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DENTACURA Bicycle News.


Never since the beginning of this industry have bicycles been so near perfection, both in construction and equipment, as they are to-day. Modern inventions like the two-speed gear and new coaster brake have brought the chainless wheels to a wonderful stage of development.

The two-speed gear is rightly called a hill leveler. A slight pressure of either foot on either pedal changes the gear from high to low for hill climbing and difficult roads. Another like pressure sets the high gears for a swift run on the level.

The coaster brake increases the rider's efficiency about one-third.

American highways are in better condition than ever before, so that touring awheel is attractive.

The people have never been more outspoken in their appreciation of bicycling as a health-giving exercise. It is rapidly returning to a leading place in the list of outdoor recreations.

Company has two depart The Pope Manufacturing ments, the Eastern and the Western, the former at Hartford, Conn., manufacturing and marketing the land, Tribune and Crawford famous Columbia, Clevewheels, and the latter at Chicago, Ill., producing the well-known Rambler, Crescent, Monarch and Imperial models.

Catalogues are free at the stores of over 10,000 dealers, or any one catalogue will be mailed on receipt of a two-cent stamp.

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Salary $100 to $500 a Month

We will appoint men and women of executive ability to represent us in every city, town and county in the U. S. and Canada.

We want the best to be had, men and women of good address, wide acquaintance, and most undisputed reliability.

This is a dignified position, and we can assure interested parties that it is extremely profitable as well. To those who give us satisfactory references, and part or entire time, we can offer a permanent position.

Prompt application should be made. Write at once for full information concerning our proposition.

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A 25-cent Magazine for 10 Cents

The World To-day



JEGINNING with the July issue the price of THE WORLD TO-DAY will be roduced to Ten Cents per copy or One Dollar for yearly subscriptions paid in advance. In making this announcement the publishers are but carrying out the original plans formed at the inception of the enterprise, to give the largest and best magazine possible to produce for the money. The success of the many splendid magazines in the fletion fleld at 10c per copy is convincing proof of the increasing demand for good literature at a popular price. The publishers of THE WORLD TO-DAY can see no good reason why the magazines treating of the realities o life should not be sold for the same money. All other magazines in its class are now selling at Twenty-five Cents per copy. THE WORLD TO-DAY therefore is the pioneer in its field to adopt a Ten Cent price.

THE WORLD TO-DAY has achieved a success that was deemed impossible for any magazine to attain in the Western field. From the start it has had certain definite aims and purposes from which it has never deviated. It has been our aim to instruct as well as to entertain; to furnish monthly the latest information in every department of human progress, presented in such a form that it would be a help and an inspiration to busy men and women who have not time for extensive reading. In carrying out our ideals it has become daily more apparent that a Twenty-five Cent price is a bar to our reaching a large number of the very people we desire to benefit. We are convinced that there are hundreds of thousands of young men and women, minis ers, teachers, business men an! people in all waiks of life who want such information as we are furnishing yet do not feel that they can afford a high-priced magazine.

THE WORLD TO-DAY has a wider mission and wishes to reach a larger constituency than is possible for any Twenty-five Cent Magazine.

The reduction in price does not mean an inferior magazine. The present high standard will be fully maintained, and it is our purpose to do even better. Every issue will contain at least 128 pages and over 100 illustrations, many being in colors.

THE WORLD TO-DAY at Twenty-five Cents has been considered excellent value At Ten Cents it is the best bargain ever offered in the magazine fleld. If you are not familiar with it look it up at your dealers or sen 1 Ten Cents for sample copy. Remember you get a Twenty-Five Cent Magazine, and good value at that, for but ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.

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In Rip Van Winkle's Land-Poem, ...... Minna Irving
Nature's Chronometer-Illustrated,.. .H. M. Albaugh
Abandoned Farms-Illustrated,..Howard W. Coggeshall
The Three Oregons-Illustrated. .Alfred Holman
Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled-Illustrated,.
George H. Daniels
The Stories the Totems Tell-Illust'd, Luther L. Holden
A Little Country Cousin-Illustrated, Kathleen L. Greig
The Mazamas-Illustrated,.
Will G. Steel
When Mother Goes Away-Poem,
.Joe Cone
A Little Bit of Holland-Illustrated,.. Charles B. Wells
The Romance of Reality-Illustrated,..Jane W. Guthrie
The War Eagle-Illustrated,.

..Mary L. Austin

Under Mexican Skies-Illustrated,... Marin B. Fenwick
Niagara in Winter-Illustrated,.
Little Histories-Illustrated:

Old Fort Putnam,.

Charter Oak Chair,.

.Orrin E. Dunlap

William J. Lampton .Bessie H. Dean

The Confederate White House,....Herbert Brooks SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS, OR 50 CENTS A YEAR Can be had of newsdealers, or by addressing GEORGE H. DANIELS, Publisher,

Room 15-A, 7 East 42d Street, New York

Wm. Knabe & Co., 5th Ave. & 20th St.


Wiley B. Allen Co., 931 Market St.

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