Those in italic are Letters of Marque vessels. This Privateer came into the harbor of Portland triumphantly mount ed on the deck of her prize! ! ! Divided we Fall'sunk Divided do. ransomed 423 privateer Caledonia 8 50sch'r Nonsucht Charleston Gen. Armstrong Georgetown Hero Mystic wrecked Sparrow 10 36 milit volunteers Waldoborough given up Machias T. B. Yankee Brest. (France) Montgomery Salem Holkar Sackett's Harbor do nade a cartel Alexander Salem do made a cartel This ship was originally a French privateer and captured by H'B. Majesty's ship Muline; re captured by the Alexander of Salem; re recaptured by his H B Majesty's frigate Shannon and re-re-re captured by the Teazer of New-York, and sent into Portland !l! |