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equal rates, 28; full text of, see Appendix.
Hanna, Senator; remarks by, 219.

Hepburn bill, 210, 213.

Historic pledges; American pledges, for seventy-five
years, 87; for equal rights to all countries and peo-
ples, 87; further pledges, 219, 220.

Highways; nation may build, 85.

Holland; early colonies, 12.

Humboldt, Von; settlements by, 12; proposed canals by,

Interoceanic Canal Committee; in Senate, 63; hearing tes-
timony, 63, 64.

International Eminent Domain; chapter on, 195.

Inventory of French property purchased by U. S., 211.

Jefferson, Thomas; cherished friendship for England, 123;
favored equality, 183.

Johnson, Emory R.; book on canal statistics, 176.

Johnson, Willis F.; book on Panama, 11.

Khedive of Egypt, 171.

Knowland, J. R., 135.

Limon Bay, 130.

Lepinay, Godin de; for lock-canal, 30.

Lincoln, President, 89.

Lock canal plan adopted, 207.

Lodge, H. C., 6.

Lusitania, the, 218.

Miraflores dam, 129.

Modern realities, 12.

Morgan's bank; purchase money deposited in, 209.

Morgan, Senator; champion for Nicaragua, 20, 206.

Monopoly; U. S. has at Panama, 40; should protect it, 37.
Morning News, Wilmington, 6, 96, 99, 196.

Monroe doctrine; and the French, 31; Jefferson, 123; full
discussion of as applied to canal, 209.

McCumber, Senator, 6.

McKinley, William; urges England to modify Clayton
treaty, 90, 210.

Mann, Representative, 220.

New Panama Canal Co., 33.
Neutrality; of canal, 41; neutralization, 4; means peace
not war, 101; in business, and between belligerents,
103; generally inactive, 103; canal is active and may
be neutral, 104.

Neutralization; article upon, 102; used by Clayton and
Hay accurately, 103; neuter, meaning of, 103; the
"touchstone," 104.

Nicaragua Canal, 15; begun, 19; franchise expired, 19.
Nicaragua vs. Panama, 212.

O'Gorman, James A., 6; his leading speech, 136.

Obaldia, Minister, 214.

Oregon battleship, 208, 220.

Ownership and duty, 218.

Panama; seceded, 35, 83; Varilla, ambassador, 35; treaty
with U. S., 35; world powers recognized, 36, 94; re-
serves free tolls, 42; ratified treaty, 43; nation de jure,
54; zone passed to by secession, 83.

Panama Canal; French and sea-level, 31; Universal Canal
Co., organization and stock, 31; purchase of canal by
U. S., 32, 44, 45; new plan by French, 32; small canal,
33; American plan, 33; U. S. secures route, 34; cost
of, 37; ten years advance time to build, 38; analysis
of treaty, 39; rules of English treaty adopted, 42;
open to traffic, 46; dreadnoughts may use, 46; time
going through locks, 47; American canal with Ameri-
can money, 57; for general use, 58; international, 59;
not wholly domestic, 60; to destroy, world's calamity,
99; hostile ship not to use, 100; French initiative and
American force made it, 11; part of the U. S., 84, 99,
103; boundaries sufficient, 85; all can use in peace
not in war, 100; for legal use, 101; not neutral if our
guns are hostile, 103; six reasons, 124; too soon for
generosity, 125; mechanism and finance, chapter on,
127; sea-level and locks, 127; cost, 127; dimensions,
128, 131; dams, 129, 130; time passing through, 132,
133; locks, 132, 133; who owns? 215, 218; military
protection, 216.

Pan-American Conference, 94.

Peace Societies; chapter on, 190; American Peace Society,
Carnegie Peace Endowment and World's Peace Foun-

dation, 190; war is diabolical, 192; ban on bull-fights,
prize-fights and duels, 193; war makes crime by
wholesale, 193; God not always with belligerents, 194.
Press, The (Philadelphia), 6.

Pedro Miguel, 129.

Pennsylvania, the; first ship through canal, 46.
Pettus, Senator, remarks by, 219.

Pizzaro, 10.

Phillipe, King Louis; had canal route surveyed, aban-
doned, 30.

Pledges, sacred, 87, 219, 220.

Police powers; granted in treaty, 24, 41; use armed force,

Political platforms; exemption planks, 117; should have
avoided subject, 118; impolitic not binding, 119.
Public Ledger (Philadelphia), 6, 62, 121, 202.
Personal equilibrium, not created by state, 189.

Railroads; first American, 15; Panama railroad, 15.
Radicalism and conservatism, 5.

Rives to Palmerston, 87.

Rivers and canals not parallel cases, 60; free rivers not
rule for canals, 61.

Roosevelt, Theodore; messages, 93; Hay-Pauncefote treaty,
26; mentioned, 214.

Root, Elihu, 6; leading speech in Senate, 147; President
of Republican convention, 117; speeches circulated,

Rio Grande river, 30.

San Juan river, 16.

"Secret strait," 9, 10.

Spain; her discoveries, 8; had visions of canal, 10.

Senate Committee; members of, 63; hearing before, 64.
Stevens, John F.; chief engineer, 46, 207.

Seward, secretary, 89.

Ships; Pennsylvania first through, 46; Ancon first at
formal opening, 46, 47; time in passing, 132, 133;
battleship a moving fort, 101; first battleships to use
canal, Wisconsin, Missouri and Ohio, 213.

Ship railway, the, 224.

Spill-way at Gatun, 130.

South Sea; the Pacific called, 129.

Spooner Law, 44, 80; purchase under, from France, 44;
Colombian rights, 45; case of Wilson vs. Shaw, 81;
before Congress, 205, 213.

Spooner, Senator, remarks by, 219.

Slides, 36, 46, 128, 133.

Sovereignty; an argument used, 59; chapter on, 105; may
be conveyed, 105; in the people, 105; amending con-
stitution changes, 106; Panama granted sovereignty
to U. S., 107; grants to a subject and to a co-equal
state differ, 107; man when a sovereign, 109; Blunts-
chli's view, 110; origin in France, 110; may be limited,
112; Marshall's view, 114; Austin fallacy, 115; Spen-
cer's theory, 115; claim of absolute caused our Civil
War, 116; at North Pole state would be absolute, 116;
ultimate sovereignty, 213.

Subsidy; exemption a kind of, 60.

Suez Canal; no discrimination, 92; dedicated to peace, 93;
nine nations have jurisdiction over, 107; chapter on,
171; grant by Khedive to de Lesseps, 171; Maritine
Canal Co., 172; stock and dividends, 172; England
buys Khedive's stock, 172; size of and opening to
traffic, 173; time in passing, 173; cost, 173; conces-
sion for, 174; tolls, 175; Johnson's statistics, 176;
A. S. White's book on Egypt, 176; text of treaty of
nine nations for operation of canal, 176; military pro-
tection, 216.

Taft, W. H.; as secretary visited Panama, settles dispute,
43; President, 54, 55; mentioned, 206, 214.

Ten years after, 37.

Titular sovereignty, 214.

Titanic, the, 218.

Treaty-making power; in whom vested, 37.
Treaty rights; chapter on, 67.

Treaties; should be kept, 6; preamble vital part of, 29;
Hay-Pauncefote, 19, 23, 27, 28; Hay-Varilla, 35, 36;
new treaty with Colombia, 37; in U. S. are made in
secret, 37; co-equal states, 67; with Indians, 67; the
supreme law of the land, and more, 68; decision of
court not binding on foreign state, 68; rights under
mutual, 72, 73; contract of both parties, 73; when
words are clear, 73; sovereignty under, 73; suspended

by war, 76, 100; change of circumstances, 76; a lame
argument, 77; grantor and grantee, how to construe,
73, 77; how all got astray in construing treaties, 78;
will not protect in war, 88; land may pass by, 84;
text of Suez, 176.

Tolls; based on service not on kind of customer, 78; rates
not governed by flag of the user, 78; rates on all
where there is power to charge, 97; exemption de-
pends on treaties, 3, 4; repeal of exemption, 48, 54,
64; repeal not party victory, it was by the body of
the people, 62; text of repeal bill, 65; passage of, 66;
principles do not change, 5; too soon to donate tolls,
125; Suez rates, 175; table of Panama rates, 223.

United States; northwest territory, 13; New Granada
treaty, 13; French canal rights, 29, 44; securing canal
route, 34; canal treaties, 15, 19, 39, 35; nation can
build canal or railroad, 85; paid French for canal,
45; citizen has part of governing power, 122.
Universal Canal Co., 31; failed in the work, 32.

Voters; have part of ruling power, 123.

Volcanoes, 212.

Wallace, John F.; chief engineer, 45, 206.

War; against canal, against U. S., 99; nations at war, no
contracts between, 100; war problems, 215.

Warships; are moving forts, 101; hostile to be excluded
from canal, 101.

War zone; no war zone in the sea, 217.

Wilmington Free Library, 6.

Wilson v. Shaw; the canal decision, 81.

Wilson, Woodrow, 54; address of President to Congress
on tolls, 55.

Wyse, Bonaparte; secured right from Colombia, 30; had
route changed, 30; mentioned, 42, 207.

White, A. S.; book on Egypt, 176.

Witnesses before canal committees, 205, 206.

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