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the character of a credit voucher. It is suggested that the blank might provide a place for the officer to whom the effects were turned over to acknowledge their receipt, and thus fix his responsibility.

It was noticed that a bill amounting to over $100 was divided into three vouchers to avoid, apparently, the rule published in section 4, paragraph 400, Home Regulations, 1900.

Clerks on pension and post funds, employed in the treasurer's office, are paid from the general fund. This does not seem to be in accord with paragraph 388, Home Regulations, 1900.

An attempt was made to verify some of the accounts in the imperishable ledger, but it was not possible to accurately account for the clothing on hand at date of inspection, owing to the confused condition of the records.

The ledger shows the amount of bread fabricated each ten days as entirely expended during that period, leaving none on hand, although it was admitted that as a fact there was always some on hand. The baker's book and the ledger were at variance as to the amount of bread fabricated during the same period. The bakery seemed to be doing a very profitable business, as during the month of July, 1902, at a cost of $629.75, there was fabricated bread, biscuit, cake, and pies to the value of $950.84, or very nearly 51 per cent profit.

Ice is delivered daily by the contractor. There is no place for storage of ice for issue, yet by the ledger balances were shown on hand, after charging sales, on the last days of May, June, and July, 1902. It could not be ascertained where this balance was kept.

The names of all persons admitted are entered in the blotter of applications for admission, even those who have been transferred from other Branches. If the man is admitted, all the data provided for in this record is entered in the historical record, and if not admitted, the record made becomes apparently of no practical value. The matter entered in the burial register is duplicated also in the historical register. There were no index to general orders and special orders.

All matters connected with this Branch and not comConcluding re- mented upon in this report were found to be in satisfactory condition.




Local manager.


The post-office of the Central Branch is: National Military Home, Montgomery County, Ohio.

The local manager of this Branch, whose term of office as a member of the Board of Managers expires in 1906, is Gen. Charles M. Anderson.

The officers of the Branch are as follows: Governor, Col. J. B. Thomas; treasurer, Col. A. J. Clark; quartermaster, Capt. W. H. Ortt; commissary of subsistence, Col. John W. Byron; assistant adjutant-general, Maj. Carl Berlin; inspector, Maj. Alvin S. Galbraith; surgeon, Maj. D. C. Huffman; chaplains, Rev. H. A. McDonald and Rev. C. S. Kemper. This Branch being so large, all matters of adminisGeneral conditions, tration assume more magnitude than at any other Branch. The duties of the governor at his court for the trial of offenders and his paper work in his office require so much


of his time that he loses personal touch and supervision of his Branch, so that he must make his observations through the eyes of his subordinates. It is thought that better results can be obtained if a deputy governor should be appointed at this Branch, but at no other, unless at such of them as should at any time reach a membership of 5,000 present. If this should occur at any other Branch it would be unfortunate, for the best administration can not be obtained at any Branch with so large a population, and one-half this number is much better for administrative purposes.

The grounds, roads, and buildings, generally, at this Branch were found in a very satisfactory condition. The new combination barrack (Franklin) is an unusually fine building-in fact, the finest barrack seen at any of the Branches of the Home. It was about ready for occupancy, and orders had been issued to the effect that "until otherwise ordered, only members who have good Home records during the preceding twelve months, who are 70 years of age or over, and of cleanly personal habits, and the blind, and others disabled so as to require special waiters at the general mess hall, will be considered eligible for membership in this barrack." The other barrack buildings were in much better condition than at the last inspection; cobwebs had all disappeared, and the walls were clean, having been freshly calcimined or whitewashed, the woodwork painted, and they were in good order; but it is unfortunate that the storage facilities are so limited, as from this cause results the keeping of trunks, valises, grips, and boxes in the barracks generally under the beds. Many of the beds had under them wooden slats to form shelves, upon which many unauthorized articles were hidden and stored. Orders were given by the governor to discontinue the use of these shelves; and if some general storage place could be found for at least the trunks, which would remove them from the barracks, it would be a decided improvement.

A new propagating house is being constructed. This conservatory, with its surrounding houses, grounds, and beautiful plants and flowers, is surely an object of beauty which would do credit to any park in any of our great cities. It is a means of diversion and entertainment for the old men. It is a very important adjunct of the Branch, and a delight to the many visitors; but it seems that enough has been done, and the conservatory should not be further enlarged.

The reservation of the Central Branch consists of Buildings and 578 acres of land, located near the city of Dayton, grounds. Ohio, with which it is connected by steam and electric roads. No additional land is leased. In the matter of size, this reservation ranks fourth among the Branches. The grounds are very beautifully laid out and improved and adorned, and contain nearly 100 buildings, the whole comprising a prospect that is very attractive, and speaks volumes for the zeal and enterprise of the officers of the Home. Altogether there are 29 barracks, which are located on the various avenues in the central part of the camp. Eighteen of them are built of brick and 11 are frame constructions, and all the latter are old style and lack many of the conveniences of the more modern barracks. As originally constructed these barracks were intended to accommodate an average of 133 men each. At the time of inspection they were actually occupied by an average of 135 men each, and none of these were sleeping in the basements, attics or on the floors. Some men were quartered in places not originally intended for sleeping.

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The dormitory floor space per man, in square feet, is: Highest, 78; lowest, 61; average, 72. The dormitory air space per man, in cubic feet, is: Highest, 1,069; lowest, 631; average, 835. The dormitory window space per man, in square feet, is: Highest, 103; lowest, 6; average, 81.

There are only 19 bath tubs in the barracks; but there is a general bath house containing 31 tubs, and also 1 tub each at the central boiler house, gas house, and hospital boiler house. The average of men to each bath tub is 71. There are 80 toilet rooms and 159 urinals located in the wings and corners of the various barracks; and there are also 2 large latrines with 80 seats, and also 8 hoppers and urinals in the shops, etc. The average of men to each urinal is 23 and the average to each hopper is 12. It was reported that toilet paper does not last the full time for which it is issued, and newspapers were being used, which will probably result in the stoppage of pipes at an inconvenient time.

The barracks are ventilated generally by windows and doors. There are ventilating flues in barracks Nos. 1, 6, and 21 and in the Franklin Barrack. The system of heating is by steam. The grounds are lighted by gas, and gas is in all the buildings. In addition, there are electric lights in the band quarters, officers' quarters, hotel, hospital, chapels, theater, library, headquarters, mess hall, club house, band stand, and stable. The light is supplied from the Home gas and electric plants.

The beds, bedding, and lockers were in good condition.


Of the improvements made at this Branch during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, the first in importance is the new building for old men's barracks, with dining room and kitchen (which has already been mentioned), named "Franklin Barrack" in honor of Gen. William B. Franklin, who was so long president of the Board of Managers of the Home. Many improvements have been made along electrical lines, including the installation of a new dynamo and engine, improvement of the buildings where the electriclight plant is located, the wiring of several of the officers' quarters and the band stand, and the placing of electric cables in the tunnels. The work of completing the electric plant so as to supply electricity for the whole Home is progressing favorably. Extensive repairs have been made at the main hospital building, including the replacing of the old toilet rooms with new and modern ones; the painting of the building, and placing door and window screens where they were greatly needed. Two new 75-horsepower boilers have been added to the plant at the laundry boiler house, which also supplies steam for the electric plant. A new compound pump (5,000,000 gallons) has been put in at the lake pump house, and the suction line into the large lake has been extended. Last spring a connection was made between the Dayton waterworks system and the Home Wagner wells pumping station, so that during dry seasons, when the supply of water from the Wagner wells is insuf ficient for Home use, it can be supplemented from the Dayton waterworks. The treasurer's quarters, which were entirely unsuitable for an officer's use, have been repaired and will soon be ready for occupation. Much repair work in the way of painting, etc., has been done during the year to various Home buildings, including barracks, mess halls, officers' quarters, farm buildings, etc. The tunnel system has been extended some during the year. Many repairs have been made WAR 1902-VOL 8-- -11

on the avenues, and new cement walks and roadways have been built. One old frame barrack and two or three old frame storehouses and sheds have been torn down during the year. Some changes and repairs have also been made at the Home hotel.

The cost of the constructions made during the year is given as $74,444.52, and the cost of the repairs made during the same time as $65,353. The improvements said to be needed for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, are a quartermaster storehouse, fire escapes for the hospital, tunnels, dairy barn, and it is estimated that they will cost $80,800. It is also estimated that the repairs that will be needed for the same fiscal year (1904) will cost $56,500.


The total number of officers and members present and absent on June 30, 1902, was 5,688, of whom 4,464 were present and 1,224 were absent. This was a net gain of 9 in population over the preceding year. The gain and loss in membership for the fiscal year may be indicated as follows:

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The average number of officers and members present and absent during the year was 5,750, of whom 4,712 were present and 1,038 were absent. The greatest number present on any one day was 4,979, on December 21, 1901; and the lowest number present on any one day was 4,413, on July 11, 1902-giving an extreme range of 566 members. The highest number absent on any one day was 1,236, on July 10, 1901; and the lowest number absent on any one day was 866, on March 4, 1902. It was stated that an average of 11 men were temporarily cared for during the year; and that the total number cared for during the year was 6,950; and they were of an average age of 65.69 years. Fifty-five of the members had been absent for more than ten years, and 85 of them had been absent from five to ten years.

On June 30, 1901, there were 13 Spanish war soldiers on the rolls of this Branch; and during the fiscal year 46 others were admitted, making a total of 59; 17 were discharged and 3 died, leaving a total of 39 on the rolls on June 30, 1902.

At the time of inspection there was a total of 4,645 officers and. members present in camp, and 1,062 members absent. A review was held on September 5, 1902, at which time there were 4,637 officers and members present in camp; of whom 1,895 were in line-all in uniform. The letters "N. H. D. V. S.” were not on the collars of the blouses worn by some of the officers. The inspection and review was preceded by escort to the colors. The ceremony was satisfactory, but the adjutant was the only officer who marched in the review.


The principal offenses committed during the year were reported as intemperance and absence without leave; and the penalties for the commission of these offenses was work without pay and restriction of passes. The total number of members offending during the year was reported as 1,450, while the total number committing no offense was 5,500, or 79.1 per cent of the whole number cared for during the year. The total number of trials held during the year was 2,487, of which 789 were for drunkenness, 976 for absence without leave, and the remainder for other offenses. There were no trials for fence jumping. The total number of members tried was 1,450, and of these 177 were tried twice, and 305 were tried more than twice. All of them were punished. No fines were imposed. The greatest number drunk on any one day was 59, on December 26, 1901, subsequent to a pay day. Two men were in confinement at the time of inspection. Members under punishment are confined in the guardhouse, which is located in the southwest part of the camp, and was found in good condition.

The facilities for amusements at the Central Branch Amusements. consist of a theater, veteran's clubhouse, and cards and other games, which are provided for in the clubhouse, which is unusually handsome and complete.

The library building is located in the central part of the camp, and was in good condition. The conditions on which books may be taken out are that they are to be returned within two weeks, and are not to be taken from the Home grounds. At the time of inspection there were 23,184 books in the library; 72 papers were subscribed for and 191 were furnished free. It was reported that 425 volumes had been added during the year, of which 258 were by purchase and 167 by presentation, and that no books had been disposed of during that time; and also that books had been called for 39,301 times during the year. The average attendance in the library was 500; and it was stated that fiction was the class of reading that had been in greatest demand, and that the 10 books most read during the year were: The Crisis, Stringtown on the Pike, They that Took the Sword, Soldier of Virginia, The Hidden Hand, Victor's Triumph, Maid of Maiden Lane, Helmet of Navarre, Dri and I, and Lysbeth.

The band consists of 30 men-28 members and 2 civilians-and is maintained during the entire year. The total cost of the band for the past year, including the subsistence and other allowances of the members, was reported as $11,002.14. The average monthly compensation of the leader is $125; of members, $21, and of civilians, $23.57. During the year 209 free concerts were given-177 indoors and 132 out-of-doors-all of which, it was said, were well attended. There are two band stands, both in good condition-one located on the campus and one at the hospital. The civilian musicians are quartered in the post-fund building, and they receive the same fuel and rations that the members do; and, as to clothing, they receive a full band uniform, except underclothes. The classes of music played are classical, national, and popular. National airs and American music, it was said, are played at every concert.

An amusement committee, composed of officers of the Branch, has charge of the theater building, and of the entertainments given in it. The theater building is situated in the central part of the camp, and was in good condition. It has a seating capacity of about 1,500.

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