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Balance of receipts and disbursements on account of current voyages, etc.

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1,818, 999 9 11


[Money equivalent: M., mark = 23.8 cents.]

The following reports have been selected as best and most fully illustrating the modes and extent of German steam navigation, considered from the economic point of view. The operations of the North German Lloyd Company are on the Atlantic and Mediterranean and, via the Suez Canal, the Indian and Pacific; of the HamburgAmerican on the Atlantic. The various lines operated by these corporations connect Germany with North and South America, the West Indies, Asia, and Australia. The North German Lloyd Company began operations in 1856. The report is for the calendar year, ended December 31, 1893, when the fleet of the company consisted of 80 steamships (including 6 under construction), of 225,097 gross tons and 202,731 horse power, and 78 tenders, barges, etc., of 15,955 tous, the most powerful steamships being the Havel and Spree, of 6,963 gross tons and 12,500 horse power each. The Bureau of Navigation is indebted for the copy of the report to the courtesy of M. Gustav H. Schwab, of H. Oelrichs & Co., general agents, New York.

The Hamburg-American Steamship Company began operations in 1846. The report is for the calendar year ended December 31, 1893, when the fleet of the company consisted of 51 steamships, of 155,806 gross tons and 99,725 horse power, and 41 river steamers, lighters, barges, sloops, etc., the most powerful steamships being the Fürst Bismarck, of 8,874 gross tons and 16,400 horse power, and the Normannia, of 8,250 gross tons and 16,000 horse power. The Bureau of Navigation is indebted for the copy of the report to the courtesy of Mr. Emil L. Boas, general agent, New York.


Following is the report for the calendar year 1893, dated April 18, 1894:

The business year began under unfavorable conditions. On account of the prevailing cholera epidemic in Hamburg, America placed restrictions on immigra tion into that country, and up to March 1 of the past year we were obliged to discontinue carrying steerage passengers to the United States. On our lines to South America, to Australia and East Asia, the condition of the freight markets offered little encouragement for the satisfactory development of business. These conditions improved with the beginning of spring by active immigration to the United States, which continued far into the summer months, but on account of the financial depression in the United States was entirely stopped in the autumn. The transportation of cabin passengers to the United States fell far short of expectations, which were cherished by all on account of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and at the same time the cabin passengers from the United States to Europe showed a decided decrease, caused undoubtedly by the anxiety about the return of the cholera in Europe, the interest manifested in America in the Columbian Exposition, and also the financial conditions existing in the United States.

As the inclosures show, in the year 1893 the surplus amounted to.....
Deduct from this:

The insurance reserve fund 10 per cent of the profit of the insurance section.
The insurance fund transferred 20 per cent of the premium surplus...


... 9,825, 443. 85

Marks. 3,293.40 445, 530.55

[blocks in formation]

448, 823.95

9, 376, 619.90


[blocks in formation]
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So that there is a profit which we wish to dispose of as follows:

3 per cent dividend on 40,000 shares at 1,000 marks, 30 marks per share.
Contribution to the widow and orphan pension fund.
Carried over for 1894

Marks. 1,200,000.00 20,000.00 142.15

1, 220, 142. 15

The Government mail steamer lines to East Asia and Australia have been satisfactorily developed in the past year. This was accomplished by remodeling the subvention contract, also by the use of suitable steamships, and finally by the increase of freight on the East Asiatic line. We are pleased to report that the Government mail steamer line, which, in the year 1892, was carried on at a loss of 35,040 marks, has during the current year, in addition to its contribution to the premium surplus of the insurance fund, a business surplus of 1,184,134.55 marks to its credit. This surplus is lessened, however, by 188,945.90 marks, a part of the cost of rebuilding the steamers Bayern and Sachsen, which we have taken from this line. In the New Guinea line we have placed our steamer Lübeck; for the trips of this steamer we have always had ample freight.

The lines Bremen-New York and Bremen-Baltimore have made good returns for the months of March to August. The Roland line, opened in April, which we were obliged to carry on during the past year almost entirely by chartered vessels, has, to our satisfaction, developed a marked increase in valuable traffic via Bremen. We have placed on this line in the course of the year our newly acquired steamer Roland. In April and May the two twin-screw steamers Wittekind and Willhad will be placed in service, and it will then be possible to establish regular trips every fourteen days via the Roland line between Bremen and New York. As far as practicable, we will besides this employ some of our older steamers on emergency on the Roland Line.

The express steamship line between Genoa and New York has been well developed. After the Hamburg-American company decided on its own behalf to establish a fast steamship service between New York, Naples, and Genoa during the winter months, at the close of the year we opened negotiations with this company for arrangements to carry this traffic jointly during the winter months on this line, with weekly expeditions. These negotiations led in the course of the year to a satisfactory agreement as regards the proportionate division of the profits resulting from this common line. We may hope that the pleasant relations resulting from this joint service will offer special inducements to passengers as well as increased offers for freight traffic. The agreement, by lessening competition on both sides, will be to the advantage of both companies.

The good results of the lines between Naples and New York,begun in April of last year, have induced us to establish an independent line between these two places, which we have also, since the beginning of this year, carried on jointly with the Hamburg-American company, and on which we have placed our steamers Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm, and Weser, also the disengaged steamer Neckar from the Government mail steamer lines. During the last few weeks we have extended the trips of the steamers on this line to Messina and Palermo. We intend to relieve the steamer Weser by the former Government mail steamer Braunschweig. With our steamer Danzig we continue regular weekly trips between Genoa, Naples, and Palermo.

On account of the revolution in Brazil, our Brazil line has retrograded since our last report; but thanks to the efficacious protection of the German war vessel stationed at Rio de Janeiro during the disturbance, we were enabled to continue our regular intercourse with that harbor without trouble.

The La Plata line has remained without important changes. The contract entered into with the Hansa company, also the agreement with the English lines interested in the La Plata traffic, as far as these lines connect with Antwerp, has in a measure lessened competition in regard to the freight business; still, on account of the proportionately small amount of freight offered, it has been impossible materially to improve freight rates. Towards the close of the year we placed the steamers Pfalz and Mark, built for the La Plata line, in service between Bremen and Buenos Ayres. We feel justified on account of the splendid passenger accommodations of these steamers, of which passengers will undoubtedly avail themselves, to change our fourteen days' connection with Bremen, Antwerp, Coruna, Vigo, and La Plata so that every second steamer will stop at Southampton also, for taking and landing passengers.

A comparison of the passenger traffic on the transoceanic trips show the following figures:

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Up to December 31, 1893, the Norddeutscher Lloyd carried, on transoceanic trips, 2,957,996 passengers.

The results of the European lines were not without profit. The express steamer connection, Bremerhaven-Norderney, has developed satisfactorily, as mentioned in the report of last year.

We intend during the current year, besides the daily connection with Bremerhaven-Norderney, to make three trips each week to Borkum via Norderney by means of our fast steamer Najade, to be delivered in the middle of June. In compliance with the wishes of the frequenters of the North Sea baths, and especially those of the western part of Germany, we have established during the year a daily connection between Bremerhaven and Helgoland and return, which we intend to continue. Pursuant to an agreement with one of the German railroad companies, the majority of our summer tickets will be honored on that line also for the traffic between Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Leer, Einden, and Norden; also, the majority of the summer tickets for Helgoland will be honored for the traffic from Bremerhaven and Hamburg. The connecting trains should have sleepers direct, Berlin-Bremerhaven and Leipzig-Bremerhaven.

The insurance account closes the past year with a surplus of 32,933.75 marks. The contract entered into with other continental steamship companies for passenger traffic to North America has been extended over the current year. In order to lessen the competition for freight, we entered into an agreement with the same companies in regard to freights. And, finally, we have agreed with the HamburgAmerican Line by which both companies are to receive their share of the American cabin-passenger business.

The seamen's treasury of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, established since October 1, 1873, had control on December 31, 1893, of a capital of 1,870,895.50 marks. During the time of its existence it has disbursed the following sums:

Contributions and support for survivors of deceased members.
Reimbursements for lost effects..
Pensions for disability..


Marks. 458, 956.95

94, 866.75

383, 246. 15

937, 069. 85

The rich blessings resulting from the seamen's treasury have caused us to establish on the same principles a widow and orphan pension treasury, for the surviving relatives of our employés and seamen, which was organized January 1 of the current year. We believe we act in accord with the stockholders when we appropriate 20,000 marks for the widow and orphan pension treasury of the Norddeutscher Lloyd out of the profits of the past year.


The lengthening of our steamers Bayern and Sachsen has been done by the firm of Blohm & Voss, in Hamburg, to our entire satisfaction. The verdict of the public has been unanimous that these two vessels are the best arranged and furnished steamers on the Government mail-steamer line in the business to East Asia. We intend to lengthen our steamer Preussen in the same way.

The firm of F. Schishau, in Danzig, has the contract for two fast mail steamers, one of which received the name of Prinz-Regent Luitpold while being launched, and the other will be named Prinz Heinrich, and will be placed in service this summer. We may hope that after the installation of these vessels the Norddeutscher Lloyd, on the line to East Asia, will be in position to win first place against competing steamer companies.

For the Roland Line we bought last year from the firm of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell & Co., in New Castle, the steamer Roland, which was then under construction; also gave orders for two steamers to the firm of Blohm & Voss, in Hamburg. The last two, twin screw steamers, as also the Roland, are to have the best steerage arrangements and are to be named Wittekind and Willehad.

The steamers Pfalz and Mark have been delivered and are satisfactory, and we hope that these steamers in the traffic to La Plata will do honor to the Norddeutscher Lloyd. In payment for the steamers Pfalz and Mark we have given our steamers Ohio and Frankfurt.

Of the two steamers contracted for with the firm of Möller & Holberg, in Garbow, for the European line, we have received our steamer Albatross. We expect to receive the steamer Falke soon.

The freight steamer ordered from G. Seebeck, in Gestemunde, has in the meantime been delivered and is satisfactory. The steamer Lloyd has been rebuilt, which gives us a first-class passenger boat for the Unterweser.

For the traffic to Norderney and Borkum we have a new fast steamer (salon) which is to have a speed of 16 miles (contract to that effect), ordered from the firm of F. Schichau, in Elbing. This steamer will be delivered in June of the current year and be named Najade.

We are now engaged on the plans for building another fast steamer for the New York line.

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