"Ed. then had to go back flagging. Investigation showed that they had run into a washout. It was twentythree hours before the wrecking crew had the track clear, and nearly thirty-six before Ed. Carter went off duty in Windsor. "Joe got over his drunk and reported for duty. He was told to hold himself in readiness to go out any moment. The washout and the soft condition of the track had tied up or delayed all trains. Joe went up town again, had a few drinks, and then went into Loud's saloon, where he met some of the boys, who guyed him about Wilson's having kicked him out into the street. Joe left, swearing vengeance. The next heard of him was that when third section of five had pulled out of Windsor, Joe Carter and Mrs. Wilson had both been aboard, bound for San Francisco. "After Third Five had left, a delayed rush freight pulled in, and Joe was marked up to go out on her. Not finding him, the next available man was ordered out in his place, and that man was his brother Ed., who had only just come in off of Third No. Six. "Ed. was not the man to kick, even though he had just come in. He thought he would be able to get some sleep in the caboose anyway. "Special trains, you know, have no rights. Engine 1299, with her twenty-five freight cars, had not got more than ten miles on her way when she had to take siding to pass No. Six which was coming through in two sections. The front brakeman opened the switch, and Carter, who had been riding in the caboose, went out to close it after both sections had passed. The first section went by, and Ed. sat down on the end of a tie while waiting for the other section, which was ten minutes behind the first one. He must have gone to sleep. Six "Engine 2223 with Second came pounding down the the track. Suddenly there were several sharp blasts of the whistle, the hiss of the air, the grind of the brakes, a sudden stop. "We found the cylinder cock had caught him on the side of the head, the projecting part making a small ugly hole. That was the only mark on the body. The force of the blow, however, had broken the cylinder cock off." We were all silent for a moment when the butch. finished. Then the brakie asked: "What become of Joe and Mrs. Wilson?" "Joe heard about it on reaching San Francisco. He left the lady and has not been heard of since." "And the jury's asked. I "That the deceased, Edward Carter, came to his death by being struck by engine 2223, the deceased being at the time asleep on the line. The engineer and the company were exonerated from all blame." "Did the company do anything in the matter?" "Yes; ordered a new cylinder cock on 2223." C BY ARMOND OMRADESHIP, such as exemplified in the greeting a Knight Templar gives to a companion, has in it all the elements of the inner meaning of St. Paul's declaration that "none of us liveth to ourself, and no man dieth to himself." That was the philosophy of the great Christian missionary to the Gentile world. It was the keynote of all his epistles and sermons, and the foundation of his faith. The interdependence of all men, the Brotherhood of man, and the Fatherhood of God, was the basic theme of the scholarly apostle in all his advocacy of the truth of the story of the Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Christ, which every Knight Templar believes with all his soul. But it was no new doctrine-the interdependence of all life-that St. Paul taught. It was an old belief when Israel's King David conceived the idea of glorifying the "Grand Architect of the Universe," and the "Worshipful Master" of all that lives, by erecting a mighty temple to God and dedicating it to His Holy Name, and the spirit of the incentive which moved David to desire to establish an Altar that should be within the Veils, and about which all save the "Profane" might assemble and meet on the level of a common brotherhood, is the same spirit that sends the Knight Templar out into the storm-bound darkness at "Low Twelve" in answer to the voice of a "Widow's Son." Yes, in Knights Templarism there is such a thing as "meeting on the level" of a common brotherhood, and "parting on the square" of sincerity and good will. The interlaced triangles mean much more to Templars than the descent of spirit into matter before "God said let there be light." It is a symbol of oneness on the mountain of Zion where He from the heights beyond "commanded His blessing, even life everlasting." By this symbol every Templar-Mason is assured that Ascension is by the way of the Cross and the Sepulchre, and by it he is also assured that no "worthy and well qualified" ever fails to receive all needed strength to overcome the pangs of the cross of life and the sorrows of the sepulchre of death if he seeks the secrets of immortality and the "promise" in the "Chamber of Reflection." It is never the fault of the "Three Great Lights" if a Templar-Mason is in the darkness of forfeited comradeship. The ties that bind are severed, if severed at all, by the Jubelas, the Jubelos and the Jubelums who have become unworthy by their own acts. Nevertheless, deep and abiding as are the ties that bind in a common brotherhood, no Templar supposes for a moment that fraternal comradeship contemplates or provides for individual social or mental equality during the hours of "refreshment" in which the activities of individuals are in the world of personal concern. personal concern. Originally, and yet, too, for that matter, the Templar confraternity included in its membership kings, princes and nobles from every Christian country. It was once, in the long ago, a vast army of warriors divided into eight territorial divisions. or provinces, Germany, England and France each being a province. The Temple Bar of London is so-called because originally it was what nally it was what the "profane" would call "headquarters of the Knights Templar organization of England." Very much as an army of soldiers is constituted to-day was the organization of the Commanderies of eight hundred years ago, but never was Templarism even remotely identified with Knight Errantry. Then, too, as now, there was comradeship without distinction of social cast, wealth or intellectual acquirements. Then as now, it was the comradeship of warriors, but not companionship of all who marched and fought under a common standard. Modern Templarism includes all professions and occupations, and it maintains a quality and standard of comradeship that draws no line of separation, yet it distinctly recognizes the inequality of man in the channels of citizenship. As Sir Knights, there is but one level. As citizens, there are many levels, and often widely separated. But always and under all circumstances a Knight Templar is a Hospitaller, and always every Zerubbabel knows that though there may be "gold and silver I have none," there are refreshments and encouragement and the glad hand and the warm heart and the "God speed thee" at every critical point in the journey to the Jerusalem of worthy purpose and honest endea vor. Exactly eight hundred years ago -1104-the order was officially recognized as a body of knights, and so dubbed and created by Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, but as a matter of fact, the order had its beginning in 1099, five years before it received official recognition. Naturally, perhaps, after years of campaigning, and the absence of home influences, there was a falling away into degeneracy. So much so, indeed, that very many Knights "prided themselves," says the historian, "upon being rough and rude, seldom using water for washing, shaving and such like purposes, but preferred being filthy and dirty in their persons, so much so that at last the proverb of 'being as drunk and as dirty as a Templar' became quite common." In those days of hard marches and perilous times, the Templar order had no quartermaster, commissary, medical or pay departments-nor a "board of strategy," for which they devoutly thanked God, no doubt. Each Knight was his own commissary and paymaster, as the people living on the line of their march found out to their sorrow. are Modern Templarism makes some education, at least to know how to read and write, a p:erequisite to knighthood. Very many of the great scholars of the world Templar-Masons; so, too, are all the planes of commerce and handicraft liberally represented. But while some education is a prerequi. site accomplishment, the underlying principle is altogether ethical. Templars have been known to possess little moral worth or excellence of character, but they were "true and tried," and "worthy and well qualified" when created Sir Knights, nor is Templarism any way responsible for for their degeneracy, for every theme, every symbol and word spoken, from the preparation room of divestment of the Entered Apprentice, is altogether wholesome and well calculated to encourage to press on from good to better and on to best. Templar-Masonry is a system of religio-philosophy, whose centre and circumference is the doctrine of the noble, true and good heart. But neither education nor moral worth were required of applicants for knighthood in the early days of Templarism. In fact, Grand Master de Molay, whose memory is revered by all Templars, could not read or write, and because he could not, and because his heart and mind were so noble that he could not himself be suspicious of wrong-doing in others, was inveigled into signing a paper in which he confessed to have committed all sorts of crimes, including atrocious murders, and worse still, of being guilty of heresy to the Church. When he discovered how he had been tricked, he rushed to a blazing fire, and thrust his thrust his right hand into it, saying: "I do this as a punishment for signing such a false document." He was placed over a slow fire upon an iron grating and left to linger there until "symbolical death" became a reality. But like the sturdy, brave and honest knight that he was, he made not the slightest sign of suffering, nor did he revile his executioners, and modern Templars see in the heroism and kindly heart of Grand Master de Molay a mighty lesson in forebearance and patience in the spirit of "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do," when secretly or openly assailed for wearing the Red Cross by "cowans," "eavesdroppers," or the "profane." All down the line from 1104 to this day the Order of Knights Templar has not been without De Molays at any time, and many is the widow and many is the orphan and many is the knight that has found the sorrows of helplessness and the burdens of misfortune rolled away, as was the stone of the Sepulchre, by the loving, generous, yet mighty hand of Templarism. Knight Templarism has stood, stands and will stand for that spirit of nobility of character, moral worth and Faith, Hope and Charity which was exem plified in the person and life of the Nazarene whose Sepulchre, whose Resurrection, and whose Ascension are the foundation and cope-stones of the heart's mansion. It is by this standard that Knights Templar should be measured and judged. If some fall short, the fault is not that the principles of Templarism are weak and insufficient, but that they have not been permitted to do their perfect work. A Knight Templar should be the embodiment of high character, moral worth and true manhood in every walk of life in which circumstances have placed him. He must be all that to be a Templar in fact, and if he is not all that, he is a Templar in name only. And, moreover, if he is not all that, the sword he wields will sooner or later turn its sharp point against himself and pierce him to his spiritual death, nor will the stone be rolled away from his sepulchre, nor will he come forth from thence, nor will the glory of Ascension be his. These things all Knights Templar know, and, too, that "under no less a penalty" than that which is due will his offense be atoned. Thus it was written in the unwritten book of Causation, which was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. So mote it be. THE-CAR The World is A-Wheel Again BY SYDNEY PELL MAKINSON OST to be noted among the M features that mark the open ing of the present season of out-door sports is the revival of bicycling. So great is the increase in the number of wheels seen in city boulevards and country roads, that the fact of the revival of the general popularity of cycling has forced itself upon public attention. and compelled the comment of writers in sports. This revival is particularly noticeable in districts which once made it their greatest fad and punished it to the extreme, only to be the more conspicuous through a very considerable abandonment of it. Bicycling undoubtedly owed its temporary lapse from temporary popularity to the ill-advised extremity of the devotion of its votaries to it. In these sections of the country, when the wheel reigned more as a craze than a sensibly and moderately pursued pastime, the falling off in its use was the most sudden and most extensive. The sport was conducted with too much whoop and hurrah to last at the high pressure with which it was followed. There was too much riding just for the sake of riding and piling up mileage, whether the wind blew, the rain poured, the sun beat down upon or the icy air froze the limbs of the fanatics. Such strenuous following of bicycling made it a "fad," and as a "fad" the reaction had to come, and did come. In those sections where wheelmen used their wheels moderately as a vehicle of gentle exercise, pleasure seeking and every-day use, and among those so pursuing it, bicycling survived. It is to this sensible following of the most beneficial and delightful sports and convenient means of easy locomotion, that the public has once more returned. Fashion has taken it up again. Those who are tiring of the golfing fad have once more adopted it for their afternoon recreation. More and more is the wheel being used as a means of transportation from home to office, and from office to country club or the scene of favorite outdoor amusements. Physicians are urging its re-adoption as a method of healthful exercise. Youths are looking to it as a form of athletic competition, as bigger entry lists to race meets than ever before prove. On all hands are the indisputable signs that the bicycle has returned to favor, and will be enjoyed with moderation and common sense, insuring a permanent future for it as the foremost of all outdoor sports. Clubmen and enthusiasts have joined hands all over the country in promoting veteran runs and other gatherings of wheelmen, which have aroused once more the pride and interest of the old-time users of the wheel. At one of these runs, which took place at Boston recently, there was a turnout of 5,000 riders. Similar meets at Detroit, Buffalo and Indianapolis called forth. surprisingly large gatherings in |