Population. According to the census of 1890, the population of the United States for that year was 62,622,250; at the end of 1896 it is estimated to have been about 70,500,000. The statement following shows the population of each State and Territory, as per each census from 1790 to 1890. The narrow column under each census year shows the numerical order or status of each State or Territory at the respective periods. 779,828 19 215,739 17 6 687.917 6 564,135 7 406,511 9 220,955 14 73.677 40.352 20 8,850 a Including 6,100 persons on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any State or Territory. b Including 5,318 persons on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any State or Territory. e Dakota Territory. d Population of Greer County (5,338), in Indian Territory (also claimed by Texas), included in that of Oklahoma Territory for census purposes. N. B.-The following data will be found in Volume I of this work: 1. Percentage of increase of population, at each successive census year from 1790 to 1890. 2. Native and foreign-born population by States and Territories, for each census year from 1850 to 1890. 3. Males of voting age, by nativity and color, in 1890. 4. Total dwellings and persons to a dwelling, for each census year from 1850 to 1890. POPULATION BY EMPLOYMENT. In order that proper comparison may be made between the different censuses, a rearrangement of occupations under each of the general classes, in accordance with the classification used in 1890, has been extended by the Census Office to the printed results of preceding censuses, bringing into classified form the results for 1850 and 1860, which in the printed reports are presented in an alphabetical list, and giving for 1870 and 1880 the readjusted totals for each of the general classes. Number and Per Cent. of Persons 10 Years of Age or Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations, by Sex, 1870 1880, and 1890. Number and Per Cent. of Persons 10 Years of Age or Over in Each Class of Occupations, by Sex, 1870, 1880, and 1890. The following table shows the number and percentage of native white of native and foreign parentage in 1890 of each quinquennial age: School Attendance. The whole number of persons attending school during any portion of the census year (1890) is shown in the following table: The following table shows for each element of the population the number of illiterates and the percentage in each class for 1880 and 1890: The distribution by age periods of surviving veterans and widows of the Civil War, both United States and Confederate, is shown in the following table: * Persons of negro descent, Chinese, Japanese and civilized Indians. |