ART. w * NOT TO BE REFERENCE ROOM * CONTEN OF No. 379. I.-1. Report of the Commission on Manual and Practical 2. Yearly Reports of the Irish Industries' Association. 3. The Revival of Irish Literature, and other Addresses. London, 1894 II.-1. Le Chevrier. Par Ferdinand Fabre. Paris, 1866. 2. L'Abbé Tigrane. Paris, 1872. Page 1 3. Barnabé. Paris, 1873. 4. Madame Fuster. Paris, 1877 And other works. III.-Voyages de Montesquieu. Publiés par le Baron Albert de Montesquieu. Vols. I. and II. Bordeaux, 1894-6 IV.-1. The Art of Dining. By Abraham Hayward, Q.C., 2. The Cook and Housewife's Manual. By Mistress 3. Artistic Cookery. By Urbain Dubois. 1870. London, 4. The Encyclopædia of Practical Cookery. Edited by And other works. V.-1. Autobiography of Madame Guyon. Translated in 2. Les Mystiques dans la littérature présente. Par 3. La Vie Mystique. Par Édouard Schuré. Paris, 1894 And other works. 21 43 66 79 |