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particular tax under consideration by assessment may be accepted without the usual return. Further, you are directed not to accept waivers unless the parties fully understand what they are signing.

G. W. WILSON, Commissioner.


Attorneys Refunding claims.

Attorneys duly registered in the Treasury Department and filing powers of attorney will be recognized in the prosecution of refunding claims.



Washington, D. C., June 14, 1900.

SIR: In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, you are informed that attorneys who have been duly registered in this Department, in accordance with Department Circular No. 13, of 1886, will be recognized in the prosecution of claims for the refunding of taxes paid erroneously or in excess, provided a duly executed power of attorney is filed in this office or with the claim by each attorney. Such a power of attorney may authorize an attorney to receive and receipt for a warrant in payment of a claim, but a power of attorney authorizing the indorsement of a warrant must be executed after the allowance of the claim and the ascertainment of the amount due, and must fully describe the warrant. Respectfully, ROBT. WILLIAMS, Jr., Deputy Commissioner.

Mr. A. B. KELLOGG, Buffalo, N. Y.


Prescribing for use a revised fruit distiller's record No. 25 and a revised

return-Form 15.

[Circular No. 140. -Int. Rev. No. 581.]



To collectors of internal revenue:

Washington, D. C., September 17, 1900.

The fruit distillers' record No. 25 has been revised under date of July 25, 1900, and the same is hereby prescribed for use by all new distillers who shall hereafter commence operations, and by all other distillers so soon as the books now in use by them shall be exhausted, but in no case later than the close of the current season.

In addition to the entries heretofore required, entries will hereafter be made of the serial numbers of the fermenters filled and emptied, and when filled and emptied, of the quantity of brandy gauged and by whom and when inspected.

The dates in two left-hand columns of the record have been arranged so as to allow entries to be conveniently made on consecutive lines when two or more kinds of materials are received on the same day or materials of any kind are received on same day from two or more persons. Opposite the dates printed in column 10 will be made the several entries required under each heading to the right of said dates.

The fruit distiller's monthly account, Form 15, has also been revised so as to require, in addition to the information heretofore reported, an account of the brandy sold or removed and the name of the person to whom sent and location.

When the revised record No. 25t is procured, true and exact entries must be made therein promptly each day, and a complete and accurate return must be made each month on the revised Form 15.

Regulations, series 7, No. 7, revised February 19, 1895, supplement No. 1, under the heading, "Returns on Form 15," are hereby so far modified as to require a return on the revised Form 15 to be made for each month until all brandy distilled has been sold or removed.

G. W. WILSON, Commissioner.

Approved: O. L. SPAULDING, Acting Secretary of the Treasury.

[blocks in formation]

Accident insurance, installment, stamp must be affixed to
policy; opinion of Attorney-General..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Livery hire.....

[blocks in formation]

Use of own conveyance by deputy collector........
Gaugers, storekeeper-gaugers, and storekeepers.

Monthly, for services, and diary report of deputy col-

Administrators and executors, preparation of claims for
refunding legacy taxes........

Adulterated ciders, instructions to revenue officers regarding..
Advertisements of merchandise on cigar boxes not lawful...
Affidavit and certificate covering landing of exported spirits,
form of.


Recovery of, by means of a still is rectification............
Wood, special tax not required for sale of........


Extracts and essences used in culinary preparations, etc.,
no special tax required for manufacture and sale of...
Flavoring extracts, special tax of rectifier and liquor
dealer not required for manufacture and sale of........
Medicinal bitters, manufacturer of, not required to pay
special tax as rectifier.

Alexander's wantage rod, increase of price of.............
Allowance for, and redemption of, internal-revenue stamps...
Apple cider, no special tax required for manufacture or

sale of


Assessment lists:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Instructions relative to receipting for.....

Special, preparation of, for bankers.

Assessment of taxes, recommendation for......


Mortgages, stamp tax on...

Attorney-General, opinions of:

Beer, tax on


Attorney-General, opinions of Continued.

Express companies not liable to special tax as brokers

in issuing money orders, etc......

Pledging of collateral securities.

Tax on fermented liquors...........
Attorneys prosecuting refunding claims.


[blocks in formation]

Baggage receipts, express, no tax on ; revocation of former

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Preparation of the special-assessment list for.

Return, 50 per cent penalty for failure to make

Bank notes:

Canadian, circulation tax

Mexican, circulation tax...

Bankruptcy, checks of referees and trustees in, when ex-

empt from tax......


New special tax not required when a State bank is
converted into a national bank

Officers of, doing business on stock exchange as agents
of banking associations, not liable to special tax as

Bay rum, rate at which stamp tax is to be computed on
bulk packages of imported...

Bottled, special-tax liability of brewers selling.........
Stamps, discount on...

Stamps, reopening and consideration of claims for re-
fund of 7 per cent discount on.

Tax on; opinion of Attorney-General..

Bicycles, receipts for, not liable to stamp tax

Bills of lading:

Articles exported free of tax under section 22, act of
June 13, 1898....

Duplicate, stamp tax on....

Duties of carriers with respect to issuing stamped.....

Export, stamp tax on.

Export, taxability of; opinion of Attorney-General
Exportation of, Schedule B, articles in bond.....
Mail carriers conveying packages from town to town

must issue stamped receipts.....

Oleomargarine packages..

Bills of sale of oleomargarine.
Bitters, alcoholic, medicinal, manufacturer of, not required
to pay special tax as rectifier..

Blackberry cordial, special tax of rectifier and liquor dealer
not required for manufacture and sale of....

Blank forms, want of, no excuse for neglect to make returns..
Boats, exhibitions on, special-tax stamp required for each

[blocks in formation]
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