SENT ON APPROVAL LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN BEN LAUGHLIN (By registered mail, 8c extra) Holder is made of finest quality hard rubber, in four simple parts, fitted with very highest grade, large size 14k. gold pen, any flexibility desired-ink-feeding device perfect. Either style-RICHLY GOLD Grand Special Offer You may try the pen a week; if you do not find it as represented, fully as fine as you can secure for three times the price in any other makes: if not entirely satisfactory in every respect, return it, and we will send you $1.10 for it, the extra roc. is for your trouble in writing us-and to show our confidence in the Laughlin Pen.(Not one customer in 5,000 has asked for his money back.) LAY THIS OVERLAND DOWN AND WRITE NOW Safety Pocket Pen Holder sent free of charge with each Pen. ADDRESS FOUNTAIN PEN SAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PEN Laughlin Mfg. Co. 343 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. It is a cow's milk adapted to infants, according to the highest scientific BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK COMPANY, New York Hotel Del Monte BY THE SEA, NEAR OLD MONTEREY A palatial home in parklike grounds. Every op- SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET ΤΟ DEL MONTE, CAL. WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY TREATED CANCER WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE The Berkshire Hills Sanatorium is the largest private institution in the world and the ONLY one where Cancer and Tumors are permanently cured. It is owned and conducted by a regular graduate. All physicians of standing are cordially invited t come and make a personal investigation. They will be entertained as our guests. Upon receipt of a description of any Cancer or Tumor, we will mail, at our expense, the most valuable information ever published on this subject, and will tell you why the knife fails to cure, and why the X-ray, Radium or any other light treatment can never be successful, and all forms of so-called home treatments are worthless. Address DRS. W. E. BROWN & SON, North Adams, Mass Are you retaining in your memory the music, so called, of the talking machine you heard some years ago, and thinking that all similar devices are still the same? If so, you have been standing still. If you had kept pace with the march of progress at the Edison Laboratory, you would know that the Phonograph as made today is a really delightful musical instrument. If you heard one played you'd like it. Call on us when in the city or let us send you catalogs. |