RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE TESTAMENT IN PARAGRAPHS. Having seen proposals for publishing this edition of our English Testament, we hereby signify our approbation of the plan, and recommend it to our Christian friends. EBENEZER DICKEY, D. D. Chester, Pa. SAMUEL FISHER, D. D. Patterson, N. J. WILLIAM JAMES, Rochester, N. Y. J. B. WARREN, Mobile, Alabama. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, Newark, N. J. FROM REV. J. P. WILSON, D. D. Philada. Sansom-street, No. 24. Oct. ult. 1826. SIR, Your purpose of furnishing an English Testament, divided after the manner of Campbell's Gospels, Doddridge's and Wesley's Versions, and many of the Greek copies, will deserve well of the public, when carried into effect. The division of chapters and verses must now always accompany the text; but when, instead of perplexing by their prominency, they must be sought for, for the sake of reference, the sense must become the object of attention. Mr. JAMES NOURSE. Your humble servant, J. P. WILSON. DEAR SIR, FROM REV. M. BROWN, D. D. November 28th, 1826. Canonsburg, Pa. I can imagine no objection to this plan, except what may be suggested by prejudice arising from association, which attaches sacredness to the |