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colleagues seem inclined to sign this with Mr. Hartley, and so to finish the affair. I am, with respect, sir, your excellency's, &c. B. FRANKLIN.

MONS. DE RAYNEVAL, (under secretary of state for foreign affairs) A MONS. FRANKLIN.

A Versailles, le 29 Août, 1783.

J'ai rendu compte à M. le Comte de Vergennes, Monsieur, de la difficulté que fait M. Hartley de signer à Versailles, et ce ministre m'a chargé de vous mander que rien ne devoit vous empêcher de signer à Paris Mercredi prochain, jour désigné pour la signature des autres traités: mais il vous prie d'indiquer à M. Hartley 9 heures du matin, et d'envoyer ici un exprès, immédiatement après votre signature faite. M. de Vergennes veut être assuré que votre besogne est consommée en même tems que la sienne. Vous recevez pour Mercredi un billet d'invitation, ainsi que Messieurs vos collègues et Mons. Hartley; je présume que celui-ci n'y trouvera aucune difficulté.

J'ai l'honneur d'être avec un parfait attachement, Monsieur, votre très-humble et très-obéissant serviteur,





Paris, Aug. 29, 1783.

As the day is now fixed for the signatures of the definitive treaties between Great Britain, France, and Spain, I beg leave to inform your excellencies, that I am ready to sign the definitive treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, whenever it shall be convenient to you. I beg the favor therefore of you to fix the day. My instructions confine me to Paris as the place appointed to me for

the exercise of my functions; and therefore whatever day you may fix upon for the signature, I shall hope to receive the honor of your company at the Hôtel d'York. I am, gentlemen, with the greatest respect and consideration, your most obedient servant, D. HARTLEY.

The American ministers, plenipotentiaries for making peace with Great Britain, present their compliments to Mr. Hartley. They regret that Mr. Hartley's instructions will not permit him to sign the definitive treaty of peace with America at the place appointed for the signature of the others. They will nevertheless have the honor of waiting upon Mr. Hartley at his lodgings at Paris, for the purpose of signing the treaty in question, on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Passy, Aug. 30, 1783.

The DEFINITIVE TREATY between Great Britain and the United States of America, signed at Paris the third day of September, 1783.

In the name of the most Holy and undivided Trinity.

It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenbourg, Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, &c. and of the United States of America, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience, as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; and having for this desirable end already laid the foundation of peace and reconciliation by provisional articles

signed at Paris on the 30th of November, 1782, by the commissioners empowered on each part, which articles were agreed to be inserted in and to constitute the treaty of peace proposed to be concluded between the crown of Great Britain and the said United States, but which treaty was not to be concluded until terms of peace should be agreed upon between Great Britain and France, and his Britannic Majesty should be ready to conclude such treaty accordingly; and the treaty between Great Britain and France having since been concluded; his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, in order to carry into full effect the provisional articles abovementioned, according to the tenor thereof, have constituted and appointed, that is to say, his Britannic Majesty on his part, David Hartley, Esq. member of the parliament of Great Britain: and the said United States on their part, John Adams, Esq. late a commissioner of the United States of America at the court of Versailles, late delegate in congress from the state of Massachusetts, and chief justice of the said state, and minister plenipotentiary of the said United States to their high mightinesses the states-general of the United Netherlands; Benjamin Franklin, Esq. late delegate in congress from the state of Pennsylvania, president of the convention of the said state, and minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America at the court of Versailles; John Jay, Esq. late president of congress, and chief justice of the state of New York, and minister plenipotentiary from the said United States at the court of Madrid, to be the Plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present definitive treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers, have agreed upon, and confirmed the following articles:

N. B. The nine first articles were the same as the PRELIMINARY ARTICLES signed with Mr. Oswald, Nov. 30, 1782. (See page 278.)

Article X.

The solemn ratification of the present treaty, expedited in good and due form, shall be exchanged between the contracting parties in the space of six months, or sooner if possible, to be computed from the day of the signature of the present treaty. In witness whereof we the undersigned, their ministers plenipotentiary, have in their name and virtue of our full powers, signed, with our hands, the present definitive treaty, and caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

Doue at Paris this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.

[blocks in formation]

At the end of this treaty were added Mr. Hartley's and the

American ministers' commissions, and certified thus:

We certify the foregoing copies of the respective full powers, to be authentic.

[blocks in formation]

It is with the sincerest pleasure that I congratulate you on the happy event which took place yesterday, viz. the signature of the definitive treaty between our two countries. I consider it as the auspicious presage of returning confidence,

and of the future intercourse of all good offices between us. I doubt not that our two countries will entertain the same sentiments, and that they will behold with satisfaction the period which terminates the memory of their late unhappy dissensions, and which leads to the renewal of all the ancient ties of amity and peace. I can assure you that his Britannic majesty, and his confidential servants, entertain the strongest desire of a cordial good understanding with the United States of America. And that nothing may be wanting on our parts to perfect the great work of pacification, I shall propose to you, in a very short time, to renew the discussion of those points of amity and intercourse, which have been lately suspended to make way for the signature of the treaties between all the late belligerent powers, which took place yesterday. We have now the fairest prospects before us, and an unembarrassed field for the exercise of every beneficent disposition, and for the accomplishment of every object of reciprocal advantage between us. Let us then join our hearts and hands together in one common cause, for the reunion of all our ancient affections and common interests. I a am, gentlemen, with the greatest respect and consideration, your most obedient servant, D. HARTLEY.



Passy, Sept. 5, 1783. We have received the letter which you did us the honor to write yesterday.

Your friendly congratulations on the signature of the definitive treaty, meet with cordial returns on our part; and we sincerely rejoice with you in that event by which the ruler of nations has been graciously pleased to give peace to our two countries.

We are no less ready to join our endeavors than our wishes

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