Under the care and manage Totals of the three Confined in Private Lunatic ment of Parish Officers, as in Asylums. Idiots. door or out-door paupers. classes. Counties. Rate per cent. on Population. 42 123 21 58 86 144 78 153 38 62 82 144 64 145 231 16 15 44 39 83 31 84 115 -08 49 62 von 494,478 5 orset 159,252 42 43 urham 255,910 18 18 ssex 317,507 8 9 81 143 111 148 259 -08 60 208 398 217 414 631 13 242 -15 44 41 85 67 88 155 06 90 105 195 115 197 312 -10 loucester 387,019 49 27 86 113 73 105 178 230 183 413 11 ereford 111,211 4 ertford untingdon 53,192 4 12 16 65 114 61 132 193 17 6 ent ancaster 479,155 69 67 136 1,336,854 135 152 287 11 13 24 8 eicester 197,003 10 5 15 incoln 317,465 15 21 36 iddlesex 1,358,330 222 335 557 21 11 onmouth 98,130 3 9 5 orfolk 390,054 69 82 151 1 orthampton 179,336 9 12 21 orthumbrl. 222,912 8 5 13 ottingham 225,327 38 37 75 61 53 114 228 12 270 09 141 14 394 10 70 116 186 -13 38 07 468 10 682.05 1259 09 246 14 xford 152,156 2 3 10 17 1 alop 222,938 12 omerset 404,200 3 28 44 61 260 12 240 11 114 186 12 23 39 20 261 12 484 12 outhampton 314,280 31 42 tafford 410,512 50 114 28 uffolk 296,317 61 74 135 urrey 486,334 16 22 38 ussex 272,340 7 7 14 Varwick 336,610 11 16 73 126 109 235 202 239 441 14 261 06 345 12 504 10 264 10 391 12 Vestmore!. Vilts 240,156 17 21 38 70 122 192 127 193 320 13 Worcester 211,365 16 15 31 1 2 27 36 63 71 67 138 122 143 265 13 15 24 35 33 68 112 74 186 09 26 46 42 38 80 96 580 176 09 22 29 51 168 157 325 335 349 684 07 ork, E. Rid. N. Rid. W.Rid. 3 11 17 28 S 6 14 976,550 160 121 281 12 12 24 1 2 Totals of E. 13,091,005 1243 1342 2585 89 80 169 649 740 1389 34 53 87 773 1297 2070 2948 3420 6368 6044 6624 12,668 10 Totals of Eng A statistical account of |