INDEX TO THE APPENDIX TO THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. A. 279 Barrere, Nelson, a Representative from Ohio...66 remarks concerning the Gardiner Claim and the prosecution of claims against the Government, by members of Congress..........111 Bartlett and Gray, proposition authorizing the purchase of copies of the explorations in New Mexico, by.... Bayard, James A., a Senator from Delaware, 284, .309, 312 305, 306, 307, 317 remarks on the proposition to give extra compensation to the Superintendent of Public Printing.... .295 remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Ringgold's charts.........317, 318 Bayly, Thomas H., a Representative from Vir- || Brodhead, Richard-Continued. ginia.. ...54 Beale, Robert, late Sergeant-at-Arms, proposition to continue salary to, and remarks thereon, 284, 296, 305 Bell, John, a Senator from Tennessee.....169 remarks on the bill for erecting a railroad and telegraphic line to the Pacific.......221, 224 Bell, Hiram, a Representative from Ohioremarks in regard to the annexation of Cuba and Canada. ...58 Benjamin, Judah P., a Senator from the State of Louisiana... ..243 Bonds, United States, held abroad, call for the amount of, &c.... .......309, 310 remarks by Mr. Brodhead......310, 311 remarks by Mr. Seward. .311 Books, proposition against the future purchase and distribution of... ...304, 306 remarks concerning the purchase of copies of Bartlett and Gray's report on the Mexican boundary...... ...312 Borland, Solon, a Senator from Arkansas...247, 291, 295, 296, 299, 300, 302, 304, 309, 315, 316, 317, 321 .257 resolution by......... remarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant..166 remarks on the proposition for per diem and mileage to Mr. Yulee.......281, 282 remarks on the report of the Committee on Frauds, Abuses, &c..............290, 291 remarks on the proposition for extra compensation to the Superintendent of Public Printing .293 remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Ringgold's charts, &c.....306, 318 remarks concerning the printing of Bartlett and Gray's report of the explorations of New Mexico. ......312, 314 remarks on the proposition for additional pay for publishing the debates. ........315, 316 remarks on the proposition for transacting Executive business with open doors....319, 320 Boundary-see Mexican Boundary. 69, 83, 192, 194 Bradbury, James W., a Senator from Maineremarks on the bill to regulate the fees and costs in the circuit and district courts of the United States. ...207 Bright, Jesse D., a Senator from Indiana....245, 299, 300, 301, 311, 312, 313, 317, 322 .321, 323 resolutions by.. remarks on the proposition to give pay and mileage to Mr. Yulee ....280, 281, 283 remarks on the proposition to give extra compensation to the Superintendent of the Public Printing .295 Brodhead, Richard, a Senator from Pennsylvania, resolutions by....... 257, 282, 305, 323, 330 ......257, 309, 310 remarks on the call for information of the amount of United States stocks held in Europe, 310, 311 remarks on the proposition for extra compensation to the Superintendent of Public Printing .....293 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians.....296, 303 remarks on the call for information in regard to the duties on iron.... ...304 Brooke, Walter, remarks on the proposition in regard to reporting and publishing the debates..........315 Valter, a Senator from MississippiBrown, Albert G., a Representative from Missisremarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant..165 sippi remarks on the tariff... .......55 Butler, Andrew P., a Senator from South Carolina........224, 284, 294, 300, 301, 317, 323 remarks on the subject of a mail and a telegraphic line to California and Oregon.......177, 221 remarks on the resolution relative to colonization in North America... 95, 96, 97, 131, 132 remarks in regard to the purchase of coal for the Japan expedition.. ...279 remarks concerning pay and mileage to Mr. Yulee... .281 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians..298, 299, 303 remarks on the proposition for a reading clerk in the Senate. ...307, 308 remarks concerning the printing of the report of the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett and Gray ......313 remarks on the proposition for purchasing machine for voting.. ...321 remarks on the proposition for publishing the debates in the Intelligencer.........324, 326 remarks concerning the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 274, 275, 276 C. a Cabell, Edward Carrington, a Representative from Florida remarks in regard to completing the fortifications at Tortugas and Key West. Calhoun, Mr., the opinions of.. ......47 ...96 Canada, remarks in the Senate in regard to the acquisition of.... ...90, 97, 118, 156, 170 remarks in regard to see Colonization. Canadas, remarks in the House of Representatives on the acquisition of, by Mr. Bell........58 Cape Fear river, Mr. Badger's defense in regard to the non-action of the Senate on a proposition for an appropriation for the improvement of.... |