OVERLAND MONTHLY OCTOBER, 1904 AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF THE WEST CONTENTS: San Francisco as a Convention City.. By Chas. S. Fee... The Czar's Concessionaires ... .395 .403 410 The Last Thunder Song.. By John G. Neihardt 431 Mother Goose a la Mode (Verse).. By F. A. Hunt .436 A Vacation on the Installment Plan.. By Harold French.... .455 Radio-Activity (Part I). On Seeing the Tempest.... By George Adam, M. D........460 By Caroline Sheldon .467 History, Origin and Meaning of Some California Towns and Places By Professor G. E. Bailey ..468 All communications in relation to manuscripts intended for publication or business of any kind should be addressed to the Overland Monthly Co.-and not to individuals on the staff. THE OVERLAND MONTHLY, ar Illustrated Magazine of the West. Entered at the San Francisco. Cal., Postoffice as second class matter. The Overland Monthly subscription price is $1.50 a year payable in advance. Foreign subscriptions. $2.25. New Subscriptions can commence at any time during the year. Payment for Overland Monthly, when sent by mail, should be made in a Post-office MoneyOrder, Bank Check or Draft, Express Money-Order or Registered Letter. Silver sent through the mail is at sender's risk. Discontinuances. Remember that the publishers must be notified by letter when a subscriber wishes his magazine stopped. All arrearage must be paid. Always give the name of the Post-office to which your magazine is sent. Your name cannot be found on our books unless this is done. Letters should be addressed and drafts made payable to OVERLAND MONTHLY COMPANY, San Francisco, Cal. For back numbers more than three month old, an additional charge of 5c for each month is made. Contributors are requested to write name and address on first page of MS. and on the back of each photograph or illustration submitted. It is also necessary that in writing to the magazin concerning contributions, the name of the article should be mentioned. Copyrighted, 1903. OVERLAND MONTHLY COMPANY, Publishers. 320 Sansome St., S. F. To help its members to build homes, also to make loans on improved property, HOME OFFICE: S. W. Cor. California and Battery Sts., San Francisco, Cal. LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED ROOMS for permanent and transient guests at moderate prices. Orchestra of solo players, 6 p. m. till I a. m. RESTAURANT, PALM ROOM AND CAFE gems of artistic perfection. Cuisine and service really delightful. YOU will say so. A SPECIAL FEATURE is our after-theatre suppers. Billiard parlors for ladies is another pleasant feature. Original with the BELLECLAIRE is the refined vaudeville every Thursday evening. Our gallery of beautiful paintings, valued at $50,000, is open evening to visitors. Affability and courtesy guaranteed from every Belleclaire employee. MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor. |