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pular ferment excited in England, when Parga, with its handful of Christians, was delivered over to its legitimate Sovereign; and he could, therefore, appreciate the strength of those prejudices by which the public opinion of this country was misled in its estimate of the Ottoman character.

The reader may well pause over the consequences which have resulted from the successful progress thus far of that policy, of which the origin is here to be traced.

That Russia may look back with exultation on her triumphs is natural. Yet, notwithstanding the intelligence by which she has hitherto attained all the ends so faintly shadowed out in the address of Capodistrias, we cannot but think that she has not fully appreciated the consequences which may accrue to herself from the dissemination of the revolutionary doctrines here inculcated.

The exhortation of Capodistrias is not merely addressed to the Greek subjects of the Sultan in the Morea and the Greek islands, and to the Greek subjects under the protection of Austria and Great Britain, but it is addressed to all the Greeks of the Russian church.

After stating that arbitrary power is the obstacle to all human improvement, he points out England, America, and Switzerland as offering the attractive example of liberty. Were the Greek subjects of the Emperor of Russia alone to be excluded from admiring the example of liberty?

The object of this address was to excite in the Ionian Islands, in Hungary, Gallicia, Moravia, Illyria, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Servia, Moldavia, and Wallachia, and throughout the wide expanse of European and Asiatic Turkey," the restless and discontented;" to make revolutionists in all these countries, and then to allow them to understand that they were the "born auxiliaries" of the Emperor of Russia, or, as Capodistrias designates them, "Sons of our

Common Mother Church.”

Do we not find here explained the secret of Count Nesselrode's Despatch to Prince Lieven, in which the Emperor turns short round to his monarchical allies, and points out to them Mr. Canning as the greatest jacobin of the age ?

And was not this a necessity on the part of Russia? Was not her only chance of blinding

her Allies to be found in promptly accusing England of being the patron of the very treasonable principles she had herself inculcated?

We shall perceive in the sequel, that, by this dexterous manœuvre, she replaced herself at Constantinople in a line with the Holy Alliance, forestalled England in the good graces of the Porte, and, making every movement of the English Philhellenes in Greece, under Cochrane and Church, appear as instigated by the English Cabinet, and herself as a mere instrument in the hands of England, she foiled every attempt to overcome the scruples of the Sultan, until the cannon of Navarin had accomplished the first act of that drama, the termination of which, unless a very different system of policy be pursued, must inevitably accomplish the dismemberment not of Turkey alone, but of the colonial empire of England herself.




(Concluded from page 221.)

If this subject has not yet been formally submitted to the discussion of the Diet, the reason consisted solely in the repeatedly and emphatically expressed wish of the Presidial Envoy of the Emperor of Austria, Count von Münch, who, without objecting to the material import of the proposals in question, merely desired the delay of their formal submission to the Diet, in order that he might obtain further instructions from his Court. Mean



Wenn bisher eine förmliche Einleitung von Verhandlungen in dieser Angelegenheit bei der Bundes-Versammlung unterblieben ist, so lag die Ursache davon lediglich in dem mehrmals ausdrücklich erklärten Wunsche des kaiserlich österreichischen Präsidial-Gesandten, Hrn. Grafen von Münch, welcher, ohne gegen den materiellen Inhalt der fraglichen Vorschläge etwas zu erinnern, nur den Aufschub ihrer förmlichen Anbringung in der Bundes-Versammlung bevorwortete, um sich nähere Instruktionen seines allerhöchsten Hofes zu verschaffen. In

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while, in the fourth sitting of the 10th of February last year, there followed the Report of the Committee of Claims on the above-mentioned petition of the bookselling house of Andräi, and a resolution rejecting it. As, however, the Committee of Claims had observed in that Report, that "it would not deny that some slight grounds might be adduced for a modification of the Resolution of July 1, 1824, which might be drawn in particular from the necessity for the scientific cultivation of the national law of the Confederation;" this furnished occasion to the Austrian presiding Envoy to use this expression, which is printed in the Protocol of that sitting, that he should submit to his Court a communication relative to the greater

zwischen erfolgte doch, in der vierten Sitzung vom 10. Februar v. J. der Vortrag der Reklamations-Commission über das oben erwähnte Gesuch der Andräischen Buchhandlung und ein diesfälliger, dasselbe ablehnender, Beschluss. Da jedoch die Reklamations-Commission in jenem Vortrage bemerkt hatte:

"Sie wolle nicht in Abrede stellen, dass sich nicht unerhebliche Gründe für eine Modifikation des Beschlusses vom 1. July 1824 aufstellen liessen, die insbesondere von der Nothwendigkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung des Bundesstaatsrechts entnommen werden könnten," so gab dieses dem kaiserl. österreich. präsidirenden Herrn Gesandten zu der im Protokolle jener Sitzung mit abgedruckten Aeusserung Anlass: "Dass derselbe, hinsichtlich der in dem eben vernommenen Vortrage angeregten grössern Publicität der Bundestags-Ver

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