China and Japan: Being a Narrative of the Cruise of the U.S. Steam-frigate Powhatan, in the Years 1857, '58, '59, and '60

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C. Desilver, 1861 - China - 448 pages

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Page 434 - President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.
Page 433 - The principles of the Christian religion, as professed by the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches, are recognized as teaching men to do good and to do to others as they would have others do to them.
Page 441 - The articles for the regulation of trade, which are appended to this treaty, shall be considered as forming a part of the same, and shall be equally binding on both the contracting parties to this treaty, and on their citizens and subjects.
Page 421 - The United States of America and the Empire of Japan, desiring to establish firm, lasting, and sincere friendship between the two nations have resolved to fix, in a manner clear and positive, by means of a treaty or general convention of peace and amity, the rules which shall in future be mutually observed in the intercourse of their respective countries...
Page 433 - AND WHEREAS, the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Washington on...
Page 431 - And if citizens of the United States be indebted to subjects of China, the latter may seek redress in the same way through the consul, but without any responsibility for the debt on the part of the United States.
Page 435 - Hego, who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles : ARTICLE I. There shall henceforward be perpetual peace and friendship between the United States of America and His Majesty the Ty-Coon of Japan and his successors.
Page 436 - States may appoint a diplomatic agent to reside at the city of Yedo, and consuls or consular agents to reside at any or all of the ports in Japan, which are opened for American commerce by this treaty.
Page 443 - Japanese officers, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, by affixing seals, locks, or other fastenings ; and if any person shall, without due permission, open any entrance that has been so secured, or shall break or remove any seal, lock, or other fastening that has been affixed by the Japanese Custom-House officers, every person so offending shall pay a fine of 60 dollars for each offence.
Page 438 - Americans with Japanese coin in exchange for theirs, equal weights being given and no discount taken for re-coinage. Coins of all description (with the exception of Japanese copper coin) may be exported from Japan, and foreign gold and silver uncoined.

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