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question, it shall be determined, according to the opinion of a committee of the Diet, whether any or what part of the deliberations upon them may and shall be submitted to the public.

5. The discussions to be undertaken according to Article 30 of the Act of the Congress of Vienna, do not belong to the exceptions specified in No. 3, and must in every case be made public as soon as they are concluded, out of regard for the interests of the private persons making claims, with the next annual publication of the Acts of the Diet, together with the result, whether it be by compact, compromise, or arbitration; yet in this instance also, a selection of the deliberations adapted for publication shall be made by a com

völliger Erledigung der dahin gehörigen Angelegenheiten, auf das Gutachten einer Bundestags-Commission, beschlossen werden, ob und was auch von den darüber gepflogenen Verhandlungen zur Kenntniss des Publikums gelangen kann und soll.

5. Die unter dem Artikel 30 der Wiener Schluss-Akte zu subsumirenden Verhandlungen gehören zwar nicht zu den ad no 3 aufgeführten Ausnahmen, und müssen, sobald sie geschlossen sind, wegen des dabei vorwaltenden Interesses der reklamirenden Privatpersonen, bei der nächsten jährlichen Publikation der Bundestags-Akten, nebst dem Resultate, mag dasselbe in einem Vergleiche, Kompromisse oder in einer Austrägal Entscheidung bestehen, jedenfalls öffentlich bekannt gemacht werden, jedoch wird auch hierbei eine Auswahl der für die Publicität geeigneten Verhandlungen, mit Zuziehung der betheiligten Bundesglieder, unter der oben gedachten Berücksichtigung des wissenschaft

mittee of the Diet, conjointly with the members of the Diet concerned, with the above-mentioned reference to the interests of science.

6. The Resolutions 2-5 relate equally to subjects of every kind decided since 1824. Individually, and chiefly with respect to No. 2, it is to be remarked, that nothing but as complete a publication as possible of the Protocols themselves fulfils the object for making them public; since the Protocols alone, not partial and frequently scanty extracts from them, can be instructive to the public, and furnish satisfactory materials for science.

lichen Interesses, durch eine Bundestags-Commission zu veranlassen seyn.

6. Die Bestimmungen unter no 2-5 gelten nicht minder für die seit 1824 erledigten Gegenstände jeder Art. Im Einzelnen, und zunächst ad no 2 ist zu bemerken, dass eine möglichst vollständige Publikation der Protokolle selbst dem Zwecke der öffentlichen Bekanntmachung allein entspricht, indem nur die Protokolle, nicht aber einseitig und oft dürftig gemachte Auszüge derselben, für das Publikum belehrend seyn, und für die Wissenschaft befriedigenden Stoff darbieten können.

(To be continued.)



We present to our readers the following passage extracted from the "Augsburg Gazette," in order that they may see the estimation in which the documents of the "Portfolio" are held by the conservative part of Germany. From the commencement of our labours, we anticipated that the documents we revealed would be better understood on the Continent, and particularly in Germany, than in our own island. This may be accounted for; first, because the facts alluded to are more familiar to the continental than to the English reader; secondly, because the danger of the crisis is more immediately felt abroad; and thirdly, because statesmen, and those who give themselves up to the study of politics in Germany, have their attention less divided. Public men in England have their attention drawn to such a variety of objects, that it is scarcely possible for them to bestow much more than a hasty glance on each. The subject which we have taken upon ourselves to elucidate requires a peculiar study; and whilst our public men devote themselves entirely to domestic, local, and party questions, they must necessarily remain behind our continental neighbours in their knowledge of those important interests which connect us with the great family of mankind.

We cannot help expressing our regret that, in this great commercial nation, there should be so few public men at all acquainted with the interests which a commercial country has necessarily at stake abroad; and we are the more sur

prised at the circumstance, when we consider that England, as a commercial nation, presents the readiest means of acquiring the knowledge so necessary for the protection of her national prosperity.

Extract from the Augsburg Gazette, No. 229.

None of the Numbers of the Portfolio exceed in importance and interest the two last which have appeared, especially No. 27. In publishing the Cabinet Despatch of the Emperor of Russia to the Emperor Francis, of blessed memory, dated 10th of February, 1829, as well as the Despatches of Count Nesselrode to M. de Tatistcheff, of the 12th of February, the editors of the work proclaim themselves to be the devoted friends of Austria, which they do not hesitate, indeed, explicitly and constantly to repeat. They point out how wisely and justly England would act, in remaining ever faithful to her old and well-tried ally. We cannot, indeed, conceal from ourselves, that there is in the English nation an inclination towards the Austrian State, founded on historical associations, which assuredly brings forth its fruits at every crisis, when antagonistic principles do not forcibly obtrude to neutralize the good. Another very remarkable document is, the defence of Prince Lubecki, former Minister of Finance in Poland, of the 20th December, 1833, addressed to his Sovereign against Novosiltzoff, who has lately appeared on a special mission at the Court of St. James's. Not less deserving of attention are the remarks on the consequences of the separate guarantee by England of her portion of the third series of the Greek Loan. The author justly draws attention to the consequences of this separation-viz., that Russia will thereby acquire the right, at a future period, to enforce separate guarantees from Greece, in any future pecuniary advances. The importance which that Power attaches to the proposal of

It appears that this is the Functionary just appointed by the Emperor of Russia to compliment the Emperor Ferdinand on his coronation!-ED.

pledging the national lands shows, perhaps, that this anxiety is not without foundation.

Two other very attractive documents have also appeared of late. The representation of events before the battle of Jena, supposed to be by Gentz, from his manuscripts, which are said to be in the possession of the United Service Journal, is deeply interesting, and very important, even at the present day. We must not omit to mention the report of Colonel Chesney to the Duke of Wellington on the Russian campaigns in the last war with Turkey.

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