COMMERCIAL CUBA. A BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN. By WILLIAM J. CLARK. With 8 Maps, 7 Plans of Cities, and 40 Full-page Illustrations, and a Commercial Directory of Cuba. 'T LARGE 8V0, 514 pp., $4.00. HIS is easily the best book on Cuba which has so far been published. It is not at mere compilation of other men's. ideas, but an entirely original work by a man of great ability."Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. "A THOROUGHLY good and useful book. ( houses; of sugar and tobacco growing; and his We should not know where to find detailed description of each province and of within another pair of covers so much every city of size, together with a 'business and so carefully sifted information bearing on directory for the whole island, make his book this subject. His painstaking account of the one of great value for reference as well as for railway and telegraph systems; of highways and practical guidance. Its accuracy is certainly of harbors; of rivers and water-supplies, and light- a high order."-New York Evening Post. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Ave, N. Y JAMES STILLMAN, President. G. S. WHITSON, Cashier. THE EQUIPMENT OF THE FOURTH MILWAUKE, WIS. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF The National Exchange Bank NEW YORK CORNER NASSAU PINE STREETS AND IS ESPECIALLY AR RANGED FOR HANDLING MERCANTILE ACCOUNTS. THE OF MILWAUKEE At the close of business, October 5, 1897. CHASE NATIONAL BANK, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CLEARING HOUSE BUILDING, CHARLES H. FANCHER, President. OF MILWAUKEE. U. S. DEPOSITORY. Officers: FRANK G. BIGELOW, President; WM. BIGELOW, Vice-President; FRANK J. KIPP, Cashier; T. E. CAMP, Ass't Cashier; F. E. KRUEGER, 2d Ass't Cashier. CHICAGO, ILL. CHARLES F. MATTLAGE, V.-Pres. JAMES DENNISON, Cashier. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, JOHN R. WATERS, 2d Vice-Pres. BENJ. F. WERNER, A. C'r. MANHATTAN TRUST COMPANY is a Legal Depository for Court and Trust Funds and General Deposits. Interest paid on balances subject to cheque at sight through the New York Clearing House, and higher rates allowed upon deposits payable at specified dates or subject to notice. The Company is authorized to act as Administrator, Executor, Guardian, and Receiver; as Fiscal Agent for the payment of Bonds, Coupons, Dividends, etc., of States, Municipalities, Railroads, and other Corporations; as Trustee under Mortgages or Deeds of Trust securing issues of bonds, and as Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Stocks and Bonds of Incorporated Companies; as Trustee of Estates and Individuals; and for the transaction of all such business exceptional facilities are offered. Maryland Trust Co., CORNER SOUTH AND GERMAN STREETS, BALTIMORE. Capital, $1,500,000. Surplus, $1,500,000. A Legal Depository for Court and Trust Funds. Acts as Financial Agent for States, Cities, Towns, Railroads, and other Corporations. Transacts a general trust business. Lends money on approved security. Allows interest on special deposits Acts as Trustee under Mortgages, Assignments, and Deeds of Trust, as Agent for the Transfer or Registration of Stocks and Bonds, and for the payment of coupons, interest, and dividends. AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS, No. 23 NASSAU STREET, AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS OF THE MESSRS. ROTHSCHILD, LONDON, PARIS, FRANKFORT AND VIENNA. ISSUE CIRCULAR CREDITS FOR TRAVELERS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ALSO COMMERCIAL CREDITS. Draw Bills of Exchange and make Cable Transfers to Europe, West Indies, Mexico and California. Execute orders for the purchase and sale of Investment Securities. ס TELEGRAPH COMPANY Automatic Duplex System, DIRECT COMMUNICATION BY FIVE CABLES. Automatic Duplex System. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO GERMANY. CARRYING CAPACITY FAR IN EXCESS OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. The Route of this Company, being the SHORTEST, is used by all the PRINCIPAL STOCKBROKERS to whom the QUICKEST OBTAINABLE SERVICE is essential. ++++ Telegrams "VIA ANGLO CABLES" to Europe, Egypt, East and West Coasts of Africa, Turkey, India, China, Cochin-China, Corea, Manila, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Arabia, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Verde, Madeira, and the Canary Islands, etc., etc. MONTREAL OFFICE: 52 St. Francois Xavier Street, Telephone No. Bell 1027. WALL STREET, CORNER BROAD, DREXEL & CO., NEW YORK. MORGAN, HARJES & CO., Corner of 5th and Chestnut Streets, 31 Boulevard Haussmann, PHILADELPHIA. PARIS. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities bought and sold on commission. Interest allowed on Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits. Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, available in all |