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zation of the police, adding the clauses which ought necessarily to be inserted in the law for regulating the admission of strangers into the state of Cracow, a law emanating from the most simple rules of a good police, and which the three Courts judge equally important to guarantee the state of Cracow and their own adjoining provinces against the return of the disorders and the dangers which had formerly excited the attention of the three Protecting Courts, and had necessitated their active intervention in the affairs of Cracow. In abandoning to the mature deliberation of the Senate the communications which the Undersigned have the honour to make to it in the name of their Courts, they cannot refrain from adding to it the reflection that, in granting an existence to the state of Cracow in

y ajoutant encore les clauses, qui devraient entrer nécessairement dans la loi à émettre pour regler l'admission des étrangers dans l'Etat de Cracovie, loi qui découle des règles les plus simples d'une bonne police et que les trois Cours jugent également importante pour garantir l'Etat de Cracovie et leur propres provinces avoisinantes contre le retour des désordres et de dangers, qui tantôt avoient excité l'attention des trois Cours protectrices et avoient exigé leur intervention active dans les affaires de Cracovie. En abondonnant à la mure déliberation du Senat les communications que les soussignés ont l'honneur de lui faire au nom de leurs Cours, ils ne sauraient s'empêcher d'y ajouter la reflexion, qu' en

the middle of their possessions, the august Sovereigns, protectors of this state, have certainly not intended to create in it a focus of conspiracies against the tranquillity of their neighbouring provinces-a point of refuge for the revolutionists and evil-disposed persons of every description, and a continual subject of alarm to their neighbours, such as Cracow had latterly become. As the laws and the institutions in vigour in this state have not been able to guarantee it from the evils and dangers above indicated, it becomes absolutely necessary to introduce into them the modifications required by circumstances. It is only, therefore, in the adoption and frank execution of the measures which the Courts propose that they imagine they

donnant l'existance à l'Etat de Cracovie au milieu de leurs possessions, les Augustes Souverains protecteurs de cet Etat n'ont certainement pu avoir l'intention d'y créer un foyer de conspirations contre la tranquillité de leurs provinces limitrophes, un point de refuge pour les révolutionnaires et les malveillans de toute espèce, et un sujet continuel d'inquietude pour les voisins, comme Cracovie l'était devenu en dernier lieu. Les lois et les institutions en vigueur, en cet Etat, n'ayant pu le garantir des maux et des dangers ci-dessus indiqués, il devient absolument nécessaire d'y apporter les modifications que les circonstances éxigent ; or, ce n'est que dans l'adoption et la franche exécution des mesures que les Cours proposent, qu'elles croyent trouver le remède au

find the remedy for the evil, and an assurance that the Government of Cracow sincerely intends to fulfil its duties towards its protectors; and, one may add, towards the very state whose existence and prosperity are confided to it. The Undersigned cannot finally be silent on the fact that their high Courts will consider, as a pledge of the sentiments of the Senate of Cracow, the care which it will take in the choice of the functionaries in all the branches of the public service; for it is not in seeing individuals employed even in influential posts, who are compromised by their previous history and were partizans of the last revolution, that confidence can be inspired in the Courts.

The Undersigned embrace this opportunity to renew to his Excellency the President, and the

mal et une assurance que le Gouvernement de Cracovie à sincèrement l'intention de remplir ce qui est dans ses devoirs envers les Protecteurs, et l'on peut ajouter envers l'Etat même dont l'existance et la prosperité lui sont confiées. Les soussignés ne peuvent enfin passer sous silence, que leur Hautes Cours considereront encore comme un gage des sentimens du Senat de Cracovie les soins qu'il apportera au choix des employés dans toutes les branches du service publique. Car ce n'est point en voyant en fonctions, même dans les places influantes, des individus compromis par leurs antécedants et partisans de la dernière révolution, que les Cours pourront prendre confiance. Les soussignés

praiseworthy Senate, the assurances of their high





saisissent cette occasion pour renouveler à S. E. Mr. le President et au louable Senat l'assurance de leur haute consideration.



Cracovie, le 2 Juin, 1836.


[We feel it hardly necessary to insert the original of the annexes.]



The two principal points in question, are:

1. The nomination of a commandant of militia, in such a manner as that he may be a person who knows how to inspire perfect confidence by his political sentiments, and who possesses, at the same time, the necessary qualities, by which one may trust to him relative to the detail of all objects.

2. The composition of the militia, as regards the officers and the soldiers. The protecting Courts thought it right to fix, as the first condition of being either commandant, or officer, or

soldier, in the militia of Cracow, the fact of the candidate having taken no part in the last revolu tion of Poland; and, second, in order to be commandant, or to enter first in the character of an officer into the militia, the having served in the armies of one of the three protecting Courts, and having regularly obtained permission to pass into the service of Cracow

The mode of enrolment should be preserved for the militia; and the officers and soldiers of the old militia, which still exists, and against whom there should be no objection, should form the nucleus of the new militia. An augmentation should be allowed of these troops to four hundred and fifty men and forty horses, to wit: two companies of one hundred and fifty men each, including the charges; a company of soldiers of police of one hundred and ten men, and forty mounted gensdarmes. The commandant of the militia should examine and judge of the qualifications of the individuals who should present themselves to become officers of militia; and the Senate, when called upon to that effect, should name them. In order to become a soldier or a subaltern in the militia, one must belong either to the State of Cracow, or be a subject of one of the three powers, be at least of the age of twenty-five, and accept

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