REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES IN THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES. 535 Revenue and Expenditures in the Principal Countries of the World. Revenue and expenditure in the United Kingdom and British possessions,* principally in the year 1896, with the proportion of each per head of population: ARMED STRENGTH OF EUROPE. Land Forces. (Prepared in the Adjutant-General's Office, U. S. A.) Artillery, field 375 batteries of field artillery. 40 batteries of reserve artillery. 49 batteries of horse artillery. Artillery, fortress5 sortie batteries. 3 siege battalions. 1 guard sapper battalion. I West Siberian sapper company. 8 pontoneer half-battalions. 4 European railway battalions. 2 Trans-Caspian railway battalions. 1 Ussuri railway battalion. 6 field engineer parks. 1 electro-technic instructional company 1 instructional balloon park. Technical troops, fortress 12 fortress sapper companies. 9 fortress mining companies. Train 6 battalions. Frontier guard 29 brigades and 4 detachments. Of the foregoing troops the following are Cossack troops: 8 battalions of infantry. 308 sotnias of cavalry (about 60,000 horsemen). WAR STRENGTH. N.-C. Offi- Offi- Offi Infantry cers. cials. cers. Men. Horses. 909 battalions of field infantry.17,810 1,674 73,961 918,738 39,467 698 battalions of reserve inf'ry.11,044 1,224 56,100 623,488 26.960 25 Turk'tan line 39 : 25,000 9 29 47 20 5 201 "ersatz" bat 1 1 881 squadrons in Europe. 4,098 The number of troop units is as follows: 256 squadrons in the Caucasus.. 1,004 130 squadrons in Asia.... Artillery Field artillery. 492 Horse artillery. Reserve artillery. "Ersatz" artillery. Siege and fortress artillery. 168 448 squadrons of cavalry. 508 field, horse, and mountain batteries in France and Africa. 103 batteries of foot artillery. 7 regiments of engineers (22 battalions). 20 squadrons of train (72 companies). The above calculation does not include a large force of marine troops. GERMANY. The personnel of the German army consists of Enlisted Officers. Men. Horses. Guns. 12,062 2,338 Field artillery. 2,623 64,127 63,589 56,469 28,538 3,000 16 Infantry.. Cavalry.. Foot artillery.. 861 22,271 Pioneers.. Train.. 4,158 16 horse batteries. 14 mountain batteries. 18 battalions of fortress artillery. 26 sanitary detachments. Royal Hungarian landwehr- TURKEY. The personnel of the Turkish army comprises about 24 000 officers and 220,000 men, distributed over the following organizations: 3184 battalions of infantry. 197 squadrons of cavalry. 169 field batteries. 44 mountain batteries. 18 horse batteries. 12 howitzer batteries. 4 battalions of engineers. 17 companies of fortress engineers. 4 telegraph companies. 103 companies of fortress artillery. 63 companies of tradesmen. 430 companies of dismounted gendarmes. The number of horses is about 30,000 and the number of guns about 1,458. In addition to the foregoing troops there are 352 battalions of the second line (infantry) which may be mobilized, and some irregular troops (237 3,000 squadrons of Hamidje cavalry). |