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And whereas a Convention was concluded between His Majesty and the other Powers and States enumerated therein among which are those set forth in the accompanying Schedule, on the 4th day of May, 1910, for the suppression of the White Slave Traffic, (3) which contains Articles in the terms following:

Article 1. Doit être puni quiconque, pour satisfaire les passions d'autrui, a embauché, entraîne, ou détourné, même avec son consentement, une femme ou fille mineure, en vue de la débauche, alors même que les divers actes qui sont les éléments constitutifs de l'infraction auraient été accomplis dans des pays différents.

"Article 2. Doit être aussi puni quiconque, pour satisfaire les passions d'autrui, a par fraude ou à l'aide de violences, menaces, abus d'autorité, ou tout autre moyen de contrainte, embauché, entraîné, ou détourné une femme ou fille majeure, en vue de la débauche, alors même que les divers actes qui sont les éléments constitutifs de l'infraction auraient été accomplis dans des pays différents.

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Article 5. Les infractions prévues par les articles 1 et 2 seront, à partir du jour de l'entrée en vigueur de la présente Convention réputées être inscrites de plein droit au nombre des infractions donnant lieu à extradition d'après les Conventions déjà existantes entre les Parties contractantes.

"Dans les cas où la stipulation qui précède ne pourrait recevoir effet sans modifier la législation existante, les Parties contractantes s'engagent à prendre ou à proposer à leurs législatures respectives les mesures nécessaires.

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"Article 11. Si un Etat contractant désire la mise en vigueur de la présente Convention dans une ou plusieurs de ses colonies, possessions ou circonscriptions consulaires judiciaires, il notifiera son intention à cet effet par un acte qui sera déposé dans les archives du Gouvernement de la République française. Celui-ci en enverra, par la voie diplo matique, copie certifiée conforme à chacun des Etats contractants et les avisera en même temps de la date du dépôt.



"Six mois après la date du dépôt de l'acte de notification, la Convention entrera en vigueur dans les colonies, possessions ou circonscriptions consulaires judiciaires visées dans l'acte de notification.'


And whereas His Majesty's ratification of this Convention on behalf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and (3) Vol. CIII, page 244.

Ireland was deposited at Paris on the 8th day of August, 1912;

And whereas His Majesty has acceded to the Convention in respect of the following self-governing Dominions on the dates respectively mentioned:

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in respect of India on the 27th March, 1922; in respect of the following Colonies on the 4th November, 1921 :

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and in respect of the following Colonies on the 15th March, 1923:


British Guiana

British Honduras


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St. Lucia

St. Vincent

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to him, by The Extradition Acts, 1870 to 1906," doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that the said Acts shall apply in the case of the Powers and States in the accompanying Schedule in accordance with the treaties therein described as supplemented by the said Convention. This Order shall come into operation in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and in the Irish Free State from and after the 13th day of August, 1923, in the above-mentioned self-governing Dominions and Colonies in respect of which His Majesty has acceded to the Convention in accordance with Article 11 thereof, and in India, or in British possessions in respect of which His Majesty may in future accede thereto, it shall in each case come into operation on a date six months after the respective date of such accession, or from and after the said 13th day of August, whichever shall be the later date.

Provided always that the operation of the said Acts shall be and remain suspended within the Dominion of Canada so long as an Act of the Parliament of Canada, being Part I of Chapter 155 of "The Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906," and entitled "An Act respecting the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals," shall continue in force there, and no longer.

And provided that where one of the Powers and States set forth in the accompanying Schedule has not notified its intention that the said Convention shall come into force in any of its Colonies, Possessions or Consular Judicial Districts by a declaration to that effect deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, the operation of the said Acts shall be and remain suspended in respect of any such Colonies, Possessions or Judicial Districts until such declaration shall have been so deposited, and no longer. M. P. A. HANKEY.


List of Powers and States above referred to, parties to_the International Convention for the suppression of the White Slave Traffic, signed at Paris, the 4th May, 1910, between which and His Majesty's Government extradition treaties are in force, as follows :—

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BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL authorising the Eastern African Court of Appeal to hear and determine Appeals from the Zanzibar Court.-London, July 30, 1923.(1)

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 30th day of
July, 1923.



WHEREAS by an Order of His Majesty in Council, bearing date the 14th day of July, 1921, and entitled "The Eastern African Court of Appeal Order in Council, 1921 ''(2) (hereinafter called the principal Order '), a Court, called His Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa (in this Order referred to as the Court of Appeal ''), was constituted for the hearing and determining of appeals from His Majesty's Courts in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the Uganda Protectorate, the Nyasaland Protectorate, the Zanzibar Protectorate and the Tanganyika Territory;

And whereas by a Decree, shortly entitled “The Zanzibar Courts Decree, 1923,"(3) His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar has enacted the following provisions relating to appeals to the Court of Appeal from His Highness the Sultan's Court for Zanzibar (therein and hereinafter referred to as "the Zanzibar Court "):


19.-(1.) Subject to the other provisions of this Decree or of any other law for the time being in force, an appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeal

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(a.) From the Decrees or from any part of the Decrees or from the Orders of the Zanzibar Court passed or made in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction; and


(b.) From any finding, Order or sentence other than an order of acquittal recorded or passed by the Zanzibar Court in the exercise of its original criminal jurisdiction or in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction in an appeal from an acquittal.


(2.) Save as aforesaid there shall be no appeal from any Decree, Order, finding or sentence passed or made by the Zanzibar Court on appeal from a subordinate Court.

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"20. The Court of Appeal shall have jurisdiction to entertain, hear and determine such appeal, and deal therewith in accordance with the provisions of The Eastern African Court of Appeal Order in Council, 1921, or any amendment thereof or any Order in Council substituted therefor, or any rules issued thereunder or in force by virtue of the provisions thereof."

And whereas it is expedient to make provision for the
(1) "London Gazette," August 3, 1923.
(3) Page 220.

(2) Page 5.

exercise of such jurisdiction as aforesaid by the said Court of Appeal:

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by The British Settlements Act, 1887,"(4) "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,"(5) or otherwise in his Majesty vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

1. This Order may be cited as The Eastern African Court of Appeal Order in Council, 1923," and shall be read. and construed as one with the principal Order.

2. The Court of Appeal shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine appeals (including reserved questions of law) from the Zanzibar Court in all causes and matters in which under the hereinbefore-recited Zanzibar Courts Decree, 1923, or any other law enacted by His said Highness and for the time being in force an appeal lies to the Court of Appeal, and shall exercise such jurisdiction subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the principal Order, and the said provisions shall apply to all such appeals as aforesaid and take effect accordingly.

3. This Order shall commence and have effect forthwith. And the Most Noble the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

(4) Vol. LXXVIII, page 824.

M. P. A. HANKEY. (5) Vol. LXXXII, page 656.

BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL amending "The Consular Fees Order in Council, 1921."-London, July 30, 1923.(1)

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 30th day of
July, 1923.


WHEREAS by "The Consular Salaries and Fees Act, 1891,"(2) His Majesty the King is authorised by Order in Council to fix the fees to be taken in respect of any matter or thing done by a Consular Officer in the execution of his office, and to vary such fees by way of increase or decrease, and to abolish fees, and to create new fees;


(1) "London Gazette," August 10, 1923.
(2) Vol. LXXXIII, page 132.

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