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pound; olives, green or prepared, in bottles, jars, or similar packages, 25 cents per gallon; in casks or otherwise than in bottles, jars, or similar packages, 15 cents per gallon.

265. Grapes in barrels or other packages, 20 cents per cubic foot of capacity of barrels or packages. 266. Oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks, or pomelos, 1 cent per pound.

267. Orange peel or lemon peel, preserved, candied, or dried, and cocoanut meat or copra, desiccated, shredded, cut, or similarly prepared, 2 cents per pound; citron or citron peel, preserved, candied, or dried, 4 cents per pound.

288. Pineapples, in barrels and other packages, 7 cents per cubic foot of the capacity of barrels or packages; in bulk, $7 per 1,000.

209. Nuts: Almonds, not shelled, 4 cents per pound; clear almonds, shelled, 6 cents per pound. 270. Filberts and walnuts of all kinds, not shelled, 3 cents per pound; shelled, 5 cents per pound.

271. Peanuts or ground beans, unshelled, onehalf of 1 cent per pound; shelled, 1 cent per pound.

272. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for in this Act, 1 cent per pound. 273. MEAT PRODUCTS: Bacon and hams, 5 cents per pound.

274. Fresh beef, veal, mutton, and pork, 2 cents per pound.

275. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this Act, 25 per centum ad valorem.

276. Extract of meat, not specially provided for in this Act, 35 cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, 15 cents per pound, but the dutiable weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not include the weight of the package in which the same is imported.

277. Lard, 2 cents per pound.

278. Poultry, live, 3 cents per pound; dressed, 5 cents per pound.

279. Tallow, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound; wool grease, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, one-half of 1 cent per pound.

280. MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS: Chicory-root, raw, dried, or undried, but unground, 1 cent per pound; chicory-root, burnt or roasted, ground or granulated, or in rolls, or otherwise prepared, and not specially provided for in this Act, 2 cents per pound.

281. Chocolate and cocoa, prepared or manufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not over 15 cents per pound, 2% cents per pound; valued above 15 and not above 24 cents per pound, 2 cents per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; valued above 24 and not above 35 cents per pound, 5 cents per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; valued above 35 cents per pound, 50 per centum ad valorem. The weight and value of all coverings, other than plain wooden, shall be included in the dutiable weight and value of the foregoing merchandise; powdered cocoa, unsweetened, 5 cents per pound.

282. Cocoa butter or cocoa butterine, 3% cents per pound.

283. Dandelion-root and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee, not specially provided for in this Act, 2 per pound.


284. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, 12 cents per 100 pounds; in bulk, 8 cents per 100 pounds: Provided, That imported salt in bond may be used in curing fish taken by vessels licensed to engage in the fisheries, and in curing fish on the shores of the navigable waters of the United States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; and upon proof that the salt has been used for either of the purposes stated in this proviso, the duties on the same shall be remitted: Provided further, That exporters of meats, whether packed or smoked, which have been cured in the United States with imported salt, shall, upon satisfactory proof, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such meats have been cured with imported salt, have refunded to them from the Treasury the duties paid on the salt so used in

curing such exported meats, in amounts not less
than $100.

285. Starch, including all preparations, from
whatever substance produced, fit for use as starch,
1% cents per pound.

286. Dextrine, burnt starch, gum substitute, or British gum, 2 cents per pound.

287. Spices: Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or otherwise, 10 cents per pound; capsicum or red pepper, or Cayenne pepper, 2 cents per pound; sage, 1 cent per pound; spices not specially provided for in this Act, 3 cents per pound. 288. Vinegar, 7% cents per proof gallon. The standard proof for vinegar shall be taken to be that strength which requires 35 grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutralize 1 ounce troy of vinegar.



289. Brandy and other spirits manufactured or
distilled from grain or other materials, and not
specially provided for in this Act, $2.25 per proof

290. Each and every gauge or wine gallon of
measurement shall be counted as at least 1 proof
gallon; and the standard for determining the
proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of
any kind imported shall be the same as that which
is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue:
Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary
of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize
the ascertainment of the proof of wines, cordi-
ais, or other liquors, by distillation or otherwise,
in cases where it is impracticable to ascertain
such proof by the means prescribed by existing
law or regulations: And provided further, That
any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquors
imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other
package, of or from any country, dependency, or
province under whose laws similar sized casks,
bottles, jugs, or other packages of distilled spirits,
wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the
United States are denied entrance into such
country, dependency, or province, shall be for-
feited to the United States; and any brandy or
other spirituous or distilled liquor imported in a
cask of less capacity than 10 gallons from any
country shall be forfeited to the United States.

291. On all compounds or preparations of which
distilled spirits are a component part of chief
value, there shall be levied a duty not less than
that imposed upon distilled spirits.

292. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, ratafia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this Act, $2.25 per proof gallon.

293. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and for the description of first proof; but it shall be other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names whatever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than $1.50 per gallon.

294. Bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or compounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, $1.50 per gallon.


295. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than 1 quart and more than 1 pint, $8 per dozen; containg not more than 1 pint each and more than one-half pint, $4 per dozen; containing one-half pint each or less, $2 per dozen; in bottles or other vessels containing more than 1 quart each, in addition to $8 per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of 1 quart, at the rate of $2.50 per gallon; but no separate or additional duty shall be levied on the bottles.

296. Still wines, including ginger wine or ginger


cordial and vermouth, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing 14 per centum or less of absolute alcohol, 40 cents per gallon; if containing more than 14 per centum of absolute alcohol, 50 cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of 1 dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more than 1 quart and more than 1 pint, or 24 bottles or jugs containing each not more than 1 pint, $1.60 per case; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of 5 cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs: Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermouth imported containing more than 24 per centum of alcohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accordingly: And provided further, That there shall be no constructive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits. Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spirituous liquors, including bitters of all kinds, and bay rum or bay water, imported in bottles or jugs, shall be packed in packages containing not less than 1 dozen bottles or jugs in each package, or duty shall be paid as if such package contained at least 1 dozen bottles or jugs, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected on the bottles or jugs at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe.

297. Ale, porter, and beer, in bottles or jugs, 40 cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, 20 cents per gallon.

298. Malt extract, fluid, in casks, 20 cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, 40 cents per gallon; solid or condensed, 40 per centum ad valorem.

299. Cherry juice and prune juice, r prune wine, and other fruit juices not specially provided for in this Act, containing no alcohol or not more than 18 per centum of alcohol, 60 cents per gallon; if containing more than 18 per centum of alcohol, 60 cents per gallon, and in addition thereto $2.07 per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein.

300. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than three-fourths of a pint, 18 cents per dozen; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than 1% pints, 28 cents per dozen; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles. If imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than 1% pints each, 50 cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected on the bottles or other coverings at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty.

If im

301. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially provided for in this Act, in green or colored glass bottles, containing not more than 1 pint, 20 cents per dozen bottles. If containing more than 1 pint and not more than 1 quart, 30 cents per dozen bottles; but no separate duty shall be assessed upon the bottles. ported otherwise than in plain green or colored glass bottles, or if imported in such bottles containing more than 1 quart, 24 cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected upon the bottles or other covering at the same rates that would be charged thereon if imported empty or separately.



302. Cotton thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter provided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, 3 cents per pound on all numbers up to and includ

ing No. 15, one-fifth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding No. 15 and up to and including No. 30, and one-fourth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding No. 30; colored, bleached, dyed, combed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter provided for, 6 cents per pound on all numbers up to and including No. 20, and on all numbers exceeding No.20 and up to No. 80, one-fourth of 1 cent per number per pound; on No. 80 and above, three-tenths of I cent per number per pound; cotton card laps, roping, sliver, or roving, 45 per centum ad valorem.

303. Spool thread of cotton, including crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons on spools or reels, containing on each spool or reel not exceeding 100 yards of thread, 6 cents per dozen; exceeding 100 yards on each spool or reel, for every additional 100 yards or fractional part thereof in excess of 100, 6 cents per dozen spools or reels; if otherwise than on spools or reels, one-half of 1 cent for each 100 yards or fractional part thereof: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools or reels.

304. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 50 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 1 cent per square yard; if bleached, 14 cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, 2 cents per square yard.

305. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding 50 and not exceeding 100 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 14 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 11⁄2 cents per square yard; exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 14 cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 1% cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 14 cents per square yard; exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 2 cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 24 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 31⁄41⁄2 cents per square yard; exceeding 9 square yards to the pound, 3% cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth not exceeding 100 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 7 cents per square yard, 25 per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over 9 cents per square yard, 25 per centum ad valorem; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 12 cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of 30 per centum ad valorem.

306. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding 100 and not exceeding 150 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 11⁄2 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 2 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 2 cents per square yard; exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 24 cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 26 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 3 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 3 cents per square yard; exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 334 cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 34 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 34 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 and not exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 44 cents per square yard; exceeding 8 square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding 100 and not exceeding 150 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed,


colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 9 cents per square yard, 30 per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over 11 cents per square yard, 35 per centum ad valorem: dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at Over 12% cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of 35 per centum

ad valorem.

307. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding 150 and not exceeding 200 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding 3% square yards to the pound, 2 cents per square yard; exceeding 3% and not exceeding 4% square yards to the pound, 24 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 3 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 31⁄2 cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding 3% square yards to the pound, 24 cents per square yard; exceeding 3% and not exceeding 4% square yards to the pound, 31⁄2 cents per square yard; exceeding 4% and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 44 cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 3% square yards to the pound, 44 cents per square yard; exceeding 3% and not exceeding 4% square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard; exceeding 4% and not exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 44 cents per square yard; exceeding 6 square yards to the pound, 5 cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding 150 and not exceeding 200 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 10 cents per square yard, 35 per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over 12 cents per square yard, 35 per centum ad valorem; dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 12% cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of 40 per centum ad valorem.

308. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding 200 and not exceeding 300 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding 2 square yards to the pound, 3% cents per square yard; exceeding 21⁄2 and not exceeding 3% square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard; exceeding 3% and not exceeding 5 square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard; exceeding 5 square yards to the pound, 5 cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding 2% square yards to the pound, 4% cents per square yard; exceeding 21⁄2 and not exceeding 3% square yards to the pound, 5 cents per square yard; exceeding 3% and not exceeding 5 square yards to the pound, 5% cents per square yard; exceeding 5 square yards to the pound, 6 cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painfed, or printed, and not exceeding 32 square yards to the pound, 64 cents per square yard; excceding 3% square yards to the pound, 7 cents per square yard: Provided, That on all such cotton cloths not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 12 cents per square yard; bleached, valued at over 15 cents per square yard; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 17% cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of 40 per centum ad valorem.

39. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding 300 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding 2 square yards to the pound, 4 cents per square yard; exceeding 2 and not exceeding 3 square yards to the pound, 4% cents per square yard; exceeding 3 and not exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 5 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 5% cents per square yard; if bleached and not exceed ing 2 square yards to the pound, 5 cents per square yard, exceeding 2 and not exceeding 3 square yards to the pound, 5% cents per square yard; exceeding 3 and not exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 6 cents per square yard; exceeding 4 square yards to the pound, 6% cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 3 square yards to the pound,

6% cents per square yard; exceeding 3 square
yards to the pound, 8 cents per square yard: Pro-
vided, That on all such cotton cloths not bleached,
at over 14 cents per square yard; bleached, valued
dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued
at over 16 cents per square yard; and dyed, colored,
stained, painted, or printed, valued at over 20 cents
per square yard, there shall be levied, collected,
and paid a duty of 40 per centum ad valorem.

310. The term cotton cloth, or cloth, wherever
used in the paragraphs of this schedule, unless
include all woven fabrics of cotton in the piece or
otherwise specially provided for, shall be held to
otherwise, whether figured, fancy, or plain, the
warp and filling threads of which can be counted
by unraveling or other practicable means.

311. Cloth, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber and silk, whether known as silk-striped sleeve linings, silk stripes, or otherwise, of which cotton is the component material of chief value, 8 cents per square yard and 30 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no such cloth shall pay a less rate of duty than 50 per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth, filled or coated, 3 cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valorem.

312. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise and whether finished or unfinished, if not hemmed, or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty on the cloth contained therein as is imposed on cotton cloths of the same description, weight, and count of threads to the square inch; but such handkerchiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than 45 per centum ad valorem. If such handkerchiefs or mufflers are hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads, they shall pay a duty of 10 per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty hereinbefore prescribed, and in no case less than 55 per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or mufflers are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliquéed, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, they shall not pay a less rate of duty than 60 per centum ad valorem.

313. Cotton cloth in which other than the ordinary warp and filling threads have been introduced in the process of weaving to form a figure, whether known as lappets or otherwise, and whether unbleached, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, shall pay, in addition to the duty herein provided for other cotton cloth of the same description, or condition, weight, aud cou: t of threads to the square inch, 1 cent per square yard if valued at not more than 7 cents per square yard, and 2 cents per square yard if valued at more than 7 cents per square yard.

314. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including neckties or neckwear composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, and not otherwise provided for in this Act, 50 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any outside garment provided for in this paragraph having india rubber as a component material shall pay a duty of 15 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem.

315. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, and all pile fabrics, cut or uncut; any of the foregoing composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, 9 cents per square yard and 25 per centum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, 12 cents per square yard and 25 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That corduroys composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, weighing 7 ounces or over per square yard, shall pay a duty of 18 cents per square yard and 25 per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That manufactures or articles in any form, including such as are commonly known as bias dress facings or skirt bindings, made or cut from plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, or other pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, shall be subject. to the foregoing rates of duty and in addition thereto 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided

further, That none of the articles or fabrics provided for in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than 47% per centum ad valorem.

316. Curtains, table covers, and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief value, 50 per centum ad valorem.

317. Stockings, hose, and half-hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, 30 per centum ad valo


318. Stockings, hose, and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose, and half-hose, and clocked stockings, hose, or half-hose, al of the above composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than $1 per dozen pairs, 50 cents per dozen pairs: valued at more than $1 per dozen pairs and not more than $1.50 per dozen pairs, 60 cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than $1.50 per dozen pairs and not more than $2 per dozen pairs, 70 cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than $2 per dozen pairs and not more than $3 per dozen pairs, $1.20 per dozen pairs: valued at more than $3 per dozen pairs and not more than $5 per dozen pairs, per dozen pairs; and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, 15 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $5 per dozen pairs, 55 per centum ad valorem.

319. Shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers, and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose, and half-hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, valued at not more than $1.50 per dozen, 60 cents per dozen and 15 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per dozen and not more than $3 per dozen, $1.10 per dozen, and in addition thereto 15 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $3 per dozen and not more than $5 per dozen, $1.50 per dozen, and in addition thereto 25 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $5 per dozen and not more than $7 per dozen, $1.75 per dozen, and in addition thereto 35 per centum ad valorem; valued at more than $7 per dozen and not more than $15 per dozen, $2.25 per dozen, and in addition thereto 35 per centum ad valorem; valued above $15 per dozen, 50 per centum ad valorem.

320. Bandings, beltings, bindings, bone casings, cords, garters, lining for bicycle tires, ribbons, suspenders and braces, tapes, tubing, and webs or webbing, any of the foregoing articles made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether composed in part of india rubber or otherwise, and not embroidered by hand or machinery, 45 per centum ad valorem; spindle banding, woven, braided, or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wicking made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, 10 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; loom harness or healds made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value, 50 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem; boot, shoe, and corset lacings made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, 25 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; labels, for garments or other articles, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, 50 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem.

321. Cotton table damask, 40 per centum ad valorem; cotton duck, 35 per centum ad valorem.

322. All manufactures of cotton not specially provided for in this Act, 45 per centum ad valorem.



323. Flax straw, $5 per ton.

324. Flax, not hackled or dressed, 1 cent per pound.

325. Flax, hackled, known as "dressed line," 3 cents per pound.

326. Tow of flax, $20 per ton.

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327. Hemp, and tow of hemp, $20 per ton; hemp, hackled, known as "line of hemp," $40 per ton.

328. Single yarns made of jute, not finer than 5 lea or number, 1 cent per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem; if finer than 5 lea or number, 35 per centum ad valorem.

329. Cables and cordage, composed of istle, Tampico fiber, manila, Sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, 1 cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or untarred, 2 cents per pound.

330. Threads, twines, or cords, made from yarn not finer than 5 lea or number, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, 13 cents per pound; if made from yarn finer than 5 lea or number, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound additional for each lea or number, or part of a lea or number, in excess of 5.

331. Single yarns in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than 8 lea or number, 7 cents per pound; finer than 8 lea or number and not finer than 80 lea or number, 40 per centum ad valorem; single yarns, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, finer than 80 lea or number, 15 per centum ad valorem.

332. Flax gill netting, nets, webs, and seines shall pay the same duty per pound as is imposed in this schedule upon the thread, twine, or cord of which they are made, and in addition thereto 25 per centum ad valorem.

33. Floor mattings, plain, fancy, or figured, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable substances not otherwise provided for, including what are commonly known as Chinese, Japanese, and India straw mattings, valued at not exceeding 10 cents per square yard, 3 cents per square yard; valued at exceeding 10 cents per square yard, 7 cents per square yard and 25 per centum ad valorem.

334. Carpets, carpeting, mats and rugs, made of flax, hemp, jute, or other vegetable fiber (except cotton), valued at not exceeding 15 cents per square yard, 5 cents per square yard and 35 per centum ad valorem; valued above 15 cents per square yard, 10 cents per square yard and 35 per centum ad valorem.

335. Hydraulic hose, made in whole or in part of flax, hemp, ramie, or jute, 20 cents per pound.

336. Tapes composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools, or otherwise, and designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes, 40 per centum ad valorem.

337. Oilcloth for floors, stamped, painted, or printed, including linoleum or corticene, figured or plain, and all other oilcloth (except silk oilcloth) under 12 feet in width, not specially provided for herein, 8 cents per square yard and 15 per centum ad valorem; oilcloth for floors and finoleum or corticene, 12 feet and over in width, inlaid linoleum or corticene, and cork carpets, 20 cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valorem; waterproof cloth, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether composed in part of india rubber or otherwise, 10 cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valorem.

338. Shirt Collars and cuffs, composed of cotton, 45 cents per dozen pieces and 15 per centum ad valorem; composed in whole or in part of linen, 40 cents per dozen pieces and 20 per centum ad valorem.

339. Laces, lace window curtains, tidies, pillow shams, bed sets, insertings, flouncings, and other lace articles; handkerchiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and other articles, made wholly or in part of lace, or in imitation of lace: nets or nettings, veils and veilings, etamines, vitrages, neck rufflings, ruchings, tuckings, flutings, and quillings; embroideries and all trimmings, including braids, edgings, insertings, flouncings, galloons, gorings, and bands; wearing apparel, handkerchiefs, and other articles or fabrics embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, whether with a letter, monogram, or otherwise; tamboured or appliquéed articles, fabrics, or wearing apparel; hemstitched or tucked flouncings or skirtings, and articles made wholly or in part of rufflings, tuckings, or ruchings; all of the fore


going composed wholly or in chief value of flax, cotton, or other vegetable fiber, and not elsewhere specially provided for in this Act, whether composed in part of india rubber or otherwise, 60 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no wearing apparel or other article or textile fabric, when embroidered by hand or machinery, shall pay duty at a less rate than that imposed in any schedule of this Act upon any embroideries of the materials of which such embroidery is composed.

340. Lace window curtains, pillow shams, and bed sets, finished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain machine or on the Nottingham warp machine, and composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when counting 5 points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch, 1 cent per square yard; when counting more than 5 such points or spaces to the inch, one-half of 1 cent per square yard in addition for each such point or space to the inch in excess of 5; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, 20 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That none of the above-named articles shall pay a less rate of duty than 50 per centum ad valorem.

341. Plain woven fabrics of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, not exceeding 60 inches in width, weighing not less than 6 ounces per square yard and not exceeding 30 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, fiveeighths of 1 cent per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem; if exceeding 30 and not exceeding 55 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, seven-eighths of 1 cent per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem.

342. All pile fabrics of which flax is the component material of chief value, 60 per centum ad valorem.

343. tags or sacks made from plain woven fabries, of single jute yarns, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleached, and not exceeding 30 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, seven-eighths of 1 cent per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem.

344. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding 16 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than 15 ounces per square yard, six-tenths of 1 cent per square yard.

345. Handkerchiefs composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, not hemmed, or hemmed only, 50 per centum ad valorem; if hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or with drawn threads, but not embroidered or initialed, 55 per centum ad valorem.

346. Woven fabrics or articles not specially provided for in this Act, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, weighing 4 ounces or more per square yard, when containing not more than 60 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 1 cents per square yard; containing more than 60 and not more than 120 threads to the square inch, 24 cents per square yard; containing more than 120 and not more than 180 threads to the square inch, 6 cents per square yard; containing more than 180 threads to the square inch, 9 cents per square yard, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 30 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the foregoing articles in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than 50 per centum ad valorem. Woven fabrics of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, including such as is known as shirting cloth, weighing less than 4% ounces per square yard and containing more than 100 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 35 per centum ad valorem.

347. All manufactures of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component ma

terial of chief value, not specially provided for in
this Act, 45 per centum ad valorem.



348. All wools, hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, and other like animals shall be divided, for the purpose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into the three following classes:

349. Class 1, that is to say, merino, mestiza, metz, or metis wools, or other wools of merino blood, immediate or remote, down clothing wools, and wools of like character with any of the preceding, including Bagdad wool, China lamb's wool, Castel Branco, Adrianople skin wool, or butcher's wool, and such as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Buenos Ayres, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Egypt, Morocco, and elsewhere, and all wools not hereinafter included in classes 2 and 3.

350. Class 2, that is to say, Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnshire, down combing wools, Canada long wools, or other like combing wools of English blood, and usually known by the terms herein used, and also hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals.

351. Class 3, that is to say, Donskoi, native South American, Cordova, Valparaiso, native Smyrna, Russian camel's hair, and all such wools of like character as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Turkey, Greece, Syria, and elsewhere, excepting improved wools hereinafter provided for.

352. The standard samples of all wools which are now or may be hereafter deposited in the principal custom-houses of the United States, under the authority of the Secretary of the tion of wools under this Act, and the Secretary of Treasury, shall be the standards for the classificathe Treasury is authorized to renew these standards and to make such additions to them from to time as may be required, and he shall cause to be deposited like standards in other customhouses of the United States when they may be needed.

353. Whenever wools of class 3 shall have been improved, by the admixture of merino or English blood, from their present character as represented by the standard samples now or hereafter to be deposited in the principal custom-houses of the United States, such improved wools shall be classified for duty either as class 1 or as class 2, as the case may be.

354. The duty on wools of the first class which shall be imported washed shall be twice the amount of the duty to which they would be subwools of the first and second classes which shall jected if imported unwashed; and the duty on be imported scoured shall be three times the duty to which they would be subjected if imported unwashed. The duty on wools of the third class, if imported in condition for use in carding or spinning into yarns, or which shall not contain more than 8 per cent of dirt or other foreign substance, shall be three times the duty to which they would otherwise be subjected.

355. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back or on the skin. Wools of the first and second classes washed in any other manner than on the sheep's back or on the skin shall be considered as scoured wool.

356. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, of class 1 and class 2, which shall be imported in any other than ordinary condition, or which has been sorted, or increased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, shall be twice the duty to which it would be That skirted otherwise subject: Provided, wools as imported in eighteen hundred and ninety and prior thereto are hereby excepted. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca and other like ani

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