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TABLE 4.-Average monthly wages (expressed in dollars and cents) of mates, petty officers, engineers, and firemen on British vessels in the foreign trade.

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1870. 1880. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1870. 1880. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.

Under 500 tons.

First mates...
Second mates.




First engineer..
Second engineer
Third engineer
Leading firemen

$36.45 $36.45 $35.47 $35.23.$36.45 $34.02 $26.73 $29.16 $29.16 $29. 64 $28.67 $29.16 25.75 26.00 26.73 26.24 26.73 29.16 19.44 20.41 20.65, 21.87 20.41 19.44 20.41 19.92 24.30 24.30 24.30 20.65 17.01 17.49 19.68 20.89 20.16 19.44 26.24 26.73 27,21 26. CO 26.73 26.73 25.27 24.78 23.08 24.30 22.11 21.87 14.58 15.79 19.19 19.44 18.22


61.70 65.34 68.72 71.68 75.63 68.52
42.72 44.91 45.90 49.04 51.94 47.38


500 to 1,000 tons.

First mates.

Second mates..

Third mates


First engineer.
Second engineer
Third engineer
Leading firemen.

1,000 to 1,500 tons.

First mates.
Second mates..

Third mates.


First engineer..
Second engineer.
Third engineer
Leading firemen.

1,500 to 2,000 tons.

First mates..

Second mates.

Third mates.


First engineer..
Second engineer
Third engineer
Leading firemen.

2,000 tons or over.

First mates..
Second mates..

Third mates

38.17 38.96 36.85 36.45


36.61 37.66 36.59 32.80

28.37 28.43 33.37 33.53 32.82 30.61

41.31 40.82 41.31 41.55 40.58 41.31 31.59 32.80 34.02 34.50 32.56 31.59
29.40 29.40 29.64 29.40 29.64 29.16 22.11 22.35. 22.35 22.84 21.87 20.65
22.84 22.35 22.84 24.30 25.75 24.30 14.58 15.06 14.82 17.01 15.55 14.58
21.14 21.14 24.78 24.30 24.30 23.08 19.19 19.92 21.14 20.16. 20.16 20.65
27.94 27.94 27.70 29.64 28.18 27.94 25.27 26.00 26.73 26.24 22.11 23.08
18.95 20.65 21.62 21.62 18.22 17.01

17.01 17.01 20.41 21.87 21.38 21.87
70.47 75.77 72.29 73.52 70.59 70.47
48.60 52.48 49.87 51.77 50.42 48.60
31.34 38.09 35.05 34.68 34.10 32.80
25.41 25.55 24.86 23.08
19.19 17.47 22.33 22.23 21.42 19.44

48.60 46.65 44.46 44.95 44.46 43.74 35.96 35.72 36.45 36.69 36.20 36.45
34.02 30.61 32.07 32.56 31.34 31.59 24.30 24.30 24.05 24.78 21.87 23.08
24.05 23.81 25.51 25.75 27.70 26.73 15.30 15.79 17.49 17.98 17.01 15.79
21.38 22.59. 25.51 25.75 25.75 24.30 18.95 20.41 22.84 20.89 20.16 20.65
27.21 27.94 29.88 30.13 29.64 29.16 26.97 27.21 27.45 27.21 22.11 26.73
18.71 18.22 21.87 21.38 21.38 18.22 14.58 14.58, 17.01

70.55 79.21 76.76 77.67 75.89 75.33
52.99 56.86 54.24 55.40 55.01 53.46
41.31 36.93 38.88
26.18 26.08 25.19 23.08
19.80 17.96 22.90 22.78 21.62 19.44

21.14 21.14 22.59 22.35, 18.22 21.87

48.60 50.05 49.81 47.87 49.32 53.46 39.85 37.66 38.39 39.12 37.66 38.88 36.45 35.96 34.99 34.02 34.50 36.45 26.97 25.51 24.54 26.73 26.73 26.73 25.75 26.73. 28.18 27.94 17.98 17.73 18.22 19.44 17.73 18.22 24.30 24.78 25.51 25.75 26.00 24.30 21.38 21.62 23.08 21.87 22.59 20.65 23.16 28.43 29.88, 31.10 29.88 29.16 27.21 27.21 28.91 28.91 27.45 26.73 23.32 21.87 23.57 22.59 22.59 21.87

19.44 18.71 22.35 20.89 21.62 19.44, 17.01 15.79 18.22 18.22 15.79 15.79 8245 80.19 81.72 83.16 80.61 82.62

61.23 34.26 54.24 34.28 57.71 57.10

48.70 47.87 41.67 42.28 40.58 42.52
22.27 22.27 25.59 35.65 25.27 23.08
20.77 19.35 22.74 22.84 21.87 19.44

53.46 55.89 58.32 59.01 57.10 58.32 40.09 41.31 41.31 42.03 40.82 38.88
41.55 41.31 40.58 42.52 39.60 38.88 29.16 29.16 26.97 26.97 26.00 25.51
29.16, 30.37 31.59 33.77 31.83 34.02 18.22 18.22 18.95 21.14 19.44 18.22
25.51 25.75 27.21 28.91:27.70 26.73 21.87 21.87 23.08 21.14 21.14 20.65
29.16, 29.16 30.86 34.74 31.83 31.59 27.94 28.18 29.16 28.91 28.43 27.94
24.30 23.81
23.08 23.81 23.81 23.08 23.32 23.08

19.44 19.44 22.35 22.11 21.38 20.65 17.01 17.01 18.22 18.22 14.58




First engineer.
Second engineer.

85.21 90.39 85.88 93.55 92.70 87.48

60.75 70.22 61.98 67.55 63.42 60.75

Third engineer

49.97 54.43, 45.64 50.80 51.47 51.03

Leading firemen..

21.87 22.90 25.69 25.55 25.79 24.30

21.32 20.67 22.74 22.84 22.07 20.65


The following is a statement of average monthly wages on German vessels, paid at the port of Hamburg, during the calendar year 1893, taken from the annual report of the seamens' bureau at Hamburg, which corresponds substantially to the office of U. S. shipping commissioner. The average wages of seamen on all vessels was $13.28 monthly, including steam and sail, large and small, foreign and coasting trade. The Bureau of Navigation is indebted for the report to the U. S. consul at Hamburg.

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First engineers in large trade


First engineers in European trade; second engineers in large trade..
First engineers, North Sea and Baltic; second engineers in European trade. 32.09


Engineers with fourth-class patent..


Engineer assistants.....


Firemen and donkeymen.




The U. S. consul at Hamburg, under date of June 17, 1894, gives the following statement of wages on German steamships at that port. (See U.S. Consular Reports, Vol. XLVI, No. 170.)

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The U. S. consul at Bremen, under date of June 27, 1894, gives the following statement of wages on German steamships at that port (see U. S. Consular Reports as above):

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French wages on steamships are stated as follows by the U. S. consul at Havre, under date of May 30, 1894 (see Consular Reports as above):

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The following tables recite the ordinary wages paid on foreign vessels at ports of the United States, as ascertained by U. S. shipping commissioners instructed to obtain the information from responsible persons familiar with the shipping of crews for foreign vessels in American ports:

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French (to colored men)

Italian (to colored men)











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British steam vessels: Able seamen, $30; first mate, $65; second mate, $45; engineer, $100; first assistant, $60, and firemen, $50 per month.

Norwegian steam vessels: Able seamen, $15; first mate, $40; second mate, $25; engineer, $60; first assistant, $25, and firemen, $20 per month.

Italian steam vessels: Able seamen, $30; first mate, $70; second mate, $40; engineer, $125; first assistant, $75; second assistant, $60; firemen, $50 per month.


British, $18 per month; Swedish, $18; Norwegian, $18; Danish, $18; German, $15; Spanish, $20.

New Bedford.

There are but two foreign vessels that sail or arrive at this port-from Cape Verde Islands. They pay the seamen about $6 per month and their mates about $15 per month. Their crews are all Portuguese from captain down.

Wilmington, N. C.

British steam vessels: Able seamen, $15; boatswains, $16; carpenters, $18; first mates, $45; second mates, $30; firemen, $20; first engineers, $60; second engineers, $45; chief firemen, $25 per month. British sailing vessels: Able seamen, $15; boatswains, $16; carpenters, $18; mates, $25, and second mates, $20 per month.

German sailing vessels: Able seamen, $14; boatswains, $15; carpenters, $18; mates, $25, and second mates, $21 per month.

Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish steam vessels: Able seamen, $13; boatswains, $13; carpenters, $17; first mates, $40; second mates, $25; firemen, $18; first engineers, $50; second engineers, $40; chief fireman, $22 per month. Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish sailing vessels: Able seamen, $12; boatswains, $13; carpenters, $16; mates, $22, and second mates, $18 per month.


The following reports, in response to inquiries of this Bureau from consuls of the United States at Liverpool, Southampton, Hamburg, Havre, Victoria, British Columbia, Panama, Curacoa, Valparaiso, and Hongkong show shipments of seamen for American steamships before consuls at foreign ports to which we have lines of steam communication, the nativity and wages of those shipped, and rates of wages paid to foreign seamen. Other information bearing upon navigation is furnished in some of the replies.


The U. S. consul at Southampton reports, under date of August 5, 1894:

The only line of American steamships running from the port of Southampton is the American Line; owners, The International Navigation Company, of New York and Philadelphia; steamships Paris and New York, under the American flag; Berlin and Chester, under the British flag.

Number of men shipped classified under the several nationalities:

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