OF HIS MAJESTY KAMEHAMEHA IV., KING OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, PASSED BY THE NOBLES AND REPRESENTATIVES, AT THEIR SESSION, 1855. HONOLULU: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT. 1855. SESSION LAWS, 1855. AN ACT APPROPRIATING MONEY FOR THE LEGISLATURE OF 1855. BE IT ENACTED by the King, the Nobles and Representatives, of the Hawaiian Islands in Legislative Council assembled:' SECTION 1. There shall be set apart by His Majesty's Minister of Finance, out of the money in the Treasury, the sum of eight thousand dollars, for the expenses of the two Houses of the Legislature, without waiting for the general Appropriation Bill of this year. SECTION 2. The House of Nobles and the House of Representatives shall be at liberty to draw on the Minister of Finance, at their discretion, for any sums of money, within the amount above specified, to meet their expenses. Approved April 21st, 1855. VICTORIA K. KAAHUMANU. KAMEHAMEHA. |