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Part. Vol. Doc. Page.

Appropriations for naval service



and expenditures of War Department

7 25

Arkansas, routes from Santa Fe and the Rio Grande

to the western boundary of

8 67

Armories, national

[blocks in formation]

Army Register

8 40


8 54

estimates, additional

10 81

Articles, value of certain imported

expenses, excess compared with preceding years

[blocks in formation]

Atlantic and Pacific oceans, communication between

[blocks in formation]

Austria and Hungary -

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Banks in the United States, condition of the

Boundary of Texas, message relating to

between Mexico and the United States

[blocks in formation]

Bread-stuff and provisions, exported, value of

British productions, navigation laws and tariff on

[blocks in formation]
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Construction and repairs, report of Com. Skinner

Contingent expenditures of the Treasury Department

10 79


3 5 706

4 14


35 11

10 76


3 5 773


4 10

7 28



3 51177


3 5 204

7 15




[blocks in formation]

Consul, United States, at Vienna, correspondence of

Crawford, George W., report of

mail, with Navy Department

Post Office Department -

Copper lands of Lake Superior, geological report on
Cost of mail steamers

Cuba, expedition against

proclamation against invasion of

Customs, amount collected in California
Custom-houses in the United States, the amount of
money expended, the number of persons employed,
and the salary of each during the fiscal year ending
30th June, 1850



Davis, Lieutenant C. H., Nautical Almanac

Debt, public, on the 1st of December 1849

redemption of the

Disbursements and receipts of the Post Ofice De-

8 52

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