, Baden, and Hesse Darm-
stadt declare war against France, and send
contingents to the army.
20 July,
War proclamation of the emperor Napoleon,
declaring that the national honour, violently
excited. alone takes in hand the destinies
of the country.

23 July, Part of the bridge at Kehl blown up by the


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23 July, Proclamation of the king that "love of the common fatherland, and the unanimous uprising of the German races, have conciliated all opinions, and dissipated all disagreements The war will procure for Germany a durable peace, and from this bloody seed will arise a harvest blessed by God-the liberty and unity of Germany" 25 July, Skirmish at Niederbronn; a Bavarian officer 26 July,,, 27 July, The emperor Napoleon joins the army; at Metz, assumes the chief command, and issues a proclamation declaring that the war will be long and severe 28 July,,,


Day of general prayer observed in Prussia,

Repulse of a French attack at Saarbrück,
30 July,

20 Badenese enter France at Lauterburg; Mr.
Winsloe killed; some captured; others escape
with valuable information
31 July,
Proclamation of the king of Prussia to his
people, granting an amnesty for political of-
fences, and "resolving, like our forefathers,
placing full trust in God, to accept the battle
for the defence of the fatherland"
31 July.
He leaves Berlin for the army, 1 Aug., and
announces that "all Germany stands united

in arms

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3 Aug. The French government announce, that they make war, not against Germany, but against Prussia, or rather against the policy of count Bismarck" 2 Aug. The French under Frossard bombard and take Saarbrück in the presence of the emperor and his son; the Prussians, dislodged, retire with little loss 2 Aug. The duc de Gramont, French foreign minister, publishes a circular replying to Bismarck's charges against France


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: 3 Aug. The crown prince crosses the Lauter, the boundary of France, and defeats the French under Frossard, storming the lines of Wissembourg and Geisberg; gen. Douay killed, 4 Aug:,,

Battle of Woerth: in a desperate, long-continued battle the crown prince defeats marshal Mac


FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, continued. Mahon and the army of the Rhine; they retire to Saverne to cover Nancy 6 Aug. 1870 Battle of Forbach: Saarbrück recaptured, and Forbach (in France) taken by generals Von Goben and Von Steinmetz, after a fierce contest; all the French retreat 6 Aug. Gen. Turr publishes, in a letter, statements of proposals by Bismarck for the annexation of Luxembourg and Belgium by France, in 1866 and 1867.

6 Aug. The emperor, reporting these defeats, says, "Tout peut se rétablir" 7 Aug. The Germans occupy Forbach, Haguenau, and Saarguemines.



Marshal Bazaine appointed to the chief mand of the French army at Metz (about 130,000); MacMahon has about 50,000 near Saverne; Canrobert about 50,000 near Nancy,

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St. Avold occupied by the Germans Marshal Bazaine takes cominand of the army at Metz

8 Aug. Nine French iron-clads pass Dover for the Baltic 9 Aug. 9 Aug.

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9 Aug.

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Phalsburg invested

9 Aug.

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Treaty with Great Britain, guaranteeing the neutrality of Belgium, signed on behalf of Prussia, 9 Aug.; of France 11 Aug. Forced resignation of the Ollivier ministry 9 Aug. New ministry constituted under general Cousin Montauban, comte de Palikao, war minister, 10 Aug. Strasburg invested by the Germans, 10 Aug. The king of Prussia, at Saarbrück, proclaims that he makes war against soldiers, not against French citizens 10 Aug. Lichtenberg capitulates to the Germans, 10 Aug. MacMahon's army retreating upon the Moselle, 11 Aug.


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The little fortress, "La Petite Pierre," evacuated, 11 Aug. Communication with Strasburg cut off, 11 Aug. Nancy occupied by the Germans without resistance 12 Aug. The Bavarians pass the Vosges . 12 Aug. The king at St. Avold forbids conscription for the French army in territories held by Ger13 Aug. Marshal Bazaine made commander of the army of the Rhine 13 Aug.,, Bombardment of Strasburg begun 14 Aug. The French government declare that "there can be, for a moment, no question of negotiation of peace 14 Aug. Blockade of the German ports on the Baltic, from 15 Aug., announced by the French admiral. 14 Aug., Many French volunteer sharp-shooters (francstireurs) take the field (not recognized as soldiers by the Germans) about 14 Aug. Toul refuses to surrender

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Estimated German losses: killed, wounded, and missing, 2088 officers, 46,480 men; up to 18 Aug. Severe bombardment of Strasburg 19 Aug. MacMahon's army of the Rhine retreats as the Prussians under the king and crown-prince advance; prince Frederick Charles opposed to Bazaine at Metz; [German armies in France about 500,000 the French armies about 300,000; communications between marshals Bazaine and MacMahon very difficult], about 20 Aug. ",

Lieut. Harth, a Prussian spy, tried and shot at
20 Aug.
The French camp at Châlons raised, 20 Aug.,
and the troops extended along the line of the
21 Aug.,,
21 Aug.
22 Aug.,,

Exportation of food prohibited
Bazaine at Metz said to be completely isolated,

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MacMahon at Rheims with his army, including the remains of the corps of Failly and Canrobert; he marches in hope of joining Bazaine: the crown-prince and prince of Saxony start in pursuit, 23 Aug.; marching upon Châlons, 24 Aug. Prussian royal head-quarters removed from Pont à Mousson to Bar-le-Duc (125 miles from Paris) 24 Aug.,, The alleged violation of the neutrality of Belgium denied by its government, 25 Aug. The Germans in the arrondissement of Vassy, 25 Aug. 25 Aug.,,

Germans repulsed in an attack on Verdun,

800 French national guards captured at St. Menehould

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Phalsburg heroically resisting Thionville invested by the Germans, 27 Aug.,, Engagement at Busancy, between Vouziers and Stenay : a regiment of French chasseurs nearly annihilated 27 Aug.,, Two German armies (220,000) marching on Paris 28 Aug. Continued retreat of MacMahon's army; severe fighting at Dun, Stenay, and Mouzon, 28 Aug. Nicholas Schull, a German spy, shot at Metz, 28 Aug. Vrizy, between Vouziers and Attigny, stormed by the Germans 29 Aug. Municipal meetings at Berlin, Königsberg, and other German citics, protest against foreign intervention in arranging terms of peace, 30, 31 Aug. " MacMahon's army, about 150,000, accompanied by the emperor, retreating northwards; part of it defeated near Beaumont, between Mouzon and Moulins; several other engagements, unfavourable to the French, occurred during the day


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30 Aug. Count Bismarck-Bohlen installed governor of Alsace at Haguenau 30 Aug. The Germans enter Carignan; attack the French in the plain of Douzy; the French, at

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A French army of old soldiers, about said to be forming near Lyons 31 Aug. Metz: Bazaine defeated in his endeavour to escape from Metz; after a fierce struggle, retreats into Metz 31 Aug. 1 Sept.,, Battle round Sedan: begun at 4 a.m. between Sedan and Douzy; the French at first successful; after a severe struggle and dreadful carnage, the Germans victorious; Mac Mabon wounded, 5'30 p.m.; general De Wimpffen refuses to accept the terms offered by the king of Prussia

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1 Sept.,, Capitulation of Sedan and the remainder of MacMahon's army; the emperor surrenders to the king (see Sedan) 2 Sept.,, Vigorous artillery action at Strasburg: a sortie repulsed 2 Sept.,, Revolution at Paris after the declaration of the capture of MacMahon's army; proclamation of a republic (see France) 4 Sept,, Rheims occupied by the Germans and the king 5 Sept. Jules Favre, the French foreign minister, in a circular to the French diplomatic representatives, says "We will not cede either an inch of our territories or a stone of our fortresses," 6 Sept.,, General Vinoy and a corps sent too late to aid MacMahon, retreat and arrive in Paris, 6,7 Sept.,,

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St. Dizier occupied by the Germans 7 Sept.,, Strasburg now invested by 60,000 men, 8 Sept. Verdun vigorously resisting 8 Sept, The German army, in five corps, advancing on Paris 9 Sept,, Laon surrendered to save the town from destruction; by the accidental or treacherous explosion of a magazine some of the German staff and many French perish 9 Sept.,, Metz, Strasburg, Thionville, Phalsburg, Toul, Bitsche, and other fortified places holding out 10 Sept.,, Messages between belligerents transmitted by lord Lyons (at Paris) and count Bernstorff (Prussian minister) in London 9-10 Sept. German attack on Toul repulsed 10 Sept. Bridge at Creil over the Oise blown up, 12 Sept.,, Seven German corps (about 300,000 men) approaching Paris, which is said to contain 300,000 combatants 13 Sept. M. Thiers arrives in London on a mission from the government 13 Sept.,, Colmar occupied by the Germans 14 Sept.,, General Trochu reviews the troops in Paris,

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13 Sept.; delivers a stirring address; the daily guard ordered to be 70,000 14 Sept. Estimated German loss: 60,000 killed and wounded; between 20,000 and 30,000 sick; about 1000 prisoners 15 Sept. French prisoners in Germany: 62 generals, 4800 officers, 140,000 privates, about 15 Sept.,, Correspondence between count Bernstorff and earl Granville respecting neutrality said to have been broken; denied by the earl 1-15 Sept. Siege of Paris begun; ingress and egress prohibited without a permit 15 Sept. Blockade of the Elbe and Weser non-effective, 15 Sept.,, Important circular of M. Favre, condemning the war and recognizing the obligations of the country 17 Sept.,, Circular letters of count Bismarck, recounting the history of French aggressions on Germany, and asserting the necessity of obtaining material guarantees for the future safety of Germany and removing the frontiers and point of attack further west 13, 16 Sept.,,

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Prussian head-quarters at Meaux (20 miles from Paris) 18 Sept. 1870 32 German merchant ships reported to have been captured by the French fleet up to 18 Sept.,, Vessels sunk in the Seine and Marne, and other vigorous defensive measures adopted, 18, 19 Sept. Paris said to be completely invested; the fortifications reconnoitred by the king, who has fixed his head-quarters at Baron Rothschild's château at Ferrières, near Lagny 19 Sept.,, Three French divisions under general Vinoy attack the Germans on the heights of Sceaux; repulsed with loss of 7 guns and 2500 prisoners: the defeat attributed to the disorder of the Zouaves; the national guard behave well, 19 Sept.,, Count Bismarck consents to receive Jules Favre (about 16 Sept.); they meet at Château de la Haute Maison, 19 Sept.; and at the king's head-quarters, Ferrières, near Lagny, 20 Sept. Jules Favre reports to the government the result of his interviews with count Bismarck: Prussia demands the cession of the departments of the Upper and Lower Rhine and part of that of Moselle, with Metz, Château Salins and Soissons, and would agree to an armistice in order that a French constituent assembly may meet; the French to surrender Strasburg, Toul and Verdun (or Phalsbourg according to Favre), and Mont Valérien, if the assembly meet at Paris; these terms are positively rejected by the French government 21 Sept. Versailles and the troops there surrender, 19 Sept.; entered by the crown prince of Prussia 20 Sept.

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A lunette captured at Strasburg 20 Sept. General von Steinmetz sent to Posen as governorgeneral; prince Frederick Charles sole commander before Metz 21 Sept.,, Sèvres surrenders 22 Sept.,,

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The blockade of German ports raised; officially announced in London 22 Sept.,,


The French government issue a circular expressing readiness to consent to an equitable peace, but refusing "to cede an inch of our territory or а stone of our fortresses," 23 Sept. Three conflicts before Paris: at Drancy, Pierrefitte, and Villejuif; the two last reported favourable to the French 23 Sept.,, Toul surrenders, after a most vigorous resist23 Sept. Levée en masse of men under 25 ordered by the French government 23 Sept.,, Germans repulsed in conflicts before Paris; said by them to be unimportant 23 Sept. Verdun invested by the Germans 25 Sept.,,

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Desperate ineffective sallies from Metz, 23, 24, 27 Sept. All the departments of the Seine and Marne occupied by Germans 26 Sept.,, The iron cross given by the crown prince of Prussia to above 30 soldiers beneath the statue of Louis XIV. at Versailles 26 Sept., Circular of Von Thile, Prussian foreign minister, stating that as the ruling powers in France decline an armistice, and as no recognised government exists in Paris, the government de facto being removed to Tours, all communication with and from Paris can only be carried on so far as the military events may permit 27 Sept. Clermont occupied by the Germans after a brief vigorous resistance, overcome by artillery, 27 Sept.,, Commencement of attack on Soissons, 28 Sept.,,

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Capitulation of Strasburg, 27 Sept.; formally
28 Sept. 1870
The duke of Nassau said to be killed near
Rheims by the francs-tirailleurs, about 28 Sept.,,
Sortie of general Vinoy's army (at Paris); re-
pulsed, after two hours' fighting, crown
prince present; above 200 prisoners taken;
general Giulham killed
30 Sept.,,
Above 375,000 national guards said to be in
30 Sept.

Conflict near Rouen; at first favourable to the
French; their loss 1200 killed and wounded;
300 prisoners

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30 Sept.,, 30 Sept.,, 1 Oct.

Beauvais captured by the Germans Mantes occupied by the Germans Circular from count Bismarck, disclaiming any intention of reducing France to a secondrate power

I Oct. The American general Burnside visits M. Favre, I Oct.


Surgeon-major Wyatt writes that Paris is wellprovisioned, and nearly inexpugnable 1 Oct. M. Thiers' fruitless visit to Vienna, 23 Sept.; to St. Petersburg, 27 Sept. ; dined with the 2 Oct. The grand duke of Mecklenburg at Rheims appointed governor of the country conquered in addition to Alsace and Lorraine 2 Oct. M. Favre, in the name of the diplomatic body, requests count Bismarck to give notice before bombarding Paris, and to allow a weekly courier; the count declines both requests, but permits the passage of open letters: reported 3 Oct. Count Bismarck in a circular corrects Favre's report of the negotiations, and accuses the French government of keeping up the difficulties opposed to a conclusion of peace; reported 3 Oct. Epernon and La Ferté Alais occupied by the Germans after an engagement 4 Oct. The king's head-quarters removed to Versailles ; arrival of the king, Bismarck, Moltke, and others 5 Oct. The Germans victors in several small engage2-6 Oct. General Treskow, in command of a German army, to advance into Southern France, 5 Oct. Colmar occupied by the Prussians for an hour, 5 Oct. Battle at Thoury; General Reyan, with the advanced guard of the army of the Loire under general La Motte Rouge, defeated the Germans between Chaussy and Thoury, and captured some prisoners and cattle 5 Oct. Fictitious manifesto of the emperor Napoleon III., entitled "les Idées de l'Empereur,' 'advocating peace on moderate terms, dated 26 Sept., published in the imperialist journal in London, La Situation, and in Daily News, 4 Oct. ; disclaimed by the emperor 6 Oct.


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M. Thiers' mission to foreign courts reported to be quite abortive 6 Oct. Part of the army of Lyons, under general Dupré, defeated by the Badenese under general Von Gegenfeld, near St. Rémy and Nonpatentize; French loss, about 1500, and 660 prisoners; German loss, about 430 6 Oct. General Burnside leaves Paris in order to meet count Bismarck 7 Oct. Great sortie from Metz; the Germans surprised; 40,000 French engaged; repulsed after severe conflicts; French loss, about 2000; German, about 600 7 Oct. Estimated number of French prisoners in Germany, 3,577 officers, and 123,700 men, 8 Oct. Neu Breisach bombarded 8 Oct. Breton volunteers organising by M. Cathelineau; volunteers in the west organising by general Charette (from Rome)

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9 Oct.

Direct mediation is declined by Russia, Great Britain, and Spain IO Oct. Prussian circular to the European powers, regretting the obstinate resistance of the French government to peace, and foretelling the consequences-social disorganization and much starvation 10 Oct. Ablis, near Paris, burnt for alleged treachery (killing sleeping soldiers) M. Gambetta escapes from Paris by a balloon, 7 Oct.; in his proclamation at Tours, states that Paris possesses 560,000 troops; that cannon are cast daily, and that women are making cartridges; he urges unanimous, devoted co-operation in carrying on the war,

IO Oct.

10 Oct. Part of the army of the Loire defeated at Arthenay, near Orleans, by Bavarians under Von der Tann; about 2000 prisoners taken,

IO Oct. Prussian attack on Cherizy repulsed IO Oct. French reply to Bismarck's circular on the negotiations

IO Oct. About 20 villages burnt, and 150 peasants shot for illicit warfare up to 11 Oct. The French fleet appears off Heligoland, 11 Oct. 3000 national guard mobilised at Rouen, II Oct. Three first shots fired against Paris II Oct. Orleans captured by gen. Von der Tann after nine hours' fighting; the army of the Loire defeated retires behind the Loire II Oct. Stenay captured by a sortie from the French garrison of Montmédy

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II Oct. Gen. Bourbaki accepts the command at Tours; gen. La Motte Rouge superseded in the command of the army of the Loire by gen. D'Aurelle de Paladines 12 Oct. Battalions of Amazons forming in Paris, 12 Oct. Favourable intelligence from Paris by balloons


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12 Oct.

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Garibaldi appointed commander of the French irregulars

Epinal captured by the Germans

12 Oct. 12 Oct. M. Arles Dufour of Lyons appeals to the people of Great Britain for active sympathy in endeavouring to obtain peace 12 Oct. Breteuil occupied by the Germans after a sharp resistance 12 Oct. Slight engagements (termed victories by the French) before Paris 13 Oct. All the Vosges district in arms; no regular army; the defiles occupied by the francstireurs

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13 Oct. Reported successful sorties; Neu Breisach completely invested

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13 Oct. St. Cloud fired on by the French and burnt, 13, 14 Oct. Frequent sorties from Metz about 14 Sharp fight at Ecouis; the French escape from being surrounded 14 Oct. Gambetta announces that the Germans are dislodged from their innermost belt round Paris,

13 Oct. Reported French success at Bagneux, near Paris-the Prussians surprised

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14 Oct. M. Thiers arrives at Florence; Garibaldi at Besançon 14 Oct. Gen. Boyer, aide-de-camp to marshal Bazaine,

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arrives at Versailles and meets count Bismarck 14 Oct. 1870 Gen. Trochu's letter to the mayors of Paris, on re-organising the national guard and repressing the ardent desire for immediate action,

15 Oct. Soissons surrenders after three weeks' investment and four days' bombardment. 16 Oct. French successes before Paris denied by the Prussians; who hold the same position as on 19 Sept. 16 Oct. M. Gambetta proceeds to the army of the Vosges; gen. Bourbaki appointed commander of the army of the north; gen. Mazière appointed to a command in the army of the Loire 17 Oct. Montdidier attacked by the Germans: 150 mobile guards captured 17 Oct. The emperor Napoleon declares that "there can be no prospect of peace, near or remote, on the basis of ceding to Prussia a single foot of French territory; and no government in France can attach its signature to such a treaty and remain in power a single day," 17 Oct. 4000 French attacked and defeated near Châteaudun after ten hours' fighting and the barricaded town stormed 18 Oct. Circular of Jules Favre, asserting that Prussia "coldly and systematically pursues her task of annihilating us. France has now no illusions left. For her it is now a question of existence.. We prefer our present sufferings, our perils, and our sacrifices to the consequences of the inflexible and cruel ambition of our enemy. France required, perhaps, to pass through a supreme trial-she will issue from it transfigured" 18 Oct. Asserted repulse of the Germans at Fort Issy before Paris 18 Oct.

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Despatch from earl Granville to count Bismarck
urging the negotiations for peace on terms
lenient to the French
20 Oct.
Conclusive reply of earl Granville to count
Bernstorff's charge of breach of neutrality,
21 Oct.
Vigorous sortie from Mont Valérien against
Versailles; an engagement at Malmaison; the
French retire after three hours' fighting,
losing about 400 killed and wounded and roo
prisoners: German loss about 230 killed and
21 Oct.
Chartres occupied by the Germans under
21 Oct.
Intervention of the British government (sup-
ported by the neutral powers) to obtain an
armistice for the election of a national assem-
21 Oct.
21 Oct.
20-22 Oct.

Vesoul occupied by the Germans
Many deserters from Metz

Schelestadt bombarded vigorously
Engagement near Evreux

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22 Oct. 22 Oct.

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Fighting at Vouray, Cussey, &c., in the Vosges; French "army of the east" defeated, 22 Oct. German attack on Chatillon le Duc repulsed by gen. Cambriels 22 Oct. M. de Kératry assumes command of the army in Brittany 23 Oct. St. Quentin taken by the Germans after half an hour's cannonading, 21 Oct.; evacuated by them 23 Oct. Reported failure of the suggestions concerning an armistice, through Prussia demanding that France should consent to a cession of territory 24 Oct. Gambetta informs the mayors of towns that "resistance is more than ever the order of the day" 24 Oct. Reported negotiations for the surrender of 24 Oct.


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Garibaldi defending Dôle (Jura) with about


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7500 31 Oct. M. Thiers receives powers from the French defence government to treat for an armistice, and has interviews with count Bismarck, 31 Oct. and I Nov.,, Gen. Bourbaki attempting to form an army of the north, near Lille . Oct.-Nov. Thionville invested I Nov. The francs-tireurs dispersed in several slight engagements between Colmar and Belfort, 2, 3 Nov. Letter from marshal Bazaine repelling the charge of treason 2 Nov. Count Bismarck offers an armistice of 25 days for the election of a French national assembly, 3 Nov. Defeat of an attempted revolution in Paris: see France Nov. M. Favre declares to the national guard that the government has sworn not to yield an inch of territory, and will remain faithful to this engagement Nov. 3 Proclamation of Garibaldi to the army of the Vosges, and appealing to other nations,

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