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VARICOCELE. Under my treatment this insidious disease rapidly disappears. Pa'n ceases almost in. stantly The stagnant blood is driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling subsides. Every indication of Varicocele vanishes and in its stead comes the pleasure of perfect health Many ailments are reflex, originating from other diseases. For instance. innumerable blood and nervous diseases result from poisonous taints in the system. Varicocele and Hydrocele, if neglected will undermine physical strength, depress the mental facnities, derange the nervous system, and ultimately produce complicated re sults. In treating diseases of men I always cure the effect as well as the cause. I desire that every person afflicted with these or allied diseases write me so I can explain my method of cure, which is safe and permanent. My consultation will cost you nothing, and my charges for a perfect cure will be reasonable and not more than you will be willing to pay for the bene fits conferred.

Certainty of Cure is what you want. I give a legal guaranty to cure or refund your money. What I Correspondence Confidential. One personal visit at my office is preferred, but if it is impos

have done for others can do for you. I can cure you at home.

sible for you to call, write me your condition fully, and you will receive in plain envelope a scientific and honest opinion of your case free of charge, My home treatment is successful. My books and lectures mailed free upon application.




Safe Deposit and Trust Company's Building, 701 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.

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An Editor

or Manager Wanted for a

Standard Magazine

3 successful Southern Maga zines have been consolidated. The trust principle applied to publishing. They are Things and Thoughts," published in Virginia, now in in its fourth year; the Florida Magazine, of Jacksonville, Florida, now in its 5th year, and the Alkahest of Atlanta, now in its eighth year. The combined Magazines make one very valuable with the best field in the United States An interest in this valuable property would be sold in order to get the right man for either editor or general manager.

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Seals, Stencils, Badges and Steel Dies : : : 12 Montgomery Street, S. F. Phone Main 5357


85,000 Sunday and 62,000 Daily

is the Guaranteed Distribution of the




The Best Advertising Medium

John D. Spreckels, Publisher and Proprietor

John McNaught, Manager.

W. S. Martin, Business Manager



"For Thirty-six Years a Standard Piano"


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45 Styles to select from

` Prominent Purchasers United States


Sayers of Texas, Governor Longino of Mississippi, Governor Bliss of Michigan, United States Senator Cameron, General W. R. Miles, Supreme Court Justice James, Professor Dana of Dana's Musical Institute, Professor Nunnally of Southern Female College, and Professor Peterson of Humboldt College, are among those who have used the Wing Piano, in addition to prominent musicians, music teachers, and orchestra leaders throughout the United States.

You Need this Book if you intend to buy

a piano. A booknot a catalogue-that gives you all the information possessed by experts. It makes the selection of a piano easy. If read carefully, it will make you a judge of tone, action, workmanship, and finish; will tell you how to know good from bad. It describes the materials used; gives pictures of all the different parts, and tells how they should be made and put together. It is the only book of its kind ever published. It contains one hundred and sixteen large pages, and is named "The Book of Complete Information About Pianos." We send it free to anyone wishing to buy a piano. Write for it.

Wing Organs are sold under the same guar

antee as Wing Pianos. Sent on trial to any part of the United States, freight paid in advance by us, without any advance payment or deposit being made. Sold on easy monthly payments. Separate organ catalogue sent on request.

350-355 WEST 13TH ST., NEW YORK.



The House Beautiful


A MAGAZINE of interior decoration, gardening and home economies. It is completing its seventh year. Each month it publishes articles on household art, illustrated with reproductions of photographs, which show what other people have done. It devotes itself to successful houses. They are not only interesting in themselves but they are full of suggestions to those who plan to build or remodel.

The HOUSE BEAUTIFUL is intended for persons with incomes of two thousand dollars a year and upwards, but it shows wherein taste goes farther than money. It aims to improve the current ideas of decoration and furnishing, to spread broadcast sensible designs in architecture to teach people to make the most of which they have that is good and stoically to discard what they have that is unworthy.


"The House Beautiful" is full of good suggestions for home builders who love artistic surroundings.Jersey City Evening Journal.

The magazine is a genuine effort for the promulgation of domestic joy and the quiet cheerfulness which may be awakened by the influence of harmonious surroundings.-Rocky Mountain News.

The pictures of "The House Beautiful" are always good; so are the

quantities of short notes and halfpage papers on all sorts of decorative or picturesque details that belong to modern living.-Springfield (Mass.) Republican.

'The House Beautiful" brings so many valuable suggestions as to beautifying the house and home that it deserves our highest praise and appreciation. It will strongly appea to every housewife and also to all lovers of art and beauty within their own domain.-Buffalo Times.

Its readers all say

The magazine costs $2.00 p

Kably worthy, thorough and useful. t to have you test its value, for 50

cents we will send it to you for four months. Enclose 50 cents and address,


66 Eldredge Court


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